Woo Hoo! The hand carved Lady Hoare Style Shuttle has arrived all the way from Canada! A big thank you goes out to Noreen from Hankering for Yarn! I really enjoyed participating in her giveaway and the winning was nice, too.
So, without further adieu...
Isn't that a cute card that the shuttle arrived in?

In the last post about this shuttle, many of you
were kind enough to comment.
Some of you mentioned
that you didn't know
what a shuttle is.
Did you know that a tatting
shuttle is the main tool used in tatting lace?
It simply is a vehicle used
to hold the thread.
Hence the name,
"shuttle" ~ vehicle ~ get it?
Actually, I don't know if that is the
real reason why it has that name.
It just holds the thread.
They come in
all shapes and colors and sizes.
Just google "tatting shuttle"
and you'll see what I mean.
Using it is as easy as
1... 2... 3...
1. Secure the thread around the shuttle.
2. Wind the thread around the shuttle.
3. Start tatting.
Now, the tatting that's a whole
different matter altogether.
I'll say it's very easy to do once you learn.
Learning it can pose
a challenge for some.
Everybody likes a challenge, right?
I will say this; Noreen mentioned that
she is no longer making this style
of shuttle and is going to stick
with her little bird style shuttles.
I personally cannot wait to get one of
her cute little birdie style tatting shuttles.
I am very clumsy with this shuttle.
I have small hands and the shuttle
is long. I tend to get it tangled up
in the thread, believe it or not.
I'm an experienced and
fast tatter, too!
I don't think that will happen
with the little bird ones.
The notches for winding the thread
are thin and slanted so
getting the thread tangled up in the
shuttle prongs shouldn't
be a problem with them.
This shuttle is a treasured
collector's item for sure!
It is going in my
special tatting shuttle box.
You know the one.
I posted about it a while back
on this post here.
Well, I have enjoyed taking a respit to sit and blog awhile. This month is full of new and exciting adventures for me in my non-tatting life. I have started a new job and will be moving so I will be busy with that for a while, but I'll be back soon, I promise! Don't forget me, dear blogging buddies!
Thank you for stopping by. Your hello's and comments always make my day!
Thank you,
Edited update 8/17/08:
I received an email from Noreen saying
that a way to solve the problem with the
shuttle getting tangled and being long
is to hold shuttle at the end instead
of the middle. She also said to kind of pinch
it in a little while holding it near the end.
It does have a little give to pinch it!
I haven't tried to tat that way, but
when I have time to tat again I'll
let you know how it works.
45 absolutely fabulous things were said:
I'm so glad it got there safely. It is lovely! You do such a good job with your posts.
I know you are so pleased about receiving the shuttle. It's a beauty! Don't stay away from your blog too long while moving and let us know how you're doing.
I am so excited for you :) I can just feel the happiness in your words :)
Big Hugs,
A new shuttle, a new job... such excitement! Have fun with both!
Hi Tattycat! Thanks for your very sweet comment!
Thank you, Tara. You're right about being pleased! Oh, I won't stay away too long, you can bet on it. I already have made the appointment for the cable guy to hook up the internet service at the new place...LOL! Gotta get that tatting fix!
Awwww....thanks, Amy! You are sweet! Thanks for hopping by!
Thank you, Diane. I appreciate the nice comment.
Don't stay away to long, we will miss your blogging. Good luck on the new job and moving although I must say the way your luck has been lately you will do just fine.
Awwww...thank you, Clyde. I appreciate your vote of confidence in me.
That shuttle is gorgeous, as well as the box to keep it in! Was is difficult to work is it pretty much the same as working with a regular post shuttle? Very nice!
Hi Steph, funny you should ask. I find post shuttles difficult to work with because when I am pulling the shuttle toward me when making the double stitch the thread on the left hand invariably gets caught between the tips of the shuttle. Since the tips/prongs of this particular shuttle are spread far apart (compared to a post shuttle) it was much easier to get the thread tangled up in it. The tips also extend a good deal longer from the middle of the shuttle where you grasp it so it was harder for me to maneuver. I dropped it a lot (for the reason mentioned above) and when you drop this shuttle it unwinds very easily. I found it more difficult to work with than a post shuttle. I much prefer bobbin shuttles as I don't have any of these problems with them. I'm still very glad I got this shuttle, though as I consider it a functional work of art!
In my best Napleon Dynamite voice...."LUCKY!"
I'm really happy for you. You know the old saying, 'practice makes perfect"--just get to it! ha
By the way, I meant to tell you thanks for giving me the names of those books to learn tatting. I printed it off so I'd remember when it came time to try. Now go enjoy your new surroundings-job and home. Take care. Nerm
Yu ah so funnee ladyshuttamakah!
Oh, Thank you, Nerm! I am so happy to hear that you printed off the titles of those tatting books. I hope you do learn and I hope to hear about it as it happens. Have you joined eTatters? It has a lot of tatting "eye candy" LOL! You may find something to inspire you there! You can click on the link on my right sidebar kind of near the top. It's free to join. Be sure to look me up if you do join. I have the same user name!
I didn't know what a shuttle was. Thank you I feel a little smarter now. Happy Pink.
The shuttle is lovely, Tattingchic...and so glad you shared more on how it's used. Love the pink thread ;o) Hope all is going well with the new job, and the move will go smoothly and find you in a happy new home :o) Keep us posted when you can...Happy Days ((HUGS))
Hi Mya, so glad to share with you! Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Tracy, thank you. I appreciate all the nice comments you leave. I will keep ya posted.
Wishing you the best with the new job and your moving. Hope it is a smooth transition and you will have the time to tatt. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment about Judys heart.
You're so funny! "See how easy that is?" Like it's magic once you prepare the shuttle LOL. I'm in awe of your talents!
Hi Kathy! Judy's heart is beautiful! Thank you for your nice comment. Well, I won't be able to tat for a couple of weeks, but it'll be nice to get settled in, thanks!
LOL, Thimbleanna, you make me chuckle! You also flatter me. Thanks for stopping by!
I'm so excited for you. woo hoo!!!
Good luck with your new job and move.
I know everything will go well for you.
Take good care and keep tatting.
Thank you for your sweet comment, Barb, I appreciate it! :)
Hi! Wow, a new job and a move? You must be one busy gal, I will pray your move will go really smooth and that you will adore your new job!
The color you picked for your thread is wonderful PINK! The best!
The new shuttle is so pretty, what a beautiful work of art.
Take care and let us know all about your new ventures!
Donna Lynn
Your excitment is inspirational. I guess I feel like this over a paint brush. So happy for you. Your posts are always the greatest!!
Thank you for stopping by my anniversary post and your kind comments. It meant so much to me.
Pictures from the trip are on the way.
hugs, Celestina
la rea rose
Hi Donna Lynn,
Thank you for such a nice comment. I will be sure to keep ya'll posted as to the new stuff. Thanks for asking. Glad you stopped for a visit!
Hi Celestina Marie,
You're welcome for the comment, and thank you for yours! I'm glad you understand the shuttle excitement. A tool to do one's passion is a fun thing. I can see why a new paintbrush would be an exciting thing for an artist such as yourself.
I'm so grateful for blogging! Thank you all for being such fabulous blogging buddies! No, REALLY!!!
(((hugs))) to all!
Ahhhh... Now I get it :)
I still have no idea how to Tat(?) but it's great that you won!
Thanks, Rue! :)
You must be very excited to receive your new shuttle!!
Have a great evening,
Lucky you, getting that shuttle! Nice pics and lovely blog you have there :) I'll be checking back for sure!
Thank you, Rosemary! It was exciting to receive the shuttle. Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Aim and welcome! Please do come back. I plan to post more as soon as I can get settled after my big move recently. Thanks for visiting, come back anytime! :)
Very cool. I didn't even know what that was for so I earned something new! Jen R
I just love watching my daughter learn the process.I sure think that shuttle is cute.how old is it?I don't think I could do that ,so I do wish you lived by me.We could craft all kind of things together.Thank you for stopping by.I always enjoy your visits.Alexia said she has learn alot from your set.But she has a long way to go before she comes anywhere near your talent. Hugs and kisses Marie Antionette
THanks for stopping by, Jen R! I'm glad you learned something new.
Hi Marie Antoinette! I'm so glad to hear your daughter is continuing to learn tatting. That is so cool. Yes, it would be fun to craft together.
To answer your question this tatting shuttle is new! I believe that Noreen only recently carved it. It does look rustic and old, and it is an old fashioned type of shuttle, but it is actually new.
Hi Tattingchic,
I miss your posts but I know you are very busy right now!
Know you are loved and missed.
Awww...thanks, Barb! I am sneaking bits of blogging here and there on breaks at work. They have a breakroom with about 6 computers just for that sort of thing for people to get online. I appreciate the sweet comment.
Hi Thank you for visiting my blog..sounds like you have a wonderful life and friends! I love the sun!!Wish I did! Oh What is tattering?
Denise Mass.
Oh isn't that lovely - you make it all look so easy. It is a work of art in its own right.
I do hope the new job works out wonderfully for you.
Hi Denise Mass,
Thank you for you comment! I'd love to tell you what tatting is. Tatting is a form of handmade lace made popular during the Victorian Era. Feel free to browse through my blog or click on any of the tatting links on the right sidebar of my blog to see more of what tatting looks like. The tool used to make tatting is called a tatting shuttle. Thanks for asking! :)
Hi Lace Threads! So glad you stopped by. Thank you for the well wishes on the new job. It is a very nice job with fabulous people to work with. I'm happy with it.
I just have to stop by and say thank you for the comments on my blog. Looks like we have a lot in common! I'll be checking back often!
Hi Sarah, Yes, do stop by again! I'm glad you commented. I added your blog to my google reader. It's good to see another tatter out there.
YOU are the talented on my dear! Thank you for always leaving sweet messages!
Congrats on your shuttle win.
I should like to order a pink heart if you sell them! If so, please email me at n2gwtw@gmail.com
Well...I learned something new!! I had no idea that was what a shuttle was either!! Congratulations!! Love the color thread;)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my give away!! Do drop in and visit with me again!!
Trying to get back into the blogging swing of things and give a grateful shoutout for all the paryers and support!
Thankful blessings,
kari & kijsa
Hi Nikki, now you're getting me thinking about an Etsy shop! That would mean I would have to come up with my own designs...LOL! Thanks for your very sweet comment. I'm flattered you would want to buy my tatting.
Hi Brittany! Thank you for visiting. I'm glad you stopped by. This shuttle is not a typical tatting shuttle, it's an original design by a talented lady. Most of my shuttles are plastic.
I will visit your blog again! I hope you stop by again, too!
Hi Kari and Kijsa, thanks for the comment. I'm glad you stopped by on your tour of bloggerland. Hope things are going well for you and yours.
Oh, what a lovely win...so many of the shuttles are such lovley pieces of art. Enjoy your treasure...hugs, Linda
So, so pretty. I hope you get all situated soon in your new job and home (you're moving, too right??). :o) Thank you for always been a sweet friend and dropping by my blog.
Thank you, Linda! I would have to agree with you that many shuttles are pieces of art. The handmade ones for sure!!! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi there, Kids napping? I'm scrapping! I hope I get situated soon, too! I put it off today to go shopping....like I need more stuff! Thanks for visiting.
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