It may seem that by the sounds of this blog post title that I am feeling out of sorts. It is actually the name of the pattern I used to tat these hearts I am sharing today.
Last week Yarnplayer asked me to test tat some of her beautiful HDT for her. She normally hand dyes DMC brand thread and may start dying Lizbeth thread now that it is available in size 20 AND size 40!
I had ordered some of her "Summer Trail" in size 20 and she sent along with it some size 20 (of the same colorway) in the new Lizbeth HDT! Woo Hoo! I love tatting thread treats such as this and welcome the chance to test tat them anytime! I am happy to report that both the DMC and Lizbeth threads tatted up very nicely!
Here, let me show you the two hearts!
Here is the Lizbeth thread:

The heart pattern is called
"Ruffled Heart"
by Vicki Clarke.
I think it's a very pretty pattern.
This will count as
Motif #8
in my second round of the
25 Motif Challenge
Next, is the DMC thread.

Here they are side by side.

how small these motifs are.
61 absolutely fabulous things were said:
Those are really cute!!! I must make a few of them. :-) The thread color is very interesting too. Need to check my balance in the thread money to see if I can get some. lol
I am finding that I really enjoy dropping in here. As a total non-tatter, I love seeing these little treasures and admire the hands that can create something so small and so special.
Color me 8 shades of jealous! Absolutely beautiful!
Liz aka Yarnivorous
I think they are both quite lovely and the colors she used to dye the threads are simply stunning!!!
Does yarnplayer dye embroidery thread?
Just curious
And your tatting of those hearts is fabulous!!!
I have been very lax in the posting and commenting of late.... just so much going on.... including a few new paitnings...
i thought your hearts were amazing...then i saw the, i am amazed and intricate they are...lovely work!!! and such pretty colors!!!
I already replied on your Facebook but will tell you again THOSE ARE BEAUTIFUL!! I plan on tatting this HOPEFULLY tonight ha ha!
Oh these are just so beautiful!! I just LOVE your work, just exquisite!
Thanks so much for your support in your sweet comments on my blog and facebook~~I so appreciate each word!
Have a fabulous afternoon!
~Let FREEDOM Ring~!
Hi TattingChic, Lovely color HDT! And I just printed this pattern off the other day so I could tat it.
Both threads are a joy to work with, do you know if she started with a white thread or a color thread?
Thanks for posting about it.
Happy Tatting!
I think I prefer the DMC cotton, although both are lovely. I REALLY need to try tatting soon! Although I think I'll try cro-tat first, as I already have the crochet hooks - cheaper to start off!
These both look WONDERFUL!
TattingChic, very pretty hearts! It is really hard to identify differences in the threads. Both are lovely. Glad you put in the dime. I would never had guessed they were that small!
I love the variegated thread. You did a beautiful job with the hearts. Both are great!
They are both beautifully made and that thread is exquisite! Yes humpday, I used to say to my kids every wednesday morning: ' And you know who will be around at noon? It's Mr. Sawson, to saw the week in halves.' Wednesday afternoon was their afternoon of in primary school, so they always hoped to meet Mr. Sawson, but always just seem to miss him.
They are BOTH beautiful! Love the color and the motif :)
Here's one fabulous thing said, "Wow, wow, wow!!!"
Pretty mini hearts! I like that they're multi-colored. Still working, working, working on our little swap! :D
Hello Tattingchic :
Beautiful hearts, congratulations..
What an excellent comparison post - impeccable tatting on both the hearts! Thank you, TattingChic, for doing this testing. That's a very pretty pattern.
Well, I've noticed that the Lizbeth is very slightly thicker as compared to the same size in the DMC. Not sure if it's enough to really make a difference when combining the 2 brands in the same
project, as I've done with my "Stained Glass Effect" pendants.
I have noticed that the Lizbeth thread when dyed and skeined feels more "wiry" than the DMC skeins. Upon close scrutiny, they appear to have the same angle of twist, but they feel different to me when tatting - not sure how to explain it, just different somehow, IMHO.
Anyway, tatters are lucky to have so many great threads to choose from these days! When I first got interested in hand dyeing 6-cord thread, my deciding factor was that DMC Cordonnet Special came in the most sizes. It still does, so I'm inclined to stay with it.
The hearts are lovely. The thread is gorgeous. Good thing I don't have anyone sending me yarn to try ... I can't find my way in and out of my *works in progress* CLOSET now!
I like them both too! The colorway is fantastic and looks just like its name.
The pattern is really lovely - I have never seen it before! It shows off the beautiful colors so well.
Hi TattingChic,
Well, I have scrutinized the pis and they are very close - both very pretty. The pattern is lovely.
It appears to my eye that the DMC thread is crisper, not as soft as the Lizbeth. I was looking at the bottom ring of both heart when I came to this conclusion.... Could just be me, though!
Your tatting is, of course, impeccable! Fox : ))
Lovely work...colors are very nice! I always like to see your projects!
Hi Wally, yes, I have to have a thread budget, too! Otherwise I would spend everything on thread and other tatting candy, LOL!
Hi Annie, thanks! I'm glad you like stopping by! I really enjoy sharing my tatting with everyone whether they tat or not!
Hi Liz! Thanks for stopping by. Glad you like the ♥!
Hi Jo! To answer your question, yes, Yarnplayer does dye embroidery floss. She usually makes a colorway and then separate solids that match each color in the colorway. I always want her to do that with tatting thread, too!
Thank you, Lori! I'm glad you like the ♥'s!
Thank you for both comments, Heather!
Hi, Lynn ♥! I enjoy visiting your blog and it's nice to have you as a friend on facebook. Thank you so much for stopping by!
Hi Carol. Isn't that an awesome pattern? I love it. I hope you show your tatted heart on your blog, too!
Hi Jennie! I hope you do learn to tat! There are some fabulous learning resources now. Tatting shuttles aren't too very expensive.
Thank you, LadyDoc!
Hi Ruby. Yes, I glad you mentioned the dime. I thought of it at the last minute when I realized they would look bigger in the photos than they actually are. I usually use a quarter, but couldn't find one, LOL!
Thank you, Dolores! I'm glad you like the ♥, too!
Ha ha, Lili M, that is a cute story about Mr. Sawson. I have never heard of that one, before. I must've missed him, too!
Thank you, Jo! I am glad you stopped by.
Ha ha ha! I like that, Julia! That was an absolutely fabulous thing to say! Thank you!
Hi Jessica! Yes, and I am tatting, tatting, tatting away at our swap, too! I am getting much further along!
Thank you, mamatejedora! I appreciate your sweet comment.
Yarnplayer! Thank you so much for the fabulous opportunity to test tat your Lizbeth HDT thread! That was fun! I am here anytime you need a test tatter, okay!?! Thank you for your accolades! They are very much appreciated especially coming from an impeccable tatter such as yourself! I agree that it is so nice to have so many fabulous threads available today! I am eating it up! I am glad to hear that you will stick with the DMC! I love having the option of purchasing more thread sizes if I am in the mood for them or need them for a pattern! I also think you would have a following for the Lizbeth if you decided to provide that as well! (yes, I'm saying do both, LOL!)
Hi Snap! Well, yes, I can understand what you are saying because that is exactly what is going on! I am behind on a few tatting projects because I was itching to try the FREE Lizbeth HDT!
Hi Yarnjourney! Isn't the colorway great!?! I got it in more than one thread size.
Hello, Mica! Thank you for your comment. Isn't that a great pattern!? I thought it was perfect for a thread demo/comparison.
Hi Fox, thanks for your nice comment. That is interesting. See, I thought that the Lizbeth thread seemed to tat up crisper looking. My opinion is based on the cleaner lines that the larger part of the heart makes. Compare the left (DMC) heart to the right (Lizbeth) heart in the side by side comparison. Perhaps you'll see what I mean.
Hi Barb, thanks! I always like to see your visits! Thank you so much for the comment!
Your ruffled hearts look stunning
Love the hand~dyed effect and the hearts too.
Hope all's well in Tattersville~
Oh Please don't make me pick just one!! I love them both and I did enjoy the show.
wow, are those ever cool!
with all of your photos, i think you have the makings of a book here!
Love your ruffled hearts, TattingChic.
The thread colours are lovely.
Nice how you combine all those colors. And yet again, another intricate, beautiful designs you've made :-) Also like that it's not that big.
Bonjour Tatting Chic !
I love both ;-)) what's the name of this DMC thread, please ?
Have a nice day
ancolie from France
Both hearts are lovely, and so well done! I wish my tatting looked as nice! That's a lovely pattern, too. I went over and got it so I could try it.
Sob! Its sooo beautiful! Thanks for making my pattern. I hope you enjoyed it! It looks great!
Very pretty
Hi Tatting Chic!
Beautiful thread, beautiful pattern, beautiful workmanship! The quality of your tatting is so consistent! I've noticed it before when you have made comparisons and again today. You are GREAT!!
Hi Constance! Thanks for stopping by! I always enjoy your comments. All is well in Tattersville as far as I know.
Ha ha, Judy! You can't pick just one ♥? LOL! Well, you don't have to. You are so cute.
Thanks, Elyse! I appreciate that. It would be fun to put out a tatting book someday.
Thank you, Carolyn. I'm glad you like the hand dyed thread colors. I thought it was a nice colorway, too.
Hi Li, thank you, thank you, thank you! They are pretty small. I'm glad my camera does a pretty good job (when I haven't had a diet coke recently so my hand doesn't shake, LOL!)
Hi Ancolie, I believe that Yarnplayer dyes DMC Cordonnet special and the colorway she's dyed it in is called "Summer Trail".
Hi Tattrldy! Your tatting does look nice! Thank you, you are very kind. I hope you do try the pattern. It was well written and easy to follow.
Thank you so much for visiting and commenting, Victats! I'm so glad you like what I did with your BEAUTIFUL pattern! I LOVE it! I have it memorized and I'm doing more for a swap I have with someone.
Thank you, Suzie!
Thank you very much, Ann! I appreciate that. I was trying to be as consistent as possible with the colors and somehow it worked out. I think that shows Yarnplayers consistency as well when she dyes a colorway. I don't know how hand dying works...if they dye individual skeins or what.
ok what is weird, I made this last night and it too is my #8 for my 3rd 25 motif challenge LOL Thanks for sharing the link or I would have probably just passed it by...
Ohhh wowww What beautiful,i love the colours.
Hugs Riet.x
I do love seeing all your wonderfully tatted hearts,
Victoria x
Wow! Those are beautiful. I can't believe how small they are!!
OMG! I thought I was the only one who liked minute things. These are so tiny. Do you use a magnifying glass for these? They are beautiful.
Oh my gosh! They're so little! Thanks for showing the dime -- I never would have guessed. Beautiful!
Both hearts are beautiful....I had no idea how tiny they were, your work is awesome..hugs, Linda
I love both hearts too. Fantastic job on those by the way. I love how small they are, I love small items things that do not take up much room but are beautiful, your work fits the bill. Stunning job!!
Hi, could you email me, I can not figure out how to do a contact through blog:)
I love the pattern, they are little cuties. Yarnplayer's thread is gorgeous as is your tatting TattingChic.
I Love that pattern, just gone on my to do list! The colours are lovely, can't see much difference in the threads in your photos. Even the same brand of thread can differ in size in the end result.
Hi Miss TattingChic,
How tiny and perfect they are. You do such lovely work. Even though I'm a non-tatter, I love to see what you make.
Hello. How are u? both thread looks nice. and such cute hearts.
Love the pattern and the multicolored threads! Heart motifs are so wonderful, endearing and enduring...Happy weekend, TattingChic :o) ((HUGS))
The Ruffled Hearts are very nicely done. I was interested to hear you liked both the DMC and the Lizbeth threads. It's good to have someone else test those things!
Hi Heather, glad to see you did it, too! Are you having fun with the challenge? It is my second round. I am glad I am doing it because it keeps me tatting (so does this blog) I think if I didn't do either I might just lay down the shuttles for far too long, LOL!
Thank you, Riet! I'm sure that Yarnplayer will appreciate that you love the colors the colors!
Thank you, Victoria! I am so glad you came to visit!
Hi Penny! Glad you like the ♥s! I am glad that I showed them next to the dime.
Hi Ces, oh, I LOVE miniatures. I would totally have a dollhouse if I could right now! Actually these would not be considered miniature. Now, if I did them in size 80 thread...then we're talking miniature. Actually...I think I will just to show you what miniature is. Come to think of it, I've got some samples of 120 and 160 thread, maybe I'll show you some in those, too! Hmmmm.
Hi there, Thimbleanna! So many people have mentioned the dime, I am glad I thought of it at the last minute of taking the photos.
Thank you, Linda! I'm glad you like them!
Thank you, Ann! So glad you like the ♥s! I did get your comment about the email and hope you got it by now. :)
Thanks, SY! Isn't Yarnplayer's thread great? I love her work. We are lucky to have so many fabulous hand dyers available right now and to also have the internet to connect with them, even internationally!
Hi Tatskool. Yes, even the same size can differ in the end result depending on how uniform the thread is on the skein or ball. I have always had pretty good results with DMC. Aunt Lydia's brand is so inconsistent that I can hardly bear to tat with it.
Thank you, Barb! I am glad you appreciate the art of tatting.
Thanks, Reen! Good to see you here!
Thank you, Tracy! It's always nice to have you visit. You leave such sweet comments! (well, so does everyone, but your are always full of hugs and stuff, so sweet!)
Hi Marty! Well, it's funny you say that. I was actually biased AGAINST the Lizbeth thread, but I told Yarnplayer I would set my bias aside (the 3 balls of the second batch of Lizbeth I've tried to tat with have twisted up something fierce and I've had no response from Barbara Foster on my messages about it). I found the HDT Lizbeth tatted up as nicely as the DMC. I didn't go into all of that in the post, though
What a cute heart pattern - somehow I envision earrings from those hearts. The thread color is pretty too. Thanks for the thread comparison - I'm trying to soak up all the information I can before I start spending my thread 'allowance' :)
What incredible work. And so tiny!
You always amaze me!
Stopping by to say thank you for entering my giveaway. Good luck to you in the drawing.
That is absolutely gorgeous. I admire people who do tatting work, and yours is stunning.
Thanks for visiting Noteworthy Musings.
I didn't get to visit Liberty when I was in NY. Unfortunately when we finally had the time to go out, it was closed, and we were leaving the next day. So, we took the Staten Island Ferry just to get a glimpse. Some day I hope to go back and visit Ellis Island. I want to see my grandfather's name up there on the wall of immigrants.
You know those would make very cute earrings! Starch them and add a hook and viola! Unique and colorful! I'd wear them and buy them for that matter!
Hey, Chiclet! Is that tiny little thing darling, or what??!HOW DO YOU DO THAT??!!!! I am just in awe! Love it!
m ^..^
Hello Happy Bluebird! I admire your restraint at learning about the threads before you buy them. I tend to have a "dive in headlong and learn as you go" sort of attitude when it comes to thread buying, LOL! I guess it's worked because back when I didn't have a lot of money for tatting thread there was only 1 or 2 brands availabe: DMC and Aunt Lydia's. Aunt Lydia's is cheaper, but I learned from experience that it was also bumpier and harder to tat also swelled when my hands sweat (like if I watched an action movie on TV and a scary scene came up) making it impossible to close a ring after such an incident, LOL! Oh, good for you for learning the easy way (through other's experiences)
Hi Rebecca Ramsey! Thanks a bunch for stopping by! I'm glad you like the little ♥!
Thank you, Jon!
Thanks for stopping by, Carole! I appreciate your visit. Oh, that is a neat aspiration to go to Ellis Island. I wonder if I would see my Grandmother or even my Great Grandfather's names up there, hmmmmm...what an interesting thought.
Hi Betzie! I think you are the second person who thinks they would make cute earrings, LOL! That is a cute idea.
You are so cute, m ^..^! Thanks for visiting. I enjoy your comments!
Those are both beee-u-tiful, Miss Chic!!
it is cute one, I would want to know how i can do it myself.
Thank you, Miss Farm Chick Paula! (I guess it's "Mrs" Farm Chick Paula, LOL!)
Hi BeachILike! I like Beaches, too! LOL! Thanks for visiting and I hope you got my comment on your blog about where to get info on learning to tat! :)
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