Saturday, June 20, 2009

May and June Snowflakes From Fairiebees!

As promised I have a blog post for you! This is about the arrival of some tatted lace snowflakes from Fairiebees. I had previously won a giveaway from her that lasts all the year through. Each month I have the good fortune of looking forward to a snowflake from her! This month the Snowflakes for both May and June have arrived.

May's snowflake arrived on June 1st.

Here's a close up:
Isn't it pretty?


Here's is the June snowflake that arrived within the last week.

Here's another closeup:
Thank you, Crystal from Fairiebees!
I love the way each snowflake is packaged with the
pattern information on each snowflake.
Very cool!
Cool, like a snowflake...get it???
Thank you so much for stopping by to see some beautiful hand-tatted snowflakes! I'm glad to share them with you. It's always nice to share with friends a little bit of something that brings joy into your day, wouldn't you say? I think so. I think that's one of the wonderful things about this magical place we call blog~land! We kind of get to flit around like butterflies visiting lovely flowers in a beautiful and magical meadow and get to visit so many different places and see so many different things that we wouldn't be able to in our "real" lives. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit with me today. Comments are always welcome, so I'd LOVE to hear what you have to share with me!


  1. These are very pretty snowflakes. What a lovely thing to receive in the mail!

  2. Both snowflakes are so fun to look forward to a new one each month. Will you be putting them on a small tree? hugs, Linda

  3. What a nice giveaway! I must enter more giveaways - I've heard you must enter to win... It must be fun to pull something pretty out of the mailbox instead of junk - or even worse - BILLS! :)

  4. What a nice way to describe the world of blogs. The tatted snowflakes are very nice and I wish I knew how to make

  5. What a wonderful giveaway to win, something beautiful each month! I thought of you when I attached the tatting to that eyeglass case:>) It was tatting I found at a yard sale and I've been saving it for a couple years for just the right project.

  6. Snowflakes in June... I love that.

    Victoria xx

  7. Those are very lovely! What a nice treat to have arrive each month :)

  8. Oh those snowflakes are just so pretty! The thought of snowflakes sounds soooo good right now!!
    Oh they would be beautiful on a little tree with all white lights...
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog earlier today and you are so right about the blogworld. It is such a refreshing treat to visit all the beautiful blogs out there.

  9. Snowflakes in June? How wonderful!
    I have to say- those are the most gorgeous ones I've ever seen... that is such a special treat to look forward to every month!

    I'm afraid I don't have anything new to share from the farm right now... Oh- there is one thing... the "3 hens sitting on one egg" game is on again!
    (Oh, brother!!)

  10. Lovely,lovely snowflakes, but,no, I don't want the real stuff! ONLY if I can stay home and just watch.

    Your comment is so right. I enjoy flitting from one post to the next!

  11. I flutter from blog to blog too! The snowflakes are lovely.

  12. I live flitting around all over the place and finding your place. Lots to see after another unplanned week away too!
    Judy B

  13. The snowflakes are very pretty.

    I like to decorate the Christmas tree with tatting things.

    It's wonderful to discuss with many tatting friends and share our works.


  14. The snowflakes are so pretty. How exciting to be expecting goodies in the mail each month. Hope all is well with you.

  15. I am sorry to read of the loss of a family member. Thinking of you often.

  16. Those snowflakes are beautiful. Your tree is going to look awesome with those on it. Post a pic of your tree this year. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Very nice to have something to look forward to in the mail. I'm just waiting for Ruth Perry's new book to arrive. It takes so long to get things from the US to Canada. But I not in a hurry, still recovering from surgery. Have a great day!!!!

  18. Very pretty! I didn't know that that shape was called a snow flake. Then I thought....I have some of those. LOL.

    It's nice to see you post. It's nicer that I get to come and see you first - for a change :-)

  19. I loved your analogy of us being butterflies in a meadow. That's how I feel about blogs too, flitting around and seeing the bits of joy that each blogger shares. Thank you for all the beauty you bring. Twyla

  20. Hi Fox, thank you. You are right, they are something lovely to receive in the mail.

    Linda, it is so much fun to look forward to each month. I can be having the worst month and then I remember that I have a pretty tatted snowflake coming in the mail and it just makes my day!

    Hi there, Ann. Oh, yes, I highly recommend entering giveaways! I've been lucky enough to win quite a few...I wouldn't have won any if it had not been for entering...and I agree, it's a nice change from BILLS in the mail, LOL!

    Hello Delores! I'm glad you liked my comparison of blogging to the meadow of blossoms and butterflies.

    Hi Kathleen Grace. Awww...that is sweet that you thought of me when you attached the tatting on the eyeglass case. It looks like you saved it for just the right project.

    Ha ha! Thanks, Victoria!

    Hi Grizzly Mountain Arts! Yes, it is definitely a treat!

    Thank you, Lynn. I'm glad you liked the thoughts on blogging. Snowflakes sound nice and cool right about now, don't they, LOL!

    Hi Paula! Those hens of yours crack me up! I wonder what that is about. Are they "helping" or competing? LOL! Glad you like the snowflakes. Doesn't Crystal from Fairiebees do a lovely job on her tatted snowflakes.

    Hi there, Ruby. I'm with you on not wanting real ones, LOL! I like pictures of snow, but that's about it anymore, LOL! Glad you liked the analogy.

    Hi Yarnjourney! Thank you for fluttering by my blog to see the snowflakes and say hello!

    Oh, another unplanned week away, Judy? I don't know if that's good or bad. I am glad you flitted by!

    Thank you, Carla! I couldn't agree more. I have no one else to share my tatting love with other than my blog 3-D friends aren't really interested in tatting, LOL! That's okay by me, but I just LOVE sharing tatting with my blog friends! I'll bet your Christmas tree is lovely!

    Kathy, thank you for stopping by. I'm glad you like the snowflakes and I appreciate your condolences. It means a lot.

    Hi One Craft At A Time. Thanks for visiting. Ironically, I don't have a lot of tatting on my tree other than my tatted angel. I do have some pretty tatted ornaments that I need to find.

    Hello Tatfully Yours! I was wondering why we all haven't heard from you for a while. I hope your recovery from surgery is going well. I look forward to seeing what you create from Ruth Perry's new book!

    Hi Gerry, I'm so glad when you stop by..first or not! :) Yes, usually a small motif with six sides is called a snowflake. Occasionally, you'll see 5 sided motifs called a snowflake for some reason, although I think of them more as stars.

    Thank you for your very sweet comment, Twyla. I'm glad you like the simile about blogging being like a meadow. Your blog is one of those "flowers" I like to flutter by, too!

  21. Oh they are yummy and you are a lucky girl. They remind me that being the longest day of the year today maybe we can expect some of those snowflakes outdoors in 6 months time. :-D

  22. Oh I always like looking at your pictures..and it is nice to visit in blogland. We don't always have coworkers and friends who are interested in the same things we are...but in blogland I can find so many who have the same interests!

  23. Oh, they're both so lovely - lucky you!!

  24. LOL! Yes, Susanne, I suppose on the shortest day of the year in about 6 months SOME of us will be getting snowflakes. I hope you tell me all about it, too! ;) Glad you like the tatted ones I was sent.

    Hi Barb, I couldn't agree more about finding friends who are interested in blog land! It's fabulous! It's like we all get to find kindred spirits here! It's really super marvelous...I know I sound sappy, but it's true! LOL!

    Thank you Beckie! I'm so glad you came to visit!

  25. how very exciting! One a month!! They are just beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and for not being sore I won the sweet cake plate! I had really wanted that one and was so very thrilled when I got it! Your blog is lovely and I too enjoy flitting around and visiting in blog land it is so very special!
    Hugs, Lisa

  26. What beauties they are! Lovely and pristine. Your blog showcasing tatting is so inspiring. You always make me want to hunt out my shuttles and do even a little tatting! My nicest accomplishment was a rose doily I tatted and gave to my daughter some years ago. Which her husband tossed in the closet...ouch! but J got it back out and displayed it. warm wishes for a happy Monday...

  27. those are very pretty - i think it is a great talent to be able to make something so lovely!

    Rose XXX

  28. Hi Lisa, LOL! Your comment made me laugh! Why would I be sore for another person's good fortune? I think that it is so silly when people act so upset over not winning a drawing. It's okay to really want something, but I can also be happy for whoever gets it. Life is too short and we don't ALWAYS get what we want. Thanks so much for stopping by on your blog travels today!

    Hi Maggie Ann, thank you for visiting. I hope you do act on that urge to get out your shuttles and create. I hope you show a photo of that doily you made your daughter sometime on your blog. That would be neat to see. Have a lovely week!

    Hi Rose Charles. Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate your nice comment.

  29. I love snowflakes. Those are gorgeous!

  30. I love this idea! It's the gift that keeps on giving and when you've received them all, you'll have a great collection. Plus I like how your background wallpaper matches...*wink

  31. Thank you, Plays With Needles! I am glad you like the wallpaper. I am thinking of getting a little pink feather tree just for the snowflakes! :)


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This is what I'd rather hear...

If "TattingChic" seems like it's too long
"Chic" or "Chiclet" will sound like a song.

In other words, you see,
Please don't call me "TC"!

Please! :)
...and thank you!