...and I'm a Tat-0-holic.
I know I have a problem, but I just can't stop. I used to tell myself, "I can quit anytime I want". Listen, we all know that addicts everywhere tell themselves this as a deceptive coping mechanism to comfort themselves...a way of lulling themselves further into denial.
Ahhh, the sweet, ignorant bliss of denial.
I need help.
This post may not be suitable
for children.
There, now that we have that out of the
way I feel like I can talk about this more openly.
It all started when I was 14.
I know, way too young for this sort of thing.
It happened when I found a
little red plastic tatting shuttle
and some sewing thread.
They were just laying around in the
sewing cabinet; right there in the
Little did any of us know it was to erupt into
For years I was satisfied with my
Boye brand bobbin shuttles and
my simple crochet thread
or DMC brand tatting threads.
I thought that was enough...
...and then I went "hard core".
It's all because of the internet, I swear!
I'm about to show you the very essence of
bane of my existence as a tatter.
It's called....
Oh, gosh, I can hardly utter it...
It's called "HDT"
it's the substance that hard core tatting
addicts everywhere on the streets
know as "Hand Dyed Threads".
I call it
Tatter's "crack"
Are you ready for some up close photos of
the stuff?? BEWARE! It is addictive, even
just looking at it. Maybe you should put
sunglasses on to protect yourself.
First it was the regular HDT.
Top: "Vickie's Lilacs" size 80
Middle: "Weeping Cherry" size 80
Bottom: "Marina" size 80
Then it became necessary that the HDT
could only be served up with her
handmade ceramic tatting shuttles.
Top: "Island Bouquet" size 80Middle: "Peach Pandorea" size 80
Bottom: "Peach Pandorea" size 20
Then she had to move to a foreign country
and bring us this...
Tatter's "heroine"
Tatter's heroine is also known as
Top: Silk "Marina" size 20
Second: Silk "Hydrangea" size 20
Third: Silk "Tropicana" size 60
Bottom: Silk "Fuschia" size 60
It brings you QUITE a high!
Let me tell you.
But it doesn't last very long,
none of it does. It's gone
before you know it and so you have to have more...
That's when I ran into my second "dealer"
Just look at this and you'll see why I'm
always wanting more!
"Bronzed Rose" size 80 (200 yards)
Top: "Purple Punch" size 100Bottom: "Pink" from "Peace" size 80
Top: "Sugar Maple" size 20
Bottom: " Nectarine" size 20
Left: "Rhubarb Pie" size 20
2nd from Left: "Rhubarb Pie" size 50
2nd from Right: "Pink" from "Rhubarb Pie" size 50
Right: "Rhubarb Pie" size 80
She even sells special "paraphernalia"
disguised as earring kits with polymer clay.
Yeah, this dealer knows exactly what she's doing!
Top: "Pizzazz" size 20 (12 yards)Second: "Pizzazz" size 20
Third: "Pizzazz" size 80
Bottom: "Pizzazz" size 50
She even came out with a full color
book with full color step-by-step instructions
on how to use all of this stuff.
It's a CRIME! I tell ya!
People like me get lost in this stuff.
There's no way out for me.
I'm lost in tatting.
Take this for instance.
I love "snow"
flakes that is.
Tatted snowflakes are some of my favorite
things to tat.
Jon has this fabulous pattern book.
She even included this sweet little "sample"
with her book!
Wishing me well with my addiction!
Now, that's some "dealer" love!
I know, I know, I can't blame it all
on the dealers.
I have to take responsibility for my addiction.
For instance, the lengths that I went to track
down the author of this book so I could purchase it
were UN-believable!
Then there is the Grand-daddy of
ALL dealers.
Handy Hands Tatting.
The following photos are an example of a
very small purchase from hhtatting.
They sell it all from threads, book and shuttles
to this odd bit of
A shuttle winder!!
They even have fun, colorful shuttles
with which to explore my addiction.
Is there a 12 step program for people like me?
If you are contemplating picking up this, ahem, "art". I'm warning you; it's addictive. No doubt about it. Just go slow. Start with the cheap plastic shuttles and size 10 crochet thread. Leave the hard core stuff to the addicts....sigh!
Well, if you've made it this far that is really something to be proud of. Feel free to leave bits of advice and encouragement...er...comments on this post if you feel so inspired. I'd love to hear what you have to say!
Is there hope for people like me???
88 absolutely fabulous things were said:
Too too funny! You had me giggling. But I must admit, these threads are gorgeous all twisted up like that. It's almost a shame to unwind them. You know what? Your work would be perfect for Strings on Illustrated Friday this week. Please post something and open the eyes of all us 2-dimensioners.
Oh my. Now there is a name for this addiction. I will have to say, my name is Laura and I am not only a tat-addict, but a first rate, card carrying HDT addict! There is no cure for it. At least I hope not!
You are too funny. Great post!
Girl, you do need help. You are on the right step by openly admitting that you have a problem.
Though I don't see how this is going to cure you of it. What you just did is getting more people get addicted - and they are going to write about it and about new things that they have found and you are are going to read what they write and will start searching for the supplies - and the circle continues.
Are you happy about that? ROTFLOL!
Jon - who shouldn't be saying much really, considering I am one of the guilty ones mentioned in your post - going to lie low for a while until the heat is gone, :-D
There is no hope. We are doomed. The only salvation is the knowledge that we are not alone. Carry on Sister.....
What a fun read! Every one of us identifies with it.
This is fun and sweet (for all the eye candies!) Good that you tracked down Sadie's book, I love it.
What a fabulous post ~ I enjoyed reading it and the gorgeous colours of the threads. I look forward to seeing what delightful creations you are going to make next.
Well didn't that just brighten a murky, damp, foggy Sunday morning.
Your writing skills just get better and better...but boy what an admission.
And that brings us to the question as to whether addicts encourage 'pushers' to continue to create even more delicious goodies for addicts to become addicted to!!..
and should be held responsible!
Since we are all 'coming out' I have to admit to being a serious probably incurable addict too.
What a wonderful posting Tattingchic, but I have some good news for you tatting is not an addiction. It is just a way of life or that is what I tell myself and that is how I justified my last order to Yarnplayer for 12 skeins of size 80, Tourmaline thread.
I love how you are addicted to something so creative and wonderful! I am in awe of your gorgeous tatting work.
And thanks for stopping by - wish there were address books available too but for now they don't offer them, but they should! :(
ROFLOL This was so funny to read. I have to say that I know the feeling and think most tatters do. I am not sure why it goes like this for us, we are so proud of tatting being portable but with huge stocks it does take up space.
Those HDT are so yummy, yes some of them were almost eatable, lol. I have to try out my first HDT before Christmas so I can justify a new purchase.
So glad to make you giggle, Bella Sinclair! You're right, the skeins are lovely twisted up, but wait until you see what I have to wind them on! Hee Hee! I'll have to check out this "Strings" thing that you are talking of.
Hi Tattycat! Welcome to the "meeting". LOL! Thanks for the humorous comment.
LOL, Jon! Yes, you'd better lie low for a bit. ;) I love your book and I'm glad I got it.
Hi Gina, yes, something told me I might find some "like-minded" folks from this post. Thanks!
Thanks, Ellen. Yes, Sadie's book has some beautiful patterns in it, doesn't it?
Thank you, Carolyn. It's so nice to have you visit and leave such a nice comment.
Hi Tatskool, you bring up a very valid point. I stand my ground. It's the dealer's "fault" LOL! ;)
"Tatting is not an addiction"~Clyde. And this coming from the man who started the "HDT Addicts" group on eTatters! LOL! Wow, the denial is so thick, here, I can almost smell it, LOL! ;)
Thank you for your sweet comment, Natasha Burns. I love your work! Too bad for me. I need an address book and I'd rather have a fun, cute one from you!
LOL! You are absolutely right, Dantatter! We do always say "It's so portable" and it is! Until we have to move...then how many BOXES make the pilgramage. How "portable" is it then??? LOL!
I just laughed my way through the whole of that post. You are just so funny. I can see how the addiction hits, and before you know it you're a gonna! Those thread colours are beautiful.
I loved your comment on my recent post about how the apple never falls far from the tree. Thank you.
Oh I love it(:)
well I am glad you are loving
what you do ..
such a colorful and interestingly funny post(:) hugs, Patty
Oh I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have written. I am considering a twelve step group.
I will say however that I am now having cravings I have tried to acquire the Sadie Allison book and someone even shared her e mail addy with me but I got no response. I really want that book.
I will probably have to stand on some poorly lit street corner with a disgraceful amount of money in a shady part of Ebay town to acquire it on the black market. (thanks for the giggles)
LOL! Thanks Lace Hearts! I am a goner, it's true!
Hi Patty, thanks for your comment. :)
Connie, I would email Sadie again as she took a while to get back and when she did she said she had emailed me a couple of times, but it didn't get through. She said she still had a few copies left. Your comment cracked me up!
hehe. it's how i feel about scrapbooking. :) you're too funny...
i've tagged you on my blog with a meme. i want you to join the fun, but you don't have to if you don't want to! :)
hope you're having a lovely sunday!
resistance is futile.
you have been assimilated...
Just wait until YOU start dyeing threads. That's opening up a whole 'nuther can of FUN!
evil LOL muhahahaha
Thanks for the comment on my poor blog. I slipped the offer in low key since I was facing having to outrun a hurricane or two...
Patricia aka CrazyKwilter
Hi Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping! Thanks for your very sweet comment. Thank you for thinking of me on the tag. I think I'll pass this time around, but thank you! :)
Hi, Patricia! Thanks for stopping by. Your comment was funny, "resistance is futile" your dyed thread colors are lovely I noticed on your blog!
You told me you would be my tatting angel, and I thank you for the warning about the possible adictive behaviour ahead of me
I haven't even started tatting yet, but I have the dye to dip the leftover crochet thread in ...... I'm doomed!
Judy B
Doomed!? No, Judy B, you are LUCKY!!! You can make "the goods" at a fraction of the price. Lucky you! ;)
...I'm doomed...I may have just created a future dealer, here. ROFLOL!
Thanks for putting into words what all tatting addicts feel! Now, I'm off to tat with Sugar Maple... I've been computing too long!
Were you shopping for the hard stuff again? LOL I loved this post. All the books and threads look like just the right remedy for whatever ailes you. You helped make a rather down day a little more cheerful.
Love your humor.
What a cute post!! What beautiful threads! And the books look wonderful too! I think it is so great to do something you love so much! It just shines through in your posts!
Big Bunny Hugs,
Not only is there HOPE for someone like you....there is a place in HEAVEN! *smile*
Hi Diane, thanks for the comment! Now, let me see if I can guess what you are off to tat in sugar maple. It wouldn't be round would it? It wouldn't have anything to do with spinning wheels or glass or mats would it??? ;)
Hi Kathy, Yes, yes, I've been "jonesing" for more HDT! I'm busted! LOL!
Aw, thanks, Amy! I always love it when you come to visit. You are such a sweetie-pie.
Oh, Miss Nancy, BIG (((HUGS))) to you for that!!! :)
Oh my goodness girl, I really don't think there is any thing that can help you...you know what happened, you made it sound like something I might want to try....those snowflakes...should I try? start off little... I have restraint I'm sure I could stop after a couple of snowflakes. Laurie
You're hysterical! I am NOT looking. I do NOT need another hobby. (But I may or may not have just peeked at those stunning threads.)
You are so funny! I have the same addiction for old homes, but not the funds to partake ;)
You are hilarious.
Do you hallucinate if you try to kick the habit?
What a great post! Even though I don't tat....I can certainly appreciate the art.:) or obsession.
Love all those colors, I'd be tempted to buy the yarns and other things just for the sheer beauty of them.
xo Lidy
Hi TC-No wonder you are hooked! That thread is divine. The colors are to die for so I will be your enabler and say it's okay for you to keep up your art (addiction).
Thanks for all your kind words while I've been laid up! Nerm
Laurie, YOU are too funny! STOP after a few snowflakes...BWAH-ha-HA-ha-HA-ha!!! Yes, you should try it! I think it would totally be cool if you did!
Thanks Vicki, you totally made my day!
LOOK AWAY, quick-Thimbleanna! Before it's too late....
Rue, you have a lovely home and I can understand your love for old home. THe ones you've posted about on your blog make me want one, too!
I think it would be totally awesome if you were able to get one. I think you'd be so good to it and it to you!
LOL! Hi, Becky...the shakes...it's awful...the only cure is to tat something utterly compelling.
Hi Lidy, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you can appreciate the beauty of the HDT! You have such an eye for lovely things. I really mean that- your blog posts are always so tastefully done.
Hi Nerm,
What a great enabler you are! You are AWESOME!!! You can come over to my blog anytime and enable me...hee hee.
Hey, someone else (a dear friend) told me she would be my sponsor, LOL!). This is perfect!
~ TattingChic (not TC)
I'm so glad to see you making the rounds again, Nerm! You have been missed! I do hope you come again soon!!! big (((Hugs))) to you!
Hi again. First of all, let me say that when I read how you produced your tatted-lighthouse-on-the-beach picture, I was rolling on the floor! Here I am saying it's so good, it must have been Photoshopped. What an age we live in, eh?
Illustration Friday (I'm sorry I mistyped it last time) is a website that inspires artists to create something based on a theme. Each Friday, a word is suggested, and then anybody and everybody can draw, paint, digitize, sculpt, etc. something inspired by that theme word. This week, it's "Strings," and I think your leaves would be soooo perfect. All you have to do is enter a link back to your own blogpage on their site. They will ask you to provide a little thumbnail image, but some people don't provide one. Other artists can visit your blog and see what you've created. I just know that my world was broadened when I discovered you and your work, and I think others would appreciate it, too. Just a suggestion, no pressure. :)
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Bella, well, I did it. None of my photos would "thumbnail" for them and the template wasn't usable. Anyway, it's linked to my "More Leaves Have Fallen" post, like you suggested. I hope they don't delete it. All the other artists do actual illustrations. I so appreciate your encouragement...regardless! You are a wonderful blog friend, thank you! :)
OMGosh! I laughed so hard, I'm crying!! I love this post! I'm not sure I have any advice to give. I have addictions of my own. I'll pray for you. ;~)
Oh my you sure do have an addiction...it looks like a serious case too..*s*. Thats ok..it sounds like you are having fun and sure have progressed through the years with it.
I know a lady who does tatting. She is in her 80s and has done that for years. She makes beautiful doilies and earrings and things...soooo pretty. hmmmmm now I think I might have to have her teach me...
Enjoy...love your addiction!
Stop by my blog sometime when you have time.
Can one learn to tat by instructions in a book?
LOL! TattingChic...just can't stop laughing...this is sooo good, an sooo true--no matter what the craft! Crafting is addictive...there is no hope, just must surrender under the waves of craft-out-bliss...*sigh*...And these juicy skeins of threads and colorful shuttles has me drooling...Pardon me while I go back and look at the goodies again...Tatters Crack, indeed! Happy Crafting ((HUGS))
Hi Judi! I think it's totally cool that you want to learn to tat. A book is not a bad idea to use as a resource. Most people struggle with the concept of the threads swtiching places or "the flip" as many like to call it in making the double stitch. A great book is called "Fancy Pants" available at www.hhtatting.com (handy hands tatting) and you can also view free tatting lessons on You Tube. Another great resource and source of support is eTatters at:
It's free to join and everyone is very friendly there. It's a social network forum for tatters of ALL skill levels from "wannabe's" to "experienced". Come and join the beautiful art of tatting!
Hi Tracy, thanks so much for stopping by! Your comment brought a smile to my face! I loved it! (hugs) back to you, my friend!
HI Tattergal~~
OH yes kitties are the best, thanks for your sweet words(:) Hugs Patty
Tatting Chic,
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. It is hard for him spending his whole career of 33 years at one place and now starting all over again.
I had so much fun reading this post I linked it to my latest post. Scroll down my post for your link.
Hi Patty! It's always a pleasure to visit your blog. Glad you liked the comment. THanks for visiting, come anytime!
Hi Kathy, yes, these are difficult times we face right now. Some more than others. You are indeed in my prayers.
Awww...thank you so much for thinking of me, Nancy! I am so glad to have brought a smile to your face...even if it is through my hopeless tatting addiction! LOL! ;)
TattingChic, I can't tat to save my soul, but I'd like to invite you and your readers to participate in Blogapalooza on Oct 29. Here's a link to tell you more: http://aknickerson.blogspot.com/2008/10/blogapalooza-october-29.html
You would be a fantastic addition to the crowd!
HAHA! Is there a twelve step program for that, or do the members just get together and "tat"!?
You are too funny! Tatters crack! We always say around here, "it's like my crack" (my kids are just kids you know, they say it)!
Ut oh!!
Tatting Drugs and two new books!!
Bet I know what this means! It's a recipe for good tatting trip!!
Can't wait to see what you will do with your new treasures!
Hi Angela, thanks for the invite! I think I will take you up on your blogapalooza! That sounds fun, now just to decide which story to tell...well, even if I don't come up with a great story I will have a tatted punkin' for sure! :)
Good one, Cathy! They probably do just sit around and tat, infact I belong to a group already that does that. It's called a lace guild, LOL! They tat AND do bobbin lace. They also tell me where I can get more goods...sigh! They are no help at all that way! (Just Kidding, Lace Guild LADIES! If you are reading this I love all of you!!!)
Hi Saucy, thanks for visiting! I read your blog post from hopping over from Nancy's blog (Fete et Fleur). You are one funny blogger!
Hee hee, Constance, that was a GOOD one, too! A tatting "trip", I love it!
so, really, how does one get addicted in just the smallest of ways? I really think I'd like to give it a shot. (like I need another hobby lol) lm.sm@comcast.net Laurie
What are we going to do with you? Is this something you'd even want to go to rehab for? ;) You know they say you can't quit an addiction unless you really want to!
Hi Laurie, I've sent an email off to you to get started with purchasing supplies: DMC Cebelia size 10 cotton crochet thread (any color) and a CHEAP plastic shuttle. I'm posting the info here in case someone else wants to join in the fun...mwah ha ha haha..*evil laugh...
Hi Jen R, GREAT point! It's true I'm not sure I WANT to quit! LOL!
This is such a fabulous post... I have missed visiting of late... But you brought such a fabulous smile to my face reading this ....
Thanks for such a funny story... an addict you are... perhaps they have a special place for those of you to get the "de tats" ... LOL
Good to see you back on the blogging scene, Jo! No, I do not plan on going through the "De-tat-sification" process anytime soon! LOL! :)
"De-tat-sification" in yer dreams!!
What a funny post - and what great photos!! Such beautiful colors! I LOVE the slippers from a few posts back - they are awesome! Thanks for the comment on my friend's house. I hope she does start a blog!!...Donna
i love this post ! and the threads are beautiful!
LOL, Tatskool.
Thanks for visiting, Donna. Oh, the slippers! You must mean THimbleanna's slippers, yes, aren't they cozy looking? I wish I had some, LOL!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Umoya. You are very sweet. Come back and visit anytime!
Shocking Im shocked by your story. I shall have to stop reading this blog ASAP :)
Very beautiful addiction, my girl! :) Actually, I think it's art, a lovely way of creating something beautiful.... so there, don't you worry about spending too much time doing what you love!
Wishing you another beautiful day to celebrate another beautiful job...
LOL! Suzie, I TOLD you to get the kids out of the room BEFORE reading the post! ;) ;)
Thank you, Cielo. I can always count on you to have something soothing to say! Glad you stoped by.
Thanks for sending me the place to purchase tatting goodies. I looked at it and I went back this morning and poof, its gone. could you give it to me again...and the name of the book. I cant find the thread here, I'm going to call one more place thats in another town today.. Laurie
Hi Laurie,
Sorry to hear that you lost the info. I'm posting it here so others will have the information as well.
The link to the Handy Hands Tatting store is this:
1)Cheap plastic tatting shuttle
2)size 10 cotton crochet thread
(any color;solid or variegated will
do. Get your favorite color if you like! My favorite brand is DMC cebelia or cordonet.
3)Book called "Fancy Pants" (optional) is a great reference.
Happy Supply hunting! :)
You are a NUT! This kind of addict I'm glad to be. I was telling Laura that when I started tatting it was like something that I didn't know that I needed, something that I didn't realize I was missing- but now I have to tat, HAVE to!! Loved your post! Also, I'm having trouble getting that purple blob pattern to you, I'll have to email you more about it.
Hi Sy! Thanks for stopping by! Sure I'd love to see your progress on the "purple blob" as you call it.
I'm hooked and I don't have the faintest idea how to tat (but would love to learn) all the beautiful colors and tools and patterens this is a good addition ...I think.
I have a little addtion too. Mine is xstitch- floss, fabric, needles, sccissors, fobs and on and on...what to do...hugs, linda
Well as one who has never been introduced to tatting before I must say you got my interest up. Oh how I wish I lived in that dark neighborhood you are in so I could get hooked. I'm easy to give in. I know I would be an addict in no time flat.
The thing with me is, I can't seem to learn things by reading. I need someone next to me holding the needle and guiding me inch by inch. Then once I learn I'm brave enough to try it myself when I'm alone with no one around.
Oh I'm shaking thinking of the long long nights I could be sitting alone with no one near to stop me from tatting for hours and hours on end.
What a high it must give you. I'm not sure if I should be sad I have no one to get me hooked or if I should feel blessed to live in my neck of the world where tatting is no where to be found. LOL
Oh my gosh !! I just found your blog and adore it ~ I love tatting and have since as long as I can remember ~ I have no clue how to do it but think it is a beautiful thing to do ~ I can't wait to read more of your blog and see more of your work ~
Hi Linda, aren't these fun addictions? They are the BEST kind of addictions, too! Hobbies are actually also known one form of "Healthy Coping Skills" as anyone in the mental health industry knows. SEW much fun! :)
LOL! Joanne, thank you for your fun comment. You are cute. Tatting is definately one of those arts that are much easier to learn with someone by your side demonstrating and coaching as you go. Some people have learned off of the internet with free videos out there. It is fun to tat and for me it is very relaxing!
Welcome, welcome, LORI! I'm so glad you found me! I'd love to hear more of how you were first introduced to tatting to have loved it since you can remember! :) That sounds like an interesting story waiting to be told. Please come visit, often!
WOW, Shabbyfufu! You are one LUCKY soul to have had a Grandmother so masterful with the textile arts. That must have something to do with your love of antiques, I wonder? Thanks for stopping by. I'd LOVE to see photos of your Grandmother's tatting if you have any at all!?
Tatting Addict..too funny.. ya we can be window shopping addicts too(:) very inexpensive that way ~!! What is your first name ??
hugs, Patty
hi, Tattingchic. This was a great post. Poor me, I have more than one addiction. By the way, You've been tagged. Check out my blog for more info. You are so great. So far you are the only one who leaves comments for me besides family and friends. So I had to add you in on this.
Hi Patty, thanks for stopping by. You have fun window shopping posts. Thank you for asking about my first name, I know that shows interest in me and I appreciate that, however I do not use my first name online. When other's use their first name on a comment to me I use that back to be considerate. :)
Hi Sarah, thanks for thinking of me! :) That was sweet. I have more than one addiction too, but it seems like tatting is the only one worth blogging about right now. My other hobbies get a bit neglected by life. Tatting has always been my first "love" when it comes to hobbies, LOL!
Well, Thank goodness I have arthritis in my hands !! lol !! I would hate to be on some street corner begging for thread and spending all of my children's inheritance !! lol !!! Too funny !!
Wow! I realy love your works TattingChic!
I haven't seen threads so beautifully twisted....in a creative & unique way.
It's a feast for eyes.Thanks:)
Thanks for the visit to my blog on this, my birthday! You always leave me such nice comments...it's a gift. You, too, make beautiful things and I appreciate you talent and your sharing. Have a good day! Pat
Hi Miss Rhea, wow, you are the first one I've heard say they were grateful for arthritis in their hands! That would do me in, I'm afraid. Although, some people I know say the tatting helps their arthritic hands, but that they just can't do it for too long. You are funny, your comment made me chuckle.
Thank you for your sweet comment, Yoon See. Although, I cannot take credit for the beautifully twisted threads. That is the work of Yarnplayer and Lady Shuttle Maker.
I just took pictures of their HDT skeins of thread.
Hi Pat, thanks for visiting. I appreciate your sweet comment! Happy Birthday to you! YOU are the one that makes such lovely things. I love your silk ribbon embroidery.
Oh I know little children & little animals they just make you feel so good inside(:) glad you came by ..hugs, Patty
I know there is no hope for you,LOL Buts thats OK we are here to suport your habit.All I can say is WOW !!!What neat stuff you get to use.Those stuttles are really kool.
I want you to know my friend that I've been under the weather and I have not been able to blog,I just did not want you to think I have forgot about you or my other new found friends.Hugs and kisses Marie AntionetteNext when i post it will be a biggy ,but i can only do it a little at a time.
I never knew tatting threads could be soooo beautiful! I can see why your addicted!
Thank you, Patty.
Hi Marie Antoinette! Your blogging has been missed. Hope you get feeling better soon. Thanks so much for taking the time to say hello! I look forward to your post!
Hi Ele, thanks for stopping by and for your comment!
I am always in awe of your talent...I have always wanted to learn to tat...you inspire me! This winter, when it's cold and snowing, after the holidays of course...I am going to come here and try to learn! Please don't stop! Tatting was once taught to every young woman, as was many other arts, please keep on! I am fascinated!
Kathi L(
Hi Kathi, thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate your very generous post!
I think it would be so neat if you really did use your wintry months learning to tat! I'd love to see your progress.
Thank YOU for the opportunity to be of inspiration. I love tatting so much and I'm grateful for the chance to share it with fabulous people such as yourself!
You are to funny. Great post!
I would definately call myself an addict, so I can relate to everything you said. I'm afraid there is no cure, *sigh* (at least I hope not!!)
My Motto is: They keep supplin', I'll keep buyin'.
Yes, yes, Bonnie, the only cure is to tat! LOL! What a cute comment. I like your motto. I just may adopt it, LOL!
I'm not sure I'm an addict or not you tell me if I have the symptoms. I continue to search for patterns even though I have enough to last through this life and beyond. When I go to an antique shop I always look for shuttles,thread,tatting and workbasket magazines. If I find something I do a happy little dance.(btw this is very damaging to my teens)HDT calls to me, Oh yes, I acutually hear it say BUY ME! I am always thinking of a new project even though I already have too many going. I take my tatting everywhere can't bear to leave it at home. I just can't seem to get enough of thread,shuttle and tatting.Do you think I may have a problem? LOL I have really enjoyed all of this I guess I might just as well admit it I,m addicted too!
Yup, Barb, you've been hooked by tatting; hook, line, and sinker.
You know your blogs are like dangling carrots in front of donkeys (so to speak).
Such lovely things!
....sorry about any drool I may have left on your screen.....
Hee, hee...I LOVE it when my "dealers" speak, LOL! Good to have you back on the blog scene! :)
Oh no!!! i've just discovered the word "tatting" over the past few days.. but I have been buying and pulling apart lace to make jewls with.... I've always wanted to learn and be really good at macrame.. I'm guessing tatting is a finer type of the same style of craft??? is this a valid comment to make?
Now... I desperately want to give tatting a try...
problem is, I cant get the thought out of my head that I want to make tatting shuttles.... so I might start there...
Any tips for beginners??
I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your dealers... I have a lot of dealers... bead dealers, fabric dealers, and now it looks like I'll need a yarn dealer!
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