Sunday, February 22, 2009

Take A Walk On The MILD Side

If you guessed that the title of this post is a tongue-in-cheek poke at the song "Take a Walk on the Wild side", then you guess right! It is!
For those of you who still might be in shock from my previous post I have something a little more on the mild side for you to help calm things down! I want to inform you that it does still have to do with a wild animal. It's okay, because there's no scary videos to introduce it; no flashy graphics; no bells and whistles. It's just a nice, warm, fuzzy tatting shuttle.

See?, isn't that cute?
It's a little pink bunny tatting shuttle!!!
See, that wasn't so bad for a "wild" animal was it?
Okay, if you thought that was okay,
then you might like this next one.
The Goddess tatting shuttle.
I found these while visiting my bloggy friend,
Here's her blog post on these very shuttles.
Noreen is a talented needle artist who
does all kinds of needlework and she makes and
sells unique and original needlework tools
that are whimsical and fun.
Here is her Website.
She also has an Etsy shop!

Here they are together!
How sweet!
They are great friends!

They even play well together!
Click on the photo to be taken to the start of the TIAS pattern!
I am currently getting caught up on the latest TIAS.
TIAS means "Tat It And See"
In a TIAS tatters from all over the world participate online.
A tatting pattern is given to the tatter a little bit at a time.
Only the designer knows what the end result will be.
So, I actually have no idea what I am tatting! LOL!
The picture above is TIAS Day 1.
This TIAS is being hosted at the blog known as The Tattingplayer.
She's actually a well known tatting designer
from Italy named Iris Niebach! She is known for her
beautiful and intricate tatting designs and she has published
several lovely tatting books! I have all of them!
If you click on her name above it will take you to
her website and you can see some of her lovely
books and exquisite tatting designs.

By now you may have noticed that I have a taste
for whimsical needlework tools!
Here's a photo of my current WIP
with my black sheep measuring tape!
Isn't he cute? I guess sheep are a domesticated
animal so they don't count as a wild animal.
If you like sheep stories then hop on over to
Bella Sinclair's! She's got a very humorous
sheep story to share with you!
Hope you weren't scared too
by the mild-wild animals here today!
Before you run off to visit all the blog offerings I linked in my post today I do hope you stop for a minute just to say hello! Comments are always welcome here at TattingChic! I hope your weekend is wrapping up nicely for you!


  1. i iam in love with these shuttles I want them! such joy being on your blog I sit here with a big smile on my face!
    thanks tatting chic I think you have set the tone a bit for today!

  2. I have to go see about these shuttles. I especially love the goddess!

  3. These shuttles are just to cute.Love the pink bunny.You sure do come up with neat things.XXOO Marie Antionette

  4. Oh my! This little bunny shuttle is SO cute! I love seeing that not only do you collect such lovely tools to work with, but that you use them too!

    This post and the last one have given me a good laugh as well! Thank you!

  5. AH! How cool are you! You have such a fabulous collection of tatting paraphernalia! You could open up your own museum of tatting shuttles and tape measures. And OH GOODY! Another TIAS! I'm very excited to follow along.

    Aww, thanks for the link, sweet-ums!

  6. Those shuttles are very cute. I will have to learn to tat so I can get some.

  7. You do have a lot of fun and that counts for lots! I love your little scissors, too!

  8. wow! nice shuttles. what is it made of? wood? real cute.

  9. Hello TattingChic!
    I am so happy that Pink Bunny and The Irridescent Great Mother Goddess tatting shuttle arrived safe and sound! Hurrah! and whew.... LOL!\
    I hope that you will have the greatest of joy with them!
    big hugs

  10. Hi Mona van Dijk. Thank you for your very sweet comment yet again! I always enjoy your visits, thank you!

    Hi Tattycat! Yes, I'm sure Noreen would welcome your checking out the shuttles. The Goddess comes in a lot of different colors, too.

    Thank you, Marie Antoinette! Isn't the pink bunny adorable!? I wish I could say I come up with the neat things, it's actually the fabulous artists who make the shuttles who do some amazing things! I just get to reap the benefits!

    Hi Lisa. Thank you, I think the bunny is cute, too! Oh, yes! They all definately get used! I am a bit of a shuttle hoarder though, LOL! So glad to have given you a chuckle!

    LOL, Bella Sinclair! I've often thought there needs to be a tatting museum! I know there's a lace museum here in California somewhere, but I have never been there, but one just for tatting would be cool! Oh, I need to get caught up on the TIAS! They are already on day 2 and I just finished the 1st day.

    Thank you, Karol! Oh, that would be cool if you learned to tat! The different shuttles are fun!

    Thank you for noticing that I have fun with my tatting, Connie! Thanks for your sweet comment.

    Hi Reen, and thank you. The shuttles are hand-carved out of wood.

    Yes, Noreen! Each shuttle is in one piece! YAY! Thank heavens! They have already given me a great deal of joy!

  11. Very cute~I think the bunny is a fav! Thanks for another fun post-love your work!~Tam :D

  12. Those shuttles are so cool!!! I specially like the one from yesterday post. :-) Enjoy them and I know you'll create a lot of lovely things!

  13. The rabbit and goddess are so sweet. The black sheep measuring tape is a hoot! What fun you must have tatting:)

  14. Thank you, Tam! I'm glad you like the shuttles and the post. I appreciate all your sweet visits and comments.

    Hi Needledreams! You are right, I probaby will really enjoy tatting with the new shuttles. Glad you like all of them I've shown in the last two posts. Thanks for the visit.

    Thanks, Lady Shuttle Maker. Your comment is cute, too!

    Hello, Victorian Parlor, thank you. I think I do have fun tatting with the novel tatting shuttles.

  15. These are so adorable... and pink too... makes me want to try my hand at tatting... but... well.... perhaps I have enough on the go just now, LOL!

    And, BTW... your tatting is gorgeous too... whatever you are making, I'll be watching to see what it turns out to be... I'm adding you to my blog list. (And thanks for your recent visits to my blog).

  16. Thank you, Suzie! I appreciate your visits. Any more Katie Holmes spottings???

    Hi Heather, thank you! The pink and white is kind of Shabby Chic, LOL! I've already added you to my google reader, thank you for added me to your blog list.

  17. What cute shuttles!
    I love when artists infuse everyday things with fun!

  18. AWWWW! I LOVE the pink bunny shuttle!! That is so cute :) I hope you love using it! And I love your creative posts, so much fun!!


  19. You have the cutest shuttles and I love the black sheep measuring tape!

    I just hope I can get wild thing out of my mind by the time I go to bed tonight :)

    Have a wonderful day!
    Kathi :)

    Thank you for your well wishes. I'd love to see your pink begonia! :)

  20. Thanks, Laurie!

    Hi Becky, isn't it cute? Like those kitchen gadgets you like so much that are know what I'm talking about??? You did a post on it once with a link to that one online catalog...Oh, I hope you know what I'm talking about.

    Thanks for visiting, Amy! I thought you might like the shuttle...since it's PINK and it's a BUNNY! LOL! ;)

    LOL!Kathi, I know what you mean! I've had "Wild Thing" in my head since the shuttle arrived last week, LOL!

  21. I'm going to check out the other blogs, even though I don't know the first THING about tatting! I just love to see what everyone is creating! Thanks for a WILD and crazy post!

  22. WOW, how wonderful these are. Great style with a wonderful art form. The little bag to store is so darling. I love little things like that! So enjoyed catching up with your posts. Love the Wild thing post and of course the animal print shuttle. Way awesome.

    Have a great week.
    Hugs a bunch~~ Celestina Marie

  23. You must have a great collection of tatting shuttles! I love that Goddess one, but it makes me chuckle -- it looks like someone gave her a wedgy!

  24. You visited my blog during the game 'to list things we love' by starting 10 things with the same letter. Did you want to play? I will give you the letter 'T'. Would tatting be the first thing?

    I will come back to check!

  25. I've never had much time for needle point/stichery but I do just LOVE your lamb!

  26. Wow. Someone who tats. My grandmother used to do tatting. It is very delicate and with tiny stitches. I wonder if I could even see to do that. God bless you. It is BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks for posting. Linda

  27. These are the cutest...I especially love the little bunny...hugs, Linda

  28. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! I've got you entered into the drawing. BTW, I LOVE your blog and follow it regularly. Hugs, Cathy

  29. Tatting in pink...oh my! My favorite color...Stop over soon and see my new project. I would love for you to join in the fun and tat some ABC's!!! Hope you'll visit soon...lonely over there. LOL

  30. LOL! You are welcome for the wild and crazy post, Betty! I'll bet the other bloggers would love to have you as a visitor, too! You are welcome to come by anytime to my blog.

    Thank you so much, Celestina Marie! I appreciate all your sweet comments and I'm glad you liked the posts about the fun shuttles I've gotten lately.

    LOL, Thimbleanna! It DOES look like a wedgy, huh!? I was thinking about how strange it was to wind the thread down under her "crotch" and then around her "neck", LOL! It kind of creeped me out in a way, LOL!

    Oh, gosh, Connie! Thanks for the invite. I honestly don't know if I would have the time to play! I'm so behind in posting already and life is finding a way to take up more of my precious "blogging time". I'm afraid I'll have to decline your very sweet offer! I just commented because I liked your post a lot!

    Hi Tamara Jansen! I appreciate your comment. I go through periods in my life where I don't have time to tat and then sometimes my health takes such a turn that it's all I have time for and I can't find enough things to do during the day!

    Hi Linda, welcome and thank you for stopping by and sharing that story about your Grandmother's tatting! Yes tatting does look so delicate, doesn't it? I like that you appreciate tatting, so sweet.

    Hello Linda and welcome back! I'm so glad you like the bunny. I enjoy your visits and comments! Keep 'em coming, friend!

    Hi Cathy! Thank you so much for entering me into your drawing! It looks like a goodie! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and reading it often! I'm flattered!

    Hi Betzie! I find it very hard to believe that your sweet blog is lonely! I'd love to see what your playing over there, but for some reason my I'm getting "Internet unable to show page" on a LOT Of blogs tonight! I don't know why as it's never happened before!

  31. Those rustic-y shuttle are terrific...that bunny is so cute! So is the sheep. An extra fun post today, TattingChic...Love your sense of humor! ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

  32. These shuttles looks so great!!

  33. Oh My!!!
    I LOVE these unique shuttles.....
    Thanks for sharing the photos of these darling tools,


  34. They are so cute! I love the pink and white thread combination! How long does it take you to tat a piece generally?

  35. Hey, TattingChic! I notice a few non-tatters here in the comments page! Great news, the more that tatting gets noticed the better! Keep getting peoples' interest by your quirky posts (I love them too) LOL!

  36. Hi Your new shuttles are beautiful. I may have to try the TIAS but I not good at tatting with two colour threads. Being a needle tatter, I'm hoping to learn at a tatting weekend trip this Sept. For now I enjoy seeing your TIAS grow. Later Kelly

  37. You tatting shuttle pink bunny and
    Goddess are just so wonderful.
    Love the black sheep measuring tape.

    Your TIAS looks very pretty - love the pink and white and look forward to seeing the finished work of Art!


  38. my nerve is a bit more soothed now that i'd caught a glimpse of your mild 'wild' animals. the 'don't-know-what's-in-his-head taxi driver' drove me right into the area where a protesting mob was, in bangkok, while i was anxiously trying to catch the last flight home.

    i love the shuttles. thanks for sharing.

  39. How very pretty they are...wonderful!
    Thank you for joining me!xxx

  40. Hi, Tracy! Thanks for your sweet words about the shuttles. Sooooo glad you like my "wild" sense of humor. ((Hugs)) back to you, friend!!

    Hi Wendy! Thank you!

    Thanks, Maggie. I appreciate your sweet comment. ((((hugs))) back!

    Hi Jen R! I thought some of my bloggy friends would like the pink and white combo. To answer your question: it depends in the piece, LOL! An "average" sized intricate snowflake pattern takes me about 4-4 and 1/2 hrs. Shorter time if I've done the pattern before and have it memorized.

    Awww...thank you, Linda! Yes, sometimes I get more non-tatters than tatters commenting; not always, but it happens. Glad you like my quirky posts. Thanks so much for visiting. Please come more often, you are welcome to vsisit anytime!

    Hi Kelly! Thanks for visiting! I hope you do join us in the TIAS! It's great because you're only doing a little piece at a time. Tatting w/ 2 different colors of thread is the same as tatting with two threads... You can do it!!! Come on and join the fun! :)

    Thank you so much Carolyn! Your comment is so sweet. I am so glad you like the goodies I'm sharing.

    Valerie, your experience with the nutty taxi driver and the protesting mob while trying to catch a flight home sounds harrowing! Glad you found the bunny and goddess soothing. I'm even more glad you found your home safe and sound. ((Hugs))!

    Hi Mel! Thanks for having me over at your blog! Thanks for visiting and for your comment.

  41. Thanks for sharing Noreen Crones artistic shuttles! So nice!
    Hope you in the midst of TIAS bliss!!
    Sending happy thoughts of beautiful knots!!


  42. Your so clever!!! I love that! I really am a barbie case!
    We LOVE your comments! Cause your so sweet and funny!

  43. Hi there,
    Thank you on the crowns!!
    If I used shuttles, these would be the greatest!! So cute!

  44. I am always amazed and astounded when I come over here. You find the most remarkable things!

  45. I never knew they made shuttles in so many different styles. And the black sheep tape measure is such a hoot.

    P.S. I am a closet Hendrix fan.

  46. Hey there! You know I don't tat, but I love what you do and love your new cute. Wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such nice comments while I was "under the weather." On the mend, and hoping to post again later today. Hope you are well. Pat

  47. don't worry about scaring me with your wild side, cutie, i was a punk-rock dj in my 20s! LOL


  48. Hello tatting chic, I have just learned to tat, the 2 basic stitches of course. Still practicing those, LOL. That's how I came to end up here for a visit, so Thought I'd say hello. You'll be seeing me stop by. My sister is a tatter, that's what got me into it. Happy stitches, Donna

  49. Oh forgot to add how much I enjoyed you blog while I was here, and the bunnie is too cute.

  50. Hi Constance, it's always so nice to have you come and visit. I'm glad you like Noreen's shuttles. I wish I were in TIAS bliss, LOL! Not until this weekend again.

    LOL, Lindsey! I'm so glad you liked my silly play on words. I soooo never want to hurt anyone's feelings, but sometimes you never know so I am SOOOO glad that you got a kick out of that pun! I LOVE your Barbie posts!

    Rosemary, you are WELCOME on the crowns! Thanks for visiting and I'm glad you like the sweet lil' shuttles.

    Thanks, Mary Ellen! I'm glad you like my unusual tatting gear, LOL!

    Hi Christine! I know a LOT of people who are Hendrix fans, LOL! In fact, I was in dire fear of getting in trouble with that previous post, LOL! You are not alone in that department.
    I am glad you like the black sheep tatting shuttle. I like 'im, too!
    I think I have a bumble bee one, too! No, Really! LOL!

    Hi Pat! I am glad you are on the mend! I hope you get feeling entirely better very soon. Glad you like the shuttles.

    Elyse! You wild punk rocker chick, you! LOL! That is too funny. One would never know that by your beautiful shabby chic creations, LOL! I love it.

    Hi Donna! Congratulations on learning to tat! I just went and commented on your blog and visited your sister's new blog! Wow! Good for you! I hope we get to see some tatting on your blog someday! :)

  51. your reply to my reply just made me LOL!

    fun fun!


  52. Oh my goodnes - How cute! And they are *real*! I mean they really are usable shuttles! Do you have a large collection? What fun! I enjoy your blog so much and envy your talent! Your new project sounds like fun!

  53. Thank you so much for swinging by from Monica's and leaving your sweet comment on my blog! I appreciate you taking the time!!!

    Your post is delightful and made me smile! I love both of those shuttles, but absolutely adore the bunny! It is so cute! And, even the one made from a gourd ...that is so neat!

    Your tatting is *beautiful* and the TIAS sounds like a lot of fun! I have never tried tatting or crochet, but enjoy most needle arts.

    OWOH was something else! What a wonderful idea and great way to meet new friends. I definitely would love to join in again next year!

    I hope you have a nice weekend and I'll swing back by...I'd love to see *what* you really are tatting with the pattern you were given! ~Lisa ;-)

  54. Hello Miss TattingChic!

    I love these!

    I wanted to thank you for the information you left on moving photos in compose mode. I think it was a helpful to a lot of my readers.


  55. I really like the bunny and the sheep (partial to bunnies myself!). I also like the way you siplay things-very creative! I understand about the earrings and I don't feel bad about any of it. If you ever want any you know where to find me.
    I like the colors you are using on the tias.(You really do beautiful work)

  56. Oh how cute those shuttles are. You do realize you are a lucky girl, right ?

  57. Hi Tattingchic! The bunny shuttle is VERY cute! Always enjoy your posts!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog (as usual) with your compliment on the star (tatted SO LONG ago). One of the first items I sold was a star like that. It was exciting to have someone want to buy something I made!

    As for my skating accident, it was a time for introspection and a time to count blessings, in between the frustration and regret. Had loved skating for so many years! (My husband skated, too!) I wanted my young nieces to think that Aunt Kathy was 'hip and cool', as they hadn't seen me skate in my 'youth', and I was practicing so I could go skating with them! So much for that idea! But I was really SO lucky! I can still tat!!

  58. Hi Elyse! I'm glad to make you LOL! Thanks for telling me!

    Yes, Terrielee! They do work, too! I love functional art! It tickles me pink! Glad you like them too. Please visit often!

    Hi Lisa, thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment. I would love for you to check back often and see what is happening in my neck of the tatting-blog-woods!

    Nancy, Thank you so much for telling me that. I'm so glad to help some people out with their blogging photos.

    Thank you, TAT19540! I'm glad you like the notions and thank you for understanding about the earrings. :)

    Thank you, Susanne! I guess I am lucky, right?

    Thanks, Kathy Niklewicz. I appreciate your sweet comment. You have a lovely attitude about life and the trials it brings at times. So glad you can still tat after your accident.

    Thank you, Penny! You may not tat, but you make BEAUTIFUL mosaic art! I love that your mosaic art is functional


Thank you for stopping by my blog today!
I'd love to hear what you have to say!

While you're leaving your comment so dear
This is what I'd rather hear...

If "TattingChic" seems like it's too long
"Chic" or "Chiclet" will sound like a song.

In other words, you see,
Please don't call me "TC"!

Please! :)
...and thank you!