Happy Birthday to Me! Happy Birthday Dear Meeeeeeeeee!!! Happy Birthday to me!
Whew! Now I'm winded! LOL! Just kidding...thanks for putting up with my self indulgence.
Today isn't actually my birthday; it was earlier this week. Since I have been through months and months of lean times and not feeling well and...etc...etc...(you get the picture?) I decided to buy myself what I really wanted for my B-day.... TATTING STUFF!!!!
Can anyone else relate to this? If not tatting stuff, then some other craft that you are addicted to. I decided to spoil myself this birthday as I got in on a months free rent deal for September + I just got my first full paycheck + birthday = TATTING STUFF!!!
So I went to Velona Needlecraft and indulged myself thoroughly. The owner's wife, Rose, was quite accomodating and asked questions about tatting. She was very sweet. She seemed interested in knowing about how long I've been tatting and a few other things about my hobby. It was pleasant to chat with someone about my favorite hobby.
Okay, so enough of the pleasantries....I'm dying to show you what I got myself for my birthday!
Wanna see?
Ready or not; here I go!!!
Here are all my goodies!
Here's some DMC size 80 tatting thread.
Look at all the beautiful colors.
They had drawers full of them and a large
selection of lovely colors.
Below the balls of thread in the photo
are two post style faux tortoise shell shuttles.
They look and feel much sturdier than the
average Clover brand faux tortoise shell shuttles.
Next are some balls of
Coats and Clark's size 70 tatting-crochet thread.
I couldn't resist!
Below the balls of thread in the picture are two
plastic post style shuttles that say "Debbie A" on them.
I've never seen this brand before, but they looked intriguing.
Different colors are always good in plastic shuttles for
when you are tatting with two or more shuttles
in order to keep track of which shuttle you are using.
Next are some fun colors of
Flora size 50 cotton crochet thread.
I've heard so-so things about Flora,
but I liked the colors and I like this size thread for
some projects.
Below are two more of the "Debbie A"
plastic post style tatting shuttles.
I turned one upside-down for you
to see what it looks like.

Then I was intrigued by this thread.
It's called
Glanzhakelgarn Uncinetto
and it's made in W Germany.
It's size 20 Cordonnet Mercer Cotton
in a lovely variegated pale blue.

I had to try some
Manuela size 20
variegated green and pink.
I've seen some pieces done up in this brand and
have never been much impressed by the colors I've
seen used. I am curious by nature so I thought
I'd give these two colors a try in the Manuela thread.

The owner's wife was running the shop.
We were talking tatting and she learned I
used to teach tatting in another city.
She gave me these plastic thimbles and
needlecase from Velona Needlecraft of Anaheim, CA
and Needle Nook of Las Vegas, NV.
I used to shop on occasion at Needle Nook when I lived in that city.
Needle Nook was Velona's sister shop and no longer exists.
These were compliments of Rose, the owner's wife.
Wasn't that sweet of her?

Next we have the books!
I was in tatting book heaven.
I LOVE tatting books
(and I'm somewhat partial to tatting thread, too)
There was a great selection of tatting books.
I had to restrain myself from buying more than what you see here.
First I'll show you the
Rosemarie Peel book that's out of print,
along with Karey Soloman's book
"Tatting Turns Over a New Leaf"

Next we have two lovely books by
Susanne Schwenke.
The patterns are just lovely and the graphics
look very understandable
so it doesn't matter that these books are
in another language!

I've had my eye on books by
for some time.
When I saw this book there
I snatched it up in nothing flat.
Jan Stawasz's tatting patterns are
awe-inspiring to look at.

I suggest you look at his
website when you get a chance.
There's some lovely eye-candy to be seen there!
But wait! Before you go there looky at what
else I got!
This Fantasia book by
It seems to be the going thing by tatter's
online that if you can tat one of Iris's doily patterns
then you have "made it" in tatting.
But wait!!! Before you go there, too....
....I have two last books to show you.
These lovely tatting books in Russian and Polish.
Okay, I know what you're thinking...

...you're thinking, "TattingChic, why on earth did you
buy tatting books in Russian?"
Because they spoke to me,
that's why.
No, not in Russian, silly!
They spoke to me in the language of the heart.
Come on, you know what I mean!
The patterns inside were screaming to be
Any crafter knows what I mean now!!!
Ahhhh.... that was FUN! I loved showing you my birthday presents. Thanks for being such a captive audience.
Now, what to tat....hmmmmmmm....
It was so much fun to put off unpacking all these boxes from the big move last weekend. So, here I sit surrounded by boxes and boxes and tatting books and thread and shuttles. I am very blessed and grateful for what I have. I am also grateful for YOU, my blogging buddies.
I love your visits and comments and look forward to all the wonderful things you have to share with me in your blogs and the things you say to me on my own posts. Thanks for being the best blogging buddies EVER!
Well, good-bye from
Procrastination Station!
...errrr.....ummm... I mean...
TattingChic's Blog!
(yeah, that's it)
P.S. The doily used as the background for this post was featured earlier in my blog in a post. Click
here to find that.
If you like this doily and would like to tat it you can find the pattern free online at the
Antique Patterns Library. Click
here to get to the exact book that it is in and scroll down to Page 9, Figure 26. If you have any copies of vintage Priscilla tatting books it is found in "Priscilla Tatting Book No. 1", also Page 9, Figure 26.
37 absolutely fabulous things were said:
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Happy Birthday!!! Love all the tatting stuff I wish I could have gone tooooooooo!!!! Maybe one day I'll get to go to that shop too. How far is it from Disneyland area?
That was an awesome haul TattingChic! Happy belated birthday and God Bless! sy
Well...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you indeed! I am so happy life has turned in a positive direction for you. You deservere it... and what an awesome birthday stash...endless hours of entertainment to come!
Oh...and that is quite a lovely doily that lies in the background of your photos....
Happy birthday and good for you for buying yourself some good stuff! You deserve it! Jen R
Melissa it's so nice to have you stop by! Yes, that would have been a blast to have you come too! The exit for this place is a few miles from the Dizzyland exit...LOL!
Hi Sy! Good to see you and thank you!
Thank you, Lady Shuttle Maker! I appreciate your nice comment. I'd better find endless hours of entertainment to come after all I spent! LOL!
Hello to you Jen R! I appreciate the nice sentiment. Thanks for stopping by.
Happy birthday to you for sure! Great that you were able to get some wonderful tatting things!
Thanks for coming over to my blog and seeing my new grandpup! We are loving him up.
Hope your having a wonderful start to your three day weekend, we are busy getting last minute things tied up for my sons wedding next Sat. I will post pictures as soon as I recover...
Donna Lynn
Well they say if you are going to go, go big and you definitely did. Happy Birthday and what a wonderful bunch of presents you bought yourself.
Happy Birthday hugs to you! What a wonderful shop you found. I love all the thread colours, and I can see why you went a little crazy on the books. What a fab idea for a birthday treat!
I'm pleased to hear you are getting settled. Some of those boxes will probably stay around for a little while though! We still have boxed stuff in the garage from our move 10 years ago! Blessings. xxx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TattingChic and wow,wow, wow......now you really don't have any excuse not to tat..because you don't have any.........Now we all know that you HAVE!!!
Happy Birthday to you! I'm so glad you were able to indulge with such wonderful goodies! I can't wait to see what you do with all of them... lots and lots of pictures are to come, I can tell! I hope you enjoy your new job, and I hope you feel better each and every day!
Now that's what I call a birthday treat!!! I'm looking forward to seeing what you create with all your lovely purchases. Even if you don't use all of it. it is lovely just to own beautiful tatting supplies! LOL
Hi Donna Lynn! Thanks for the B-day wishes.
Yes, the new grandpup is adorable and I can't wait to hear about the big day next Saturday! How exciting for you and your family!
Thank you, CLyde. I feel a little sheepish being all "LOOK what I GOT!" I also know that my blogging friends, especially tatting blogging friends will understand!
Hi Lace Threads.I wish I could say I WAS settling in...LOL! That was the plan at least for yesterday, instead I went shopping!!! I'm afraid some of what's in my boxes will be going to charity or be sold on Craig's List as I no longer have a garage...
Yes, Tatskool, you are right. Now you all know about my little problem of hoarding threads that I don't have...LOL!
Wow, talk about denial!
...Hi, I'm TattingChic, and I'm a tat-o-holic... Is there hope for people like me???
Yes, Lace-Lovin' Librarian - Diane! I am itching to tat. I can't decide what first. Believe it or not I had a stack of books 3 times as high trying to decide what to get at the store, these books were chosen because all of the patterns were ones that instantaneously "spoke" to me! They had that certain something in the beauty of the positive and negative spaces...ya know?
Thank you Linda! Whatever do you mean..."even if I don't use all of it..." LOL! I know exactly what you mean! I'm shameless, utterly shameless. I felt guilty when I read someone else's blog who said they had such a difficult time getting tatting supplies. It's not like I do this all the time.
:( I guess I should just be grateful for what I do have. What do you think? :)
Happy Birthday!!!!
I love to see your birthday stach!!! Good for you treating yourself, now I can't wait to see what your going to make!!!
And there I was getting all excited thinking that I share a birthday with someone special - cos 30th August is my birthday. At least we share the same month. Belated Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy the stash that you gifted to yourself before your eyes wander to some more stash, LOL.
Hi Diane, thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. It's always nice to share with nice people such as yourself.
OH! Happy Birthday Jon! Well, it's a belated birthday now! But guess what...the owner's wife of the Velona Needlework shop; her name is Rose; she told me that it was her birthday, too! So, you share a birthday with the owner of that shop's wife! LOL! How's that?
I'm glad we share a birthday month, also.
Speaking of stashes...I'm wanting to get one of your Snowflake books to add to my collection...I absolutely adore tatted snowflakes. I'll save that for September.
Happy BIRTHDAY, Tatting Chic...belated! ;o) So glad you've treated yourself to some birthday goodies--an absolute must! Love all the colors of threads...sooo pretty! Happy Tatting and Happy Days ((BIG BIRTHDAY HUGS))
This is my first stop here and I was so pleased with all the informaton and fabulous photos.
And Happy Birthday. What fun to spend a day exploring thread and books and good company too. I am jealous (well a bit) that you had a store close enough that carried tatting threads. Here the store owners are gracious enough to order for me - but I miss the joy of touching and savoring - both thread and books.
I know that feeling of indecision when faced with all those new supplies. Plans just swirl in your head. It is a glorious time. Hope you've already started a new project and am anxious to hear about your progress.
So today have a Happy un-Birthday and enjoy your new resources. Athenamax
Happy Birthday, you chic tatter you!! I hope this year is filled with all the chicness and tatting that you want and even more than that.
Big hugs!
Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Lovely birthday goodies too! I'm so glad you had a great birthday!
Happy Birthday! I saw you on KC's blog. I love tatting and want to learn how some day. It sure is a lost art and hard to find people who know how to tatt. I am excitd to find you, I look forward to reading more.
Have a Great holiday!
Kathi :)
Hi Tracy, thanks for the nice birthday wishes and the big birthday hugs. You're a sweetie!
I'm so glad you stopped by, Athenamax. I do hope you come back to visit often. I'm glad you have enjoyed the information. I had no intention to make anyone jealous, I just wanted to share. I am grateful to have a store so close.
I am glad your needlework stores are glad to order for you.
Awwww....thank you La Belette Rouge! I appreciate the very sweet birthday blessings! :)
Hi Tara, and thank you for your nice comment! I've started tatting a snowflake already out of one of the books and thought of you; ya know, your snowflake quest. LOL!
Hello Kathi~Lavender, Lace, and Thyme. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. I hope you come back often. If you click on the eTatters badge on my sidebar or click on the "Tatted Ring of Bloggers" you will find a lot more tatters online. There are so many fabulous tatters out there, and I'm glad you found me! :) Let me know if I can answer any questions.
Sounds like you out did yourself on your birthday. And good for you, sometimes you need to treat yourself. I have no idea what you are even saying. lol but I love what you make and I know not too many can do what you can do, It is amazing.
Have a great labor day tomorrow,
Happy belated birthday! May you have endless hours of joy with your new stash and books!
Happy belated Birthday Sweetie! What awesome items you bought...Hooray for you to treat yourself !!! You've earned it and what gorgeous things you purchased. The colors of the threads are just stunning and I can't wait to see what beautiful things you create. Buying book in an other language is sooooo darned funny! What speaks to the hear cannot be explained to the mind.
Thank you, Alaura, from Cottage Rose. How nice of you to stop and visit for a while and comment even when you don't understand what I'm saying about tatting, LOL! That's really sweet. I hope you come for a visit!
Thank you so much for the kind birthday wishes, Singtatter! Good to see you again! :)
Hello, Darly from Daisy's Little Cottage. I'm glad to see you came for a visit. Yes, the language of the heart is hard to explain, isn't it? LOL! Thank you for your nice comment, it made me smile!
:) (see?)
Happy Birthday!
Thank you for all your prayers and blessings!
Have a wonderful Labor Day,
kari & kijsa
Happy Birthday Chiclet! You have quite a selection of tatting threads and books there. No need to explain about the Russian & Polish tatting books. There's a tatting book in French that I've been wanting.
Thank you for the birthday wish, Kari and Kijsa. I appreciate the comment. Hope things are going well for you.
Thanks, Jeff, I want to know more about this French tatting book; it sounds intriguing! I hope you are able to acquire it.
Happy Birthday! Enjoy all your tatting goodies!!
Happy birthday to you again! What a stash. I am so glad you finally got to have some fun!
Thank you, Elizabeth! I will! :)
I'm glad you stopped by.
Hi Tattycat! It was fun, thanks for your well wishes! So glad you visited!
Oh I am so sorry I am so late wishing you a Happy Birthday - "et stort tillykke med foedselsdagen". :-D
I am almost green with envy with all the goodies - yes I know it is not a nice thing to be but anyhow I am, roflol.
I think you have done the very best that a tatter can do for herself/himself and I really think you have earned every bit of it. I will be looking forward to hear your opnion about it all.
Hi Dantatter, thanks for the Danish birthday wishes! I'm glad you stopped by. I hope you do not stay envious for long, you have too much tatting talent to be envious!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you had the best birthday ever, you deserve it. All your new tating supplies will keep you busy for a long time. I can't wait to see all the things you tat with your new thread and new books. Hugs, Carol
Awwww.....thank you, Carol! You're very sweet to wish me nice birthday wishes and I will post what goodies I make from my B-day prezzies to myself. It's so nice to have fabulous people, such as yourself, to share with!
Belated Birthday wishes... Oh man, I feel like celebrating my birthday all over again, at least after reading your post, I've gone all greedy.
You lucky girl- look at all the stuff, it is so mouth watering.
I badly want to ransack ur place for all the tatting goodies, first I thought Laura’s and Diane’s is the place I need to rob but looks like you’ve taken priority. Oh Gosh!!! Just look at the stash!
Hi Sapna! LOL! Good thing you are in India?....or are you? LOL! Thanks for the chuckle...
...I hope ;)
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