Sunday, March 8, 2009

Signs of Spring; Signs of Hope!

The first blossoms of Spring are such a symbol of hope to me! They are a symbol of better things to come! A few trees that I can see outside my window have had some beautiful pink blossoms that I have been wanting to share with you for a few weeks now. Let me share some of the photos I took today.

Pretty Pink Blossoms
Pink Blossoms Against the Blue Sky!


Speaking of spring blossoms a lot of people
are beginning to share more photos of flowers
that they have either tatted or crocheted.
Lately, I've noticed on Threads of A Tatting Goddess
that Gina has shared some crocheted pieces she
has been working on.

It reminded me of some thread crochet that I have done.
I taught myself to thread crochet about 4 years ago.
I made some coasters that I thought I would share with you today.

The following coasters are my first attempts
at thread crochet. They are crocheted from a
book entitled "99 Little Doilies"
by a crochet designer named
Patricia Kristoffersen.

I really admire her work! Her patterns are
exquisite and have a bit of a 3-D look to them.

Mind you, they've really been used as coasters so
they're a little smooshed and look "well-loved", LOL! Tatting and thread crochet are nothing alike!
The only thing they have in common is the
use of crochet thread for both types of needlework.

In many respects crochet is much easier to do than tatting.
However, I love that in tatting there is only one stitch
(Called the double stitch - DS)
that is done over and over and to me, that is easier, LOL!


Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad to be able to share my pretty pink blossom photos and crochet with you. As always, your comments are welcome. I love hearing what my bloggy friends have to say!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend!


  1. You taught yourself to crochet??!! Oh, boy, I'm even less creative than I thought. That is just wonderful and I love your coasters! I'm always happy to view pictures on your blog.

  2. Beautiful photos. I am so glad Spring is just around the corner. I can't wait for my apple tree to blossom.

    Crochet is fun to do. I perfer using the thread over yarns. I learned to crochet over 40 years ago. Wow that doesn't seem possible! Your coasters look well loved.

  3. your crochet is beautiful!!!

    it is finally warm here...raining but warm...i am starting to believe spring may be here soon!!!

  4. What beautiful flowers. Some of the early trees are beginning to bud here so it won't be long. I love your coasters, they are beautiful

  5. I love your pretty pink blossom flowers TattingChic and the beautiful blue sky in the background looks glorious. Glad Spring is in your corner of the world ~ such a lovely time of the year.

    Your crocheted coasters are beautiful.

    Hope your week is a happy one,

  6. I enjoyed your photos and the coasters are pretty. I have been practicing crochet lately and I am trying to copy a pretty hot pad my grand mother made me. Wish me luck, LOL!

  7. Hi Betty! Well, I guess "re-taught" is more accurate. I did do some crochet as a teenager and I was awful at it, LOL! Years of tatting has helped me have much better tension so thread crochet seemed to come quite naturally!

    Hi Angie, glad you like the pretty blossoms. Oh, yes, I like thread crochet over crocheting with yarn. It is like second nature after tatting forever with crochet thread.

    Thank you, Lori! Hope Spring comes a'calling in your neck of the woods soon!

    Thank you, Judy! Glad you like the blossoms and coasters.

    Hi Carolyn, thanks for your comment! I guess it is getting to be Autumn in your hemisphere, isn't it? You've just got done with summer!

    Good luck with you hotpad, Barb! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Ugh!.... I am so jealous... we still have 3 feet of snow and it's supposed to snow some more.... Love your little crocheted items.

  9. Your photos are gorgeous! They look like postcards! We had very warm weather here today in the
    80's so our spring is soon to arrive:) Seeing your flowers I am even more ready for buds, blooms, birds, and the warmth of spring.

    Your crocheted doilies are darling:)

  10. I agree that crochet is easier than must be the difference between the amount of time put into the work.

    Anyhow, I love Spring too and could definately use a little hope in my life. Your flowers remind me of my "Weeping Cherry" HDT.

  11. such pretty photos. i feel like we're going to have one more big snowfall (in RI) and then it really will be spring.

    thanks to 60 degree weather, it's pretty much melted ... for now!

    anyway, lovely pics of the flowers and crochet!


  12. Love the crochet coasters. My you are talented! I need help learning how to do the SCMR technique in tatting. Want to do the TIAS but don't know how to do the SCMR... help :)

  13. You know every time I pay you a visit, I am just so amazed at the talent you have. Love the coasters.

    The Pretty Pink blossoms are so beautiful, I can't wait to see my weeping tree bloom... Oh hurry up Spring...


  14. Woweee! These are kind of like your tatted snowflakes on steroids. Don't you do ANYthing simple? Oh, oh, oh, seriously though, these are lovely. I loved that they are smooshed and well loved, too. They're too pretty to be stored away in some drawer.

  15. It's so bittersweet to come over here to your blog. I LOVE seeing all of your creation but I want to learn Tatting so bad. I have got to go start learning. The flower photos are gorgeous! I'm so excited for Spring:)

  16. You bring back such memories! I learned to do finger crochet from my dad. He used to keep us occupied for hours with a bit of string tied to a chair leg...chain it up, pull it out, chain it up... When I was old enough to handle a hook, I learned the real thing from my mom and my grammas. I did crochet doilies for years -- before and after I learned to tat. There's something very relaxing about thread crafts. Thanks for the memories, and the hope of Spring!

  17. the flowers outside are so pretty! thanks for sharing them.

    i like your crocheted coasters. nice. i understand how we love our work so much we refrain from using them...

  18. I love the 3D effect in those coasters - very pretty!

    And the flowers....aaahhhh...trees are still bare here so I enjoyed the virtual images of Spring!

  19. I'm confused ... thread crochet? As opposed to what? I guess all I have know was crochet and your thread crochet looks like the crochet I have seen.

    Am so glad you use your coasters, I do to.

  20. Hi Heather, thanks on the coaster. Hope the weather clears up for you soon.

    Oh, a big thank you to The Victorian Parlor! I love my camera! It takes fabulous photos! Glad you like the coasters.

    LOL! Lady ShuttleMaker; crochet is easier than tatting ESPECIALLY when you have to undo the work to correct a mistake, LOL! When it comes to reading all those different kinds of stitches in the patterns it sure makes tatting look a lot easier to me!

    Thanks, Elyse! Glad you like the photos. Hope that Spring is well on it's way to you!

    Hi Quiltldy! Thanks for the comment. So, you want to do the SCMR! If you go to the "Tatting Techniques" list on the right sidebar then you will find a link for SCMR and it should have an illustration w/ explanation on how to do it! That's how I learned!

    Thanks, Alaura! You're so sweet. Glad you like the coasters. I hope Spring hurries to make your weeping tree bloom, too! It sounds pretty!

    LOL! Funny you should say all that, Bella Sinclair! For one thing I took the coasters out of some drawer to photograph them, LOL! Secondly, these were the simplest patterns in the book! LOL!

    Hi Angela Harris! I hope you do learn to tat! That would be very cool! YouTube has some good tatting videos as a resource!

    Marty, that sounds like some sweet memories! Thanks for sharing them.

    LOL, well, Valerie, these coasters have definately gotten some use out of them!

    Thanks, Gina! I'm glad you came to visit! See, I wasn't kidding when Icommented on your blog that I had done some thread crochet!

    LOL, Connie. Thread crochet as opposed to crochet done w/ yarn! Usually if it's called thread crochet you can bet that it's going to be a delicate lacy doily or lacy edging, not a bulky afghan or sweater something like that.

  21. We have landed in autumn and that is such relieve after this very hot summer!

    i like crochet but I fancy the tatting more!

  22. I am always amazed at how incredible your work is. Such fine detail. I love the photos of the tree. OOO Spring please come. We have been able to rake a bit of the yard but then the rain came for two days and everything is soaking so we will need to wait till it drys up. So much to accomplish. How about you. What are you up to these fine days?
    Love and hugs,

  23. I haven't crocheted since I was little, but it was fun :)

    You did a beautiful job!


  24. Hooray for Spring. I too saw some flowering trees this weekend and it was hope inspiring.

  25. These are gorgeous photos and gorgeous coasters!!! How about some pink ones next?? I never did learn to crochet. I just love love love tatting...Happy Spring!

  26. Hi Mona, I'll bet that Autumn is a welcome sight where you are! Tatting is, and always will be my first love! Crochet is like "instant gratification" compared to tatting, LOL!

    Wow, Pat! You sound ambitious! Raking the yard already! The thought of it makes my back hurt. Maybe that's because my back is already hurting, LOL! Thanks for the sweet comment about my crochet.

    Thank you, Jeanne!

    Thank you, Rue! Wow, you crocheted when you were little? What a talented gal you are!

    Hi La Belette Rouge! Good to see you! The blossoms are such a refreshing sight, aren't they?

    Hi Betzie! Pink coasters sound fun!
    Ooooh, with pretty little tear drop crystal beads coming off the points...pretty! I can see it now, LOL! I LOVE love LOVE tatting, too!

  27. Beautiful crochet TattingChic! I'm sure tatting is more difficult -- that's why I haven't attempted it LOL!

  28. Oh, I am impressed. Patricia's designs are beautiful, but even experienced crocheters sometimes shy away from them! You did a great job. Have you ever done any cro-tatting? It kind of combines the two.

  29. All these pretty flowers make me jealous! We are getting snow tonight! :(

  30. Oh, these crocheted coasters are just so pretty...they look difficult to are just too talented.
    Love the flowering tree pictures...Spring is bursting out here too....hugs, Linda

    p.s. SAL---Stitch Along

  31. Those blossoms make my heart sing! No signs of spring here yet...But hope remains alive :o) Your crochet is lovely. I'm a knitter that dabbles in crochet, so I am still feeling a bit novice in the crochet department, but it is fun! Enjoy the breath of spring...and happy hooking! ;o) ((HUGS))

  32. No spring blossoms here yet! But I do have some crocheted flowers I could show. I should do that later this week!

  33. I love the picture of the flowering plum tree. Ours just errupted into flower, and the daffodils are up! I love this time of year...


  34. Hello Tattingchic! ;-)

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful blossoms! I am flower obsessed (lol!)
    Many years ago, my grandmother tried to teach me tatting. I found that I really didn't have the patience for it. She taught herself how to tat and crochet and knit and then she would try and teach us grandkids. I did learn how to crochet and knit, but the tatting just wasn't for me. So, I take my hat off to you for being so talented at it! :-)
    Thanks for visiting my blog!!



  35. I love your crocheted coasters. Learning how to crochet further than a rope and a little flower is on my wish list for 2009, so that will leave me a few months! Well done!

  36. The first Pink Blooms on your trees are gorgeous. We are seeing that here too.
    I love your coasters. You did a wonderful job at teaching yourself to crochetthese beauties. My grandma was a master with thread crochet and I have a lot of her work all over my house.

    Happy Spring!~soon!
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  37. Gorgeous crochet work! Now I want to drop everything and start on one of those little doilies. NO! I MUST finish the tatted heart I intended to start & finish before Valentine's Day! Ha! Thanks for sharing!

  38. We aren't even close to blossoms on the flowering crabs yet...and it's supposed to be only 15F tomorrow night.

    Great work on the crochet (or as my nephew says, crotchets).

  39. Hi Thimbleanna! Thanks for visiting. :)

    Ann, thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment. It means a lot coming from a very experience crocheter such as yourself! I love your designs, too! I have not done cro-tatting, although I have some books and the stuff for it, LOL!

    Hi Jenny, thanks for visiting! I'll bet you can get some lovely snow pics! That is something I cannot take a picture of in So Cal, LOL!

    Thank you, Linda. I appreciate your compliment on my crochet. I'm glad that Spring has made her way to your neck of the woods. Thanks for explaining "SAL" to me, LOL!

    LOL, Tracy! You crack me up! "Happy Hooking" indeed! I am still a novice at crochet, myself!

    Oh, Karla! I would love to see your crocheted flowers! Maybe it will hasten Spring along, LOL!

    Hi Kate! I'm not sure what kind of tree it is, LOL! I know that it is not fruit bearing. Some say it's a Japanese Cherry, but I don't know for sure. Lucky you to have daffodils up! If I could I would definately plant some if I had a garden plot!

    Thank you, Michelle. I so appreciate you sharing the story about your talented Grandmother sharing her gifts with you. I'm glad that you can appreciate tatting, too! :)

    Thank you, Lili! I look forward to seeing your progress with your crochet for 2009!

    Hi Celestina Marie! I love your name, it is so pretty! I am glad that Spring is showing her pretty face where you live, too. I'll bet your house looks lovely graced by your Grandmother's crocheted pieces. How wonderful that you appreciate her work. I know that your home is beautiful from the pictures you've shared in your blog!

    Hi Julena Jo! LOL! Yes, finish that tatted heart, LOL! I hope you show it off when you are done. Thanks for stopping by!

    Thanks for visiting, Shay! I hope it warms up even more where you live. Your nephew sounds like a character, LOL!

  40. Oh my goodness your well loved coasters are cute!

  41. What a gorgeous photo of those Spring Pink Blossoms. We are a few weeks away from that gorgeousness. We had snow again.

    This crochet is just gorgeous. My grandmother used to crochet. I wish I had learned how to...your work is just beautiful.

  42. Love your thread it. AND, your tatting. Thanks for your comment on my use of tatting on the doll....a bit of tatting makes everything special if you ask me!!! Pat

  43. I came over to visit you after you visited my blog because you had the word "tatting" in your name. My mother in law tried to teach me to tat when my husband and I were first married, I thougt it was so beautiful. I was so shy and afraid I would make a mistake that I didn't take the opportunity to learn. Now I sure wish I had. I am not a crafty person and I sure wish I was. My husband can make almost anything from wood.

    I love your pink bloosoms, they are lovely. Your coasters are special. Thank you for visiting my blog and thank you for sharing your tatting. connie

  44. LOL! Thanks, Shirley! I appreciate your sweet comment!

    Hi Karen! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the very nice comment.

    Thank you, Connie! I appreciate that you would share that sweet story about your Mother In Law trying to teach you to tat. Yes, I guess I can see how you might feel uncomfortable, after all, it's your MIL and you were a new bride and wanted everything to be perfect! Who knows, maybe you will find someone to teach you if you'd like! Stop by anytime!

  45. arrrgghhhhh..... I have snow and you have pretty blossoms!! waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.....................................................................................................

  46. LOL, Bumble Vee! I'll bet there are pretty blossoms there by now. :)


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"Chic" or "Chiclet" will sound like a song.

In other words, you see,
Please don't call me "TC"!

Please! :)
...and thank you!