Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thank You!

A big "Thank You" goes out to Couture de Papier for passing on this lovely Marie Antoinette award on to me.
It is always nice to be recognized by fellow bloggers.

Marie Antoinette Award

It's an Inspiration award.

Here are the rules:-

Link to your tagger and list these rules-

Share 7 facts about yourself (random or unusual)-

Tag 7 other people at the end of your post by leaving their names and links to their blogs-

Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Facts about me:

1) I grew up 20 minutes away from a very famous ski resort and did not learn to ski until I moved away to a state that is known for it's arid desert heat.

2) I once managed to survive without going to a grocery store for over 4 years.

3) I feel better when I eat all organic, non processed food.

4)I love chocolate (hey they said these facts could be random, not necessarily unusual).

5) I once went mountainbiking in the desert where wild mustangs came running by within reach, no kidding! It was sooooo freakin' cool!!! (and NO I don't have the pictures to prove it)

6) I am a closet "Star Wars" geek, well, not anymore!

7) I was once told by a really geeky guy that I "have too many hobbies".

ROFLOL! Too many hobbies??? I don't have ENOUGH hobbies!!!


who to give it to???
I'll tell you that later!


(rubs hands together)

Okay! I picked my 7 winners of this award:

I decided to pick the first 7 people to comment on this blog post.

(hee hee)

1) Joy from Cupids Charm .

2) Rachel from A Romantic Porch .

3) Jen from Sanctuary Arts .

4) Nerm from Nerm and Kitty .

5) Lady Shuttle Maker from Tatting Tales...

6) Natasha from Artistic Creations by Natasha Burns ,

7) Joanne from My Little Cottage in the Making .

Okay, so if you've already been awarded this award,

then just consider yourself doubly lucky!

Since Thanksgiving is just two days past

I thought I'd better let you know

what I am grateful for. I am grateful for

beautiful sunsets, the hope that

comes with a new day. The comfort a

true friend has to offer and my faith in

my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Thank you for giving your Son that I may

live again, God! I am so grateful for that faith!

It keep me going when all else is lost.

I'm thankful that I can make beautiful lace with a simple

strand of thread and a little tatting shuttle.

I'm also grateful for blogging friends

and visitors who care enough to visit

and leave fun comments. I don't know what

I would do without my blogging

buddies and I cannot tell you enough

how much blogging has enriched my life.



P.S. A few people have commented about wanting to know more about fact #2) I once managed to survive without going to a grocery store for over 4 years. Let me tell you the story behind that is nothing to be proud of, nor is it recommended. I went through a period in my life where, in order to save money, I rented rooms in various houses. I had access to the kitchen at each of the places that I rented, but I never felt comfortable using their dishes, their oven, their pots...etc, etc, because I had my own kitchen stuff in boxes in storage and I didn't want to make a mess that I didn't have time to clean up. Also during part of that time I was involved in an accelerated program in college and I was working two jobs so I would literally race to a fast food joint, eat on the way to work, when done with work, race to another fast food joint and eat on the way to class. Then when done with that I would race to another fast food joint and eat on the way to my evening job. Go home after work, collapse into bed and start it all over again the next day!

If I needed paper goods I either had roomates that picked that stuff up and I paid for my portion or I picked up personal things at a convenience store while getting gas. NO JOKE! LOL! I even sold cosmetics at that time so I got all my make up and shower gel, etc, from them for a very low price. I really didn't sell any cosmetics, it's just that the starter kit was only $99.00 USD so I paid for that once and I think I now have make up for three lifetimes over, LOL.

Here's why I absolutely do not recommend it. Eating on the run like that is very hard on your digestive system. It is important to relax and eat at a table whilst dining. I drank tons of diet coke and hardly any water at that time which is very dehydrating. Caffeine causes dehydration and the Aspartame used to sweeten it causes inflammation. It is well known that the preservatives in fast food, (never mind the manner in which it s processed and prepared) contains properties that if consumed enough over time can and will cause a variety of chronic inflammatory illnesses. Please don't subject your children, or yourself for that matter, to this sort of unhealthy lifestyle you will literally be giving them the "gift" of a chronic inflammatory disease which equals CHRONIC PAIN.

Please eat your vegetables and fruits! If you can get organic, so much the better! Grandma was right when she said, "eat your vegetables, they're good for you!". A balanced healthy diet is available at your grocery store along with the unhealthy junk. What you eat now is an investment in the kind of health you will have in the future.

Hugs and healthy eating to you all!


  1. I love to see Marie Antoinette traveling around blog-land! Thank you so much for coming by to visit my post on my Marie Antoinette Jeweled Christmas Tree! Have a wonderful holiday ~ xoxo Joy

  2. OK girlfriend...NOW you've got to do the big reveal on how to survive without going to a grocery store for 4 years. Maybe you could do a whole blog posting on that one! I need to know how to do that with my family...I'm constantly in the grocery store! Thank you for your friendship! xo rachel

  3. I love your facts! I am all over the chocolate too!!! ANd you never wen to a grocery store in 4 years?? Do tell more! I am intrigued!!

  4. I love Marie Antoinette--she's one of my heros. Have read many, many books about her. You deserve this award because of your beautiful blog and work! Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. What a pretty award...congrats!
    I would like to survive the rest of my life without going to a grocery store....

    Happy Wonderful weekend!

  6. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving!
    Your first fact cracked me up!!!

  7. What a pretty award. But please do tell the whole story about not having to go to the grocery store for years.


  8. Hi Joy at Cupids Charm. Thanks for visiting! That tree is gorgeous!

    LOL! Rachel, I do NOT recommend not going to a grocery store for 4 years...nor would you want to do that to your family; it means lots of processed, unhealthy foods which can result in chronic inflammatory illnesses. Please, don't even entertain the thought!

    Hi Jen R, thanks for visiting! Gosh, I may have to edit my post to explain the whole grocery store thingy, LOL!

    Thank you for your sweet words, Nerm! So nice to have you stop by!

    Hi Lady Shuttle Maker. I'm afraid that grocery stores are a way of life now, aren't they? (rhetorical question, here)

    Ya know something funny, Natasha? I went back to the state I was raised in to learn how to ski, LOL!

    HI Joanne! I will add an addendum or a P.S. to this post and tell about the grocery store and why it is not recommended to try to live that way, unless you live on an organic farm.

  9. Wow wild mustangs heavenly...thats funny about skiing..I live here in NE and everyone loves skiing..nope not me...I like warm..Thank you for info on diet coke..I never drank sodas etc..was an organic health nut then got chronic inflammatory illness..fibro, now I figure..'What the hell'!?..I started drinking diet coke with lime first time in my life and cannot get off it!
    We did not grow up with fast food either we had a garden and farms for neighbors!

  10. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.
    And congratulations on the award.

  11. Thank you so much for the award! I can see why you never went to a grocery store! Did you ever see the movie super size me? I think now with kids, I am at the grocery store very day.

  12. Yes, Couture de Papier, there are other ways to get chronic inflammatory illnesses besides eating a poor diet of processed foods. Didn't you mention in your Thanksgiving day post something about Lyme disease and kindly cautioned all to wear tick spray? Something to that affect? I do hope you are feeling better. That would be very difficult to deal with, I believe.

    Thank you, Susanne! It's so nice to see you stop by! You've been missed in blogger land! :)

    LOL! No, Jen R, I never did see the movie "Supersize Me". I've heard ALL about it tho'.

  13. Congrats on your award, TattingChic! :o) 4 years without the grocery story...that is incredible!! You are an amazing person...always such fun to read your lists and tags! Hope you've been enjoying the holiday weekend ((HUGS))

  14. Congratulations on your Award, how wonderful for you. I love getting to know more about all my friends, and with some of the awards and tags out there, it is a great way.
    Hope you have a great week...


  15. Nice post. Thanks for explaining about the grocery store!

  16. Hi Tracy, you are so sweet to leave that nice comment! YOU are an amazing blogging friend and I'm glad I "met" you!

    Hi Alaura, thanks for stopping by! I agree, it is fun to get to know each other through the tags and awards and such.

    Hi Tattycat! Thanks for stopping by! My goodness I got so behind on responding too all the many comments about your work on my previous post. Your threadwinders were a HIT! :)

  17. Wild mustangs sounds very cool

  18. Loved reading your facts, wow all that time going in and out of fast food stores - you must have been spining being so busy. Growing up I spent lots of time at my Granny's home and hardly remember going to a grocery store, we had a huge veg and fruit patch that kept us going for all those :) Thanks for popping by my blog, I've just announced the Christmas Cards. Hugs, Catherine x

  19. Great post! I find it very interesting that you avoided going to a store for 4 years. I wish I could and still be healthy LOL


  20. Hi Miss Tattingchic,

    Many congrats!!!

    I can't imaging going 4 years without visiting the grocery store. Actually, I would like to be doing that now but I think hubby might have "issues" with it-hehe.

    It was great learning more about you.

    Have a healthy food filled week.


  21. I see you've won something at another blog...congrats....

    I still think it is funny that I see names I recognize on blogs that I find through circuitous routes ...this one I found through some flickr hopping..... weird.....

  22. I'm glad your revealed the surviving sans grocery store 'cause I was starting to wonder. You are too funny... I'm so with you on the chocolate! yum.

  23. I often see us posting to the same blogs and I finally got a chance to come over to visit! That's so interesting that you stayed away from the grocery store for 4 years! I loved your explanation.

    Come over to visit my blog because I have a FANTASTIC giveaway going on!

    Jenni B

  24. I'm with you on the organic food! I always feel so much better when I'm eating healthy. This is one of the things I'm working on for now and the New Year to come.


  25. Congratulations on your award, I always love to come and visit and see what lovely things you are posting.

    I enjoyed reading about you and getting to know you a little more.
    I have met such lovely people here in blog land.

    too many hobbies... never!


  26. Hi!
    Congrats on the award...and I really enjoyed learning things about you...and since I am late in posting this comment, I know why you didn't go to the grocery store!

  27. Hello! Congrats!
    You have won the Where Women Create tote bag and treasure box! Please email me with your snail mail address so I can send your gifts off to you!
    Sandra Evertson

  28. What a lovely award, congratulation! I always enjoy tags, it nice getting to know our blogging friends a bit better. Being so close to the Mustangs must have been amazing and not going to the grocery store for four years is amazing too. I was wondering how you managed that and then I read a little futher and all was explained....Linda

  29. OH, Suzie! Those wild mustangs were something! I will never forget the thrill of it alll or the sound of their hooves as they ran by!

    Catherine, your cards are lovely! You're so talented. Now, a veggie patch THAT is the HEALTHIEST way to not ever go to a grocery store! I would love that!

    Thanks, Rue! Oh, it seems that the healthier I eat the more often I'm going to the grocery store to get good veggies and fruits and stuff. I feel so much better, too, when I do that.

    Hi Barb! Ya know, now that I think of it those 4 years were some of the most inconvenient ones of my life, LOL! I'm glad to have some semblance of normalcy in my life again!

    Hi BumbleVee, thanks for stopping by and sharing the good news with me. I know what you mean...after a while the internet starts to feel like a "small town", LOL!

    Hi Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping! Apparently the grocery store thing has caused a bit of speculation. I almost decided to not include it, but I decided, "oh, what the HE....Y". LOL!

    Hi Jenni B! I'm so glad you stopped by! Thank you for visiting and telling me about your giveaway. I did go visit and WOW you have a fun blog!

    Me too, Nancy! I think you've inspired me to make a New Year's Resolution to get back on the "organic food" wagon. It really helps me in so many ways, it's incredible!

    Thank you, Carolyn. I appreciate your sweet comment! I'm so glad you came to visit.

    Hi Penny, thanks for visiting! You're never too late to comment, and I'm glad you did! Yes, the grocery store years (or lack of) were crazy-busy times!

    Welcome, Vickysplace1. Hope to see you again sometime soon!

    WOW! Thank you, Sandra Evertson! I'm so thrilled to be one of the winners of you giveaway! How exciting! That must be the giveaway that BumbleVee was talking about! Yipppppeeeee!!!

    Hi Linda, nice to have you stop by again! Love the visits! Oh, the mustangs were BEAUTIFUL! I couldn't believe it! It was a once in a lifetime experience. I had heard that there were wild mustangs still out there in that particular desert and I just never in a million years thought I would see them, let alone that CLOSE!! They ran right! I get lost in the memory of it everytime I think of it. Their shiny coats of chestnut brown and tails flying high...beautiful!...sigh...

  30. Oh how I enjoyed reading your blog!!! Glad you like my spoons, can you tell I'm having a blast making them!! lol. (I've been sleeping all through the night lately!!!lol) Laurie

  31. Congrats on your award!
    And my goodness, you poor thing. It made my stomach hurt to read about those 4 years!
    Give yourself a hug for me!

    Oh, and I can't believe I missed that House Hunters in Greer! I'll have to try to see it on a rerun!

  32. Congratulations!

    Have a wonderful day, TattingChic! ;)


  33. once managed to survive without going to a grocery store for over 4 years.I read your answer how you did this..very interesting gal..
    and a closet Starwars fan..and riding with the wild you are a brave gal..
    I am more of a chicken then you ~~(:) thanks on your sweet comments and I hope you have a wild and fabulous day(:) hugs, Patty

  34. VERY interesting! Congrats on your award. And on kicking your non-grocery-store habit LOL1

  35. Ha! Ha! I went to school for a long time and lived in alot of people's houses. Since I worked in fast food and catering, that's mostly what I ate. I'm not sure how I even survived. I have to spend the rest of my life declogging my arteries! I can also live with out TV.

  36. I cannot tell you how fascinating I found this post! Well, first of all, congratulations on that beautiful award. Secondly, very interesting facts. Glad you didn't get trampled on your mountainbike! And four years! I didn't have much money during college, but for me, fast food was a luxury. I think I spent about $25 to $30 a week on groceries and had to stretch out my rations.

    I sure am glad you're eating better these days!

  37. Thanks for the Marie Antoinette! As I told you before, I love, love her. She's going to a good home.

  38. Amen to the healthy eating! Your post was fascinating! Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed Christmas season.
    Victoria Lynn

  39. Hi Laurie! I'm glad you liked the blog post! Your spoons are so adorably cute!

    Hi Becky! Thanks for visiting. ((hug)) back to you and thank you, that was sweet to give me a hug. Yes, you should watch the Househunter's in Greer. I'll bet you could find when it is going to be aired again on Just calculate from the night before I wrote that comment on your blog as to when it aired and you can find the episode. It was about a couple who were getting married "brady bunch" style only they were moving into a completely new home, obviously, hence the househunting!

    Thank you, sweet Cielo!

    Hi Patty! I think that is so cute that you say I was a brave girl for riding with the wild mustangs as it was quite by accident! I didn't know they were there until they were galloping arms length away from me. Bravery had nothing to do with it.

    Thank you, Thimbleanna! I am so glad you came to visit!

    LOL! Victats! We have so much in common that way, 'cept for the catering part. I also went without TV for many years. I got so much more done!

    Hi Bella Sinclair, isn't it nice to have to lean college days behind us now? It is a relief. Funny that you say that about not getting trampled as someone said to me "Do you realize how lucky you were?" right after the mustang thing happened and I said, "yes, lucky because the wild mustangs are so rare?" and he said, "No, lucky because you didn't get trampled by them!" LOL!

    Good, Nerm! I'm glad you'll love, love, love her! :)

    Thank you, Victoria Lynn! Always so nice to have you visit!

  40. I just had to say that I to am a closet Star wars freak! I was tagged on my blog but didn't have the nerve to say it. But it makes me happy to know that you are to. I'm not alone!

  41. Congrats on the beautiful award! Thanks for your warm comments on my blog! Lovely list of things to be thankful for!

  42. Congrats on your award.
    Your list is very interesting. I love learning new things about people. That food thing was weird/I mean interesting.
    Have a great day, and get another hobby!!

  43. *Whew* I was glad you cleared that up about not going to the store for 4 years... I was afraid you were unable to leave the house or something!
    (That's me, always thinking the worst! LOL)

  44. What a lovely post - I couldn't do without my fruit and vegetables - particularly my vegetables! And I love chocolate too!!!! Yummy!!!

  45. Hi, Lindsey! Here's to being fellow Star War's Geeks, LOL! I don't think I've ever full-on admitted it! :)

    Thank you, Alice! I appreciate your warm and sweet comment as well.

    Hi Rosemary, Ummm...thanks...I think!? Your comment was wierd/I mean interesting.

    LOL! Farm Chick Paula! Not able to leave the house! What a hoot...I was hardly ever home! Well, I'm glad to have cleared that up for you! We can't have your worrying unnecesarily! :)

    Hi Lace Hearts! Let's hear three cheers for Veggies! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Gotta love the veggies, LOL! :)

  46. It's nice to get to know you Tattingchic!
    Three cheers for Vegies!
    and for dining at at table!!! Yes indeed!


  47. Hi Miss Tattingchic,

    Hubby said "merci" for the BD wishes.


  48. Congratulations on your Marie Antoinette award. Somerset Magazine is coming out with a Marie magazine next year. Karen

  49. Love the tag and the grocery store story is amazing. Take care

  50. Yes, Constance, veggies are the best! They are terribly underrated! So glad you stopped by to say "hi"!

    "Du Rien", Barb! least I think that's how you say it in French...minus the accent marks of course because of my keyboards lack of them...LOL!

    How fun, Karen! A Marie magazine sounds like it would be a lovely thing to leaf through!

    Thank you, Mya! Glad you came to visit! :)

  51. I just found you from Rochambeau's blog....and I'm so blessed to have come by and discovered your lovely blog!
    Oh wow can I ever realte to your comment about the eating all natural and organic! I too had a past (not too distant actually!) of eating all bad foods and boy did it ever make me seriously ill! I am so thankful to have recovered and now I have repented and will never go back to that horrible bodily abuse again!
    So glad to have found your blog...have a lovely day :)

  52. Aw thank you so much for stopping by and your well wishes it really means a lot knowing that you are soooo busy. Congrats on the award and I enjoyed you facts. You blog is always so fun to read. I still love your scary story about you car ride with you sister. :)

    Thank You...


  53. hey chickadee!!

    Guess what! ITS PARTY TIME!! I am throwing a Christmas/Holiday Blog party! Please say you will come and join me in on some Christmas fun! just click on this link and it will bring you to the blog entry where ya sign up!

    Hope to see you there! BIG HUGS


  54. Hi! I wanted to check out your blog after you were so kind to leave a comment on mine. Congratulations on your award - I love Marie Antoinette! I had no idea so many people were into tatting, and blogged about it. How cool! I'm sure I'll be visiting again! Best wishes - Dawne

  55. There's a Kreative Blog award waiting for you my blog! Drop by and pick it up!

  56. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog! The tiny piece of tatting on my mixed media artwork was purchased in an antique store in rural Ohio (where I live) I do not know how to tat myself. I have mostly given up crochet because of carpal tunnel surgery a few years ago, but still make a few bits of crocheted lace now & then for a mixed media or sewing project. I love the beautiful lace & tatting on your blog. I am so glad this art is alive and well!

  57. Congratulations on your Marie Antoinette Award! I enjoyed reading everything about you, especially the wild mustangs and no grocery store for 4 years! What the?! that must have been before the 30 days on fast food documentary girlfriend :).

    I cherish my bloggie friends as well, you are tops! Merry Christmas!

    Kathi :)

  58. Bethany, I am so glad you stopped by to visit and leave a comment. I am even more glad that you are doing better and eating healthier! Good for you! I hope you make visiting here a habit.

    Hi Shabbyfufu! What a very sweet thing for you to say! Thank you very much! I do hope you come back often.

    LOL! Thank you for your sweet comment, Steph! The "LOL" is for the part about remembering that horrid story...oh, that was a llllloooonnnnnggggg time ago. I guess it made quite an impression. I feel like I should apologize as I don't like to make "those" kinds of impressions on people, LOL!

    Hi Sarah! Thanks for visiting and I especially appreciate the invite! I will have to give it some thought as I do have some tatted christmassy goodness I would like to, YES! I'd love to join in the fun!

    Thank you for visiting and leaving a sweet comment, Dawne! I love the spelling of your name. I do hope you come and visit often!

    Hi Karla! Thank you soooooo much for the award! I finally got around to posting about it on the blog post right after this one, LOL!

    Hi Dianne! Thanks for visiting! I'm so sorry to hear about the carpal tunnel surgery. That would really put a damper on my creativity if I had to deal with that. I'm glad the vintage tatting found such a good home to go to!

    Welcome back, Kathi, and thank you for the very sweet comment. You made my day! No, YOU'RE TOPS! LOL!


Thank you for stopping by my blog today!
I'd love to hear what you have to say!

While you're leaving your comment so dear
This is what I'd rather hear...

If "TattingChic" seems like it's too long
"Chic" or "Chiclet" will sound like a song.

In other words, you see,
Please don't call me "TC"!

Please! :)
...and thank you!