Here's something unique and exciting!
I won another giveaway (or two)! Let me show you the goods.
I won the July Giveaway from Jo in NZ
She has a blog called
"No Matter Where I go...
I Always Meet Myself There!"
The prize???
She has a blog called
"No Matter Where I go...
I Always Meet Myself There!"
The prize???
Isn't it cool?

on the other side. She actually wrote on it.
Thank you, Jo in NZ!
I thought I'd post this in honor of
Postcard Friendship Friday!

I love acorns!
Thank you, Marjorie!
She even slipped in this bonus book
on teaching crafts.
It has a section on ethics in teaching
crafts. I thought that was kind of cool.
It talks about not gossiping about your students.
I rather like that. I've never gossiped about my
students, but did my best to create
an emotionally safe environment for learning.
I hope they felt it.

Sometimes I think about ethics in blogging.
I think similar things apply. I am not
attracted to blogs that put down others or
say negative things about their bloggy "neighbors".
I've even seen some blogs that "blast" someone
publically when maybe there was private issue
only shared in email. I think that's a big no-no.
On the other hand, it's always a pleasure to visit
blogs that send sweet shout outs about their
friend's blogs or blogs they admire.
It makes me feel safe visiting there!
I think similar things apply. I am not
attracted to blogs that put down others or
say negative things about their bloggy "neighbors".
I've even seen some blogs that "blast" someone
publically when maybe there was private issue
only shared in email. I think that's a big no-no.
On the other hand, it's always a pleasure to visit
blogs that send sweet shout outs about their
friend's blogs or blogs they admire.
It makes me feel safe visiting there!
35 absolutely fabulous things were said:
I can't believe I am the first to leave a comment. That has NEVER happened. You are one blessed lady. Love your gifts.
I agree about ethics in blogging. Interesting.....stopping there-hehe.
Have a wonderful weekend my friend.
What lovely gifties! And thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your nice comment about my pincushion! Enjoy your day! :0)
You continue to win such amazing stuff! I don't know how you do it!! Have a great day, oh lucky lady!
Fox : ))
Congratulations for this lovely prize!
Thanks for your visit and kind comment!
Is Marie on holidays ?
Both prizes are nice, lucky you! I love the postcard. I have the teaching craft book. I need to re-read that; thanks for the reminder.
Love your gift and perfect for PFF! I've posted a card also with a special note to Marie.
Well, hello there. Nice giveaways you won. I love the stitchery pattern and the postcard. I have been meaning to make a postcard for quite a while but now I think I have even more incentive. It is so simple and yet so very effective. Gosh she does such nice work.
I think people should be ethical no matter in what circumstance. (taken from an experience I had with a boss no less!)
More treats! You have the best giveaway karma, TattingChic! ;o) That stitching is so pretty on that first photo. And usual--lots of fun happening here! Happy weekend, my friend ((HUGS))
You are one lucky and talented gal! Thanks for visiting my blog.
What wonderful gifts Tatting Chic!!!That post card is awesome.
I wanted to stop by and tell you Alexia and I found in an antique shope a beautiful old runner with very old tatting on it.The runner itself was badly stained, but the tatting was still in good shape.XXOO Marie Antionette
Congrats, sweet Chic!! You are a lucky lady~~what is your secret?~tee-hee~
Such wonderful little treasures you won..have Fun!!
I also agree with the bloggie ethics..
Have a fantastic Friday afternoon!
Lucky you!
You have a blog that not only makes me feel "safe" but Happy every time I visit! Thanks!
How do you do it! You win such neat stuff. I think you are right about what people post..I visit sites that make me glad I stopped yours!
What sweet gifts:>) The postard is so cool. Tpow gifts in one, a handmade gift and mail!
Very nice goodies you have there Ms. Tatting Chic! I couldn't agree more about blogs too!
Congratulations Tatting Chic!
I am so happy your perseverance has FINALLY paid off and you have WON a giveaway! :)
I have seen fabric postcards before, but did not think you could actually MAIL them! I thought they were cool before, but have now upgraded them to WAY cool! This one is very pretty and to my eye has tatting inspiration stitched all over it! Hope some day I can translate things like that to tatting myself...
Your acorn pattern and book are also nice. People put together such nice giveaways!
"See" you soon!
Thank you for coming to my blog to wish me a Happy PFF, because I, like you, am missing Marie's PFF posts and hope she has a speedy and complete recovery soon.
Your blog makes me want to learn more about lace and tatting. What beautiful and unique gifts you just won! I recently won a (not yet received) Dr. Perricone lifting serum at another blog. It brings a sense of fantasy to your day when you win a gift via blogging!
You may be interested in a positive new group called Blogland Lane. In the sidebar at our blog there you can read all about how to join this *amazing* community (and it would be a fun way for you to show off your tatting...).
Very beautiful! You are one lucky girl! Can you come buy us a lottery ticket? :)
Congratulations TattingChic, on winning some more giveaways.
You must be one of the luckiest girlies around.
Have a great weekend
Congratulations on your winning - nice prizes :) And as far as ethics in teaching go - I'm glad you create that safe environment. I'm sure your students felt it! Gossiping is never OK in any situation as far as I'm concerned -that section of the book could probably apply anywhere.
What neat wins! Your good fortune continues...have a happy weekend. hugs, Linda
Wow! such lovely gifts. U are such a lucky person.
It is very clear from reading your blog you are a very kind and compassionate person- I am sure that is why so many folks love to visit your blog!
I totaly agree with you about ethics in blog land.
And you are very lucky, too!
Congratulations on not one but two lovely prizes.
Hope you have a good weekend,
Congrats on winning those two fab giveaways!
Hey Chic! Congratulations on winning those lovely prizes!
Barb's #1!
Barb's #1!
Barb's #1!
LOL! Yes, I know what you mean about "stopping there", I could go on and on, myself!
Thank you, Terry! ...and you're welcome!
Thanks, Fox! I'm not sure how it happens, either! Wish I was so lucky in many other areas of life!
Hi Miss Yves, let's hope that Marie is on holidays and NOT sick! Thanks for visiting!
Very cool, Yarnjourney! I haven't read the book, yet. It's fun to know you have it, too!
Hi Snap! I read your post! Very sweet!
Hi Dolores! I couldn't agree more about the "ethical no matter what" thing! So true. I appreciate your nice comment. If you do decide to make a fabric postcard I hope you post it! Let me know if you do!
Hi Tracy! That must be it...good giveaway karma! Thanks! (((HUGS))) bag to you, dear blog friend!
Thank you, Judy, and you're welcome!
Hi Marie Antoinette! Thanks for visiting! That is so cool that you found a runner with tatting on it! I hope you show it on your blog soon! Give Alexia my best regards!
Thank you, Lynn! BTW, your ♥ inspired me to find out how to do it, so I googled it and found out how and now I've added it to my signature as well!
Awww...thank, Lady Doc! I'm very glad you feel safe and happy when you visit!
Hi Barb! I wish I knew how I do it, LOL! Thanks so much! I am so glad you stop by to visit and that you enjoy your visits!
Yes, Kathleen Grace! I agree...two gifts in one! It is fun to get good old fashioned snail mail AND a gift, it's true!
Thanks you, Ms Thimbleanna! Yes, I can tell with your seem like an ethical blogger to me!
Ann, your comment LITERALLY made me LOL! SERIOUSLY! Yes, my perserverance has paid off, LOL! Finally after ALL the giveaway enterings the giveaway "gods" have smiled on me! Good one! I am always flabbergasted whenever I learn I've won another one! I'll take it! I'm glad to win them!
Lydia, thank you SO MUCH for visiting! Oh, that makes me happy to know that you want to learn more about tatting and lace! Please come back often! I hope you do learn more about it! Please visit my other tatting blogger friends and the tatting links I have provided on my sidebar!
I miss Marie's PFF posts, too! I hope she's okay!
LOL! Jo, wouldn't that be something if the giveaway luck did rub off into the lottery arena? So far it hasn't really rubbed off into other areas of my life...I am blessed, just not as LUCKY, LOL!
Thank you, Carolyn! I am a lucky girly...especially because I have fabulous blog friends like yourself!
Hello to a Happy Bluebird! I agree, ethics can apply to anywhere...anywhere that we deal with others online or "offline".
Thank you, Linda! I hope your weekend is good, too!
Thank you, Reen! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
Thank you very much, Ann! I really appreciate your very sweet comment!
Thanks, Carolyn! I hope you have a fabulous weekend, too!
Thank you, Penny! So glad you stopped by!
Thank you, Tattycat! I'm happy to see you are feeling good to visit in blogland! You've been very much missed!
hello tatting chic, thank you for leaving your comment on my blog. you are very welcome to join and move to blogland lane. the steps you need to take are listed on the neighborhood blog but here's what to do in a nutshell
1. pick what ever house, yard, land, location, whatever you want to live in and post it on your blog. you can have whatever # you want as long as it's not been chosen already.
2.To be set up as an author, which means you can post on our blogland lane blog, please send an e-mail to:
3. debra kay will send you an e-mail back to notify you that you've have been added. That will give you rights to create a post here.
then you will be able to post your house and introduce yourself to some very fine and fascinating neighbors, including lydia.
if you're not sure about that, check out our blog and you'll see (and enjoy) what people are doing.
Blogger will support up to 100 of us as authors-if we grow beyond that, we'll have to figure something else out.
In advance, tattingchic, welcome to Blogland Lane!
we're very excited about our potential to create and share a special community.
i hope all this information helps. if not, feel free to get back to me.
Congratulations TattingChic,
thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your nice comment
TattingChic, That first postcard is amazing - she sent it through the mail did she? Your tatting work (esp. in your header) is incredible! Happy PFF! Yes I do hope Marie gets well...
Playing "catch up" on your blog. I love the ruffled hearts and I never tire of thread size comparisons. Congrats on your newest wins! ...and I totally agree with your blog ethics! (o:
Lucky girl!! Such lovely giveaways.
What a cute postcard!
Victoria x
Lucky you on your little prize stash! You are so right about blogging etics...although you know I love to give Penniwig a lil' sassi-ness and run for her money...but she knows I love her!
I love the postcard...and I need to check out this postcard friend friday! A gal can NEVER have to many bloggie buds! Happy weekend to you my bloggie friend with alot of class!
You always win the best stuff!!!
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