With all the giveaway love I've got going on here I thought I'd share a FABULOUS giveaway opportunity with all of my wonderful blogging friends.
It's this!!!

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to own
a rare collector's item!
is the only person on the planet who makes handmade
ceramic tatting shuttles....
...and she's having a GIVEAWAY!!!!!
All she's asking is for you to comment on her blog
post about the giveaway...
(link provided on the word "GIVEAWAY!!!!!")
...AND have a link to her blog on your blog.
Tell her I sent you! She'll LOVE that!
Easy enough!?!
Yeah, BABY!!!
They normally range from
$44-$56+ (USD)
at her Etsy Shop.
She puts painstaking effort into crafting these little beauties.
She's even said that she doesn't care if you tat or not
only that you appreciate the art of tatting.
I think all of you here qualify for that!
What do you think!?!
I have a few of them that I've purchased from her
in my tatting shuttle collection.

I did a post on that here.
The Ceramic shuttles are featured
in the last photo on the post.
The photo above is the same photo
(it's a rerun, LOL)
and NO! these shuttles are not included
in the giveaway, LOL!
Before you run over to that fabulously generous giveaway of Lady Shuttle Maker's be sure and leave a comment! I love visitors. I REALLY love visitors who comment. NO, ReAlLy! Also; in my previous post I mentioned getting a little tree for my little tatted ornaments. I'm kind of a girly girl and I was thinking of getting this little beauty listed here on this link. It's the 7th tree down on the right or the first tree on the right under the heading "Feather Trees". What do you think? It's a light pink feather tree in a cream colored urn. Are there better deals out there?
Thank you, Traditions Year Round Holliday Store
for letting me use your photo.
I hope that company thinks of this as
This is what the tree looks like.

Help me bloggers, you're my only hope!
(see, there's the star wars geekiness in me coming out, LOL!)
In any case...
55 absolutely fabulous things were said:
I would have no clue what to do with that, but they are very cool any way ;) That would be a great win! I love the idea of the pink tree! Happy holidays! :) Jen
Oooo thanks for the heads up on the giveaway. I might just have to learn how to tat! Is that right, tat? I love the feather tree you've picked out. Check out eBay for prices. It looks like a Bethany Lowe tree, and sometimes you can get a better price on eBay. I'm off to enter the giveaway. Thanks
The tatting shuttles are beautiful!
And any feather tree is a good tree, though I only have green trees. With more time you could make your own faux feather tree .... if you can crochet as well as tat.
You are too too funny girl....I am smiling ear to ear!
Good luck! (o:
I like the idea of the tree but you can get nicer ones for half the price if you look around. Oh how I hope I win the shuttle.
thats a great news...i am also trying my luck :) ninu
Oh, beautiful, and I love the fact that they are each handmade! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you win. :D
That pink tree is so dainty and feminine, just like those snowflakes. So I think they will be perfect together! Nice choice!
I think that's a good deal, especially if you want a pink tree! The only feather tree I've seen for less was a Martha Stewart tree ($49 ?). I was actually looking for a feather tree this year, but I had a hard time passing up my little silver tree from Hobby Lobby for $7.50! By the way, Hobby Lobby had my little silver tree in pink, regular price $15. Can't wait to see what you buy!
Love these tiles. I am totally potty about mosaic tiles and art. These fit the lot. Beautiful!
I have to enter this, first of all, those ceramic shuttles are amazingly beautiful and secondly, even though I don't know how to tat, my niece (12 yrs. old) is lerning and I think she would flip out to have a shuttle like that! Love all those feather trees!
I LOVE the idea of a tatting tree. I want to see pictures when you're done!
Yes, it really is me ~ your long-lost blog friend! Thanks for coming over and visiting with me yesterday!! I love your new banner with the pretty lace. I hope you and your family have a festive holiday and I wish you much happiness and prosperity in 2009!!
Hugs, Bebe :)
Hi Jen, Thanks for stopping by and offering your thoughts.
Hi Karoline. Good luck in the giveaway. Thanks for the tip about eBay! I might check that out. Yes, you said that right "learn to tat".
I have done some crochet, Virtual Quilter, but I suspect you are thinking a yarny crocheted faux feather tree and I do much better w/ thread crochet for some reason. I'll stick w/ the REAL feathers, LOL!
Thanks for the good luck wishes, Lady Shuttle Maker! I hope I win... I hope I win... I hope I win...
You and me both, Clyde! Hope we each win the shuttle, that is, LOL! I'll have to look around, but I'm kind of picky about the stand.... and I'm not so good at the whole plaster of paris, put it in your own urn thing, either! LOL!
Hi Ninu! Thanks for stopping by! Good luck to all, aye!?
Hi Bella Sinclair, thanks for the finger crossing! I need it! So you like the pink feather tree for tatting, aye?
Hi Diane, thanks for the shopping tip! I've thought about pink tinsel or even silver as that's the kind of tree we had when we were little. I saw on yours how the tatting didn't show up like you said, I think I'll stick with a feather tree...I'm partial to that now, LOL!
Hi Julie Anne, welcome to the tatting blog. There is no mosaic tiles here, but I would LOVE to read the comment about tatting on the blog post about mosaic tiles! ;) I think I know what happened...
Kathleen Grace! That is so totally cool that your niece is learning how to tat! She probably would flip over a shuttle like that! I hope you go and enter!
Okay, Becky, I'll be sure to post about the tree! It probably won't be 'til next year because the snowflakes will take all year to come to me...plus I'll probably be tatting a few of my own!
Hi Bebe! Thanks for the lovely holiday wishes! I wish the same for you and yours! Glad you stopped by.
Cool Ill check it out
Hi, and thank you for setting me straight about the lace I used on my dress. I have never seen tatting in action so my next goal is to find a youtube video clip or similar of someone actually tatting! It really is beautiful, and I'm so impressed you've been doing it for 28 years! All the best of the season,
Maisy xox
Sounds like a great give a way. I love the look of the shuttles, I am sorry to say that I have no idea what they are used for or how to use them. But I do know how beautiful they are. I have such respect for those who know how to Tat. And that means you too....
Have a great week
Hey sweetie!
Love those tatting things...sorry, but I have two left thumbs when it comes to this! :)
thank you for the sweet comment...and don't forget to visit later tonight to see who the winner is for tonight's drawing (could be you!) and to see what will be for tomorrow!
Thanks so much for the comment you left on my blog! That was so sweet of you! Thanks for making me feel welcomed!
I think a girly-girl should have her choice of girly-girl things......be happy!!! And, have a great Christmas, too. pat
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, how cool!!
Oh the tiles are so pretty~
Thanks on my pictures of Karen's fabolous Christmas decor(:)
She really knows how to put it all together doesn't she~!!
hugs, Patty
Christmas is love pass it on..stop by and pick up logo...xxoo Denise
What a wonderful give-a-way... I hope you win, sweetie!!
Oi Tatting chic........ it was Christmas eve Christmas morning. *smile*
I have always wanted a pink Christmas tree i think you should head off and get it.... or should i say they should send you one free as you are in effect advertising for them, thats fair, isnt it?
Thanks for stopping by my usless blog it makes my day to see someone actually reads it. :-)
Love and blessings dear sister. Mwah X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X
Thank you so much for asking about my angels. I'm having an angel painting give away during January. You are welcome to join in.
I have been painting these angels for just over a year. Totally love blogging with you and other artists.
Look forward to reading and sharing your blog.
Coming by to wish you Happy Holidays and Good Luck to you in the tatting giveaway... I am with Jen, I'll have to put it on my to do list. I would love to try some day.
Enjoy your holidays! ~Tracie
pretty shuttles. I would feel guilty to sign up and win when i would just look and look and look at it and not know what to do with it! lol. but it is very pretty.
i like the tree you're eyeing. what a good idea to display your delicious tatted creations. :o)
Hi Suzie! I hope you do check it out!
Hi Maisy and WELCOME! I'm so glad you came to visit! Don't worry about not know about tatting a LOT of people don't so I'm so glad you welcomed the learning opportunity! I hope you come back and visit often! :) Let me know if I can ever answer any questions for you!
Awwww...Alaura, thank you for that sweet comment!
Hi Debi! Glad you stopped by! I've actually added you to my google reader so I can keep up with your fun blog posts (and giveaways, of course!) LOL!
Hi Brittany! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! You'll find it's a nice "neighborhood"!
Ah, thank Pat! I love your comment!
Hi M.... (gosh I don't have thos same pointy things on my keyboard, or do I? LOL!). Thanks for stopping by!
Oh, Patty! Now I get why someone else said "tiles" in the comments of this blog post! The ceramic tatting shuttles look like tiny elliptical tiles from the top view! They are actually 3-D! I may have to do a blog post on them where I show that through photos!
Hi Denise! Thanks for the "Love"! I will be sure to spread it around!
Thank you for the sweet wishes, Farm Chick Paula!
Thanks, Angel! I like your idea~Yes! Wouldn't that be fabulous to get the tree free just for advertising for them, LOL!
Hi Julie-ann! So glad you came to visit! I will be sure to come and visit your blog to sign up for the give-away! Thanks for the heads up!
Tracie, that would be SOOOOOOO totally cool if you learned to tat! You would find a lot of friendly helpful tatters in the online tatting community! Most all tatters are pretty nice peeps!
Well, Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping! I don't see what wrong with your winning at ALL! You could just ship the shuttle of to ME!!! Hee hee! That would be alright with me if you did that, LOL! ;)
Kitty has a little pink tree, so I'm already partial to them. It would look lovely with your wonderful tatting. Just be sure to show us all a photo when it's decorated. Nerm
aren't those pretty!!! i don't think you have to tat to appreciate those as lovely works of art...thanks for popping over to visit me...i hope you have a wonderful and very Merry Christmas!!!
Sounds like a great giveaway...if I won it I would need you to show me how to use it!! Love that tree...yes, I think it's a winner. P.S. Love the star wars reference! lol
Hi Nerm, thanks for the pink tree support, LOL!
Merry Christmas to you, too, Lori! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Hi Bethany! Glad you got the reference, LOL! That would be fabulous if you won it, but I hope you still learn to tat even if you don't win it! :)
I would love to learn tatting.any ideas where to start.
What a beautiful giveaway. Wish I knew how to crochet. What I know about tatting is that I love owning it =) Have a beautiful Christmas. Blessings.. Polly
Hi Brenda! For starters you could check out You Tube! Lot's of beginning tatters have told me they had the best successs with finding videos on there. Another thing is you can join eTatters and the button to that site is on my sidebar on the right near the top. Just click on that and it will take you to that site and you can actually join for free there! You can ask questions or be a "lurker", LOL! You'll need an inexpensive tatting shuttle and some size 10 cotton crochet thread to start with. It is the larger crochet thread and therefore, easier to use than actual tatting thread, which is much smaller. Save that for later. You can go to Handy Hands to order those items. Just look under "tatting Merchants" on my sidebar and click on the handy hands link and you're off! Keep me posted on your progress! Let me know if I can help point you in the right direction from here!
Hi Polly! Thank you so much for stopping by to comment! It's always so nice to have visitors. I mean this in the nicest possible way; did you know that tatting and crochet are not the same thing? they are not at all alike. Sometimes people think they are the same thing because they are both often made of crochet thread. Well, if you did already know that I apologize, the comment led me to believe that you perhaps thought they were the same thing and I felt compelled to correct that. LOL! :)
Hey there! Just wanted to thank you for your nice comment on my blog just now....so sweet of you to say such things....and glad you liked the quilt.
Do have a great Christmas!!! Pat
I adore that pink feather tree!!!! I have a little one I got off of ebay years ago...an old German one, but very sparse...I love it. I think a pink one would be so fun!
Hope you got it!
Congratulations...!Your posting is very interesting... Welcome to my blog...
Wishing you in advance "A Merry X'Mas and A Happy New Year''
Oh, yes, Pat, that quilt is fabulous! I wasn't being "Sweet"! LOL! I was being honest~It really is incredible! You have a lovely talent. So nice of you to pop by and say "hi"!
Hi Betzie! Oh, I am tempted to get it...I know I won't get it for this Christmas because I will get snowflakes all year long from the gal that I won the giveaway from! So maybe I can find a better deal out there than that one.
Thank you for your very sweet holiday wishes, Femin Susan. Glad you came by.
That is a great tree :) Ok, I TOO am a Star Wars Geek !! :) I watch them over and over :) ) Cant believe I just admitted that out loud, lol ) Hope you feel like You again soon :) Have a very Merry Christmas my friend !! :)
Dear TattingChic,
How are your holidays going? Are you still tatting?? Thank you for sharing about the giveaway at Lady Shuttle Makers!
Merry Christmas!
May you continue to weave your magic!
Pink is so sweet and I just love this little pink feather tree.
Your tree will be really pretty and I look forward to seeing it, if you get it.
Hi Miss Rhea, thanks for visiting! I know exactly what you mean; I felt the same way when I admitted the "Star Wars geek" think a few blog posts ago. I couldn't BELIEVE I was announcing it publicly.
Hi Constance! I am so glad you came for a visit! Thank you for asking about my holidays. I haven't been feeling well so...I've had better holidays! I do still tat, just not for a little while lately. Thank you for asking. :)
Thank you, Carolyn! I will be sure to post about the pink feather tree once I get it ~ just for you! LOL! ;)
Such a beautiful handmade shuttle!!! Oh if I won I would have to send it to YOU!! I wanted to wish you a blessed and happy Christmas sweetie ~ xxoo, Dawn
Your so lucky to be in sunny Cal!
I don't do stitching, so have no need for that thingy bobby, but thanks for the tip anyway! I'm sure there are lots of women out there that would love to win it! I hope that you are enjoying your Christmas season!
Hugs, Sharon
Those feather trees are so like my antique green feather tree...(except mine has less and less feathers each year)....especially the one with the square wooden base.
Hey, Dawn, I'm likin' the way you think, girlfriend! LOL! Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you, Couture de Papier. I am lucky, indeed!
Thanks for the Christmas wishes, Sharon! Merry Christmas to you, too.
What fun to have a feather tree, Tatskool! I hope you will show us closeups next post!?
Chic this is my feather tree last Christmas
you can enlarge the photo
Thanks for the link, Tatskool! I did go check that tree out! It's beautiful! You're so lucky to have such a beautiful vintage tree!
The cake is delicious! It is really sweet though. Sadly, I think I am going to have to eat the half a pan I have left by myself.
I think that pink tree is beautiful!
Just stopping by to wish you and your family a beautiful Christmas!!
Big Hugs,
Hi, Nuts To You! Hmmm...I may end up getting the pink feather tree after all! Enjoy your yummy cake!
So glad to have you stop by, Amy! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!
Why Vickisplace1, you could give it to me, that's what! LOL! ;) Hope you're having a fun Christmas season and thanks for visiting!
those are really cute! i like the idea of the feather trees!
Hi Giveaway Diva. Welcome to my blog. Aren't feather trees sweet? I guess they were the first kind of artificial tree around way back when. That is why they are so cherished today.
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