Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tat Like An Egyptian!

Do you recall that song "Walk Like an Egyptian"? It was really BIG in the 80's! Oh, the 80's!!! I was such an 80's girl...and if you've read this blog before you may already know that. This song was so much fun to dance to, sing about, and mimic while walking down the halls at school with my friends! This song has been going through my head ever since I got my order from Wally of Needles~N~Shuttles blog who spends part of her year living in Egypt!

Actually, Wally is from Puerto Rico. She is married to an Egyptian man and so she is "Egyptian" by marriage! When she lives in Egypt she goes to Cairo to purchase perle cotton threads for tatting and sells them in her shop, also called "Needles~N~Shuttles". She summers in Puerto Rico where it is quite a bit cooler than the Sahara Desert heat of Egypt! Wally met her husband while living in Egypt about three years ago. She has Lupus and works to spread awareness about Lupus and the effect it has on those affected by it. She spends her time tatting and making lots of designs. When I say "lots" I mean LOTS! She comes out with new designs CONSTANTLY! I've called her a "Tatting Machine" a few times because she seems to produce a voluminous amount of tatting...more than I've seen anyone else online produce! It's amazing!


So, after all that talk about Egypt

can you see how I had that song running

through my head!?!

I'd love to "Tat like an Egyptian"! She's amazing!

For those of you that need a little

refresher on that song, here it is:

Walk like an egyptian

Thanks, Steve!

Ah, doesn't that make you think of

Egyptian pyramids and the like?

I've got a photo right here of one.

Okay, okay, it's an Egyptian Thread Pyramid,

but it still counts, right?




Well, what if I showed you a close up on the

label of the thread?

Would you believe me then?

It still doesn't count as an Egyptian Pyramid?


Alrighty then, I'll show you a postcard

she sent me that is from Egypt that has a

picture of an Egyptian pyramid on it!
Is this better?


Welcome PFF'ers!

(I know, I's Saturday....Shhhhh!)


Here's the back of the postcard along with some

goodies she sent along with my order as a surprise!

Thank you, Wally!


Inside the baggy of sequins was this beautiful

Mother of Pearl disc! Oh, the potential!!!

I could make a cool tatted pendant with

that disc attached!


Next is a sampling of her books.

I ordered these from her shop.

So, if you were wondering how do you

"tat like an Egyptian"?

Here's how!

This heart is from her book

"From My Heart".


It will count as


in my 2nd round of the 25 Motif Challenge.


I made it with the pink perle cotton

thread pictured above.

This special heart pattern is named

after her husband "Hussein".

Awww....isn't that sweet!?


Now, if you are still in the mood for

some "Egyptian-ality"

Here is a very cool

Michael Jackson video I found!



Thank you for your art and talent,

May you Rest In Peace.


Well, thank you for joining me in my Egyptian adventures in tatting today! I tatted that heart up just for this post because I thought you might wonder what "Egyptian Tatting" looked like, LOL! It pretty much looks like "Irish Tatting", or "Scottish Tatting", "Danish Tatting", and even "German Tatting" doesn't it? LOL!

Where ever it is that you hail from I'd love to hear from you. Be sure to say hello before you go off on your travels through the wonderful land of Blog! Oh, and Wally says that if you want to see some real Egyptian dancing watch this video! It's cool!



Be sure to sign up for the giveaway

if you haven't already!

You have until 7/31/09 at MN PST!

blog button,blog giveaway


  1. Now you've done it! It's almost bedtime, and that song is going to be the one I try to fall asleep to! Egyptian cotton is supposed to be the best, isn't it? Have fun tatting with your new stash!

  2. My dear TattingChic, your posts always make me smile and I loved listening to "Walk like an Egyptian" whilst I read!
    I also wanted to say "thank you" for often leaving lovely comments on my blog! It is so appreciated!

  3. I love your Egyptian post, it was so much fun. And your heart is beautiful.

  4. Thanks for the blog post. I'm glad everything was of your liking. :-) Later I'll send you another sampler of other threads I got there. You know that this head of mine keep forgeting everything. lol

    I loved the videos. The one from MJ is one of my favorites!

    Here is a video showing the "real" Egyptian dancing. hehe He's one of the superstars of the Egyptian music.

  5. Your posts are always fun to read and informative. Still in school in the 80's, that would make you??? The Egyptian thread will be wonderful to work with. I think Egyptian cotton is known for having a long staple (filament length).

  6. Thanks to you I'll be humming that song all night - good thing I like it! Fun post - and I liked your pyramid! ***tat like an Egyptian...***

  7. Oh no! Another new thread to think about!

    Cute, little, pink, heart. Wally; she is a talented one!

    Fun post, TattingChic. : ) Fox XOX

  8. Hi TattingChic,

    I remember that song well and the tune will probably go over and over in my head. Thanks!

    I enjoyed reading your Egyptian post and I love your little pink heart and all the things you got from in your parcel.
    I love Egyptian sheets, they feel so much nicer than any other kind.
    Mind you I have flanette sheets on now, as it is Winter.

    I hope that you are having a great weekend.

  9. Hi Diane! LOL! Sorry, but now you know what I'm going through, LOL! Maybe you should listen to another song on YouTube before you go to bed to get it out of your head! ;)

    Hi Linda, I'm glad you liked listening to the song. I think I like the video thing because you can opt to listen to it or not when you come to a's not "forced" on you, LOL! You are welcome on the comments. You are so talented!

    Thank you, Judy! I'm glad you liked it. Awww...I have a beautiful heart, thanks! Gosh you hardly know me, too! ;) (Ha ha! I know you meant the tatted heart)

    Hi Wally! I'm so glad you liked the post! Oh, another sampler of threads!?! Awesome!!! You spoil me! That's okay, I like to be spoiled and it doesn't happen very often, LOL! I enjoyed the video you supplied the link to. In fact, I edited the post to include the link (I thought 3 videos would be a bit much). So, that is the Egyptian "Michael Jackson"??? LOL!

    Hi Yarnjourney! Oh, so THAT'S why Egyptian cotton is always considered "the best" the long staple (or filament) is so long. That must be what makes it stronger and softer than other cotton threads! Thank you for educating me!

    Thanks, Tattrldy! I'm glad you like the "Egyptian Pyramid", LOL! Yes, enjoy the tune humming in your head now! ;)

    Hi Fox! Thanks, I'm glad you like the post. Thanks on the heart. Yes, Wally is a talented one, indeed!

    Hi Carolyn! Yes, Egyptian Cotton sheets with a high thread count are absolutely fabulous!!! I couldn't agree more! Oh, flannel sheets right now sounds stifling in this heat! I hope they are keeping you toasty warm in your wintery weather down South!

  10. I adore that pink heart! What a beautiful design. . . it is the perfect heart shape! What book was that pattern out of?

    You are so creative in your posts! When I was in 6th grade my dance class did a dance to "Walk Like an Egyptian" so now, not only am I singing the song in my head I am doing the dance moves (at least the ones I can remember) LOL

    How does the Egyptian Cotton thread feel? If it is anything like Egyptian Cotton Sheets. . . I gotta get me some of that!

  11. That was a great post! I prefer your pyramid any day! I didn't need to watch the WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN video. It was one of my favorites. I also Wang Chunged and AHAd and danced to Ant music!

    I like looking at all the good stuff you ordered and how sweet of her to throw in some extra baubles!

  12. Oh I loved the 80-ties too! But at that time there was still an atmosphere, oh boy do we (I didn't!) miss the 60-ties! I'm happy that there is an 80-ties revival now. Too bad Michael Jackson cannot take us back anymore, but luckily we still have his video clips to enjoy. I have never seen this one! Though I don't know anything about tatting, I did enjoyed my time over here, thank you! Have a great Sunday!

  13. what a cute have lots of goodies to play with now...the heart you made is really pretty:)

  14. Another wonderful post my friend. I have always wanted to visit Egypt. Thanks for the little trip. The thread and goodies are so pretty. I think I will have to go to Wally's shop and check out her books too!

  15. Hi Enlightened by Angels,
    the book the tatted heart is from is called "From My Heart". I emboldened the print so it would stand out more. It's kind of a longish post and there's a lot going on, so it's easy to miss.
    I'll bet your dance in 6th grade was really cute! Have fun reminiscing! LOL!
    Not everyone enjoys tatting with perle cotton as it tends to be fuzzier than other threads. However, for a perle cotton this one seems pretty strong!

    Hi Ann!
    Your "Wang Chungde and AHAd and danced to Ant music!" phrase brought back some memories, LOL! I used to love to dance to all of that, too!
    I agree it was very nice of Wally to throw in some extra goodies!

    Hi Lili! I loved the 80's and I had a lot of good, clean fun back then! I have a lot of good memories. I had so much fun and didn't realize how fun it was, LOL! I don't miss the 60's, either. At that time (the 80's) we were still doing 50's revivals with the poodle skirts and the peasant blouses and ponytails (saddleback shoes). In fact, I still have a felt poodleskirt that's pink for 50's days, LOL! I got it in the 80's, LOL!
    I had never seen that Michael Jackson video either!

    Thanks, Lori! I do have lots of things to play with. Trouble is...I had LOTS of thing to play with (tatting-wise) BEFORE I bought the Egyptian perle cotton thread, LOL! I don't regret it, though, LOL! I'm glad you like the heart!

    Hi Tattycat, I'm glad you liked the post. I've always wanted to go to Egypt, too! You can order a PDF version as well if you want of her books.

  16. Oh what a cute post and love the pretty pink roses banner~!!
    I love pizza too .. yours was probably better than mine(:) hugs,Patty

  17. I finally got over to your blog, its been a busy Sunday, but could it be Monday in your part of the world? Think your posts are so interesting, informative and at times amusing. The Egyptian cotton looks great and so does your pink heart, pink, well of course!

  18. what a great post! and I always loved the Bangles (I am a 50s girl but still like to boogie) really enjoyed the videos...and learning about Egyptian tatting....

  19. Your pink heart is very pretty. That would look good on my CQ block I'm working on. I tatted a bird for it but it gets lost on my fabric because I tatted it in white.

  20. Hey girl, I laughed and laughed about this Egyptian post. This was so funny, you really crack me up! I really liked your pyramids. My husband went to Egypt about 20 years ago and he went thru those pyramids. I know yours smell alot better than the real thing! My computer is back up and running and I'm running around blogland trying to catch up. Just wanted to drop by and say hi! Hugs, Linda

  21. What a great post, I loved that Song, I so remember the 80's and the thank you for the visit and wonderful comment...


  22. Nice way to pull your hobby together with PFF. Love the rich colors of your Egyptian cotton thread. And the postcard from your Egyptian connection is great.

  23. Hi Patty, thanks! My Pizza was good! LOL! I got the Thai Chicken from Sammy's and it was delish!

    Thank you, Sally! I'm glad you like my posts. I generally mean them to be amusing so thanks! Interestingly enough I believe that we are behind about 8 hours from you! So right now it is Monday in London at 2:07 AM and it is still Sunday here in California at 6:07 PM. I found this info at the World Time Clock at:
    Cool, huh?

    Thank you, Dani! I'm glad you enjoyed the videos and the Egyptian stuff!

    Hi One Craft At A Time! I am so glad that you like the heart. I think it would look perfect on your square so I would like to send it to you!

    Hi Linda! That is way cool that your husband got to go through the pyramids in Egypt! What a cool experience! I never thought about the smell, but I guess a really old tomb would not exactly have the freshest air! LOL! I'm so glad to have made you laugh!

    Thanks for visiting, Alaura! I remember the 80's hair, too! Oh, the HAIR! BIG hair...BIG nails! LOL!

    Thank you, Stevie Wren! I'm glad you liked my PFF post! It's actually because of my hobby that I've gotten really cool post cards lately! Most tatters are international friends and so we send each other postcards when we do lace swaps. Now that I know about PFF I will try to do my posts about lace trades from other countries to coincide with PFF!

  24. I love your heart....I have to ask, is tatting difficult, or just time consuming?? You have made me wannt to learn something new. Have a lovely day. Valaire

  25. I always wondered about Wally since she is wearing a head scarf. And also thank you for visiting my blog. I missed you too but I have been hit badly with the quilting bug.

  26. You are ADORABLE! I just loved the egyptian thread pyramid! My connection here at my Mom's house is sloooowwwwwwwwwwww and that's why my comment is laattttte! I so remember dancing my heart out to this song as a kid! I'm going to call my kids in now and get them to listen to it too!

  27. PS. Happy PFF! I'll repost your link this Friday too so that everybody sees it:) I'm so glad that you joined up! I want to learn how to tat now!

  28. Oh, no, to the 80's...LOL! I'm having big, bad flash-backs...hahaha...I was a teenage in the 80's, but my heart-music if really from the 60's & 70's...but how well I recall that a school dance wasn't complete without this Bangles song--LOL! But such fun to learn about your friend Wally...And so many goodies you've got here--YUM! Oh, I've got that song in my head...hahaha...Happy Day, TattingChic ((HUGS))

  29. Oh I love the song Walk like an Egyptian!! You're so right, such fun to mess about and dance too.

    I'm lucky enough to have visited Egypt although I didn't get an opportunity to visit the pyramids on my travels, I'd love to return and do a nile cruise.

    Victoria xx

  30. haha, I just read your egyptian post and can't stop singing :) my cat woke up just to shake his head in a 'she's just crazy again' kind of way.
    your heart is really beautiful btw!
    Have a wonderful day!

  31. I love that song and the MJ video. I will be dancing through my scan today-hehe.

    You have lots of goodies to play with. I know you will put them to good use.

    Hope all is well and you are feeling much better.


  32. Hi Valarie! I think you got my comment on your blog about tatting being hard to learn the double stitch, but once you do that it's very easy! It is time consuming and that is why most people take to making mostly small motifs like hearts and snowflakes and stuff.

    Hi Zarina! Long time no see! It has been a very long time since you've been around! Welcome back! I hope you are enjoying your quilting. You know, tatting is one of those things that can be added to almost any other craft or sewing skill!

    Hi Marie! I'm glad you enjoyed the post! Thanks for reposting this to next week's PFF! In the future when I do a thread exchange with someone and they send a post card I will be sure to do it on Fridays in connection with PFF! :)

    LOL, Tracy! Yes, school dances to this song! It was a lot of fun! I enjoy music from other eras, but I LOVED 80's music and I still do and I'm not ashamed of it, LOL!

    Hi Victoria! That sounds really neat that you have been to Egypt. I remember meeting American kids who went to high school in Egypt! I always thought that was so exotic. They thought, "Whatever". Well, as far as the pyramids go...I hear (from Linda's comment above) that they smell! LOL! Now, all of a sudden I'm not feeling like I'm missing out on so much! I think a cruise on the Nile sounds nice, though!

    Ha ha! Uinda! That's funny. Cats make the funniest expressions, don't they?

    Hi Barb! Have fun dancing through your scan...sounds medical...and not fun...usually they want you to lie still for those things, right!? LOL! Oh, no, I've just gotten you in trouble with the scan technicians...sorry! ;)

  33. Oh Thanks a lot!...LOL, now I have that song stuck in my head.
    This is a cute post! I have some MOP buttons like the one you got and I can't wait to see what you do with yours...

  34. Hi Tatt Chic,
    Yes, I do remember the song well and my sil and I dancing to it.
    Love all the goodies you got from Wally and the heart you made from her book is beautiful.

    I have seen the video with MJ too. It is a good one. Such a talent!!
    Enjoyed the Egyptian dancing too.

    Loved this post and now I will be hearing this song all day in my head. Maybe I could "paint like a Egyptian"~~~~ LOL

    Have a great day and week sweet friend and fun with your new goodies.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  35. Wheeee! I now have "Walk Like an Egyptian" stuck in my head. But I love that 80's song. Now I want to Tat like an Egyptian!

    Don't be surprised if I post a photo of my "pharonic" belly dance costume from the old days when I danced to this song.

    Another great post, TattingChic. Enjoy your lovely new Egyptian threads.

  36. Fun Post- you are an amazing blogger.
    Love the tatted heart.

  37. You are so clever! I loved your Egyptian pyramid. The heart you made for this post is beautiful. It is always fun reading your posts! Have a nice week! Twyla

  38. Hi Lady ShuttleMaker! Well, maybe if you sing another song you can get it out of your head, LOL! I've not yet tatted with buttons so we'll see what I can come up with this...I'd love to do something spectacular...but don't hold your breath, LOL!

    Hi Celestina Marie! I always enjoy your supportive visits and comments, thank you! So many fun memories with that song for so many people, aye? Yes, what a talent we've lost in Michael Jackson, but his music and art will continue to go on. Amazing! Yes, I'd like to see what you come up with if you go and "Paint Like An Egyptian"!

    Hi there, Isdihara! Glad you liked the post. Everyone seems to be telling me that they have the song stuck in their heads now, LOL! I will enjoy my new Egyptian Perle Cotton Threads! Thank you!

    Thank you so much, Paperbird! I really appreciate that!

    Thank you, Twyla! It's always a pleasure to have you visit! I appreciate your sweet comment! (and Lindsey's, too!)

  39. lol. You have such a way of telling a story. I love your tatted "Egyptian" heart. :) You know I love the color pink! ;)

  40. Ms. TattingChic - your posts are always so fun. I got a kick out of the 80's hair flashback in that video - yikes! Thanks for sharing the fun goodies & heart!

  41. Hi TattingChick! I enjoyed reading your post, it made me reflect back to the 80's.....I remember liking the clothing back then and the music including "walk like an Egyptian" What a blast from the past!!! What a nice gift your friend wally sent with your order, the seqins are neat looking. have a great day! hugs, Jennifer

  42. You crack me up! We must be around the same age ;)

    I promise never to call you TC again okay? LOL


  43. Tatting is universal, as you have proved.

    I know this because my mummy done ptolemy.

  44. You are such a riot!!! Not only is it a pleasure to read your posts... not only are they informative ...but chock full of eye candy too and almost always "laced" with humor!!

    my "heart" be still.. I "heart" that heart...

    Wanted to ask... is Egyptian and Irish tatting anything like .... "Italian" tatting??



  45. You are so funny! I remember the song well and will probably have it stuck in my head the rest of the day:).

    Thanks for the smiles,


  46. Hi Jessica! You know, great minds pink alike, as they say! Oh, I mean THINK alike! ;)

    Thanks, Tatskool!

    Hello to a Happy Bluebird! Yes, BIG hair...BIG nails! It was all about that in the 80's wasn't it? LOL! I loved it! I don't want to relive it, but I loved it went I was "there", LOL!

    Thank you, Jennifer! I loved it then, too! I still love 80's music. I don't miss the big hair, but I sure enjoyed it while I had it, LOL!

    Thank you, Rue! Thank you SO MUCH! Don't are not alone in the TC department. Thank you for respecting my NON-TC boundaries, LOL! (((HUGS))) to a gal about my same age, probably!

    Shay! I totally love your comment! You have such sharp wit!

    Great comment, Suzie!

    Good one, Jo! To answer you question, YES, Italian Tatting is very much like Egyptian Tatting and Irish Tatting. You could even say it's a bit like French Tatting, too! Lot's of (((HUGS))) back to you!

    Ha ha! Kim, I hope you get the song unstuck...unless you like it a lot that way, LOL! Thanks for visiting!

  47. This lady sounds like a wonderful contact to have...and the labels on that thread are just beautiful...thank you too dear lady for your wellness wishes...I really appreciate them...

  48. Hahhahah! Oh Tatting Chic, you sure know how to build up a story. A lot of fun and I certainly love the egyptian thread pyramid. yes indeed! That is a pyramid!

  49. Egyptian thread pyramid - I think it qualifies LOL Those threads sure have traveled a long way. And those discs! Oh with your love for tatting and creativity, you'll come up with another lovely piece. That mother of pearl disc sure is interesting with lots of holes. No doubt it'll be a beautiful necklace.


  50. I have yet to check out the videos. I thought it would probably stick in my head all day. Not that it's a bad thing, just have some important issues to think about today.

    Your tatted heart is wonderful, as well as your heart of friendship.

  51. I love seeing all your goodies, sweetie! Now I'll be singing that song ALL DAY! LOL

  52. Hi Chrisy, thanks for visiting! I do hope you're feeling better! It's no fun to be under the weather. Our health is "everything"!

    Thank you for your "pyramid affirmation", Ces! LOL!

    Hi Li! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, those threads surely did come a long way, didn't they? I hope I can do something "worthy" of the MOP disc!

    Thank you, Kathy! I appreciate your friendship, too!

    Ha ha! What will your hens think of your song, Paula? LOL!

  53. Oooohh, aaa, ohhh, walk like an Eyptian. . . a staple of my college days!

  54. I love this song so neat to clean to..don't know when that will happen.I am not having major surgery after getting a second opnion here in Boston.Thats the only good thing about living here.Summer has not started yet and we are getting a Noreaster of rain tomorrow!! AGGHHHH!
    I waited 10 months for sun out here on the is going to be snowing soon! I feel like and look like a vampire! thank you for thinking of me and stopping by my birthday is next week and the thing called sun better come out!LOL Denise n CeCe PS Didi you see photo of me and CeCe June 30th!! I am still wearing my winter coat.Folks here are wearing shorts in this cold damp weather and going to the beach?! Huh am I in the twighlight zone??!

  55. What a fun post! I love seeing crafting supplies from other countries! And such a beautiful heart too!

  56. Yes! I DO remember walk like an Egyptian. That was such a fun song to dance to and have fun with. I'm so glad you put in Michael's video so that the other song doesn't go around and around in my head. LOL

    You always have the greatest posts!
    Patricia :o)

  57. Simply adore your colorful tread pyramid!! And that pretty heart is so delicate! Cleopatra would approve, methinks!

    Have a great weekend Tatting Chic.


  58. Hi, TattingChic... that is a darling pink heart to go with your "tat like an Egyptian" post. I love Michael Jackson, too, and cannot believe he's gone.

    I'm having a drawing at my blog this week, and I hope you will join me for it.

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  59. Hello and happy Pink Saturday. Even though I am not officially participating, I am! I adored your post. I played the music and chair-danced! And I loved that heart, oh my so darling. I would like a bunch of those to incorporate into art pieces; ) Is tatting hard to do? (not much of a sewing type... don't crochet, knit, or knot)

    Today is the last day of my night light GIVE AWAY - do stop by and enter.

    Have a wonderful weekend ☺


  60. Too funny... That song brings back memories! It was like going in the way back machine!

  61. Well...if we're going to talk 80's music, let's close our eyes and dream of Rick Springfield, okay?!?!

    Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit...I have gotten completely lost in your much to see..what a treat!!

    Take Good Crae....Cassie

  62. Thank you for visiting my blog. Now I have the bone shuttle, I really need to know how to use it. Please enter me for your draw.I'll keep my fingers crossed. Irene

  63. Ha ha, Cathy! I think it was a staple of mine, too! It was so much fun!

    Hi Denise, I hope the sun starts to shine for you soon! I think that no sunny weather all summer long would be dreadful!

    Thanks, Maggi! I'm glad you enjoyed seeing it. The thread looks pretty much like...thread, doesn't it!? LOL!

    Hi Patricia, glad you enjoyed both videos! Thanks for visiting!

    Thank you, Constance! It's good to know that Cleopatra would've approved, LOL! ;)

    Hi Sheila, thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you like the Michael Jackson video. I will be sure to look for your giveaway!

    Hi Jennifer! I think I answered you on your blog! Tatting isn't hard to do, but it is a challenge to learn with just a book and no visual. I'm pretty sure I stopped by to enter your giveaway!

    Thanks, Jen R, glad you liked that 80's flashback!

    Hi Cassie! Oh, so you're a Rick Springfield fan, aye? Well, he was pretty popular back then, too! I'm glad you came to visit. Come back anytime!

    Thanks for visiting, Irene! You are welcome to enter the giveaway by commenting on the giveaway post! Just click on the button to go there! :) (hint: it's the next post down). I'm sorry, but commenting on this post and saying "please enter me" doesn't get you entered. I'm using a random number generator so if you comment isn't entry! If it is...then you're entered!


Thank you for stopping by my blog today!
I'd love to hear what you have to say!

While you're leaving your comment so dear
This is what I'd rather hear...

If "TattingChic" seems like it's too long
"Chic" or "Chiclet" will sound like a song.

In other words, you see,
Please don't call me "TC"!

Please! :)
...and thank you!