Thursday, April 25, 2013

WIPs and Chains

Ok so before you misinterpret (not that you would, of course!) no, I'm not into ... ummmmm ... whatever it is that you're thinking.
No no no pull your minds out of the gutter! LOL! WIP stands for work in progress and chains are all that I'm tatting on these two WIPs I'm doing.
See? Very harmless and innocent isn't it?

On a side note before we get to these WIPs, you may be wondering what the hey happened to me, right?
Well my computer died and with no funds to get a new one I'm out of luck.
I do, however, have this handy dandy iPhone and waddayaknow There's an app for that! Yup, blogger has an iPhone app so I'm doing this on my phone. Yes, it's taken me this long to figure it out.

So without further adieu let me share my WIPs and chains with you for a tittlating blog post...
I'm making lanyards. Here are some photos
I have no idea how this is going to turn out with the phone app thing but we'll give it a go.


  1. OMG - She lives!!!!

    Glad to see you, Chickie Baby!

  2. Yeah, so good to hear from you. have caught your comments on fb, but so much better to see and hear you here.
    those will be very nice lanyards.

  3. Great to see you're back to blogging! Your lanyards are looking truly fabulous!

  4. Hello, glad to see you back, Lovely lanyards.

  5. Very pretty! It's good to see a post from you again. I'm not sure what I'll do when my computer dies. I guess I'd better start saving up now! I didn't take the time to figure out how to blog with my phone when my Internet was down last week... too many other things to do... like tat!ccurifi and

  6. this is so gorgeous! I love it! I'm glad you are back to blogging =)

  7. Lovely lanyards!

    So good to see you back and tatting!
    Fox : )

  8. How beautiful!! Is there a tutorial for this?

  9. really nice bead work sooo beautiful and fun, I am thinking of trying it and putting a picot in middle of one side to add more tatting to it,wish me luck, hey I started a tatting blog you may want to see called Carollyn's tatting blog let me know what you think if you can thanks.

  10. Hi, your lanyard is beautiful! I did one pair of earrings almost the same way before I saw yours.

  11. Hi TattingChic, glad to see you back on again.
    I have only a simple phone, so that wouldn't work for me.., I do have some iPad's, but still working on figuring them out with adding pics. I wonder where the term 'lanyards' came from. Of course now I've figured that one out on my own. I don't like working with that many beads to begin with, and I'm wondering if maybe...a two bobbin shuttle would help? So much bulk in the shuttle hand unless of course your making a shorter lanyard, like for my tiny wrist...?


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I'd love to hear what you have to say!

While you're leaving your comment so dear
This is what I'd rather hear...

If "TattingChic" seems like it's too long
"Chic" or "Chiclet" will sound like a song.

In other words, you see,
Please don't call me "TC"!

Please! :)
...and thank you!