Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

What would a tatting blog be without tatted hearts on Valentine's Day? I think someone had commented a while back that they wanted to see some tatted hearts on my blog in February, particularly Valentine's Day. So, here it is!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

It looks like there's more to it than just that
one tatted heart, doesn't it?
You're right, there is!
Three tatted hearts!!!

They go on my Valentine's T-shirt.
Is anyone else having a flash back to the early-mid 1990's
gaudy T-shirt era? LOL!
I know I am, but I can't seem to figure out why!!!
(tongue in cheek)

The hearts are from one of my many vintage

Workbasket magazine tatting patterns that

I inherited from my Grandmother.

I made this T-shirt as a demo for a tatting class

that I taught at a craft store over 15 years ago.

I was going to be teaching how to add beads.

It's almost old enough to be called "vintage", isn't it? LOL!!!

It's so old the glue from the glue gun that's holding the hearts to

the T-shirt has turned yellow! Ewwwwww!!!


Well, thank you for visiting me. I'd like to

offer you a Valentine's cookie.

Enjoy! Thank you, local bakery!!! Yummm!


Thank you for putting up with my gaudy Valentine's T-shirt from the mid 90's! LOL! I hope you are having a LOVEly Valentine's Day! Be sure and leave a comment and say hello before you go!

Happy Valentine's Day, Sweets!





  1. Well the tee might be a bit gaudy, but I would be trying to peel those beautiful tatted and beribboned hearts right off it for some other use! They are much too beautiful to go unloved:>) Happy V-day!

  2. I don't care how old they are or how yellow the glue is, they are beautiful. I love them. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  3. I love your tatted hearts! The cookies look yummy, too. Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day. :) ...Ok, now we want to see something green on St. Patty's pressure!

  4. Happy Valentine's Day to you..I like the Valentine t-shirt!..My Mom has some of the Workbasket magazines you mentioned and I love looking at them for ideas.

  5. Love the tatted hearts! Thanks for the cookie! Have a great Valentine's Day!!

  6. love,love,love I love this blog and the hearts on the shirt..happy Valentine from Down Under xxxx

  7. Hi Kathleen Grace, LOL! I'm not much for peeling them off just yet. all the silk roses are glued on too! For now the T-shirt is the perfect place for "storage" until I figure something else I'd like to do with them! :)

    Hi Donna, thank you. I'm glad you like them.

    Thanks, Stitchy McFloss! No pressure, LOL! Okay, none felt! LOL!

    Hi Barb, aren't those old WOrkbaskets fun to look at? I love the old advertisements.

    Thank you, Southern Lady Vintage! Enjoy the cookie!

    Awwww...thank you, Mona Van Dijk! I take it you are in a safe place far away from the fires and flooding that poor Australia is dealing with right least I hope so! I love your blog, too!

  8. The tatted hearts are just gorgeous! Love 'em - you would have been a ball of style yesterday!

  9. Came by to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day and blessings to your and yours sweet lady.... May you allow the wild beauty of the invisible world to gather you,
    mind you, and embrace you in belonging.
    - John O'Donahoe


  10. I think the tatted hearts are just great! And, thanks for the delicious cookies...yum, yum!

  11. Oh my goodness, my kids just looked at me funny, because I'm cackling uncontrollably here! The hearts are GORGEOUS, and look at all those ribbons and pearls! Kind of reminds me of Madonna in her early years. It's actually a pretty cool t-shirt! :DDD

    I needed this pick-me-up after hearing a bit of devastating news. Not me, personally. About a friend of a friend.

  12. I LOVE the t-shirt....just scrumptious!


  13. What a gorgeous t-shirt! Make me one? LOL!

  14. Hi, Our Shabby Cottage! yes, I made my share of fun T-shirts like that! I LOVED 'em! I couldn't afford the boutique ones so I styled my own. This one was the most outrageous, LOL!

    What a lovely quote, Cielo! THank you for sharing it! I needed that, it was perfect timing. ((hugs))

    Thank you for stopping by, Betty! I'm glad you like the hearts and enjoyed the cookies.

    Oh, Bella Sinclair, I'm sorry to hear you have heard some devastating news. I am sad for whoever, but glad that it's not you, LOL! Glad also to be a source of cheering you up a bit! ((hugs)) to you!

    Thanks, Steph! I appreciate that! :)

    LOL, Gina! Weren't those shirts fun? Okay, I have to admit; I secretly wish they were still in style, LOL! I wouldn't be caught dead in one now, though!

  15. thank you for the visit...hope the typewriter image works for was green but I made it red for Valentines and it could be made was in the lid of the typewriter case.

    I think the lace on my Marie Antonette dolls is tatting? And I used some tatted flowers I have a little vintage batch of on the "Pretty as a Princess" girl I am teaching at A&S. Tatting is really pretty!

  16. Your hearts are gorgeous! Happy Valentine's Day to you too and thank you for stopping by.

  17. Such pretty tatted hearts! :) Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

  18. Your Valentine's t-shirt is GORGEOUS! You have an amazing talent of tatting! Happy Valentine's Day! =)

  19. I love all your tatting treasures..
    I always admire anyone that can do tatting...your works of art are adorable..Happy Valentines Day! Julie

  20. What beautiful tatting treasures. I love the hearts...Happy Valentines Day..Julie

  21. I love your tatted hearts. They are so pretty. The way you added the ribbon roses and beads is just lovely.

  22. wow, it still looks new! the tatted hearts are in, for sure. hey for valentine's day, i think no t-shirt is too outrageous. it's lovely.

    yum, the cookies look good. wish i could take a bite... :p

  23. Love the tee shirt Tatting Chic ~ pink hearts,ribbons and pearls and even with the yellow glue, amazing work.

    The biscuits look yummy and I hope that you enjoyed them.

    Happy Valentine's Day


  24. Happy Valentine's Day to you too! You're too cute for words! I will be back to visit your fun blog! :)Stephani

  25. I love the beautiful hearts. They are exquisite. I'm with Kathleen Grace - peel them off and show them the love!

  26. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!! I love the tatted Valentines. Does that mean that my taste is deficient? Oh, well, I'll just indulge in one of your heavenly cookies.

  27. oh my! They are soooooo beautiful I just love hearts they make me smile.

    I'm new to blogging and I'm just in awe at all the talented ladies and I love stopping by your blog it's filled with beauty and talent, thank you!

    Happy Valentines Day!!


  28. Your hearts are so beautiful and your cookies look wonderful. Hope you had a lovely Valentines Day X

  29. I have been over here four times today and the last time was the charm! I could not get my computer to open up your post - I could see all your sidebar items, but nothing else... but I did make it and of course, I was the Little Engine that Could! Happy, happy St. Valentine's Day. Love the tatted hearts (who wouldn't?) and yes, I will have a Valentine's cookie - thank you!

  30. Hi Deirdra Doan! Welcome. I have the typewriter image saved on my computer. Who knows what I'll do with it, LOL! But it's there. The tatted lace on your doll's overskirt is really lovely! Thanks for sharing that!

    Hi Rita, welcome and thank you for visiting!

    Thank you, Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping! I always enjoy your visits!

    Hello to The Whispering Poppies! Thank you so much for your very sweet comment.

    Hi Shabbywears! Thank you once and thank you twice. Both of your comments are so sweet and nice! There...a little poem for you on Valentine's Day! Hee Hee!

    Thank you, Yarnjourney! I hope you come again soon!

    Hi Valerie! Glad you like the T-shirt and the cookies!

    Thank you, Carolyn. You are very sweet! Thanks for stopping by for a Valentine cookies.

    Hi Stephani! I'm so glad you stopped by for a visit! I hope you do visit again and often!

    Hi Tattycat! I guess I will peel them off once I figure out exactly what I'm going to do with them. For now they "store" perfectly on the shirt, LOL!

    LOL, Mary! Well, I guess your "taste" would only be deficient if you tried to EAT the tatted Valentine's hearts. So, the cookie is definately a fabulous choice, what good "taste" you have, LOL!

    Hi Melly, thank you for visiting. You are welcome anytime. Welcome to the "neighborhood" I guess that makes it the "bloggerhood", LOL!

    Thank you very much, Vintage Kitten!

    Oh, Tracie! I'm so glad you finally made it! Come on in, sit down and have a cookie! Take a load off, LOL! You've had a hard time getting here. I hope you stay for a while and hopefully your next journey here will be a lot easier! Thank you for being so perserverent! What is Blogger's deal sometimes???

  31. It's wonderful! So beautiful....

  32. those tatted hearts are very sweet -- it makes me happy that you saved the tee from such a funny era - - wondering what you've got from other eras...have a beautiful Sunday,

  33. I love your tatted pull overs. I have done a few myself but none that look as beautiful as your's.

  34. Hi-you won my OWOH gift of a Hero Arts Thanks stamp set. Please contact me at with your name and address so I can mail your prize to you!!
    chris p

  35. Well it is nothing short of romantic!
    It reminds me though of a sweatshirt I have in my screened lace collar on it...I wore it for probably 10 years and got thousands of compliments :) But I'd drop dead before I wore it now...

  36. That shirt is gorgeous no matter how dated it might be. THose hearts are beautiful. I think I agree with kathleen Grace~~ transform to another adornment.
    Your work is always incredible.

    The cookies look so delish. Thank you for sharing your talents. Hope you had a special Valentine's day. I am still trying to get around to everyone as my DH took me to a tea room for lunch and antique shopping yesterday. We had so much fun~~
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  37. Thank you, Nima.

    Thanks, Ira. You speak (write) very good English!

    Hi Susan! I have a pink felt poodle skirt! LOL! But, not I didn't "save" it from that era. I saved it from the 80's when someone gave it to me!

    Oh, Thank you, Linda. This particular T-shirt I've never worn for obvious reasons, LOL! It's not very practical to wash. Also, it was "OVER the TOP" even back then, LOL!

    Hi Chris P. Thank you so much! I'm so glad I won your prize! I will be emailing you soon! Thank you!

    Yes, yes, ShabbyIn TheCity!!! I sooo wouldn't be caught dead in mine now, either, LOL! That is so funny. Your silk screened lace image sounds beautiful. I secretly miss those T-shirt days, LOL!

    LOL, Elizabeth...Thanks! I think! ;)

    Hi Celestina Marie! I think I will peel them off and put them on something else once I decide what it is that I am going to do with them. For now they will stay on the T-shirt until I figure that out as they have stored perfectly there for 15 years. :)
    Thank you so much for your sweet compliments. I got the cookies at the local bakery yesterday. I do love to bake and decorate cookies and cakes, but didn't have the time this Valentine's Day!
    ((Hugs)) back to you, dear friend!

  38. I think your tee is awesome and pretty! Yes, I remember those days but I would wear that if I had it hanging in my closet. It's beautiful!

    Happy Valentine's Day dear friend,
    Valentine's Hugs,
    Kathi :)

  39. The t shirt is very glamorous...but did you ever wear it!!!
    I think it's a lovely way to display them.

  40. Ohhh, I just Love your ♥-T-shirt, and your blog as well... simply beautiful... I've enjoyed looking at your amazing creations... such a talented Lady!

    Thank you for visiting and I was delighted that you liked the Vintage Umbrella Valentine's... I so appreciate your sweet comment, and I do hope you'll be able to visit again, anytime! I trust that your Valentine's Day was wonderful...


  41. Such sweet little pink hearts!
    And I love old Workbasket magazines! They are the best for vintage crochet patterns, too.

  42. Yummy cookies! I should have thought to bake some : )

    Luv your tatted hearts. I just do! Not sure if I'd wear the tee shirt; however, the tatting is wonderful.

    I am still trying to figure out this tatting & one of these days, I just might catch on.

    My friend at LNS went to Nashville market & is back now with a store full of new stock. Once the rush dies down, I'm going to pin her to a day & time.

    Enjoy your week-end, Always, L.

  43. That's gorgeous! Who cares if it's "so 1990s"! It's still a really pretty applique.

  44. Oh, it is so beautiful! I love the upper two hearts as well. Wear with pride and ignore the 1990's idea. Happy Valentines Day to you!

  45. Yup, it's pretty gaudy... but fun. I love how you added the little rosebuds to the tatted hearts.

    I'm afraid I took a bite out of one of your cookies. * *burp* Excuse me!

    Happy Day!


  46. Great tatted hearts!!!

    Hope you had a great weekend,

    Victoria xx

  47. Fancy shirt and fancy cookies... OH MY!
    Hope you had an ENJOYABLE Valentines weekend!
    I'm glad you liked my first tablescape.

  48. I actually love that shirt!. Even your hearts look lacy. Thank you for always leaving such nice words on my posts. Every time I visit you I want to paint lace. Your work is so beautiful. Happy Valentine's Day.

  49. I love the hearts on your t-shirt...they would be so pretty framed...then you could enjoy it everyday...that is if you do not ware it anymore.....very pertty....
    Mo :-)

  50. This is soooo pretty! When I was only 12, my aunt attempted to teach tatting to me in the car on a trip back from Florida. I didn't get a chance to practice so I never really learned how. I LOVE it! I hope there are still folks out there doing this because I don't ever want to see this lovely art fade away. So happy to have found your blog! Thanks so much for the sweet comments you left earlier tonight! Love your sense of humor! The wreath on my door in the midst of the all craziness is pretty funny. :-) I was determined to keep life going. LOL Look forward to visiting your blog again! :-) Susan

  51. I love those hearts and I would put them on one of my pillows or could use them in other projects. Thank you for showing them to us and thank you for being a faithful blogger at my posts. I love hearing from you.
    You have a grand week and tat up a storm and show us some more of your ABSOLUTELY AMAZING CREATIONS.
    Happiness to you.

  52. They hearts are beautiful, I am thinking make them in to a pillow now : )

  53. Old enough to be called vintage????? Scary thought as the 90's seem like last year to me.

    The hearts are gorgeous and are reminiscent of CQ with all the lovely added elements.

  54. Wow, the hearts are so gorgeous with all the embellishments! You sure have lots of ideas!

  55. The hearts are adorable, but I'm glad the 80s are just a fond memory!

  56. Those hearts are lovely! YOu are so talented! I can't imagine the kind of time and work that went into that! I agree, you should cut those hearts off of the T and use them in another project!

  57. Hi Kathi, thanks for the compliment. You're sweet.

    Nope, Tatskool, I never wore it. It was made for a display for a class on how to put beads on tatting. It was "over the top" even for the "gaudy T-shirt era", LOL! Thank you, I'm glad it has now been shown and the hearts, along with their embellishments may be off to bigger and better things!

    Hi Pearl, I'm glad you like my T shirt, thank you for visiting and your sweet compliments. I had a lovely Valentine's Day, thank you for asking. Your vintage Valentine's were adorable. I hope you visit here often, too! :)

    Hi, Ann, thanks! Aren't vintage Workbasket patterns the best! So many awesome needlework patterns. So entertaining to flip through, too.

    Hi Lelia, glad you like the hearts, oh, there's no doubt in my mind that I won't wear the shirt. I think I might have worn it around Valentine's day once for an hour or two back then, LOL! But never since, LOL! The hearts will go somewhere else sometime soon. Good luck, I hope you do learn to tat. You mentioned a friend from "LNS" what does "LNS stand for? And this friend went to Nashville market, that is nice. I don't know anything about Nashville market. I'm assuming she got some sort of stash for what is it??? Needlework stuff? I can't quite tell what you're pinnin her down for, but when you do I hope you share with all of us on your blog.

    Hi Karla @ Ramblin' Roads! Glad you stopped by. How is your tatting coming along? Oh, the hearts I love, just not on the T-shirt, LOL! THe hearts might go on a pillow...or in a frame with some other stitching...who knows!

    Hi Connie, thanks for your very sweet sentiment. I'm glad you like the hearts. I like them to. Unfortunately, this shirt probably won't be worn again, but the hearts will be carefully and lovingly transferred to another form of non-wearable art!

    LOL! Well, Kate, I hope you enjoyed the cookies, that's what they're there for, LOL! Glad you like the hearts. I love the ribbon roses on them, too. I want to learn how to do SRE (Silk Ribbon Embroidery) so I can embellish my tatted motif with it like would be a good example of how I would like to embellish another tatted heart with silk ribbon roses I embroidered myself...sigh! I have all kinds of visions of sugarplum needlework dancing in my head, LOL!

    Thank you, Victoria. So far so good as far as the weekened goes. :) I hope you had a great weekend, too.

    HI Fifi! I believe we both read La Belette Rouge's blog, LOL! I know she adores you so I am honored to have an acquaintance of a mutual acquaintance come visit. Glad you like the hearts and yes, your tablescape was lovely.

    Hi Karen! The hearts look lacy because they ARE lace, LOL! ;) You are so adorable...I hope you do paint lace I'd love to see some tatting in your watercolors! It is easy to say nice things when I visit your blog because it is so beautiful! Always a pleasant place to visit; your blog!

    Thank you, Mo. Framing sounds like a fabulous idea. That is another possibility for sure! I like that idea.

    Hi Susan, thank you for sharing that sweet story about your Aunt teaching you on the car trip. If you ever decide to pick up the shuttle again just give a shout out. You will be surprised how many people there are on the internet who tat! There is a whole online tatting community full of people who are very supportive to beginning tatters.You just have to make yourself know when you want to learn and ask for help! I'm glad we found each other's blogs!

    Hi Pat, thank you for your fabulous ideas! So far I've also heart pillows and I've heard framing them, but sachets is a new one...that sounds nice too! I really appreciate your very sweet comment, thank you! :)

    Thank you, Lisa!

    Hi Kathy, yes, a pillow is a great idea....hmmmm...I'm seeing another poll pop up in my sidebar! LOL!

    Okay, Lady SHuttle Maker...breathe....LOL! The key word here is "ALMOST" I said they are "ALMOST VINTAGE"...not quite yet it's okay...there, there. ;)
    Love ya, gal! Glad you're back from vacation! Hope you had a fabulous one! Good to hear from you. ((hugs))!

    Thank you so much, Singtatter! I'm so glad you like the embellishements. :)

    LOL, Diane! Yes, thank heavens that the 80's are just a fond memory, but it's those 90's that are still so not far off in the distance still, LOL! ;)

    Hi Jen R! A new project for the embellished tatted hearts definately has the majority! Okay! That's it!!! Time for a new poll! LOL!

  58. Just love your "gaudy" t-shirt, TattingChic--really beautiful! Those tatted hearts are simply gorgeous! So are those heart cookies...mmm...Glad you had a very sweet Valentin's Day, my friend! Happy week to you :o) ((HUGS))

  59. I voted~~ great idea. Looking forward to seeing what becomes of these gorgeous hearts.
    Hugs, Have a great day.
    Celestina Marie

  60. Haaaaaaaaaaaa! I am rolling! Ohhh, how many shirts I turned into gaudy creations!!!Never anything as gorgeous as your shirt!! Those hearts are just wondrous!

    M ^..^

  61. You are so cute! Lots of work put into that t-shirt! It is still beautiful as if you just finished it! Hugs, Maryjane

  62. Hi Miss TattingChic,

    I love your Valentine T. What a treasure. You have some serious talent girl! Now you need to get your green on-hehe.

    love ya,

  63. Hi Tracy, glad you like the gaudy T-shirt and the Valentine cookies! ((hugs)) back to you, friend!

    Thank you for your vote, Celestina Marie! It looks like they may well be on their way to becoming a very fashionable wall ornament for the 2010 Valentine's Day, LOL! Who knows, we'll see what the polls say.

    Hi M ^..^! Weren't those gaudy T-shirts fun to make and wear! I had some really cool ones back then...oh, to have had a blog in the mid-1990's, LOL! I would've had post after post on them, LOL!

    Thank you, Maryjane! There is no way it would've looked like that Had I worn it and had to wash it, LOL!

    LOL, Barb! Get my green on, Hmmmm...what to do... what to do! :)

  64. I love your tatted hearts...they are just precious....

  65. Your tatted hearts are lovely! Seeing your vintage tee sure brought back memories! LOL I had some really gaudy ones--painted elaborate silver and turquoise squash blossoms, running horses.....oh the craftiness! LOL

  66. Well, hun, the hearts are lovely and all I think you need are some shoulder pads in that Tee and you'll be steppin'! ☺

  67. Thank you, Kathy.

    Hi Grizzly Mountain Arts ~ and I'm thinking this is Jo? LOL! Your T'shirts sound fabulous and very artsy.

    Shoulder pads with the Tee! we're stretching back into the 80's, but okay! LOL! THanks for visiting, Holly! :)

  68. Thansk for teh visit & the comments! I was going to say that I would be making a pillow out of these hearts... then I explored your blog further & found your poll on your sidebar. It would be a lovely pillow.

  69. The tee is cute. I think it would be perfect with black lace. Great design.
    Stay chic,

  70. Hi Cami @ Creating Myself, thank you for your input! A pillow would look fabulous, too! Glad you found the poll. Please come again!

    Hi Chic Sensibility! Thank you for your comment! I love black lace. I'd love the black lace on a pink T-shirt! Glad you like the design! Hope you visit often.

  71. This triplet love T-shirt is just "Wow"!
    I wonder you have thought of selling it. You will receive a lot of order ^^
    There must be many T-shirt lover out there.

  72. WOW! TattigChic... I love that T shirt! and the hearts are so so pretty! I love it ... I love it... I loveIt..... *sigh* ( goes back to stare..) That is eye candy,you know.

  73. What an exquisite tatted heart....'s'...I'd be putting them on a pillow for sure....they are to the moon gorgeous.=! Bet you get tons of compliments when you wear your tee.

  74. Wow you do great work. Those hearts are adorable.

    Did you decorate the cookies too?

    Happy Belated Valentine's Day.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  75. Thank your for the Valentine's cookie !

    I love your tatted hearts!

    and of course, I love your blog ;-)

    au revoir !
    ancolie / France

  76. I voted "other"...I think the T is wonderful AS IS. Send it to me and I will wear it!!! He He


  77. Hi Tatting Chic.... thanks for visiting my blog....

    These hearts are adorable... I'd go all the way and make one of each suggested item in your poll.... VBG! Three times the beauty.

  78. Hi, Thank you for your sweet comment, Yoon See! I honestly haven't thought of selling it, or ones like it. With all the time that goes into tatting I don't think that consumers really understand the price that some things would cost. I'm so flattered that you think I should sell my work.

    Awww...thank you, Ais! Your comment is so very sweet! I appreciate your visit and sweet comments. Come back soon!

    Hi, Maggie Ann, thanks for your input. I appreciate your comment. LOL, I used to get lots of compliments when I "wore" my tee. I think I wore it once, maybe twice...certainly not for long when I did because I never wanted to wash it, LOL! So, the hearts need to go onto something more usable.

    Hi Chatelaine, thank you! No, the cookies were from a local bakery this time. I have been known to decorate them from time to time.

    Thank you so much, Ancolie! I'm glad you stayed a minute and had a cookie! I enjoy your blog, too!

    LOL! Thank you for your offer, Stephanie! ;)

    Hi Heather, thanks for your input! You never know, I might just make one of each...right now, I'm kind of leaning towards the pillow...or maybe the framed art, LOL!


Thank you for stopping by my blog today!
I'd love to hear what you have to say!

While you're leaving your comment so dear
This is what I'd rather hear...

If "TattingChic" seems like it's too long
"Chic" or "Chiclet" will sound like a song.

In other words, you see,
Please don't call me "TC"!

Please! :)
...and thank you!