I had the pleasure of getting a fun package from Scotland this past week! It was from Trayna of Scotland! Recently, Trayna had a giveaway on her blog and I was one of the lucky winners! Well, okay, she actually gave something to each person who entered! Isn't that generous? I certainly think so! If you have never had the opportunity to see Scottish tatting now is your chance, ladies and gents!
"What's the difference between Scottish Tatting and regular tatting?", you ask?
Why, in Scottish tatting the person tatting up the tatted bits is actually IN Scotland! It is actually even more authentic if the person is actually Scottish. Ha Ha! Gotcha! You thought there was some new special brand of tatting that I was going to tell you about, didn't you? Actually, I have a special place in my heart for Scotland. I had a very good friend who hailed from there. She is someone that I have lost touch with, but she came into my life (much like a long lost big sister) when I really needed a very good friend and she certainly fit the bill! Thank you, Scottish friend who is no longer in my life...wherever you are!
Well, back to tatting. Trayna certainly was kind to tat up a bunch of goodies for everyone who entered her giveaway, wouldn't you say? Would you like to see what Trayna sent?
Well would ya?
Okay, here ya go:
She sent this postcard from Scotland
and these lovely tatted motifs.

Here's the pretty snowflake closeup.

Look at this lovely round motif in green!

What a sweet butterfly!

(Picots are the pretty loops you see sticking out of the tatted rings.)
Thank you, Trayna!
I love my tatted bits you sent!
They made my day.
Thank you for stopping by to see the tatting from Scotland! I hope you liked it. I did! LOL! I am wondering where to put it. I am contemplating getting a new journal to put in tatted motifs from my tatting friends!
Be sure to say hello before you run off to visit Trayna's blog. I'd love to hear from you!
26 absolutely fabulous things were said:
LOL! You got me. :D Those are beautiful Scottish tatted pieces! It's always a delight to receive something special in the mail.
Lucky you! I guess you have to enter to win, and I'm not very good at entering. Now, on the other hand, when it comes to shopping for tatting supplies, I can whittle away hours! Enjoy your goodies!
That is a wonderful idea! Sending a postcard along with your gifts! I'll have to stock up on some from my area and remember to add one to the items I mail out! Thanks for sharing. The items are so pretty, too.
Beautiful! I don't tat yet, but will be learning soon as I order the tutorial book and DVD. In the meantime, I am admiring everyone's work.
I always learn something new when I check out your posts! And now I've seen REAL Scottish tatting. I think I'll try to learn that as well, but only after I have mastered English tatting. One thing at a time! :)
She sent you beautiful pieces. It's amazing she sent those to everyone. VERY nice.
I've tried to comment a couple times, but somehow it didn't go through (user error on my part I'm sure). I want to tell you thanks for the drop in the other day. I hope to do more tatting after the kids are out of school. And thank you for the time you take to document tatting techniques. It is a wonderful time to be learning to tat with so many generous tatters like yourself sharing ideas.
What a pretty bunch of treasures! Now you've got me thinking of green Scotland. I think I'll go have some tea!
You and the other are some lucky people. Beautiful pieces.
Got one! LOL! Thanks for letting me have that one, Bella Sinclair! You are absolutely right about it being a delight to get something in the mail. I always think it's exciting when it's from another country!
Hi Diane! I am with you on the shopping for tatting supplies, LOL! It's an illness, I think, LOL!
Hi Nancy! I am not sure where the postcard "tradition" started, but I would imagine somewhere along the lines of when some onnline group started their international tatting exchanges. I think it might've been eTatters.
Hi Joansie, if you are talking about that "Learn to Tat" book by Janette Baker I have heard from others that it really helped them learn! Very cool! I hope you dive right in!
Thank you, Ann! I'm glad you enjoyed the tutorials. I hope they help.
Enjoy your tea, Becky!
Yes, Delores, we are lucky that Trayna decided to treat us all!
Haha..I thought you meant YOU were in Scotland and tatting there. I was so excited about your trip...oops, guess you didn't go. The items are lovely! I think tatting is one of the most beautiful endeavors!
Hi TattingChic, Lovely package for you to receive, lucky woman, from one of my all-time favourite countries.
I even tried haggis when I was there! ( I will NOT tell you how I feel about this unusual national dish!)
The postcards are a wonderful idea - one that I had and didn't follow up on last week.
I was sending out a package and passed a shop displaying postcards from Toronto, my city, and thought I should put a few in with my stuff that was about to be taken to the post office.
The postcards were kinda ratty-looking and not too creative; I thought," Nah, she won't be interested." I didn't bother.
After reading the posts, here, I am kicking myself for not going along with my hunch, and buying a few cards...
Now, I am going to buy a bunch - ratty though they may be, because what is commonplace to me is exotic to folks "from away"!
Thank you so much for your lovely comments Tatting Chic - it really is appreciated but I do have a tiny confession to make - see my blog!!!
I'm SO glad you liked them!
Take care
You are so very lucky to have won them they are beautiful and also to know how to tat yourself wish I knew someone to teach me to tat!!
I love visiting your blog-your posts always make me smile:) You had me going with the Scottish tatting style-too funny!
I had always wondered what Scottish tatting looked like! Now I know!
I've been making hairpin lace lately. I'll have to blog about that... and I seriously do need to get my tatting shuttle back out. I keep laying it aside... *sigh*
What a lovely gift, and all the way from Scotland. Congratulations on winning such a pretty giveaway, I know how much you appreciate the detail in that tatting.
Nice Scottish tat tales, I am Scottish and would love to go there and see it all, how nice for her to send the postcard along! What a great idea!!!
Hope your doing great this week and enjoying some lovely weather!
Donna Lynn
Good job she didn't send you haggis! ;) The journal idea sounds fab!
m ^..^
Thanks for stopping by my blog - ...reminded me to come otp yours for a quick visit - congrats on your win - lucky you! -cool!
How sweet of her to make things for everyone who entered! They are very pretty. You got me too!
Drats, missed another giveaway! But I'm glad you and the other bloggers who posted won. That was very nice of Trayna. The motifs are beautiful.
What is at the PO??? Love your Scottish tatting! Nothing like real sunshine to take a photo huh.lol. Have a wonderful day! Laurie
You have to be the luckiest (most blessed) gal in the world. That was very nice to give everyone a goodie.
Her work is beautiful.
Have a good one, hope all is well in sunny Ca.
Very cool
I love your definition of Scottish tatting, LOL. The motifs are lovely. Making a keepsake journal is a wonderful idea.
Good Day, Lovely things from Scotland. My sweeties family is from Scotland we are the "Grants"!! Hugs Judy
Hi Betty, that would be awesome to be in Scotland and visiting and tatting! I would love that!
Hi Fox! So, you've tried Haggis? That is an adventurous palate you have there! Yes, I agree that a postcard from your area is a great idea to send with a tatting swap!
Hi Trayna! I enjoyed your confession...you Aussie, you! LOL!
Hi Vintage Sandy! Thanks for visiting! I hope you do learn to tat. There's a great book out called "Learn to Tat" by Janette Baker and it even has a DVD to help show how tatting is done. I hope you try it out sometime!
Ha ha, Kim! Gotcha! LOL, just kidding!
Hi Karla! You are funny. Well, now you know what "Scottish Tatting" looks like, LOL!
Your hairpin lace sounds nice. I want to learn that sometime, too!
Hi Karen! Thank you! It is cool that it has come from so far away, I agree!
Hi Donna Lynn! That is neat that you have Scottish heritage! I would like to visit there, too!
Ha ha, m ^..^! You crack me up about the Haggis. I guess it turns out that Trayna is not Scottish so I was spared, LOL! ;)
Thank you, Stitchety Grub!
Hi Tattycat! I agree, it was very sweet of her to make something for each person that entered! I am fortunate that she did that.
Thanks, Carol! It was so nice of Trayna, wasn't it!? I agree with you.
Ha ha! Laurie, well this comment is so late in coming that I know what was at the PO by now, LOL! Thank you again for that darling mini-easel!
Hi Barb! I am blessed, yes, it's true! I'm very grateful for that!
Thanks, Suzie!
Hi Yarnjourney! You know, I have yet to start that keepsake journal for my tatted goodies from around the globe!
Very cool, Judy! Grant is a good name. I've known some Grants and they were good people!
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