Are you a wild woman?
Neither am I...
Oh, what's that?
Oh, you are?!! Oh, sorry, I thought you were NOT a wild woman since you visited my blog, LOL! I thought that most wild women would be turned off by a little blog about lace.
You see, usually the thoughts of a lady tatting lace brings to mind pictures of a billowing victorian blouse buttoned up to one's nares and a skirt dress flowing down to the floor. Does tatting remind you of Victorian times? Well, it should! The Victorian Era is when tatting became highly popularized. However, despite these prim and proper visions you may have about tatted lace the word "tat" has become synonymous with something less than prim and proper today. No, I'm not necessarily talking about tattoes. I'm referring to this definition of "tat" that I found on today.

Yes, that's right! See that there???
The "Meaning #1" has it defined as
"tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar."
Uh-huh, ladies! You had no idea when you
picked up that tatting shuttle that it had a
deeper meaning than just making lace, aye?
To further prove my point I'd like
to introduce you to this woman here.
She looks innocent enough
doesn't she?
That is Jane Eborall.
Proprietress of this tatting blog here:
(clicked image above will take you directly to her blog)
She is well known in the online tatting community.
In fact, one could even say she's a veritable walking
tatting encyclopedia. A tat-o-pedia, if you will!
None-the-less, despite all appearances
Jane posted this on her blog yesterday.
(clicked image above will take you directly to this post)
What's that you say, Jane? Your old website for tatting
is now a pornographic site?
Jane is asking everyone to please change
their bookmarks from her old URL
(which shall remain unlisted) to the new one here.
My goodness, I hope none of our tatting friends
have suffered any heart attacks as a result
of this mix-up!
Update 7/19/09 Jane has provided an update
that her website is back to providing lace
related ads!
So, speaking of a "Wild Woman"
It seems that Stitchety Grub
had a give away for this
"Wild Woman Brooch"
and today I won it!!!!
See that little "crown" on top of her head?
It's tatted.
It all seems very fitting now, doesn't it?
(....tatted......wild woman...)
Yes, this wild woman will be coming
to live with me all the way from
Western Australia! Woo Hoo!!!
Thank you, Britt from Stitchety Grub!!!
So, what have we learned today ladies (and gents)?
We've learned that tatting is not the prim and proper
lace making pastime you once thought it was.
No, this is NOT your grandmother's tatting!
I guess, perhaps, I am a "wild woman" after all!
You see, usually the thoughts of a lady tatting lace brings to mind pictures of a billowing victorian blouse buttoned up to one's nares and a skirt dress flowing down to the floor. Does tatting remind you of Victorian times? Well, it should! The Victorian Era is when tatting became highly popularized. However, despite these prim and proper visions you may have about tatted lace the word "tat" has become synonymous with something less than prim and proper today. No, I'm not necessarily talking about tattoes. I'm referring to this definition of "tat" that I found on today.
This one right here:
This one right here:

Yes, that's right! See that there???
The "Meaning #1" has it defined as
"tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar."
Uh-huh, ladies! You had no idea when you
picked up that tatting shuttle that it had a
deeper meaning than just making lace, aye?
To further prove my point I'd like
to introduce you to this woman here.

doesn't she?
That is Jane Eborall.
Proprietress of this tatting blog here:

She is well known in the online tatting community.
In fact, one could even say she's a veritable walking
tatting encyclopedia. A tat-o-pedia, if you will!
None-the-less, despite all appearances
Jane posted this on her blog yesterday.

What's that you say, Jane? Your old website for tatting
is now a pornographic site?
is right!!!Jane is asking everyone to please change
their bookmarks from her old URL
(which shall remain unlisted) to the new one here.
My goodness, I hope none of our tatting friends
have suffered any heart attacks as a result
of this mix-up!
Update 7/19/09 Jane has provided an update
that her website is back to providing lace
related ads!
So, speaking of a "Wild Woman"
It seems that Stitchety Grub
had a give away for this
"Wild Woman Brooch"
See that little "crown" on top of her head?
It's tatted.
It all seems very fitting now, doesn't it?
(....tatted......wild woman...)
Yes, this wild woman will be coming
to live with me all the way from
Western Australia! Woo Hoo!!!
Thank you, Britt from Stitchety Grub!!!
So, what have we learned today ladies (and gents)?
We've learned that tatting is not the prim and proper
lace making pastime you once thought it was.
No, this is NOT your grandmother's tatting!
I guess, perhaps, I am a "wild woman" after all!
Well, thank you for letting me share the wild adventures of tatted lace with you here on TattingChic! Feel free to leave a comment on this post whether you are a "wild woman" or not. A big "THANK YOU" goes out to Jane Eborall, who without her permission to print screen her blog, this post would not have been possible. She has a fabulous sense of humor and, as near as I can tell, loves to tease and be teased (and I mean that it the most wholesome way, too). Now, as far as what Jane's old URL is...don't even ask! I don't know what it is and I wouldn't tell you if I did! LOL!
Tah~tah for now,
Tah~tah for now,
35 absolutely fabulous things were said:
Cute post- lots of chuckles- thanks!
Oh, TattingChic, I needed a few chuckles! So very hot today, I must look like a 'wild woman' as in fried and frazzled! Neat blog!
Oh, that was SO FUNNY! I hadn't read Jane's post and had NO IDEA how wild she was! Thanks for the laughs Tatting Chic and Jane!
I like the addition of your tatting library. Is it perchance a LENDING library? :)
That is hilarious! I was rotflmao
I'm going to have to work the 1st meaning of tat into a conversation somehow . . .
Congrats on yet another giveaway win!
Too funny...I also now know the definition of nares:)...hugs, Linda
hah hah hah!!! well, i went to Jane's page, and i am bad...because she had the old url right there, so i had to plug in it to take a peek...what is SO SO SO funny is that on the left side of the screen is still what i guess is her old list of categories re: tatting and such...and across the bottom are the porn categories...i DID NOT click on those...i cross my heart tatting chic!!!
That is too funny! I needed good laugh. :)
Thank you, Lady Doc! I'm glad it made you chuckle!
Hi there, Ruby! Always glad to give a chuckle to someone. We all need that, don't we? It is hot. I keep opening the freezer door on occasion (Okay, I was getting something, but it sure feels good to stand there a minute, LOL!)
Hi Ann! Poor Jane, as Lady ShuttleMaker had commented on her post she got into trouble without even trying to, LOL!
The library a lending library??? Nope! It sure is a nice thought, though, isn't it? LOL!
Hi there, Enlightened By Angels! I'm glad to make you laugh! Well, you'll have to let me know what sentence you work "tat" into with the other meaning...and the perplexed look on the other person's face that you say it to, LOL! I'm afraid I've never heard of the meaning that "" has for their 1st meaning...just the making lace part, LOL!
Hi Linda! If you are going to use that word "Nares" in a sentence you should know it is pronounced "Naries". It is a medical term for nostrils so if you call it "nares" like "fares" and a snooty medical person is around they will laugh at you!!! Just saying...
Lori, you are a hoot. Well, I knew that Jane did supply enough info on how to get there, but I didn't go...I was just taking her word for it. So, "cross your heart" you didn't click on the naughty links??? Uh, huh! Sure! (tongue in cheek) You make me laugh, girlyfriend!
Hi Jessica! I'm glad to make you laugh! It's the "best medicine" as they say!
Cheap and vulgar... hmmm... I'd better not tell my mother! Congrats on your new win!
Thanks so much for Jane's new link, such lovely patterns.
Congrats on another give away win. The "Wild Woman Brooch" is fun.
As for Jane's old url....well, um....definitely a new image for tatting.
Well, I knew that some misinformed people get 'tat' as in tatting and 'tat' as in 'tattoo' confused, but 'cheap and vulgar' with making lace? Where did that come from?! I learn something new every day. And I changed my link to Jane's page without checking the old - I wouldn't want anyone to think I was tat.
I had nooooo idea that joining the online tatting world was going to be so wild! And I thought I was wild before . . .
I am a 'wild' Victorian woman and proud of it! After all, wild can mean a lot of things! I may be prim and proper in my Victorian style attire but I am 'wild' about shopping (does that count as a wild woman?). Anyway, this was a fun post! You always make me smile!
LOL!!! What a delightful post today who woulda thought that about tatting and porn??!!!
Yay for your win!!!
What a cute post. I loved my lesson for the day. Very educational and funny too!!
Oh TattingChic.... you had me in stitches.. I laughed so hard... I'm still smiling. And poor Jane...
Congrats on the Wild Woman Brooch!
Thanks for the uplifting moment!!!
Hugs, Carol
Fun post TattingChic.
Was good to have a laugh but poor Jane! ... having to change her link.
Congratulations for winning the Brooch.
Tat-did seem a funny word when I'd heard about it first,but never knew it could mean 'tasteless', 'cheap',or 'vulgar'!!!!!
My parents wouldn't have let me touch a shuttle if they knew about it!!!
But now that we 'tat' so much......
This post was just too funny! Of course I'm a wild woman ... dragons aren't tame all the time! ;D
You won AGAIN!!!! How do you do it?!!! You must have a special *in* with the random number folks! ;D
Well I certainly learned something new today...(and no it isn't that Jane is a wild woman, that I know!)
I have never heard that definition before.
...oh and uh, I think it goes without saying that I am a wild woman...with the wild hair to prove it! Hee hee
Fun post!
LOL! Diane, by all means, do not tell your mother! Didn't she just learn to tat? We don't want to turn her off from this fabulous (however vulgar) pastime!
Hi YarnJourney! Thanks for the congrats. I'm glad you went and checked out Jane's site. She's got some great stuff there. Her patterns have something for everyone who enjoys tatting. Many different styles of tatting can be found there as well as tips and techniques. It's a great resource. Yes, one doesn't usually associate making lace with vulgarity, LOL!
Hi Tattrldy! I really don't know where the "cheap and vulgarity" thing came from at all. In fact, you won't find that on merriam-webster's online dictionary! I only found that at "" and utilized it because it was so funny and a timely find, LOL! Yes, do change the URL to the current one-for sure!
Yes, A Happy Bluebird, you are in for a "wild" ride in your tatting journey, LOL!
Hello dear Kim! I LOVE your Victorian garb and your posts about it! I would love to be involved with something like that and demonstrate tatting, even! I think it would be cool...well, actually those long skirts and thick blouses would be really HOT right now in this warm weather, LOL! I don't know if shopping qualifies as being wild. Maybe it depends on what you're buying! LOL!
Hi Vintage at Heart! Oh, I hope that this blog post doesn't start something awful. You never know with the internet these days. I hope Jane can get that whole thing sorted out.
Thank you, Judy! I'm glad you enjoyed your tatting lesson today, LOL!
Hi Carol! I'm so glad I made you laugh! That is what I aim to do. It makes my day to know I made you smile and chuckle! Thanks! It makes me smile to know that!
Hi Carolyn, I'm glad you laughed, too! THank you for telling me. Yes, do go change Jane's link and let's all hope she can get her domain name back under her ownership!
LOL! Vinnie, yes, I guess we'll keep our "dirty" little secret of why we tat so much to ourselves, LOL! Oh, MY...and to think... my MOTHER taught me to tat! LOL!
LOL! Yes, Snap, I have a big pay-off deal with the owners of "random integer generator" LOL! Right! I really don't know what it is! I don't go around entering TONS of giveaway, either! Thanks for stopping by during your wild life!
Thanks for stopping by Lady ShuttleMaker! Well, you are awesome and we all love you in the "online tatting family"...wild or not! Glad you liked the post!
LOL! You ARE wild!!! That was such an entertaining post and the comments were also so funny! I am still smiling. What a unique space has been created by such a good-humoured bunch of diverse women! What a joy! L )
TC.. you are too funny!
OMGOSH!!! Oh, that poor lady...that was so funny!!! I can't stop laughing!!! I have learned ALOT today!! hugs, Jennifer! ;)
My sister a "Wild Woman"?! Tut tut, or tat tat - such a funny post thank you so much. This is obviously going to be Janes claim to fame!!!
Tat's amazing.
Very Funny!!
Got to laugh at that post!!
Have a wonderful day!
Hahahaha...such a fun post today, TattingChic...hilarious! :o) ((HUGS))
TY for your comments .. yes, I too still tear up thinking about his father the moment they met, 47 years later. Have a great day.
Love your post ... chuckle!
TTFN ~ Marydon
Psst Don't forget my giveaway
Very funny post! I just noticed your Christmas tree with count down days..oh my can it be so? Half the year gone!
Oh dear... all this time I've been coming here thinking some of your ladylike graces and charm would rub off on me... now I find out what kind of person you REALLY are! Have you no shame?!
(*snicker* I knew there was a reason I liked you "tatters" so much! LOL)
Oh you lucky girl look how cute that is! And you are such a smarty pants figuring out that flavicon all by yourself. I tried but I just had no idea. I should have come to you I guess. It looks great!
Hi Fox! I'm so glad you liked the post and humorous comments!
Thanks, JR.
Hi Jennifer! Thank you for that! I am glad to have made you laugh!
Very clever, Sally! "Tat-tat"...cute! Yes, it is a funny story! I just love her sense of humor about it, too! I think she's awesome!
Cathy - Tanks!
Hi Rosemary! Glad you make you laugh!
Thank you, Tracy! It's good to laugh at life, huh? Thanks for sharing that you liked the post!
Hi Marydon! I did indeed go over and enter your giveaway! I'm glad you stopped by. It's a pleasure to give you a chuckle!
Hi Barb...yes, the year is HALF gone! Can you believe it?
LOL, Paula! You crack me up!
Hi Kathleen Grace! Thanks for stopping by to see my FavIcon! I'm so excited! I'm proud of myself, too! Tee hee! :)
That is hilarious! not the blog situation but your writings about it :). I'm so sorry for Jane, what a horrible shock! Can't those weird people start their own blogs! No, I'm not tempted to head over there!
Hi Kathi! Yes, it is kind of humorous. I found it humorous because of Jane's post about it! She has a sense of humor. By now the situation has been remedied! Thank heavens! :)
Thank you so much for stopping by!
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