The saying "In the Pink" means in perfect condition, especially of health. Some of you may have noticed that on occasion I have mentioned, though briefly, that I've had some health challenges. I am happy to say that I am getting closer and closer to that state of being "in the pink"! Let's hear it for good health!
Pink is also one of my most very favorite colors. If I am forced to pick a favorite I will usually choose pink, but I love other colors, too!
It's girly ~ I'm girly. It's feminine ~ I'm feminine. It tends to work well with my skin tone. I could think of a million other reasons why I like pink and why it's a perfect color for me!
I'd like to show you some fabulous blogalicious, tattalicious, and pinkalicious goodies!
Look at this beautiful pink box
that arrived in the mail from
Celestina Marie!
The box was a total surprise!
Look at the darling pink rose on the
pink background with white polka dots!
I am swooning over the pretty pink
and white stripes on the side of the box.
that arrived in the mail from
Celestina Marie!
The box was a total surprise!
Look at the darling pink rose on the
pink background with white polka dots!
I am swooning over the pretty pink
and white stripes on the side of the box.
Just look at the beautiful white trim
on the side of the box lid!
Let's peek inside, shall we?
on the side of the box lid!
Let's peek inside, shall we?

What's this peeking out of the pretty pink
sheer bag and rosy tissue paper?
sheer bag and rosy tissue paper?

It's a LOVELY painted tatting shuttle!
Look at the inside of the box, too!
Look at the inside of the box, too!

Okay, now I did say that the box was a surprise.
The shuttle was not!
We had made arrangements earlier for her to
paint her beautiful shabby chic roses on a
wooden tatting shuttle for me.
I sent her this tatting shuttle
(that I purchased from Sistermaide's Etsy Shop).
The shuttle was not!
We had made arrangements earlier for her to
paint her beautiful shabby chic roses on a
wooden tatting shuttle for me.
I sent her this tatting shuttle
(that I purchased from Sistermaide's Etsy Shop).

And she sent it back looking like this:

Oh, the photo does not do it justice!
It is beautiful with it's white background
and pink rosebud with pink polka dots!
Here's another "before" shot of the
tatting shuttle on it's side:


She painted the sides pink and the post pink
with white inside the blades of the shuttle!
Accompanying this lovely shuttle was
this pretty card:
with white inside the blades of the shuttle!
Accompanying this lovely shuttle was
this pretty card:
It says, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
The flipside had a personal note on it:
Thank you so much, Celeste!
I LOVE it!
Celeste is getting a tatted bookmark from me.
I told her I was going to wait until I had it done
to post it. As you can see, the shuttle is so
very pretty that I simply couldn't wait!
Edited 8/31/09:
You can see Celestina Marie's
blog post on the
shuttle by clicking here!
Next, I'd like to show you that I got
some pink hand knitted house slippers
from Twyla of Two Crazy Crafters!
I LOVE it!
Celeste is getting a tatted bookmark from me.
I told her I was going to wait until I had it done
to post it. As you can see, the shuttle is so
very pretty that I simply couldn't wait!
Edited 8/31/09:
You can see Celestina Marie's
blog post on the
shuttle by clicking here!
Next, I'd like to show you that I got
some pink hand knitted house slippers
from Twyla of Two Crazy Crafters!
Aren't they cute?

They are comfy, too!
You know, I have always wanted a pair of
hand knitted house slippers and now I have them!
Twyla had a birthday giveaway and I was
one of the lucky winners! YAY!
Thank you, Twyla!
They are warm and cozy!
Now, just in case you were wondering...
this is not just a blog about some gal
who "gets a lot of stuff from other bloggers"...
I do tat, too!

This is a sneak peak for all of you of some pink
tatting for a very special bloggy pal
(and you know who you are)!
Thank you for visiting my blog today! Whether or not you like pink I do hope this blog post finds you "in the pink" yourself! Please say hello and let me know how you are doing!
83 absolutely fabulous things were said:
Oh, you know I love pink too! Still working on my block. I meant to post new pics today but I never got around to it. You are one of the luckiest blog winners. Maybe I'll get lucky one day. I love your painted shuttle. I should try painting one. Your slippers look very comfy. Enjoy all your goodies!
Ooooh, yummy, yummy pink! I LOVE LOVE LOVE those adorable pink slippers -- my grandma used to knit those!
Your shuttle is gorgeous! I love it. What talent painting the roses on there like that. :)
Twyla is too sweet. Your knitted slippers are cute.
Oooooh! The sneak peek is making me drool. eep... I need to finish up so I can get my hands on it. ;)
I'm glad you're feeling better. I hope you're feeling 100% soon. xoxo.
What a beautiful shuttle. I agree pink is one of my favorite colors also.
PINK!!! Hands down my favoriteist color! Love the shabby chic roses on the shuttle and I adore your knitted slippers. You have wonderful friends-count your blessings.
Glad to hear that you are in the pink TattingChic.
I love your wonderful rose shuttle that Celestina Marie designed.
She is the most talented and lovely Lady.
The slippers are cute and as for the sneak peek for Jessica, I love the shade of pink.
Hello, One Craft at a Time! Yes, you do like pink, I remember! I hope you show your finished block soon!
Hi Thimbleanna! Aren't the slippers great? I remember friends of mine always getting some from their mothers or grandmothers. Some of them took them for granted and others appreciated them. I never had anyone in my family to make me these are special to me!
YAY! Jessica! I'm glad you saw the sneak peek! It's proof I really have been working on our swap! I cannot wait! YAY!!! I shall try very hard to make it worth your while!
Thank you, Karol! I always appreciate your visits!
Thank you, Donna! Yes, I do cherish my bloggy friends! They are treasures!!! Yes they are...and blessings, too, as you say! I do not take them for granted!
Hello, Carolyn! I am glad you like everything! I agree that Celestina Marie is a very talented lady! I am so very lucky to "know" her! I am very fortunate to have a piece of her artwork on something that I love dearly...a tatting shuttle!
Hi Tatting Chic!
I'm SO glad you are almost perfectly "in the pink!" Three cheers for good health!!!
You will feel TOTALLY pampered when you sit down to tat with that LOVELY shuttle, your feet comfy cozy in those SWEET slippers... Do you have anything to watch? I mean something APPROPRIATE for the occasion? How 'bout this? (I think it is fitting)
Think pink!
:) Ann
Glad to hear you're feeling more "in the pink" -- and what lovely pink things you have surrounding you! That shuttle is gorgeous, as is the box!
(I am becoming more and more fond of pink -- a color I never thought looked good on me. Maybe I'll soon be "in the pink" as well!)
Hello Tatting Chic,
I hope you are in the pink soon. Congratulations on all the pink goodies you received. That's a lotta pink things. I like blue too!
I'll email you the instructions. Sorry, I forgot about sending it to you.
Yes, but I could not find your email address. So I need to figure a way. Anyway as for the header - It was a painting I need to paint after a horrible blogging relationship that ended in something very dysfunctional, just awful. I needed to release the pus and poison! Painful lesson but well learned. So it's good to read that, although I did not mean for you to be scared or afraid, it is something undesirable and that's what it is. I change my header so often anyway. Sometimes I log just so I can change my header. Hahaha!
Thank you for that video link, Ann! That was fun and very pink!
Hi scb! I am glad to hear you are becoming more fond of pink. Funny thing is that I don't really do a lot of decorating with it, LOL! I do have a pink kitchenaid mixer, though! LOL! I want pink bakeware. Every once in a while I think of doing my kitchen accessories all in pink, LOL!
Hi Ces! By now you will have gotten my email to you! Thanks for the comments. I am so glad you remembered about the instructions for posting sounds! Very cool! I will try it first on an old post and then maybe I'll be using it on new ones in the future!
Oh, and not to worry! I am not scared. Just letting you know I could really sense the something disturbing in the painting! It is amazing how strong it came through despite the colors! I know that you change your header a lot! Years later if someone reads that comment they will not know what I am talking about... what am I saying? "Years" later...I meant to say..."hours" later, LOL! ;)
Wonderful post. I love pink too - if you hadn't noticed!!! The little box that held your new shuttle is just gorgeous. Have fun creating with such a pretty little shuttle!
Wishing you the best of health and pink is also my very favorite!
What a stunning hand painted shuttle! I love your cozy pinkalicious slippers too :)
Jo :)
I am so glad you are feeling better! The rose shuttle is lovely. It is a wonderful keepsake, very special indeed.
The box is too. Your photos showing all the before and after details are enlightening.
nice to hear you are in the pinks of health.
Tell me one girl who dosen't like PINK!
Those slippers look yummy!
And the box and shuttle look yummy too....
Soooo pinkly edible....
I pink I'm Hungry...
Bloggers are such friendly and generous people!
I am glad you are almost in the pink again.
I enjoyed seeing your pretty pinks.
Take care,
your painted tatting shuttle is gorgeous...i love the roses...and your new slippers look warm and cozy...
The shuttle is very pretty, and I love the little box! There's nothing like hand-knit slippers. Don't you feel like you're wrapping your feet in hugs? While pink is a very pretty color, I feel I must stick with my all-time favorite... blue!
Fingers crossed for being in the pink very soon!
Your slippers are wonderful. I have a pair from Twyla too, so cosy!
Victoria x
Fun post! Glad you are In The PINK!
Such sweet treats...and slippers are lovely!! I know what you mean about pink. I've had a love affair with pink all my life--from wee little thing attracted to pink thing, and it's still going strong. :o) Here's to being in the pink! Happy Day, TattingChic ((HUGS))
Hi Tatt Chic,
Oh I just love those precious pink slippers to warm and cozy your little tootsie's, while tatting with your new pink shuttle. What a talented lady to made those slippers. They remind me of the special slippers my grandma would make. I know you cherish them!!
What a lovely post my friend and so sweet of you to share our little swap of sorts. Your pics are wonderful and I am so glad you got a couple pics of the original shuttle since I always forget. I will borrow yours for my post, okay.
But the best part is to hear that you are nearly back "In The Pink"
That is wonderful!!
Have a great day and see you again soon.
Blessings to you always.
Big hugs, Celestina Marie
Oh! Chiclet, a very pretty pink post. Babies and girls in pink are very precious. Pink roses are hard to NOT like and I have dishes with plenty of pink. Vintage patterns favored pink and I love Vintage. BUT my favorite color is RED.
I am recovering from surgery and have a deep understanding for the phrase 'in the pink' in terms of health. I am so happy you are doing better.
Hi Miss TattingChic,
I'm so thrilled that you are getting closer to being in the pink. Hurrah for good health. Definitely what counts in life!
What a fun post. Pink is not my color (to wear) but I love it anyway.
You won some fabulous goodies my friend.
So grateful to hear the good news TattingChic~
Pink is also the color of your hearts desire!!
Emailing you something in a moment!
Hi Our Shabby Cottage! Yes, pink is fab, isn't it? I think the shuttle will stay with the box when I'm not using it since they match! It will be it's "home".
Hi Allyson and Christopher! Thanks for the well wishes and nice comment! Welcome!
Hi Jo! Thanks, I am glad you like the very pretty handpainted shuttle. I think that is a high compliment coming from a shuttlemaker of the finest shuttles EVER!
Hi Yarnjourney! I am glad you like the before and after pics! I even told the Etsy shop owner that I bought it from that I was going to have it painted. They likened it to a Cinderella story, LOL! I thought that was cute.
LOL! Hi Vinnie, I know a few girls who don't like pink. They are just as vocal about not liking it as us pink lovers are about LOVING it! LOL! Ah, well, to each their own. I am glad to find fellow pink lovers here in blogland!
Hi Lili! Yes, I would say that we got a fabulous, friendly and generous group of bloggers that we "know" here in blogland!
Hello, Carolyn! Thanks for visiting! I am glad you liked the pink doesn't surprise me that you like pink! I say that from all the beautiful pinks on your blog (and other pretty colors, too).
Hi Lori! Thanks on the shuttle! The new slippers are warm and cozy for sure!
Yes, Diane, that's it! Wrapping my feet in hugs! I think that's why I always wanted to have hand knit slippers! They are usually made with love!
Lucky you, Victoria! Lucky US~to have a pair of hand knit slippers from Twyla! It's amazing, isn't it? The whole some gal from So Cal and another one from the UK have a pair of slippers from the same "mutual" friend wayyyyyyy across the USA! I think it's amazing anyway.
Hi Snap! I have to say I love your name. Snap dragons are some of my favorite flowers! I used to make finger puppets with them when I was a little girl, LOL! My Mom grew them in her garden.
Very cool, Tracy! Yes, here's to being in the pink and to PINK, itself! LOL! I think I have always loved pink, too! Sometimes I've been shyer about it, though, if someone was kinda mean about it, LOL!
Hi Cel Mar! Yes, of course, use the pictures you need for your blog! I was hoping you got better pictures of the shuttle after it was painted. No matter what light I photographed it in I couldn't get the true beauty of it to show...except for the picture of it inside the box lid! Yes, Twyla is a talented lady...making those cozy slippers! They will keep my feet warm during the colder winter months (which here in So Cal aren't terrible cold, but sometimes I have to put on socks and a light jacket, LOL!) when I am tatting! Great idea! You are very talented, yourself, Celestina! I love the shuttle! I need to finish a swap and get it on it's way and then I'll finish your bookmark!
With a beautiful name like Ruby, how could your favorite color NOT be red? LOL! You know, I decorate my house in much more red! I hardly have any pink out, LOL! I do like to wear both, though!
Hi Barb, thank you for the nice comment! Pink is a delightful color, isn't it? It's great whether you can wear it or not!
Hi Constance. What a nice comment. I shall look forward to your email!
I love all your pink!! The slippers are so adorable. Your shuttle is so much prettier now. Aren't blogging friends wonderful?
Very pretty
So glad you are feeling more "tip top"! Love the painted shuttle - very pretty! Can't wait to see the pink delight that is in process in your tatting shuttle! : )
I never used to like pink. Now I am absolutely drawn to it. I especially like that you are almost "in the pink!" This post if a pink paradise! I love all of your new pink goodies. The new tatting is very interesting and pretty. Can't wait to see it finished.
I am "tickled pink" that you are "in the pink!" That is very good news indeed.
I love seeing all your pretty new things, especially the shuttle- I wonder if you can paint a steel crochet hook? (Just kidding!)
Who wouldn't love that pink tatting shuttle! Pink is lovely especially when paired with yellow or green. Your knitted shoes look comfy.
What a fun pink post! Red is my color... but I do admire your pink pretties!
Beautiful Pink goodness! I won some beautiful painted things from Celeste. I was waiting to hear you shout, so I'm thinking you missed it...go back a few posts and look at the beautiful tatting I found at an antique shop for a few pennies.
Yes of course you can...I need to take a photo of the whole piece, I don't know what it the top to a nightie...I'll send you another photo. I thought I heard you
Well, I hope you are in the Pink tonight! I'm so glad you liked your shoes! Do you know that's the most I've ever seen of you! Thanks for the foot picture! I used to think it was obligatory for each blogger to do a foot picture. (Yes, I've done mine) Thanks for your kind words about me on your blog. You are so welcome and I just hope that you enjoy wearing them! Twyla
Hi TattingChic, I'm so glad you are feeling better. All the pink goodies on your site are wonderful. Your newly painted shuttle is adorable, so is the box it came in. And your pink slippers are so cute, they will keep your tootsies warm in style!! Have a great day!
Hi Judy, thanks for visiting! I had been on the hunt for an inexpensive wooden shuttle to have Celestina Marie paint for some time! I found it at Sistermaide's Etsy shop. The shuttle is just fine, unpainted, but it is not to much to spend to have it painted (It was 10 dollars unpainted). Anyway, I'm so glad that Celstina Marie wanted to paint it for me!
Hi Suzie! Thank you.
Hi Fox! Thanks for visiting. I hope to get the pink tatting done by the end of the week!
Thank you, Tattycat! I'm glad you like all the pink goodies here. It is great to be feeling somewhat better! I'm so grateful! I'm feeling worn out, but that's still not as bad as before, LOL!
Hi Ann, that is a good one. If you get it done without the paint chipping off you tell me how you did it! LOL!
Hi Julia! Pink is awesome, isn't it!? Pink does look fab with other pastels, doesn't it? WEll, baby pink or pastel pink least!
Hi Karla! Oh, I LOVE red, too! In fact, I have my home decorated with some red! I probably have more red out than pink. I sure love pink, though!
Hi Laurie of Charming Designs! I saw that beautiful tatting you got! Thanks for the permission to use the photos! I'll do a post once you take a photo of the whole piece. Thank you for letting me share it on my blog! :)
Hi Twyla! Ha ha ha! Yes, I think that is the most I've ever shown on my blog, LOL! It was fun doing the obligatory foot photo! That was the word I was looking for; "Obligatory"! Thanks again for the fab house slippers...they've nearly upstaged the tatting stuff! LOL!
Thank you, Carol! I'm glad you like the tatting shuttle and the box it came in. Isn't it fun to collect pretty tatting shuttles? I'm sure you have a fabulous collection of them, yourself!
Isnt Celeste the best?? My home is full of her beautfiul creations, I cant get enough!! YAY pink!
Look at those HOT feet!
OH YAY! SO Glad you are getting close to feeling "In the Pink!"
Pink rocks.
Pink skies, pink cotton candy, Pink skin! Pink hearts, pink love. Pink Tatting treats!! the bestest yet ;)
No actually, maybe the bestest is your pink aura, yes that must be it!
Twyla rocks. I have some multi colored babies ;)
Hugs for health!!
Love, V
Pink is Not my favorite color, but all of your Pink is so sweet and feminine and beautiful, this post almost has me converted to being a pink lover. . .
Hi Shabbyfufu! That is so sweet that your hubby's aunt made you some slippers! Thanks for sharing that.
Hi Amy! YAY PINK is right!
Ha ha, Jen! You are so funny! I knew you would get a kick out of the obligatory foot photo. Get it? Get a "kick" out of it!
Hi Vanessa! I agree that pink does rock. I even like pink know sparkly warkly jewelry made with pink "ice"! Love the stuff!
~OKey DOkey~ Enlightened by Angels ♥
Oh my gosh, I love tatting!!! I have no idea how to do it, I once had an Aunt that did. How fabulous it looks, in pink too!!! I love it!!!!! The shuttle is gorgeous, such talent!!
Margaret B
What a beautiful shuttle! It looks fabulous and one of a kind (though I'm sure that won't be for long). And the pink slippers are really cute, too. My sister and I used to make those when I was younger. Love them in pink!
Patricia :o)
It's the sweetest painted shuttle! Love your theme of pink for this post, I love pink and it's definitely the favourite colour of my youngest girl - she dresses herself from head to toe in pink!
Your shuttle is gorgeous! Adorable slippers and they look about my size too. "Wink"
Your goodies are wonderful!
I hope everything is fine with your health.
Congratulation for your 50000 visits! :-)
Dropped by to look at your pink cheeks again!
Pink is a wonderful color..I love it too. Love all your pink pretties too...hugs, Linda
Oooh! Everything is soooooo sweet! Pink is one of my favourite colours too! Hugs.
Hello Tatting Chic, I am glad you are starting to feel in the Pink. VBG I love all your wee pink treasures especially your "Pink Rose tatting shuttle"!! Hugs Judy
Ooooh I can't believe what she did with that tiny little shuttle! How in the world did she paint those detailed roses on something that small? Golly!!
Love your new house slippers, Miss Chic!!
I'm glad you are feeling better, keep doing whatever it is you're doing to make that happen. Beautiful little box, shuttle, slippers and the pink tatting. God Bless!
Very pretty shuttle!
WOW I love Pink too!
That is a lovely post in pink! Happy to hear about your health too!
Happy crafting in Pink!
I found your blog after reading Celestina's blog.... Just love it!! Tatting is the one Needleart that I have never tried!!
Come on over to my blog as I have a Huge give away going on & I would love to have you enter!!
How sweet! You have such a lovely blog and a wonderful talent!
Beautiful tatting shuttle : )
Love your slippers & tatting, too --- pink is good
did I mention that I've got some lessons scheduled on Oct 22nd?? Yes I do --- wish me luck
Celeste creates the most awesome things, he style is so delicate & feminine. What lovely treasures you have received.
Have a lovely week. TTFN ~ Marydon
Hi ~ I just came from Celeste's blog & thought I would visit you, too! You have received such a sweet piece of art to help you in your lovely future designs! Won't it be fun tatting with this?!?!
Can't wait to see the bookmark you make for Celeste! My grandmother used to tat & I have several pieces that she did, it always amazed me to watch her sit and work.
Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hey Chiclet! Beautiful shuttle.
Early to mid September is good for me. Let me know when you are ready. BTW, I have your email address (since I am part of the 25 motif update team), so leave a comment on my blog, and I'll email you.
Hi Tatting Chic....long time no read. I am just getting back into the swing of things after a short wet summer and look what you have been up to! I am glad to hear your on your way to 100 percent pink!
I like pink too....but it doesn't like me so much. My colour just is so not pink :( that I rarely wear it but I have a Cutie- Patootie who looks terrific in it so that is the colour I usually get for her :)
The painted shuttle is lovely. How large is it? I can't tell by the picture and I haven't seen one in real life before.
As for the slippers, they look warm and comfy for sure!
Chic, thanks for sharing and have a great week.
Lucky you! No fair!! Love all of the goodies. The shuttle is so beautiful you could use it as a decoration!
Hi. Love your blog. I found your blog on OWOH giveaway list! I'm hosting my one little event, going through all 911 blogs on the OWOH list in 90 days, inspired by the movie Julie Julia! So, as Julia Child might say, I'm "Bon Blogging!" Come visit me at my blog:
I make jewelry and write mysteries.
I saw the SLC temple on your main page. I'm LDS too.scipper
Thanks for stopping by my blog this week... and for the feedback on my new design - I spent a whole day working on getting the layout and everything just right and you're the first person to mention it (other than my mom =) so I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate the feedback... and I agree that it did turn out very pretty - LOL!
Actually, I didn't design my blog background, per se... but the template I used didn't fit so I had to keep tweaking the html code to make it all work - and I had to edit the header to make the colors coordinate and fit properly on the page, etc. Mostly it took all day because I DON'T know what I'm doing - LOL!
Super super cute things!
They say pink is the most relaxing and soothing color there is. Our living room wallpaper is pink on top half and brown striped on the bottom. I love it. Once upon a time I knit a pair of slippers rather like yours. How pretty everything is. What a fun post...I'm glad to hear your health is close to being 'in the pink'. May God bless you!
Oh TattingChic, you always lift my spirits! Unfortunately my health is not in the pink - I will probably have to have more spinal surgery in the near future - and so was feeling very down! Thank you for your lovely posts that are always a pleasure to read!
hi! had i missed this post or did i already comment? back to school has me so mixed up! LOL
anyway, it's a completely lovely post filled with pretties and thoughtfulness and ... tatting!
happy long weekend!
Hi, Tatting Chic. I visited your blog quite few time and I thought I should leave a comment. The box is beautiful and so your shuttle,one of a kind now.I admire yor tatting and now I will try my hand at it.Found some tutorial on the net.
I love pink too and your blog. I think that I came by chance for at the least the second time...I would like to learn tatting...I would like, I tried but it is hard for me...I am in the pink in my life.hugs
Glad to hear that you are 'in the pink':). Just love tatting shuttle-it turned out beautifully!
Love the shuttle, pink is my favourite colour!
Check out my blog there is a surprise waiting!
Lynn B
I love all the pink. It's a particularly beautiful post on a blogsite full of treasures.
Thank you so much for all the very sweet comments! I appreciate them all! :)
~TattingChic ♥
I came over from Celest's blog, after looking at the shuttle she painted. So pretty with matching box.I love pink too, the slippers look comfy. Have a great week.
So glad you are doing better! That is awesome!!!!!!! I loved the painted shuttle. I may have to do that to one. Course I just ordered my first one last week (and plastic). LOL But still it would be sweet to have on display. :o)
How did I miss this post? I think this post is helping "come around" to the color pink. Everything is so lovely?
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