Hello everyone! I have some very exciting news to share with you! My visitor counter is getting very close to 50,000! Woo Hoo! I have only been blogging for shortly over a year so I think this is cause for celebration, don't you?
Well, yes, it is!
You see, when I first started this blog I was so scared that no one would ever come and visit me. I was so surprised when I actually got a few comments on my first blog post! I was thrilled...ecstactic, actually! Really! As time has gone on I have found fabulous friendships, won giveaways, and learned a lot from so many of you! I want to give back to the blogging community! So, I've made a little something special just for this giveaway!
I made a button just for the big celebration!
I made a button just for the big celebration!
(It's my first button, hee hee
this is not the button...it's just a picture of it.
The REAL button is on my sidebar!)
this is not the button...it's just a picture of it.
The REAL button is on my sidebar!)
Let me show you what I have in store
for the lucky winner of my giveaway!

it comes with a free DVD that shows you how to tat!
If you already know how to tat, even some
experienced tatters have enjoyed making the
patterns out of this book. Besides, you could give
this book to someone who wanted to learn or
use it as a resource for them!
To go along with the book I'm tossing
in a faux tortoise shell (plastic) post-style
tatting shuttle and 10 yards-ish of size 10
Manuela brand green variegated thread!

on your journey to learn how to tat!
I'll also give the winner this tatted heart.
It's from a Vintage "Workbasket Magazine"
tatting pattern. I tatted it myself about 16 years ago.

You like?
If you do I have one rule for this giveaway:
1) You need to have an active blog and
comment (just once, please) on this blog post!
(If you are reading this on multiply you need
to comment on the Blogger Blog)
That's it!
You are more than welcome to become
a follower, although it is not a requirement
to enter this giveaway! I'd love for you
to come back again and again!
Nothing like that.
Just comment (once) on this blog post to be entered
and have an active blog attached to the
profile that you comment from so that I can
notify you on your blog if you happen to be the
lucky winner!
You have until Midgnight PST
on Friday, July 31, 2009 to enter.
The winner will be announced on
Saturday, August 1, 2009
If you want to become a follower you
are more than welcome! I love my followers
and the "more the merrier" I say!
Would you like another chance to win?
Simply add the button on my right sidebar
to your blog sidebar and comment one more
time to let me know that you added the button.
(I'll be checking) :)
Here's how to add the button to your blogger blog:
(it's really easy, I promise)
1) Click on the "Customize" tab at the top of
your blog on the right.
2) This should take you to "layout"
3) Click on "Add a gadget" on your sidebar"
4) In the pop-up window that comes up
select "HTML/Javascript"
5) In the title bar write "TattingChic's Giveaway" or
simply leave it blank. That's totally up to you.
6) Now, copy the entire code underneath my
button on my right sidebar. (if my sidebar is not
showing up simply click on the title of this
blog post and it will show up on the right or
scroll down to the bottom of the blog
- just click on the title of this blog post -
it's easier!)
7) Paste the entire code in the "content"
portion of that gadget pop up window
8) Click on save!
Now my giveaway button shows up in your sidebar
ready to invite anyone who clicks on it to come on over
to this blog post and join in the giveaway fun!
9) Be sure to come back and comment
a second time just to let me know that you
added the button and I will add you a second time.
your blog on the right.
2) This should take you to "layout"
3) Click on "Add a gadget" on your sidebar"
4) In the pop-up window that comes up
select "HTML/Javascript"
5) In the title bar write "TattingChic's Giveaway" or
simply leave it blank. That's totally up to you.
6) Now, copy the entire code underneath my
button on my right sidebar. (if my sidebar is not
showing up simply click on the title of this
blog post and it will show up on the right or
scroll down to the bottom of the blog
- just click on the title of this blog post -
it's easier!)
7) Paste the entire code in the "content"
portion of that gadget pop up window
8) Click on save!
Now my giveaway button shows up in your sidebar
ready to invite anyone who clicks on it to come on over
to this blog post and join in the giveaway fun!
9) Be sure to come back and comment
a second time just to let me know that you
added the button and I will add you a second time.
That's it! That's all there is to it
to enter the giveaway!
Thank you for celebrating with me!
I just wanted to thank all my visitors for their lovely visits, comments, and friendships! I am grateful for all the joy that blogging has brought into my life! It's all because of you (my visitors) that I have a reason to celebrate!
Remember: You have until Midgnight PST on Friday, July 31, 2009 to enter. The winner will be announced on Saturday, August 1, 2009! In case you were wondering, yes, international friends are invited as well!
Remember: You have until Midgnight PST on Friday, July 31, 2009 to enter. The winner will be announced on Saturday, August 1, 2009! In case you were wondering, yes, international friends are invited as well!
The winner has been announced!
Click here to find out who won!
Click here to find out who won!
281 absolutely fabulous things were said:
Oh goodie, I think it's the first time I've ever got to be first in leaving my comment....
Your tatting give-a-way is wonderful...I love it all, and would love to learn how to tat...hubby tried it and gave it up. However, I adore it, and buy it whenever I can.
I'd love to win your wonderful heart. I have a blog, so if you ever have time, come visit me..
Oh my gosh!!!I can't believe...50,000 visitors~~girl you are amazing!
I am on my way to add your pretty button to my sidebar and will be back to let you know it is there.
This is so cool, I am your first comment, too!
Thanks so much for all of your sweet comments to me and support!!
The blog world is a wonderful place to feel inspired..and your blog is delighfully charming, as are YOU!
ok, it is there!! Correction to my prev comment...lol, I was comment #2!
Would love to learn how to tat, too!
How could we not visit your blog? They're always colorful, cheerful, and inspirational! 50,000... fabulous!
50,000?!! Wow! Congratulations. I will be putting the button up on my blog a little later. I'll let you know as soon as I get it up. (*Whisper* I'm okay with your rigging this thing, so I win. We can make it look all fancy with a number generator thingy, and everything. Just an idea). ;)
Wow! Well done! Champagne is on ice just waiting for the counter to tick over!
Judy B
I think your giveaway is wonderful and I've always wanted to learn to tat..please include me in the giveaway! I have a blog too so will put your button in the sidebar...fun!
Congratulations on reaching 50,000. It should not be a surprise because you always have something interesting for all your visitors.
I hope I can win your giveaway.
What a great giveaway!!! and congrats on the 50'000 visitors!! I would love to be part of the giveaway and learn how to do tatting....Thank you for sharing this with us. Hugs, Jennifer
I forgot to tell you , I added your giveaway button to my blog, and it is very pretty I might add!! have a great day! hugs, Jennifer
Oh my goodness- you really are headed for a milestone, Sweetie! And what a fantastic giveaway- you are so sweet. I would love to know how to make all the beautiful little creations I see on your website... *sigh*
Good luck, everybody! (I want to win really bad, but I'm trying to be a good sport about this. LOL)
Congrats on the visitor counts!!! The pink heart is fabulous.
50,000!!!!! WOW!
I'd love to win. Then I wouldn't have an excuse .. I'd have to learn to Tat! :D :D
Congratulations! 50,000 visitors just shows how interesting and creative you are! I would love to win the nice giveaway.
That is quite the accomplishment chicky. A big congrats to you!
What a wonderful give away! I'd love the book and the pink heart is to die for! I'll be back!
Count me in (or should I say 'tat me in'?). This looks like a great giveaway! Thanks for doing this:).
You are now on my blog! It looks real pretty too!
Congratulations on your 50,000 visitors. I love your blog and I want to learn to tat also in memory of my beloved aunt who taught me to knit and tatted.
You are very generous with your giveaway and I would love to win. To have an item tatted by someone else ...well, the item would be a keepsake, for sure.
Will return and comment again once I've added you to my blog.
50,000! That is ASTOUNDING! Good for you, TC!
I'm gonna put that little button on my blog right now!
Fox : )
I added your button to my blog. I also wrote about your giveaway on my post.
You button is added! Fox :))
wow -- 50,000 visitors! can you believe it? i don't have a counter so i have no idea but i sure remember the days when my only visitors were my husband and one of my friends!
yours is such a warm and inspiring place. here's to 50,000 more visitors!
congrats on all of your visitors...that is amazing!!! i would really like to win this book, i am so intrigued by the whole tatting process...thanks to you of course, i never would have given much thought before i met you...and of course i would love the sweet pink tatted heart:)
hi, i'm back:)
button added in my sidebar!!!
hmmm, my other comment is a little weird grammatically...i hope you know what i meant!!!
What a wonderful prize you are awarding. And 50,000 visitors - Wow! But your posts are so fun to read it's not surprising.
WOW- that is a fabulous giveaway!
I just recently found your blog so I'm only a tiny part of your 50,000 visitors, but I definitely can see why you've had so many- your blog is delightful!
I REALLY want to learn to tat and it would be fabulous to win. But what is really FABULOUS is 50,000 visitors! Congrats!
Hi Tatt Chic.
Congratulations on your 50,000 visitors. I love your giveaway and the button turned out great!
But the real joy is you and your blog and the inspiration and friendship it brings to so many. Your creative style is so refreshing and when anyone visits, they can't wait to return.
Best wishes for many more wonderful posts and thank you for being apart of the blogging community. You make it special and bless us all. Thank you so much!
Now I will go back and add the button.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Just wanted to say a big ole congrats on your count!! Wow!!!!
You are a superstar!!!!
I love what you picked for your give away. Count me in. I am going right now to add you giveaway to my site. Watch mine for a 200th post giveaway in the next day or so.
Hi Tatt Chic, just dropping back by to say I added your Giveaway button with link to my sidebar.
This is fun!!
Have a great night and see you again soon.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
OMG, of course I am going to enter. I belonged to the embroiderers guild here years ago and a lady started to teach me to tat and another lady years and years ago who lived in the same apt. building i did tatted and I have always wanted to learn. I scrolled the rest of the way down after I saw the DVD. I have now entered!
Oh, BTW, 50,000 visitors is an awful lot so congratulations!
LOVE your new look to your blog! Pretty as can be! Please add me to your wonderful giveaway!!!!
Addiing your DARLING button to my sidebar!
Just added your button to my blog- I hope it brings you lots of visitors and encourages many new tatters!
I just love your blog and would be so excited to be the winner I'd love to learn to tat so please count me in I;m going to post it on my blog right now!!
Congratulations on your 50,000 visitors. Love your blog.
Congrats on your 50,000 visitor! I have enjoyed getting to know you and learn more about tatting. Please don't enter me in your giveaway...I am trying to scale back, but I wanted to come say congrats!
Thank you for sharing the celebration of you 50,000 visitors ^_^
I love your blog since the first time I saw it. Lovely, funny, and has a lot of useful link.
And you're also a very talented, friendly, encouraging and leaving sweet comments for everybody, I think that make you very famous in blogging and tatting world.
But, I don't know what's wrong, I'm having a bit layout trouble since you changed the layout. Is it just me?
count me on your lucky bowl ^_"
I want to learn how to tatt so bad! I thought about buying a how to book at Hobby Lobby last Sat. I would Love to win! Congratulations on your 50,000 visitors! Great idea to celebrate. Twyla
My number is 44, thats a good number! Please let it be the winning number.(teehee!!) You know...that DVD might just be the ticket to get me to tatting. All of your other tatting goodies are wonderful. I wonder how many visitors I've had...I should probably check. lol. Just let me know when I win. LOL Laurie
How exciting!! 50,000 visitors!!! I love the giveaway! I hope I hope I hope I win! LOL
I need another shuttle and a good lesson book would be very helpful.
I am getting the button linked in my gadgets right now.
Wow! What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you for making sure I didn't miss my chance to sign up!
I love your blog! I have learned so much from you. I didn't even know what tatting was before I found your blog. Now I want to learn it and this giveaway would be perfect! I so hope I win.
I'm off to add your button to my blog. I'll be back to let you know I got it up.
Oh what a beautiful giveaway!!! I would love to win this!!
Congratulations on 50,000 visitors!! i wish I had a counter too :)
You know, a day never pass without me going into your blog! I live in Singapore and somehow managed to chance upon your blog in May. Your blog inspired me to set up my own blog and I hope to be able to keep my blog active at I am still very "green" with this. Wonder how you manage to do it though.
my blog is http://changhua09.blogspot.com
Oh! How I'd love to win! What a great giveaway package!
I keep practicing my tatting... but so far I can't seem to master the picot. Once I get past that, I know it will take off.
I added your button to Ramblin' Roads! Congratulations on 50,000 visitors!
I would love to learn how to tat.Several months ago I was going through my mothers sewing basket and there was all this fabulous lace. Not sure as to what it was exactly until I came across your blog. So I thank you for that. Sharon
Congrats on all the visitors!!
I'd love to learn how to tat. Very cool indeed
What a milestone...50,000 big ones. Congrats! Thanks for entering my La D Da giveaway. I tried to learn tatting when I was in my early 20's. Unfortunately, I got walking pneumonia during the time I was taking classes and I missed too many of them to get caught up. I love needle and theads, colors and textures! Would love the opportunity to learn a "lost art" of tatting. Good Luck!
What a milestone...50,000 big ones. Congrats! Thanks for entering my La D Da giveaway. I tried to learn tatting when I was in my early 20's. Unfortunately, I got walking pneumonia during the time I was taking classes and I missed too many of them to get caught up. I love needle and theads, colors and textures! Would love the opportunity to learn a "lost art" of tatting. Good Luck!
And I'm the revolving door commenter too! Lindsey just added your pretty button to our page! Twyla
OH me me MEEEEEEEE please~!We can call it a blogging trade if you want! LOL But seriously...ME!
yippie..It's done...
Don't want to miss the second chance to win the giveaway ^_^
I've put the button on my blog.
Hope it's become my lucky button LOL
Finally I got your button on my blog. Took forever as it seems like Blogger was giving me a hard time as I tried to attach it.
Gosh, I haven't been over for awhile and when I come visit, I find yr bloggie has gone all beautiful!!! Really love the roses.
What a nice giveaway. I will pass on entering but wanted to say HI and how exciting it is! Anyone who gets anything you have tatted is in for a TREAT, that is a mighty nice prize.
wow!50,000!!!!. What beautiful gifts u're giving away.
To me your blog is like a pot of honey, attracting many many readers. Neway, Congrats.
OK have updated my blog.
Congratulations!!! This is huge and the giveaway is totally justifiable :)
Your posts are so full of life and I love reading them... Keep up the good work! You dont know how many smiles you are spreading.
What a lovely giveaway you have!
Please include me in!
Hello there you famous and popular blogger! Congrats on more than a year blogging (there are a lot of people that don't reach this milestone) and of course on having almost 50.000 visitors! Hope that there will be even more friendship and fun through this blog in the future!
Thanks for inviting me over, have a great day!
Thanks for the giveaway chance and lovely to have found your blog! cheers Bron
Oh my ... so many visitors! 50,000!
that is amazing TattingChic.
Big Congratulations and the giveaway is lovely.
Have a great weekend
Blimey, 66 comments before I got awake this morning!!! Well done on reaching this target. I guess I should check mine somehow!!!
That strained the brain!!! I've added the 'gismo' to my blog!!!!
wow...beautiful bundle of goodies. I would love to win this giveaway. Please add my name in the list. Thank you
I would love to be in your draw Tatting Chic (but if I am so forunate as to win the dvd please draw again as it won't play here in Australia) thanks everso Britt Western Australia
Congratulations!!truly the time to celebrate..and the giveaway is amazing..so count me in..i added button on my blog too..
Nice giveaway!Congratulations on 50,000 visitors.Now,I am going to put your button on my sidebar.
Congratulations! Blogging is a great way to meet like minded friends and 50,000 visitors, could you even imagine when you started? I love your tatted heart and maybe if I win my niece can show me how to tat, she has done a little bit of it so if I got stuck she might be able to help me. Keep on tatting my friend, and whateve you do, keep on blogging:>)r
Congrats on so many viewers,how wonderful for you,I know for a fact ,that I love you.You are one of the sweetest,kindest people in blogland.I will try a retrieve your button,but as you know without my daughters help sometimes,I'm dead in the water...LOL...XXOO Marie Antionette
Wow! 50,000 visitors is amazing! And What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you for making sure I didn't miss my chance to sign up!
See? I'm jumping eagerly at a chance to enter to win on your lovely blog. Even though over 70 others have commented before me.
Congrats again. and thanks for being such an inspiration.
IsDihara ♥
Congratulations!!! It's always fun to visit your blog so it's no wonder! What an awesome giveaway! That is a VERY pretty heart you made. I will try to add your button later and comment again. Baby Doll woke up on the wild side this morning... thankfully not Jane wild, I'm talking running with forks in clown shoes wild.
Congratulations on 50,000 visitors TC! You are so sweet to do a giveaway and I would love to be entered :)
Congrats on your blogging milestone! Please add me into your drawing.
I"ll get the button on my sidebar in a couple minutes
(both of my blogs)
leliaevelyn (at) gmail (dot) com
This is an awesome giveaway! I love tatting, but don't know how to do it. My grandma used to do it and I have only seen a couple other people who can do it, so I would love to learn! Please add me to the drawing!
MY Goodness, you are truly the tatting QUEEN and now a giveaway too? how wonderful!
Tatting is a lost art that needs to come back in full swing, I learned from my grandmoms' and their friends as a child, always loved the results, so timeless.
Magic and Joy!
That was clever importing your button! Soon the whole world will be visiting your blog - congratulations and long live blogging!!!
I would love to learn tat, my mom was wonderful at it, but passed away before I learned, now I have a change to win a book to teach me.
I added your button to my blog's sidebar! Such a pretty button too.
Here's to many, many more wonderful posts. Cheers!
HI!!! It is fantastic!! 50.000 visitors!! It is impossible not visiting your blog, but overall it is impossible not to appreciate you, so kind and sweet!! A big hug!!!
What a fabulous giveaway!!!! I would love to be entered .... so count me in and to own something tatted by you would be an honor....
OOOPS....how could I forget the most important part...
CONGRATS ON 50,000 visitors!!!
I added your button to my sidebar!
:D :D
Congrats on your 50K visitors! I'm not near you by any chance. lol The giveaway looks great!
Hey Chic, I can't believe 50,000...Good for you. Congrats! I love your blog and I follow you all the time (that is when my lovely computer works!) I am still having issues at home but trying hard to get them corrected. I sure miss keeping up with my online friends. I have added your button to my sidebar and have blogged about your lovely blog. And yes, I am going to blog every day and become active again if it kills me...Keep doing what you are doing. Hugs, Linda
CONGRATS..or shall I say Con-tatts to you! Will I join in to celebrate? Of course I will because I could use "tatt"! Baby princess on the way would love a pillow from the tatted pink heart! Celebrate girl...and stop by soon!
Yes, yes I'm in!!!!
Love your blog and would love to have those lovely things!
OK - Button in sidebar, too : )
Enjoy the day
That is amazing!!
Wow! Congrats to you!!
I have really enjoyed our correspondence over the years and blogging with each other. You must have one of the most active tatting blogs I have seen. Already 92 comments!!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
congrats on the 50,000! thanks for offering this generous giveaway.
thank Tattinchic for give me the oportunity if join this giveaway!!
i hope to win this time!! kisses
I've already posted the ''button'' on my side bar. Kisses
I must be morphing into some kind fo joiner or something. I entered my first blog giveaway contest yesterday and here I am, entering another one, even though I'm an avowed disliker of entering blog contests... That's a lot of visitors, though.
What a generous giveaway. Please enter me. Your blog is lovely and inspiring!
Hey, here's my second comment to say I added your button. Hugs back at ya! Love ya girl! Linda
Hi Miss TattingChic,
Many congrats to you! Yay!
50,000 visitors is amazing but then you are too!
I would love to be entered and I will add the button on my sidebar.
Congratulations on your big 50,000 visitors to your blog. That is awesome. All your gifts are very generous and lovely. I do enjoy reading your blog and viewing all your lovely tatting creations. Hugs Judy
What a nice giveaway! I'm just starting to build my collection of tatting tools and books, so your prize would be awesome for me.
Thank you for encouraging 50,000 people to get into more crafting trouble. I'm glad I'm one of them :)
Hi there,
Don't count this because I already commented. I just wanted you to know that you made it on http://needlework.craftgossip.com/.
Oh Wow, Congratulations on 50,000 visitors, I am not surprised as your blog is fabulous!
I would love to win this as I keep meaning to get around to tatting, this would certainly get me started!
Lynn B
Hi Dear, its Alexia (Genteel Poverty) i'm actaully logged into my Mom's account.. she let me know you were looking for my blog- unfortunately, I have had to disable it again, so i'm not in the bloggieverse at this time. I have been having some serious computer issues lately, so I thought it best to disable it for a while until I can get a new computer. Anyway, happy 50,000 visitors!!!!! - Love, Alexia
Oh how I would love to win this! I've been dying to learn to tat but no one around here seems to know how. I have some antique doilies that were made by my great-grandmother and I've loved looking at them but would love to learn to make them as well!
Oh what a fun giveaway.
Blogland sure is a wonderful place.
How amazing to have so many visitors.
I just found out about your blog from reading another bloggers blog. I love your blog! I've always wanted to learn to tat. My grandma pasted before we got to it.
That is amazing! You are a great blog friend. I love your tatting and inspiration.
What a lovely giveaway! I've just found your blog via Ravelry, and have been wanting to learn to tat for a good while now, so this would be a fantastic thing to receive! I'm adding you to my google reader to make sure I don't miss any handy tips and advice!
LOL ...You are so funny!!!
And thank you for inviting me!!
Wow! 50,000 visitors. That is wonderful. You have a great blog that I really enjoy reading.
A giveaway is a great way to celebrate. My blog is Knotenough.graci.org.
wow 50000 visitors how cool is that. I added the button to my blog. It would be nice to win, I dont think I have ever won any thing I entered, this could be the first time :) I have also been follwing you for quite some time :)
Hugs and Congrats
I added your button to my blog page. Thanks for the second entry.
Congratulations, Chiclet! Of course, I'm not surprised. I'll see about putting your lovely button onto my blog.
I am commenting (just once). It would be a wonderful thing for me to learn to tat my own stuff
117 comments already! This migraine is making me miss a lot. 50,000 visitors in such a short time is amazing. Congratulations. I will see if I can add the button to my blog.
I have you added to my blog now. Also learned how to do something new.
I got the button!
I love contests. Will try and post your button.
Got it! It's under my favorite places.
Dear TattingChic,
Congratulations on your huge number of postings! I have been a fiber artist for years, but have never tried tatting, although one of my knitting instructors was good at it. I always wanted to go to Belgium to see the lace shops.
I added your button to my blog: http://oneknitonepurl.blogspot.com
and would like to join your giveaway.
Thank you!
Me again. The button is on my blog.
Thanks for the help with the button! I wonder if your instructions would work to link my other buttons. Off to try!!
Congrats on your 50,000 visits!! I love your site! I have been tatting for about 5 years now....but feel I have more to learn. I plan on visiting your blog some more.
Congrats on 50,000 visitors in just over a year - WOW! And I could use some tatting instruction with your beautiful heart as inspiration. Thanks for the chance at winning :)
I'd love to enter your giveaway. Your blog is on my blog lines list so I already visit regularly. I have learnt to tatt succesfully yet, so I'd love a book to guide me.
Hey girl!
I am adding my other comment :) I cant wait for August 1, to see who won! Have a great day
What a great give-a-way! Even though I know how to tat, I'm sure that book would come into great use and I would learn so many things (my grandmother taught me when I was little and that is all I know).
Congratulations on your huge blog success!!!
What a great giveaway! I've always wanted to learn how to tat. My blog post is at http://cmouseshome.blogspot.com/
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your blog!!! Your work is so beautiful!!!! I would love to be a winner of such nice work...
Thanks for you visits to my blog....I love to see that you have been there..
I will add you to my side now....
many blessings, janny
Hahah! You are funny. I just read the note above the comment box about what not to call you! Well, well, well! That left brain logical, I like knowing that about you. Amazing how many of us are out here doing right brain activities! Thanks for stopping by and letting me know.
Just popping in to say congratulations. 50,000 is enormous! I always read and enjoy your blog, and the remarks you leave when I post on my blog.
Oh wow, what a wonderful exciting giveaway!!! I would be honored to win any of those and you do know I HAVE to learn how to TAT one of these days!!!! It's on my TO DO list, but down near the bottom at the moment...so this could very well bring it up to the top! YIKES..but I'd love to join in and congrats TC!!!
Thanks for your sweet visit today...made me feel good. :) xo
TC, I think this is such a sweet offer, and I congratulate you on having 50,000 visits! WOW! That is a precious pink heart. I would love to read the book on tatting even though I have two left hands when it comes to needlework. LOL! I mainly admire that of other people, like you and my sister. She learned to tat from her husband's aunts.
Thanks for letting me know about your giveaway!
All the best...
Sheila :-)
Hi there!
Wow! That's alot of visitors!!! congratulations! Please count me in for a chance to win these lovely things...especially that BEAUTIFUL heart!! I'm a heart girl, I just love them!
Paulette :o)
Put that chain away so it does not get yanked. Hehehe!
This is my first visit here. I do about every needle work there is except tatting and would love to learn how. Please enter me in your giveawy. Your tatting is georgeous!
Hehe! I had to read all the comments to find those! :)
Thanks so much for reminding me about your contest. I seen it on my google reader and didn't have time to comment on blogs. I would love to be entered and I just added your button. Thanks so much, you are too generous.
Look at all the entries, how fun!!
okay this is my second visit......and you are on my side bar with your very cute little button...
I have always wanted to learn how to do this. I think it would be a beautiful piece to add to my art work. OMG I am left handed do I have to do it backwards like crochet? LOL!
Oh I like Chiclet! :)
What a nice give-away. I've always been curious about tatting. It's looks like a mini-crochet but so much more detailed. Thanks!
WOW 50,000 people have visited you. and you have over 200 followers I can even get 10:) How do you do it?
I love the tatting. I tried a few years back but could never get the hang of it. Maybe I should try again. Your an inspiration!
Congratulations on reaching the 50 000th! I would love to join this giveaway!! Please count me in!
By the way I've added the button to my blog too!
Wgat wonderful news...congratulation my friend
The giveaway is fabulous and you are so kind and generous to do this.....May God bless all that you do
Joy in OZ (Australia)
how could i resist this?
Congratulations on reaching huges 50 000 visitors!!!!:)))You have such a beautiful blog!!
I would like to take part in beatiful giveaway!!:))
Hugs, Marge
Oh, TattingChic, I'm flushing with heat:
50 000 is hardly to beat!
My congratulations and all my love
shall fly to you just like a dove.
From Germany my greetings come
and hopefully will combine with some
from many other countries around
and will all meet you safe and sound!
I love your blog! And it's so nice to have you as my follower.
Take care,
50,000 - wow that's a lot of number :-) Congratulations!
Hhhmmm tatting, I love how they produce a much more delicate lace compared to crocheting (but I do enjoy simple crochet too!). It looks really difficult but learning it is worth it.
Oh wouldn't be nice to win something like this, complete with instructions and starting kit :-) Thanks for letting me know.
Well, now I have your button on my sidebar, too.
Hugs, Anke
Good morning, Tatting Chic. Wow, 50,000 visitors? That's quite the milestone. Congrats.
Amazing number of visitors but it is totally understandable! Who wouldn't want to visit you! I always enjoy. Thank you, Ruby
The button id active on side bar.
Have a great weekend
Wow, that's a landmark number of visitors, congratulations! I would love to be entered in your giveaway! I have a friend who is just learning to tat and I would love to be able to join in with her! lol
Have a great day and again, congratulations!!!
WOW, 50,000 visitors, congratulations! Thank you for offering this give away.
Keep up the great job, TattingChic, your blog is a favorite of mine.
Oh thanks for the heads-up that you were having this give away! I would LOVE,LOVE,LOVE to win ! I am going right now to put your button on my blog! Of course with this many interested people the chances are slim, but I am going to purchase that book and learn to tat using my grandmother's shuttle if I don't ever do anything else!
I just added your button to my sidebar. I first had to take the picture to my iphoto and then add it through the picture gadget thingy and then link it to your blog that way.
Congratulations on having 50,000 visitors to your blog. I would love to be included in your tatting giveaway. I've tried to learn to tat and just can't quite get it. Maybe if I won, the book would help.
I just discovered your blog through Lace Makers on stitchin fingers and I'll definitely be visiting again.
wow that is quite the number of visitors on a young blog!!
I would love to win and learn to tat! I was foolish when i was 18 and had the opportunity to learn from a wonderful lady we called "granny button". She was 98 and willing to teach, and i was foolish and in love....you know the drill! knitting i learned from a book, tatting may require a dvd!
I would love to learn to tat please enter me in the giveaway
What a lovely give away. Very generous.
And a BIG!!!!!! congrats on your site visitors. That's so very cool.
50,000! Yeah,
Congratulations Tatting Chic!
You go girl!
Thank you for offering the chance to win your lovely stuff!
Can I join in your generous giveaway, please?
tres bien mon ami mverno@roadrunner.com
I almost forgot to comment the second time. It's just that I did it a few minutes before going out of the hotel.
Oh you, your blog looks beautiful! I love the pink a teal/flower border!!
You are the true gift to the blogosphere, although your giveaway is beyond fab too!
YOu are a joy, fun supportive kind, and talented! All the reasons I enjoy you and your blog.
COngrats over the mooooooon! Love, V
My mom has always wanted to learn how to tat!! I would love to win this as a present for my mom.
Thank you for the chance to win.
=D melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
How exciting! I just found your blog, congratulations on reaching the 50,000 mark! I hope to reach that someday...I just started my blog and am excited to have 12 followers, lol. Come visit me...
P.S. I just added your button :)
Congratulations on 50,000--that's awe-inspiring. You're the blogging queen! I'm so happy that I managed to get your button on my blog sidebar the first time I tried. It looks great there!
Oh!! que bien!!!!, espero poder llegar yo tambien a las 50.000 visitas.... He puesto el boton en mi blog, ......Que llegues pronto a las 100.000 visitas.... ENHORABUENA!!!
Oh! than good !!!!, I also hope to reach the 50,000 visits .... I put the button on my blog, you get ...... soon .... 100,000 views CONGRATULATIONS!
Congrats on #50,000!! Please sign me up for your give-away! I've already posted your button on my blog! Have a great day!
Hi TattingChic; You may have 50,000 entries in your Celebration Giveaway. I always enjoy your graphics and posts.
Happy Tatting, Bev
Just posted your button on my blog....your gift is wonderful and you are so generous to do this
No blogspot of my own, so I guess I'm not eligible to win, but just excited to find you. My grandmother had tatted items when I was a kid. Then I saw a demonstration at a tour of Victorian homes during the holidays one year. I signed up for a class, but it was cancelled. I tried to teach myself from a book but just made knots. Eventually I found a class and love to tat. I use a shuttle and love to find them in antique malls, etc.
Oh count me in PLEASE!!! 50 thousand visitors is awesome & so is your blog!!!:) chris
50,000 visitors???!!! That's quite amazing.
Please toss my name in the hat for your lovely giveaway!
blog. I am a beginning tatter so I just know following your blog will be helpful. I am also a beginning blogger so congratulations on 50,000!
This is awesome
Congrats on your 50,000 visits! What a great giveaway!
Hugs :)
Congratulation on 50,000 visitors...that is so cool and so is your blog. I have the best time visiting and most always a giggle or two. Please include me in your generous give-away. hugs, Linda
Hey TattingChic, the link to post a comment was allllll the way down at the bottom of the page. wow, that is a lot of comments. it will make for an interesting giveaway.
Have fun.
WOW! That is a great giveaway!!! Thank you so much for coming to visit little old me! I can't believe the amount of comments you received! You are well loved and your craft is so beautiful and unique! Count me in and thanks again for your well wishes! Anita
I learned to Tat about 10 yrs ago and haven't done much lately. I 'm happy to have found you for inspiration. Congratulations on such a beautiful blog. Oh, this is gonna be FUN!
Congratulations! That's a pretty impressive number of hits for such a short time. I sure can use that DVD to help me with tatting. Please count me in!
Thanks for letting me know of your wonderful giveaway! xo Andrea
I have your pretty button residing on my blog now! I even checked to make sure it linked properly. Don't want to leave anything to chance!
Thanks for inviting me to your prize giveaway!
And congratulation to u!! I hope I could have this much of visitor someday....
When I first doing my blog, I've also afraid if there is no visitor come to my site. I've tried to made my blog interesting....... Now I have some post working in progress....
The prize of your giveaway are so attracting!!!!!! I wish I'm the lucky winner....
Since I can't find the tools and books of tatting in my country.....
So this could be a light to lead me on the way to the art of tatting!
my blog link
Hi, I come again!
I've added the button on my blog~ The button is above my blog entry. It is easy to see!
One again I want to say thanks for inviting me to this prize giveaway and I hope I can win the prize of giveaway.
Wow, 50,000 visitors! I'm thinking you may end up with 50,000 comments by the end of the month. I added your button to my blog. Thanks for all the beautiful and tasteful blog entries. It is always a joy to read your blog.
Thanks for giving me comment on Origami-Camphor cube!
Congratulations!! Just noticed I'm on my 195th post so might have to have a give away soon to! Here is my first comment. I would add your button but the code in the box under it on your menu doesn't seem to be complete. Will come back later and hope it is working better then.
YOu are of course right and I was just failing to do it right.. the link is now on my blog and working.
I'm a knitter and crocheter, I'd love to learn to tat! Thanks for the contest!
I would love to join in for your giveaway - what a lovely giveaway to offer. And huge congratulations on your amazing number of followers. Not that it is a surprise, you always have such wonderful posts. It's been truly lovely to see your blog grow. Well done.
This sounds awesome! I want to learn to tat so this would be really cool.
I would love to get in on this drawing! I'm new to the blog world and no one notices me yet. I've been trying to learn to tat for a month now. I keep a tatting shuttle in my purse and ask co-workers if they know how to tat hoping for a lesson on the fly. Anyhow, thanks for the opportunity and feel free to stop by my blog at www.peas-porridge.blogspot.com
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