I am honored and oh, so excited to participate in the One World~One Heart Giveaway hosted by Lisa over at A Whimsical Bohemian is hosting the One World-One Heart event! Thank you, Lisa! I have heard from other bloggers that this is an amazing opportunity to meet other bloggers in the blogging community and share in the joy of blogging and....well....sharing! You see, each blogger participating is having a giveaway on their own blog as well! Hop on over to the One World-One Heart blog and look under the "Gypsy Caravan" list for the participants! There are hundreds!
Before you run off to see what all the fabulous prizes are
Before you run off to see what all the fabulous prizes are
don't you want to see what I'm giving away?
Why, what else?
Is that all, you say?
Okay, well, what if I toss in a shuttle?
Will that do?
Just in case you want to learn to tat.
If you already know how to tat
something tells me that you probably wouldn't mind another shuttle,
would you? ;)
This one is a plastic "Aero" style bobbin tatting shuttle.
Does that sound too complicated?
Aero is just a brand of shuttle.
This is an Aero-knock-off! LOL!
It's a bobbin shuttle because it has a little bobbin
that pops out of the middle of it and you wind the thread on that.
And just to sweeten the pot a little
I'll toss in a little book about learning how to tat.
I'll toss in a little book about learning how to tat.

Oh, You have no thread, you say?
Okay, well how about I throw in some thread?
Okay, well how about I throw in some thread?
How's that?
This is Manuela brand cotton crochet thread size 20.
It's multicolor green.
I learned it's only called variegated when you have
a color changing with white otherwise it's
called "multicolor" even if it's the same color, just different shades of it.
That should be enough to get you started

until you can get to a store to get some
thread you really like, LOL!
It even comes on a woodburned thread holder shaped like a daisy!
It even comes on a woodburned thread holder shaped like a daisy!
Here are all the goodies togeether!
What a happy family!
To give you an idea of the size
the book is the size of an 8&1/2" X 11"
piece of paper folded in half through the width.
To be considered a contestant for the giveaway you need to leave a comment on THIS VERY post! You need to have an active blog in which I can leave a comment to notify you of winning. When I let you know of your winning I will then need an email address so that we can communicate to get your snail mail addy! Yippeeee!!!! Hey, if this giveaway "inspires" you to get blogging again or for your first time that is totally okay with me! I will ship worldwide so international friends are welcome, too! I just want to share the gift of tatting with whoever I can!
Happy Blog~hopping through the One World One Heart giveaway blogs!
THE WINNER WILL ANNOUNCED FEB 12th! You have until February 11th at 11:59pm PST to leave a comment! Aren't ya just excited? I am!!!
Feel free to join the follower's list on the top of the right sidebar! That is in no way a requirement, just a friendly invitation to come back and visit often!
Good luck, dear bloggy friends!
P.S. I will not be doing my usual "commenting back" because I'll be using a random number generator to pick the winner!!!
While you're at it go check out
She has got a tatting opporuntiy you
won't want to miss out on!
Jennypilgrim asked the source for this shuttle.
I got it at a lace day event in
L.A., California one year where
various lace vendors came so
I cannot recall exactly who I bought it from.
I believe you might be able to purchase one
from Handy Hands Tatting.
I got it at a lace day event in
L.A., California one year where
various lace vendors came so
I cannot recall exactly who I bought it from.
I believe you might be able to purchase one
from Handy Hands Tatting.
Thank you for all the fabulous comments!!!
The comment section for this post is officially
closed as of 2/12/09 at 12:00am (midnight)
I will pick the winner later after I catch
some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's!
Please go to this link
Please go to this link
to find out the lucky winner!
454 absolutely fabulous things were said:
oooooooooh!!! this looks just wonderful:) i would love to win!!!
I would love to be a winner of your 'lovely' heart. The other goodies also look wonderful. I am hopeful that someday I will also learn to tat - it's just hard right now to make it a priority.
You know I need to win this giveaway! How cool!
I don't know how to tat and would love to learn:) Count me in!
I would love to learn...sounds like fun..count me in
You are so generous! Please add me to your giveaway!
What a great giveaway! I'd love to learn to tat. Please add my name to your list! And if you haven't already, please enter my giveaway, too.
WooHoo! What a generous giveaway. Please include my name. I like everything you are giving away. I haven't tried the Aero Shuttle but want to and the thread is lovely. Of course, I would love to have a piece of your tatting! Thanks for the giveaway.....hugs, Linda
OOOOhhhh my! This has my name written all over it! :) As you know, I have been procrastinating at learning to tat, wouldn't it be fun if I actually won something, but if not, I am so happy to look at your pretties, your heart is beautiful!
Happy Monday!
Kathi :)
I would love to win and learn tatting! Please, enter me in your giveaway.
~ Gabriela ~
I love the Heart!!!! But what I want to know is your source for the shuttle! Thanks so much, just discovered your blog today!!
Hi Miss TattingChic,
Happy new year to you. Boy, have I missed visiting your blog and it looks like today was a great day to start reading. I would love to be a tatter(that just doesn't sound right-hehe). I love your heart, (both yours and the tatted one).
Have a wonderful week.
love ya,
Thank you for telling about your great giveaway! I would be so excited if I won! Not only to own a piece of your beautiful work (which you know I adore!) but I would love to try my hand at it!
Oh please please pick me! Pick me! (jumping up and down with hand high in the air)
I'm going to post your giveaway on my blog for you.
I used to know how to tat, but haven't done it in so long that I wouldn't know how to even begin now. It would be nice to learn again!
I don't know how to tat ... but you make it look possible I could actually learn! I would love to have my name added into your drawing! Please visit my blog to see my giveaway, too!
latharia at comcast dot net
This is a fabulous giveaway!
BTW, I didn't know that "variegated" meant white was included in the shading - for the longest time I've been tagging some of my HDT with the wrong description :-O
Thanks for clarifying the terms!
There's nothing like a giveaway to bring someone alive in blogland, eh? I enjoy your visits to my spot and try to make it over here when I get a chance. I think your collection of items is wonderful, and I'd be thrilled to win them.
What a wonderful idea! It's a great way to promote tatting. I hope a newbie wins... the world needs more tatters!
would love this- thanks I'd love to enter your giveaway-thankyou this is my first look at OWOH mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
Please include me and drop by my drawing, too http://www.artsyfran.com/2009/01/19/one-world-one-heart-2009/
my goodness another giveaway...oh please, please, please include my name..what a lovely tatted heart and love the other tatting goodies too!
How cool. The heart is beautiful, I have always wanted to learn how to do this- my mother used to a little but she never taught me. I would love to be entered in your drawing. Thanks,
That is such a wonderful collection. I would love to learn how to tat and your heart is such perfect inspiration.
I have to try tatting, it's one thing I've never tried! I would love to win the goodies!
Hi there
Thanks for stopping by!
Great blog and wonderful creations!
Count me in! that heart is lovely!
Hi There,
Lovely blog ....I would love to win this.......especially as it is my birthday that day LOL
Joy in Australia
Well, you know that I would so much love to win this, and it would most definitely get me started on something I've wanted to try for so long. What a lovely giveaway to post. Good luck to me!
I'd love to be a part of your drawing.
Please contact me by email.
oh I have wanted to learn how to tat! this would be awesome.
would love to be entered in the drawing. stop by and visit me too.
Beautiful tatted heart. This is one needle art I have never been able to master.
That's fabulous!
Please enter my name!
A blogging giveaway. Please count me in. I would be happy to win this package.
Omygoodness, I would love to win! I don't know if I am talented enough to tat, but I would sure give it a try!! Please add my name to the tat...I mean, hat!
hammgood at yahoo dot com
I'm so glad to see you joining in too. How cool. I was just checking to see if you had gotten through your email yet. LOL.
Be sure to stop by and leave a comment with me.
Your giveaway is really awesome! Please count me in.
Ha! The Workbasket Daisy heart is ONE of my FAVS! What do you mean variegated has to have white in it to be called variegated? Who made that rule up? LOL!
Wow, I'm so excited I found your blog. I learned how to do tatting when I was a little girl, from a friend of my aunt Patty who was from Columbia. I was really into needlepoint and crocheting, and then tatting up until about 8th grade when school and boyfriends and stuff like that took over. I had no idea that there were so many tatters out there, and internet groups. I'm bookmarking you!
Wow! What a great give-away....please include me...hugs, Linda
AWESOME!!! Please enter me in your drawing! I’ll be making my OWOH post later tonight..time got away from me!
The Bella Modiste
Fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Holy moly, this list is long already! Well, throw my name in there. Looks like a FANTASTIC package! It's like one of those Ginsu Knives commercials: But wait! That's not all you get.....! :)
Hmmmm, could I get my act together and join the OWOH Giveaway...?
Hey Tatting Chic! I've seen your comments on other people's blogs, but have never made it over here until now. It's funny - I tatted for YEARS (I made smocked baby dresses for sale and made the lace for them as well). I love to tat, but found that after a while, my fingers just couldn't do it anymore. I still have the shuttles and threads and all...
Thanks so much for stopping by tonight - yes, definitely enter my name for your drawing.
I'll be back later to check out the rest of your blog.
Well, I have never tatted...but your work is just beautiful! I would love to learn how, so this sounds like a perfect giveaway for me to enter!
you did it again, tattingchic - another source of inspiration on tatland! thanks for being so generous and hey, it's always fun to enter a draw...
I would love to learn this amazing art!
This is something I have always wanted to learn. My grandmother used to do this and I would sit and watch. Your heart is beautiful! I would love toenter!
pretty, pretty blog and I NEED to win your giveaway! Nice to meet you! If you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway ~ Rachael ~ roseroom@slingshot.co.nz
What a gorgeous lace creation. I am in awe!! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on my OWOH giveaway. I am so thrilled to be finding new friends in blogland. Please enter me in your giveaway drawing.
You mean a way to become a little bit like the Tatting Chic Queen herself? OOlala!!! Fun fun! hugs, V
LOve it!!
Oh how I appreciate your Tattered Heart! I have one of those! ;-) But could always use another! ;-)
Glad you are part of the festivities today Tattingchic!
Thanks for the giveaway!!!! Great blog!
Greetings dear friend. I have missed you. Your giveaway gifts are awesome. Please enter me in your drawing too. To learn to tat would certainly be a great gift.
Thank you for stopping back by after I got the post fixed today.
hugs, Celestina Marie
I've always wanted to learn how to tat. When I saw your heart, I loved it, but secretly wanted to make something like it. Good for me...I scrolled down and found your generous giveaway! Thank you for sharing with us!
I just love it. I want to win. I want to learn tatting it is on my to do list.
Did someone mention a fabulous giveaway?!! We love it!! And one of our favorite sites too!! We would love to join in!
kari & kijsa
This is the most amazing art you practice here. What pride you should take in the beautiful pieces that you make. I'm so happy to make your acquaintance
hello TattingChic. Kind of u to have tis giveaways. Please count me in. Hope to win.
Wow!! How very generous to offer this as a giveaway; any one of us would be LUCKY to have this! I've always been interested in the handmade thread arts--so please count me in! :)
Thank you so very much!
Those are amazing prizes, and I would love to win. Please enter me in your draw.
Well, if you don't win, we can always trade!
Some of your tatted goodies for some of my sparkling goodies!
Oh my Goodness!! Love your heart but Gosh, it looks hard to do...if I win will you come over and show me how?? LOL
This is amazing really! What a great idea, not only a beautifully hand crafted piece but everyone thing one would need to try their had at it - great idea!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and giving me this opportunity to view yours. I've never met a "tatter" but I collect antique tatting. Oh my goodness, it looks so complicated!!
This is so lovely! This is one of my passions. To let the world know about Tatting. I also love the daisy heart pattern. Haven't done it in awhile.
I'm a seasoned tatter so I'll give the chance to someone else to get the prizes. But if my name comes up then I'll share the book and the shuttle with someone who doesn't know to tat. :-)
I guess I'll have to start blogging here again. *sigh* All for the love of tatting! lol
Hi there!
What lovely things you are giving away.
I'd love to be a part of this!
I always look forward to your nice comments; and your work is also so inspiring.
Thanks for the invitation!
Absolutely Exciting!
Please Please enter my name too!
I'd be delighted to have those nice giveaways.
Thanks for all the beautiful comments.
Tatting would be a wonderful thing to learn! I'd love to win all these necessities for the art! ::Jill
too cool!
I want to make my "house" here pretty, but all the themes I found if I save them I'll loose my widgets. Do you know what I have to do? I see you have widgets and a theme from Pyzam. That's where I went to get mine, but I'll loose all the links and stuff. Any help?
Look at you Chicky....spreading the love! You go girl! Your giveaway is just FAB!
how lovely
and so generous of you
to give~away.
i think i should win this
but if i do not...
it was nice to meet you anyway.
{{ thank you
for visiting my blog }}
what a great giveaway!
I taught myself to tat from a book many years ago when I was supposed to be studying for an exam. I aced the exam only because the tatting was so relaxing. Have not tatted in a while though but now feel the urge to start again. Maybe I need some relaxing!
Such treats! This is a lovely giveaway, TattingChic! Do count me in on the fun. :o) Your tatted heart is sooo pretty...I should love a chance to try learning tatting again. It's been far too many since I first tired it. Going to see about this One World happening...Happy week, my friend ((HUGS))
love your giveaway.
Your shower curtain with hooks sound gorgeous. I feel honored that mine inspired your wonderful find. Have fun setting it up and take a pic for us.
Have a great day.
hugs, Celestina Marie
This is a lovely introductory gift package which will surely start someone on to a new form of art. I don't know anything about tatting, but I love your work and would love to learn!
I'd love a try....thank you..its so pretty!xxxx
Oh how sweet, your have some lovely items for your give-away. A gorgeous heart tatted by TattingChic herself is a grand prize by itself.
Hi and thanks for posting on my Blog. Yes, please enter me in your giveaway. I love what you do...A girl can always use lace...I wish I could tat...my fingers are just toooooo big! LOL
My Mother always wanted to learn how to tat.
She would love your giveaway...she would however have to fight me for it should I win ;)
Thank you for your visit and kind words.
I'd love a chance to win this beautiful heart!! Just gorgeous!
Thanks for stopping by my blog....Nancy
Love the angel with your tatting! The heart is beautiful. WOW! Hope I'm the lucky winner with all thoes prizes. I just started my blog at www.quayceetatter.blogspot.com
What a wonderful blog and One World, One Heart giveaways! I hope I have a chance at winning your sweet gifts! i WOULD LOVE TO LEARN TATTING! I am also in this event at ByLightOfMoon
smiles, Cyndi
Thanks so much for the nice B- day wishes..
glad you came over to see me.. have a great day dear..
hugs, Patty
Winning one of your gorgeous pieces would be an absolute honor! I love the heart so much. You are a doll!
beautiful piece!
Please add me to your giveaway and visit my blog for my giveaway as well :))
oh yes please - I've always wanted to learn tatting! :) Please enter me. I'm at www.bibscrap.blogspot.com, and am planning to participate too, but only found out about this today, so won't get my giveaway together until the weekend - do check back then
very nice prize love your tatted heart
please enter me in your drawing
and if you get a chance stop by mine at
This is my first year doing OWOH
carolyn h
A very beautiful piece. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks.
What lovely prizes ! Thank~you, for letting me know about it all :)
Have a happy day :)
Looks great
WOW! I would love to added to the list for hopeful winners! I love your heart, the colors, the design- everything. Your tatting just looks "heavenly"!
Oh, how beautiful!
And all the goodies to learn how!
This is a wonderful giveaway that I would love to win!!! Thanks for adding me to your draw:)
Thanks, too, for your visit to my blog.
what a unique prize! tatting is so beautiful- i've always wanted to learn that art- please sign me up! thanks, tracy
Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting know about the giveaway. Your right about the amount of snow we have here. My husband had to snowblow a path in the backyard for the beagle to go out and pee.LOL
Later Kelly
What a generous giveaway--please add me to the list :D
My blog: http://www.ladyartisan.com/elusivemuse
I am also excited about OWOH yearly giveaway and have two giveaways on my blog:
I really, really love tatting and have always wanted to learn to tat!
Draw my name, draw my name! lol
This looks like a fun craft to learn with my daughter's. Thanks for the chance to win.
Ooh, what a lot of beautiful things to win. Please count me in. Also, as soon as I get a heart tatted, I will participate in the giveaway. Have fun!
Oh wow! I honestly have always wanted to learn to tat. What a wonderful giveaway! I hope I win so I can learn this beautiful artform!
Please enter me in your giveaway and come join in on mine if you get a chance!
OMG!! Your work is amazing, you must have the patience of an angel to do such incredible work! Please enter my name in your drawing.
Sounds like FUN! THanks!
And visit me here.....
Now this is something I'd LOVE to win... I so want to learn how to tat in 2009!'
Please enter me in the draw to win... And don't forget to take a look at my giveaway too! :)
I learned to crochet a couple years ago and have so much fun with it. Tatting is so delicate and beautiful I would love to learn how to do this too!
Awesome giveaway!! Lovely piece!
Thank you for visiting my blog, it's very nice to 'meet' you!
that would be lovely. Please enter me.
Cari B.
Oh you are so sweet to do this. I would be honored to be included in the drawing. My blog is http://vickiscreativecorner.blogspot.com/
Vicki :)
what a beautiful heartfelt creation you've offered up ... and all the bits to try a hand at tatting, too?!? AWESOME! please toss my name into the hat. :)
thank you & happy OWOH-ing!
I'd love to learn! Please enter me in your drawing, Leslie
How cool! I'd love to be entered! (and if you haven't, please stop by my giveaway!)
Oh I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Your heart is lovely! A very generous giveaway.
Thank-you so much for your visits. I am enjoying your site...you have the most gorgeous shuttles!
Have a great week!
Hugs, Nancy
I wopuld love to win this ...m...
What a generous and lovely giveaway. It's very special for you to share your passion and talent! Thank you for the chance to win!
love it!!
xo deb
eek *waving hand furiously in the air* ME! PICK ME! :)
Oh, I am dying to learn how to tat! What a wonderful prize!
Oh so pretty! This is my first year in OWOH and it is such fun! Please enter my name and stop by at my blog too!
They are beautiful, please include me in your drawer.
Anne S
I always wanted to know how to do that! Thanks
Please enter me into your giveaway!
(And drop by my blog and enter mine too! - It's a birdy brooch)
As a novice tatter I would love to win this prize
So lovely to see a familiar face in the OWOH giveaway, I am slowly picking my way through all of the wonderful blogs listed. Love the tatted heart.
Cheers Linda
Here I am Chic! Ready to win your great giveaway. I love visiting your site and do so every day.
so much fun! love the heart. stop by my place to enter my owoh giveaway.
Someone else who TATS!!!! I am sooooooooooooo thrilled to find your BLOG I can not even begin to express it. You thread holder is lovely. Do you make those?
Keep up the beautiful work. I am looking forward to seeing what you do in the future as well :)
125 comments already- eek- yet I shall throw my hat into the ring also. You never know!
I like how you did the Workbasket heart with colors to show the flowers off on the tatted heart, NICE!
OH, I love contests, please enter me too!
Oh TattingChic,,,just what I needed,,,,,,something to distract me from my poor little furry ( actually I call her my 'fuzzyrat') baby. This really so like an awesome giveaway!!!!! Please do enter me.
I think that is a really beautiful Heart too!!!!
Yep you have definitely REALLY overflowed the pot with 'sweetness' LOL!!! You know where both of my blogs are. Maybe even my third, if I remember right LOL! (Multiply, Blogger and eTatters)
Thank you for such a beautiful and most thoughtful giveaway!
Blessings~ Connie in a getting freezing cold again Idaho!
Oh my I have never done tatting but would have no problem giving it a try. Please enter me in your drawing. This is my first year with the give-a-way. Please visit my blog.
Oh! What a lovely form of art. My mom has said so many times that she has wanted to learn how to do this and yet no one around us seems to know how. It is just gorgeous and so delicate! Love it! Hope you can come by and visit me too.
What a fine opportunity to learn something new, especially with your gorgeous heart as an example (though I think someone will be frustrated for quite a while, trying to tat up to your standard).
Visit my blog to sign up for a necklace.
I must say, that heart you made is absolutely wonderful! What a charming design! I have always loved lace with a healthy respect for the time that must go into it. Please add me to your giveaway. So glad you visited mine!
Wow so pretty! Your blog and your tatting. Please count me in, I would love to learn.
yes, yes, YES!!
a Jill of all trades (and mistress of none?), I've always wanted to try tatting!!!!
please come visit my owoh at
Great giveaway!! Another description for your thread sample would be ombre. I love the book you are including ... wonderful selection of goodies. And the heart is simply SCRUMDILIOMPTOUS!! Thanks for considering me.
OH!! I really, really....I mean really need that!!! Great give away!!
Oh yes please. I have never tried tatting so this may be the perfect opportunity to have a go - if I win that is!
Please add my name to your list, and if you haven't already, stop by and enter my giveaway, too. ;)
OK, my friend... you've been tagged! I have tagged you for a six picture meme... come on over to my blog and see what I mean :)
Count me in too! Sorry I haven't been commenting as much as I used to, I'm just so busy it seems! I love it when you comment on mine though, thanks for not giving up on me!
Be still my heart... this is such a beautiful and generous gift and something I would truly love to learn....
I have always had a fascination with embroidery and any kind of hand sewing or work... have loved tatting but thought it might be too hard to learn until I found your blog
This is so exciting!! Thank yo
Wonderful! I have always wanted to learn to tat so I really hope I win! Crossing my fingers. :-)I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by. #223 :-)
What a lovely giveaway. I'd love to be entered in your drawing and please stop by and enter mine.
Wonderful giveaway, please count me in your drawing!
I was feeling a bit underwhelmed with all the artistry on display at OWOH - and painfully shy because I am not really creative with my hands (can only type well :D) - and then I saw your generous giveaway!
It's perfect and I love it and here's something I can do, so please count me in!
Love that heart! My Grandma Rae was a tatter!
Well this is a wonderful give away
and I want to be entered. Thank you. Hope you can stop by in the future when you are not having a give away. February 12th is my birhtday and I would be so thrilled to win on that day.
Hello Tatting Chic, Your gift is very generous. The tatted heart is truly beautiful. Maybe if I won all these wonderful goodies I would give tatting a second try. LOL Now would this giveaway include your teaching skills too. LOL Hugs Judy
Wow, what a give-away!! I would LOVE to lern to tat! So please include me in your drawing.
I am also participating in this wonderful event! http://quiltmoose.blogspot.com/
Please stop by if you haven't already.
Greetings from Germany,
Thank you Lisa, I always wanted to learn to do tatting, sounds like fun. Good Lick to me!
Amazing work, your tatting is so beautiful and I would love to enter for a chance at winning your lovely prize...Thanks for entering mine too...
oh! thats a wonderful giveaway..I was off from blogland(my internet was off last 2 weeks :P)n wht welcoming me is just fabulous... i really really want to win this one ...include my name too.. u r soo generous..
What a lovely give away! I appreciate that you want to share the joy of tatting with someone else. If I should win I would certainly try to learn. Twyla
What an awesome giveaway! I would love to learn to tat! You always make such beautiful things and I've been wanting to learn ; )
My great grandmother used to tat and passed it down to my mom, but the buck stopped there! Maybe if I win I'll carry on the tradition.
Beautiful Heart! And I'm always looking for another craft to keep me out of trouble....or is IN trouble?
who cares! It's fun! :)
Thanks for entering my name in your drawing! Isn't One World One Heart fun!!?!
(number 94 on Lisa's List)
Oh, I so love tatting, and I don't know how so this would be wonderful...a giftie and a new thing to learn, what more could a girl want!?? Please enter me.
Beautiful Heart.
Please enter me in your giveaway
and I am number 303 If you would like to enter mine.
What a fabulous giveaway - something to have and something to learn! :) Please count me in!
Please do feel free, too, to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway.
That's a beautiful heart. I'd love to know more about tatting, so please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor
Thank you for visiting me and inviting me over! I would love to enter your contest :) Thank you, Jen
Thank you for participating in this years event. I hope you're enjoying all the mixing and mingling...after adding links I'm only a third of the way to commenting.
This is a great giveaway,for years I have admired those with the ability to tat. I would love to learn how to do it, even for just an edging. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Nice to meet you.
Lisa Swifka
OWOH Host and participant
WoW! You are so clever is presenting your wonderful items. And who would not love to use all of those tools to create something as beautiful as tatting ~ You know how to get us excited and I truly am excited to win your OWOH offering. Please enter my name and thanks for coming by and entering mine as well! Blessings, Katie
Hi there, I got to your blog from someone else's. Your tattered heart looks just fab!
Love that heart. It's so sweet! Please sign me up. Thanks for stopping by!
I've always wanted to learn to tat! Sign me up!
This is a very popular OWOH item! I'd love to learn to tat... Oh my, YES!!! So, count me in please! I love the idea of this, the fact that it fosters global community! Thanks for participating! I will be joining you next year.
Robin A., of Beadlust
This is quite an amazing giveaway you've presented us with! Please add my name to the hat. :o)
Oooh, that little heart is so pretty. And, um, I don't think you have enough comments LOL. I don't think I can handle another hobby!
ooh, i'd love to learn something new and crafty! Count me in, please. :)
Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you from the chilly Midwest!
Visit my blog too, Karen
What a great gift. please enter my name. Thanks for stopping at my blog,
I love how you kept me reading! Very creative and I have never tatted before. I have done many other crafts and would love to learn....I would jump for joy to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!
I have never been to this event before and I am amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.
This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.
Please enter me, Hugs:)
Oh look at all of the people who came before me here. I will have no chance of winning that amazing little heart and the tatting supplies. My gram tatted and I would love to know how. If only I had a chance. A bribe possibly?
Glad you liked my snow owl pic!
OH how fun this looks, I have been wanting to do tatting with beads for some time now but that involves learning to tat. Please count me in and come stop my blog to check out my giveaway too!
What a great giveaway! Whoever wins is a very lucky one.
me me me!!!!
Please enter me in your lovely giveaway, i really want to learn to do this, oh yes!
What fabulous prizes! I have never tatted, but SO appreciate the beauty of the work (your heart is lovely!)
I would love to learn to tat and this gift would be a fabulous start! Please enter my name in your drawing. Check out my giveaway at #272.
Love your giveaway!! I'm always ready to learn a new craft. Your blog is very pretty.
Thanks for entering my giveaway.
Looks like I could learn something.
My grandma did tatting, and I wish that I had realized that art when we were together, but I was a little girl. I have a picture of my grandma taking me for a walk, and I am holding a bunch of helium balloons on strings, she bought me all of them!
Perhaps I can learn to tat, and make bouquets of hearts, in her honor.
Ihave no idea whattatting is but it looks great and i d love to give it ago! Please enter me in the drawing and do visit mine if you havent already done so:)
Oh my goodness, there are so many who have entered your little give away! It should make your heart dance to know that :)
I was just dropping by to say hello and have a wonderful weekend!
Kahti :)
Just beautiful! What a wonderful offering. I love learning new things too! Please count me in and come by and visit.
Such a pretty heart!
What a great lot of goodies you have! Please count me in!
I love this gift! Please add my name! I was so excited about what you are gifting I forgot to say: Hi, it is so nice to meet you!
fabulous giveaway - please enter me! :)
Your needlework is totally awesome. Thanks for sharing your artwork. Colleen
Your heart is simply beautiful. I love tatting! I taught myself enough to make a snowflake a long time ago, but never did learn to use a shuttle. Would love the opportunity and inspiration to try again!
great prize - i've always wanted to learn how to tat! please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433
How wonderful! I have always wanted to learn to tat too! Please enter me!
I would Love to learn to tat
I want to learn to tat! please enter me in your drawing, and come enter mine!
connie williams
Tatting is so awesome. I'd love to learn!
I attempted to tat at one time in my life...very young. I had two great Aunts who tatted. Your work is beautiful. I'm afraid I had to give it up when I began to make enough knots in my sewing thread,...and not on purpose!
'running with scissors'
try tatting is on my "learn" list for 2009, so please enter me and be welcome to my blog aswell!
Thanks so much for visiting, and for the kind words about my work - and what a delight to find your blog through OWOH!
I have the fondest memories of my paternal grandmother creating beautiful tatted pieces; everything from doilies to tablecloths, and even a bedcover (which I imagine took years to complete!) As a small child, I used to imagine she'd teach me someday....But we moved far away, and she passed too soon.
I feel as though I've already won something just disovering your blog and the other tatting links, but please do count me in anyway! I'd be honored to give it a try, and fell sure that my grandmother would smile down at the effort. :)
~ Carolee
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