Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Catching up

When I took that little blogging break between Easter and October it wasn't because I didn't have anything to blog about! Oh, no! It also wasn't because I don't like you guys! I LOVE my blogger buddies! You guys are the best! I really missed you guys! The truth was I just wasn't feeling well and I didn't want to get on here and complain and be a drag. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! I've had lot's of periods of not feeling well! During one of those dark periods a very sweet friend sent me some tatted lace to cheer me up! Let me share it with you!


Isn't this just gorgeous?

It's an edging called "Bridesmaid"
designed by Mary Konior
She tatted it because it looks so similar
to "Black Magic" and my dear friend
knows how much I like the "Black Magic" design!


Here it is on a contrasting background
so you can have another look at it.

I just love it and it certainly
did cheer me up!
I've had it on my side table in my living
room where I can look at it from time to time.


Now, you are probably wondering
"Who is this dear friend?"
Why it's my friend from the blog

It came all the way from Singapore
and here's the postmark to prove it!
Isn't the stamp pretty?

Thank you, my friend!


You may want to go on over to her blog because she's having a giveaway right now! She's giving away these beautiful tatted earrings! WAIT! Before you go, though, I'd love to hear what you have to say! I'm a sucker for comments...tee hee!


Monday, October 18, 2010

Blue Diamond

Hello! Today I got a tatting shuttle in the mail all the way from the UK! It's a lovely one called "Blue Diamond". I love it when shuttle makers (or artists) name their shuttles! It's so fun that way you know! Would you like to see some pictures of the beauty that I got? Shall we commence with the photo shoot? You know I couldn't settle for just one photo! This little gem looks lovely on both sides, you know!

Here she is!


Blue Diamond!

She's from the etsy shop of
La Cossette!
She makes the loveliest Decoupaged
Aero Tatting shuttles!


Inside the package was this lovely little
envelope that she packaged the shuttle in!
Isn't it pretty?

Here are some more photos!

Here's the other side!

And just one more photo of the side
I like the best!

Isn't she lovely?


Okay, I have been seeing these fun blinged up shuttles
on everyone's tatting blogs and I'm feeling a little left out!
I had to go get a bling stash, you know!

So, here it is!

I'll let you know what I come up with!


Thank you for stopping by today to see my new tatting shuttle! I was so excited to get something in the mail besides the usual bill. Let me know what you think in the comments. It's always so nice to hear from my blog buddies!


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wanda's "Antique" Doily

If you haven't seen this doily yet I would encourage you to get over to Wanda's Knotty Thought's and check it out! Isn't it gorgeous? I certainly think so! She made this tatted doily up from tatted antique motif and she even shares the pattern! That's talent and generosity in one fell swoop!
Well, go on now! What are you still here for!?


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

An Impending Death...

Dear friends,

Sorry about the morbid title, but I've got some very sad news to share with you! A very dear friend of mine is dying. This friend is like family I spend so much time with this dear friend! I fear the end is near for this poor, dear friend. When the end finally comes for this friend I'm afraid I won't be online as much... at least for a little while.
I know I promised I wouldn't be gone for long, but I'm afraid I have no choice.
You see it's my's dying. When it's gone I won't be able to get online until I can afford to get a new one.



It is a very dear friend....or at least all my friends live in it! You folks do! My blog buddies! I'm willing to take donations! HA HA H!!!

Well, here's a picture of some tatting to cheer us all up!

It's a Celtic Style bookmark.
It's called "Celtic Bookmark".
The design is by LaRae Mikulecky

I showed a different version on
this blog post here.
I tatted this particular bookmark
a few years ago.

I added the padded cord and motif. Here's a close up below:

There, now don't you feel better after seeing some tatting? I know I do...sorta... I wish my computer wasn't dying...I do enjoy spending time with all of you!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Antique Tatting Shuttles

Hello, Hello! Did you miss me??? I missed you! ;) Sorry I've been gone so long from blogland! I wish I had some exciting excuse like I've been in Europe and the Prince of Denmark kept me detained with very important business, but I've no such exciting news to tell you! How can I possibly make it up to you?


I'll show you my antique tatting shuttle collection!

These aren't just ANY tatting shuttles, you know!
Many of them are from the Victorian Era! :D

Well, there's no time like the present so let's get started! Shall we?

First, let me show you my
Sterling Silver
Enamel Tatting Shuttle

Isn't it a Beauty?
I am really lucky to have that one!
It's called a "Webster" because Webster was the
name of the Silversmith who made it.
He had his own special Silvermith stamp.
It's a "W" with a slash through it.
It's from the Victorian Era!


Next on the docket is another
tatting shuttle from the Victorian Era!
It's made of horn with shell inlay!

Pretty, aye? I think so!
This one hasn't arrived yet so I've stolen the pic
from the eBay seller!
Thanks, Fred! LOL! ;)


Okay, if you've been following my blog for awhile
you may have seen this one before.
I featured it in this post.
It has a colorful past.
Well, at least Lydia Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound" does, LOL!
You can read all about it in the previous post!

This is the other side of the Lydia Pinkham shuttle.
It is Celluloid.

It's always a good idea to store your
celluloid shuttles in a separate container from
your metal shuttles because celluloid gives off a
gas that tends to discolor metal shuttles!

This shuttle is from the early 1900's.


Here is another shuttle from the Victorian Era!
This is also another Webster shuttle!
It is sterling silver and if you look in the lower
left hand side you can see the word
"Sterling" stamped on the shuttle.
Also Webster stamped his "W" with a slash
Silversmith stamp on the front on this shuttle.
It's on the top left on this one.

This one has a wreath of holly leaves around the engraved area.
It has an engraved "S" on it.
It is hard to find old shuttles without an engraved initial on it
these days! I think they just add to the charm! ;)


Now, here's another very rare shuttle from
the Victorian Era!
What makes it so rare?
Well, it's tortoise shell.
No, I don't mean the plastic tortoise shell
you see all over the's real tortoise shell.
You see, in the Victorian Era "Tortoise Shell" was
very popular! Tatting shuttles made of this substance were
not uncommon, but they are rare now, and just as well, because I
love animals...especially tortoises and turtles! But this was a
rare and special find and I've always wanted one.

This one came from the UK.
I like how the light shines through it!
I wish you could see it in person.
It's very flexible!


The next shuttle is one that was very common
from the Victorian Era!
Many girls who inherit shuttles from their
ancestors from that time usually inherit this type of shuttle.
It's a bone shuttle!

People from that Era seemed to use every part of their
animals and didn't let anything go to waste....not even the bone.
So here we have a bone tatting shuttle!
Many items were made from bone, it was not uncommon.


Well, that's the end of my show and tell! Thanks for letting me share with you! I hope you're not in shock from hearing from me after so long! How long has it been? Easter? Tee hee! I promise not to make you wait so long before I post again! Sooooo, what's so special about the Victorian Era? I mean why so much emphasis on my collecting shuttles from that Era? Well, other than the fact that it's really old...yes, the late 1800's. What' makes tatting shuttles from this era so special to me is the fact that this is when tatting first had it's heyday! It is when tatting first became popularized! So there you have it! That's why I have an emphasis on collecting antique tatting shuttles from the Victorian Era!
What do you think of them? Be sure and let me know in the comments! You KNOW I love comments, right? Well, if you don't know that...don't be shy! Leave a comment because I LOVE comments and I'd love to know what you think! Oh, and by the way, no, they are not for sale, LOL! Just in case you were wondering! ;)