Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

Apple pie?
Hotdogs and Buns?
Looks like I'm already to celebrate Independence Day today! To all my friends in the USA Happy 4th of July!
Happy Birthday America!
It's your birthday, America, so make a wish!
What would you wish for America today?

I would wish for a healthier economy.

Isn't the box pictured above darling? I purchased
it from Rosemary of Rose's Petit Maison.
I bought it from her Etsy shop
called The Vintage Crown.
I love little boxes, tee hee!
What's that peeking out from underneath that box?
Why, it's a star tatted up in some patriotic colors, of course!
This star is called "Star in Clovers" by Jon Yusoff
It will count as
Motif #6
in my 2nd round of the 25 Motif Challenge!
Here's a close up of the star in the center. I like the way this was designed with the repeating star motif.
I thought I'd show you some photos of the star in progress
This star was made with 2 shuttles.

I used these shuttles, here.
They are made of acrylic and I think they are pretty.
They are larger than a typical tatting shuttle and they hold
a LOT of thread! They are perfect for tatting with beads!
These shuttles are hand made by Jan Stawasz of Poland.
He is an extremely talented tatter. Go look at his stuff.
You won't be disappointed. His work is absolutely,
extraordinarily STUNNING! I'm not kidding!


Thank you for stopping by to visit during the celebration of USA's birthday! If you are an international friend I hope you have a lovely fourth day of the month of July! I realize that not all my blog friends are American and I'm grateful for the visitors I get from all over this beautiful planet! Thank you for your visits and sweet comments!

In my last post I shared about a friend from Denmark. She has shared with me that there is a town in Denmark that celebrates the 4th of July every year in honor of their American friends! I think that is so cool! I don't think that most American's are aware of the beautiful gesture of friendship from our Danish friends! This festival is called "Rebildfesten".

Before you run off to Rebildfesten be sure to stop and say hello here! I love hearing from my bloggy friends from all over!

Happy Independence Day!


  1. Wow! That is really lovely!! Happy late 4th of July to you too !!

  2. Have a lovely feel good day Chic.

    The star is lovely and the shuttles look fab, are they post shuttles??

  3. OMG! Now that I see the shuttles, I think i rememeber now that we used to do this in elementary school where we first learned to crochet, kinit, sew, etc in 5th grade Home Economics. Oh my, yes, I definitely did this but I was not very good at all. I just learned the basics. Whicle my classmates made doilies and spreads, I just made samplers so my HE teacher was not very pleased but I was not a very patient girl when it came to anything with a thread or yarn. Happy Independence Day. Why our founding fathers declared independence was not because it was the easy thing to do but the right thing to do and they worked hard for it. I hope modern Americans will study the significance of this holiday. Long live freedom!

  4. I hope that everyone who is going to a party today has a wonderful time.
    There's a small birthday celebration happening in London, England today. My son-in-law was 50 in April and my daughter will be 40 next week so they decided to hold a 90th Birthday party and chose 4th July as a good day to hold it.
    Love your photos and the red and blue mat is cute.

  5. Love the little box. The star is gorgeous.

    I have a friend from Denmark who just returned from visiting family and was kind enough to bring me yarn. I'll have to send her your link.

  6. Beautiful box you got at The Vintage Crown, but I LOVE the red and blue star! Absoultely stunning! Aren't you going to open your own etsy shop some day???

  7. I love the tatted star.
    Happy birthday America and have a great day, TattingChic.

  8. Happy 4th!!! i hope your weekend and holiday are wonderful:)

  9. Happy 4th of July! Lovely star!

  10. Hi Wendy! Thanks. It must be July 5th already where you live. It is early in the day on July 4th here, still! THank you so much for your sweet comment!

    Thank you, Tatskool. Yes, Jan Stawasz shuttles are most definately post shuttles. I thought it would be "clear" from the top of the transparent shuttle...get it? Clear? and the shuttle is clear? Wah wah wah wah...bad joke, I know.

    Hi Ces! Thanks for visiting. Yes, this day does have great significance and I am very grateful for the wisdom, strength, and courage of our founding fathers to sign the Declaration of Independence and go forth and win our freedom years later. What a blessing to be here! I am grateful and proud to be an American!
    Wow! Your classmates must've been freakishly good at tatting. Tatting is very would take me a lifetime to tat a bedspread and I'm a fast tatter. I'm not kidding about how slow it is. Perhaps your classmates were crocheting spreads?

    Hi Jennifer, thanks! I will not be going to a party you still wish a good time for me? LOL! I always appreciate my international friends wishing me and their other American friends a Happy 4th of July. It means a lot. Thank you!

    Hi Joansie. Thanks. Oh, yes, send your friend over to visit my blog. I would love that! What a lucky lady to have been able to visit Denmark!

    Hi Kathleen Grace! Thank you! Oh, you flatter me with the Etsy shop talk. I have toyed with the idea. Unfortunately, I just don't think people are willing to pay for the time it takes to tat something. They often confuse tatting with crochet and want to pay the same price. Tatting takes a VERY long time to do. If I charged minimum wage for the hours for that star it would cost a pretty penny. I'm a fast tatter, too.

    Thank you, Jillian.

    Thank you, Susanne! I hope you have a lovely day, too!

    Thanks Lori! I hope you have a good one, too! THanks for visiting.

    Hi Snap! Thanks a bunch. I hope you have a great 4th of July weekend, too!

  11. What a great post, love the star! Happy 4th of July to you and your family from Canada.

  12. Happy Independence day to you, the star and the shuttles are great, well impressed.

  13. I'll trade you home-made pasta salad and onion rings for some watermelon!

  14. Happy 4th of July to you too! We are fortunate to live in this great place. Happy Birthday America! The star looks great!

  15. Oh, wow! I popped over from a link on another blog, and I am SO impressed! My sister tats, and I know the work that goes into it. This is an amazing piece.

    Happy Fourth to You!


    Sheila :-)

  16. Wow, that star is stunning! Happy 4th of July!

  17. Happy 4th!
    What a pretty box! Just perfect for today and to go with your beautiful star!

    Thanks for the great photos of your star when it was still just a twinkle in your eye. Cool shuttles, which ALSO go with your beautiful star!

    Enjoy your day! I've got a couple countries to visit before my husband fires up the grill...

  18. It's a beautiful star TattingChic! Happy 4th of July!!!

  19. Hi there,
    Love your patriotic star!!
    So glad you like the box that I made. Looks great with your star!!
    Have a wonderful 4TH!

  20. Happy 4th, TattingChic !

    I feel a ‘kindred spirit’ between us, as we both did stars for our ‘4th’ posts! Of course my star goes back 20 years, whereas you were working hard to do a beautiful new star, and in gorgeous colors!

    I guessed that the star was Jon’s design, and sure enough, it was! Amazingly (‘kindred spirits’, again) I’m doing my first ‘new’ tatting in a long time, and it’s one of Jon’s designs, to be featured on my next post. I’ve been studying her blogging/designing history, which is fairly recent. Her first blog post indicated she wasn’t sure her work was ‘up to’ the standards of others!

    I’m glad that in the ‘comments’ you mentioned that tatting takes a long time to do, even when one is a fast tatter. However, not only are you a fast tatter, you’re an exceptionally talented writer and ‘blogger’. You create such incredible posts so quickly, with attractive photos and detailed tutorials, plus answer everyone’s comments!

    Jan Stawasz’ tatting IS totally incredible, and his shuttles are unique. Wish I had one. Sadly, It appears that Jan is hospitalized, from what I can discern from “Meme’s” blog (located via Gina, Tatting Goddess). Her blog is in Spanish but she had a sentence in English quoting from Jan’s son/daughter(?) about his hospitalization. I can’t seem to find more info.

    Have a wonderful 4th! Don’t eat too many hot dogs! Thanks so much for always stopping by my blog!

  21. I hope you have a happy fourth of July weekend! :) What a darling little box, and your tatted star is beautiful! I hope you're doing well.

  22. Great box and you are doing a fantastic job on the doily!

    Wishing you and yours a safe and happy 4th! .•*˙˙*•.HaPPy PiNk SaTuRdaY!.•*˙˙*•.

    Cheers! =D
    ~Kitty Kellie
    The Artful Paper Doll

  23. Thank you, Debby! It's always nice to be wished well on our national holiday from our neighbors up North, aye?! It wasn't until I started blogging that I learned that Canada Day and Independence Day are so close together. How appropo..seeing as our countries are so close together, LOL! You have a lovely day, too!

    Thank you, Sally Kerson! I'm so glad you like the star and the shuttles. Coming from a fellow tatter that means a lot! Oh, and Happy Birthday to you!

    Okay, Kat, it's a deal! I like pasta salad. I love onion rings, too, but I'm trying to cut down on those. We should just have a pot-luck, LOL! Wouldn't it be fun to have a potluck with all of our bloggy friends?

    Hi Tattrldy! I am so very grateful to be an American and enjoy the blessings that I have. I truly am. Thank you, I am glad you like the star.

    Hi Sheila! Thanks for stopping by! That is way cool that your sister tats. I wonder if you have any of her work? It's always so nice when someone appreciates the work that goes into something.

    Thank you, Maggi! I appreciate it.

    Hi Ann, enjoy your travels through bloggerlandia! Isn't it fun to "meet" all our fun friends across this great country and this beautiful planet? Thanks for stopping by here during your travels.

    Thank you, Thimbleanna! I appreciate that.

    Hi Rosemary! I'm glad you came by to see your lovely box! It actually inspired me to tat a little something to go under it. I was going to make a little round mini-doily in red white and blue, but the star seemed like a perfect choice seeing as it's the 4th of July! Unfortunately, the photos do not show the true charm of your pretty box!

    Kathy, I don't want to play favorites because I love and appreciate EVERY comment that I get, I really do. That said, I have to say that I really appreciate the time you take to comment whenever you visit my blog. I really look forward to your visits. Your comments are so generous and make me feel like I just got a big hug from someone...a kindred spirit, yes! I think that is one of the beautiful things about blogging; we find each other in this big world who inspire us and relate to us in ways that are not possible in our 3-D lives! It's such a lovely thing and I feel so fortunate to have "met" so many lovely souls such as yourself! Thank you! Have a wonderful 4th, yourself!
    (Yes, I had heard of Jan Stawasz recent hospitalization. I have kept him in my prayers. I left a comment on Meme's blog, but I don't know if it is showing up yet.)

    Hi Jessica! Thank you for stopping by! I am glad you like the star. I will be tatting pink stuff today for you, friend! ;)

    Thank you, Kitty Kellie! Cheers to you as well on this 4th of July/Pink Saturday!

  24. Great Red White and Blue Tatted Star, Tatting Chic! Perfect for today.

    My wish for America: I wish for PEACE!

    Have a wonderful celebration!


  25. I love the star! So pretty. The acrylic thingys are pretty too.

  26. I love that star! It is so pretty and isn't it fun to work with tools that are pretty themselves?

  27. Thanks Chic, but to be honest when I first saw the shuttles it was hard to see if that was a clear bobbin inside but I thought not. I am not a bobbin shuttle user. They are really beautiful shuttles.

  28. Happy Celebrations! What a beautiful post!

  29. That is a very pretty tatted star, what lovely work and such a lovely tribute to our country. What would I wish for? Well you already wished for a healthier economy, I guess I would wish for greater kindness and consideration for others.

  30. Happy 4th!!! LOVE the star and the box...wonderful creations!!!!

  31. Your photographs are wonderful. I love the shadow you captured in the first one. The tatted star is gorgeous and so is the box. So much inspiration in one post, I am blown away.

  32. Love the Star in Clovers. I have a couple of Jan Stawasz shuttles also. Happy 4th of July.

  33. Thank you, Constance! That is a lovely wish, too! I wish that for the whole world, too!

    Thank you, Lisa! The acrylic thingies are tatting shuttles.
    I'm glad you like them.

    Hi Donna! Thank you! Yes, it is fun to work with pretty tools!

    Hi Tatskool. I'm so sorry if my answer sounded demeaning. Sometimes in my attempt to be clever (like I was trying to do with the "clear" joke) it turns out sounding kind of lame. Sorry! Yes, I can see how maybe you might wonder if there were one of those clear bobbins in there. I am a bobbin shuttle gal, myself! However, sometimes when I know I want to take a photo of the the WIP I will purposefully use a post shuttle that matches the thread, LOL! It's all for the sake of the photo, too!

    Hi Heather! Thanks! Glad you liked it! So glad you came to visit!

    Thanks, Peggy Sue! What a nice comment. I think that is a fabulous wish and this whole world could use a LOT more kindness and consideration for others. I hope your wish comes true!

    Thank you, Betzie! I'm glad you stopped by on this fabulous Independence Day!

    Hi Yarnjourney! That shadow was a total accident. When I was going to crop the photo I decided "What the heck" it adds to the pic to keep the whole shadow in there. Thanks!

    Hi Sharon D. Thanks! I'm glad you like the star. Jon is a wonderful designer. I like her stuff. Lucky you to have some Jan Stawasz shuttles! They are not easy to come by! When Karen from Krokaw posted about it in an eTatters post I snagged as many as I possibly could, LOL! You never know when they're going to become available again!

  34. Hi TattingChic,

    Love your tatted star and the little box, from Rosemary.
    Also your new look to your blog is lovely.

    Happy Independence Day.


  35. Happy 4th! I especially like the clear shuttle. I have one of Jan's shuttles's gold...I like it!

  36. I love the star. I think it is a little advanced for me right now but hopefully some day I amy be up for something that beautiful.

  37. Wow, what a wonderful blog, I don't know how I've missed you all this time! I will be sure to add a link for you on my blog. I'm so glad you stopped by to visit mine!
    Your star is so beautifully made, I love the colors. It goes perfectly with Rosemary's pretty box!!

  38. Thank you, Carolyn! I'm glad you like the new blog look. It will probably change again, LOL! I'm in the process of changing the layout because blogger wigged out and put all my sidebar stuff in the FOOTER! Now my blog looks like a runaway roll of toilet paper, LOL! That's when I decided to change the template layout, but it didn't change what blogger did with the sidebar...naughty Blogger!! LOL!
    Thanks, also, about the star.

    Hi Lady Shuttlemaker! Thanks for visiting! Jan's shuttles are kinda cool, huh? I have a gold one, too. I decided to get a bunch when Karen did her last "shuttle rounds" on eTatters last year! I'm glad I did!

    Hi Tudy! Thanks for visiting! I'm glad you stopped by to say hello! Well, you may soon find that using two shuttles is not as hard as you think. One just acts like the ball thread until you use it! It's easy peasy! I promise!

    Hi Karen! I love your work! I actually chose one of your templates and then saw one of my very good friends had the EXACT same template on her blog, LOL! Thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello! Wow! I'm honored that you would have a link to my blog on yours! Thank you so much!

  39. Happy 4th of July!!! I hope you had a great day. That's a very pretty snowflake, you have there Chiclet. And pretty shuttles. You know, I'd love to do an exchange with you sometime.

  40. TattingChic, belated 4th of July to you. Thank you for choosing that star to commemorate the day.
    And looove the shuttles!

  41. wow the star is too pretty and apt for the day...

  42. Hi Jeff! Thanks for saying "hi". Yes, I had a nice 4th of July, thanks! I think a tatting exchange would be fun. I just need to finish my current one first!!! LOL!

    Hi Jon! I'm so glad you came to visit and saw that I used your star! I was hoping you would notice! Okay...I left a comment on your patterns blog telling you I did, LOL! It's a beautiful star pattern and I love your designs!

    Thank you, Nima! I'm glad you came to visit!

  43. Hoou had a wonderful 4th of July! Love your red, white and blue tatting!!!


  44. Thanks Maryjane! Glad you had a great 4th of July! :)

  45. Cool! When you're ready, leave a comment on my blog and we can work out the details.

  46. Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend! Very cute red and blue star!! I was wondering if those clear shuttles are heavy? They look like they are. Or are they about the same weight as the plastic clover shuttles?

    Thats a very cute little box you bought too.

    Have a super week TattingChic!

  47. Okay, Jeff, I will let you know when I am ready. I am way far behind on my current exchange, but I'll get there. I have more than one thing to tat, too, so it'll be awhile, but it'll happen eventually!

    Hi Carol! Thanks for saying hello! You've been missed! You must have an exciting life, LOL! The shuttles are very light. I would say they are about the same weight as a clover shuttle...maybe a feather heavier, LOL! Not by much. I don't have too many clover shuttles so it's hard to tell, LOL! They are very light!

  48. Very pretty stars! No I didn't realize our Danish friends celebrated with us. How nice.
    Love your little angels.

  49. Oh I love your box! The snowflakes are amazing! I'd never have the patience to do this! You are very talented!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  50. Love the box!! Love the star even more!!

  51. Hi Kathy! It's good to "see" you again! I'm glad you stopped by.

    Hi Lisa. Thanks for stopping by. Oh, I don't know how "patient" one has to be to tat. You just have to want to do it, LOL! "Patience" has nothing to do with it, LOL!

    Thank you, Plays With Needles! It's always a pleasure to have you stop by! :)

  52. Ahh! A very beautiful star. Tatting looks to be so difficult, so you are very creative and unique to me.

  53. Thank you, Ranae! I'm glad you like the star.

  54. Your star is lovely (I always loves your work!) and I'm intrigued by the Polish shuttles.

    I went to Jan Stawasz website and must say I didn't see any link to purchase. Any suggestions on where to go to add one of his shuttles to my collection?

    Your posts are wonderful and I just have to say how much I enjoy visiting your blog to catch up on your latest projects and progress. (Sorry for the run-on sentence...I tend to run on when I'm enthusiastic.) I'll keep reading!

    Will you be attending the IOLI convention this year?

  55. Hi Isdihara! Thanks for stopping by! I like Jon's "Star in Clovers" pattern, too. I left a message on your blog about the Jan Stawasz shuttles. I got them from a "Karen in Krokaw" who left a post on eTatters and I responded to that. eTatters has been shut down since then so I don't know if she's on InTatters or not. You could look for her there! Good luck! They are not easy to come by! :)


Thank you for stopping by my blog today!
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While you're leaving your comment so dear
This is what I'd rather hear...

If "TattingChic" seems like it's too long
"Chic" or "Chiclet" will sound like a song.

In other words, you see,
Please don't call me "TC"!

Please! :)
...and thank you!