Here is the latest
installment of the
the current TIAS.
(TIAS means 'Tat It And See')
Here is the tatting from
Day 9's instructions
(we get a portion of the pattern
one day at a time
without really knowing what it is we're tatting.)
It is tatted on top of
the portion from

Here is Day 9's portion
with the rest of the current TIAS elements.
I have no idea...
okay, I'm kidding,
I do have some ideas,
but I don't really know! LOL!
The 4th TIAS is being hosted by
You can see the progress
everyone is making by visiting
the original TIAS blog.
Stay tuned,
Day 10 is right around the corner!
It's a corner that might take
It's a corner that might take
a couple of days to get around,
but I'll get around it, nonetheless! LOL!
25 absolutely fabulous things were said:
I think it's an angel :)
That's a great guess!! I hadn't thought of that! I guess we'll all find out together.
Ya wanna know somethin' funny? I think we were commenting on each other's posts at the exact same time!!! LOL! I had just posted my comment on your "dog barf" post when I heard my email "ding" that there was a new mail and there you were! Hee hee!
Thank-you so much for visiting my blog. I love tatting...I'm not very good at it...haven't done it for years..I really need to sit down and go over it step by step again.
Your tatting is beautiful...they leaves are very pretty.
Have a wonderful week!
Hugs, Nancy
what fun! I need to stay tuned to find out what it is!
Hi Nancy! Thanks for stopping by. How cool is that...that you know how to tat!?! (I think I can "hear" some internal rhyming going on here in that last sentence.LOL!) Ya know with all the fabulous internet resources it should be easier to find out how to refresh your memory! I wanna see your tatting!!! :)
Hi Margie, yes indeedy, do stay tuned! I think we'll all find out in a few more posts here.
Your TIAS looks very good. I wonder what it is but do not really have any good guesses, so I will have to wait - how many days left ?
Hi Dantatter! I honestly don't know how many days are left. I read on someone's blog that there were three. Who knows, maybe Lady SHuttle Maker will come for a visit and read our comments and answer this question for us....
I agree with Rue. I looks like and angel. I love your fall leaves you do great work.
It is lovely, whatever it is going to be! The colours are beautiful and I will be back to see it all finished.
Thank you, Alaura. I appreciate your comment.
Hi Laura, thank you. I look forward to your return visit.
There are 12 installments total....(:
hhhm.... I have no idea!~
Thanks for coming over and giving me a laugh!!! Do you think I came up with a good name?! Charming Designs.?! lol. Now I've got to go check out rue's "dog barf"...Laurie
Hi TattingChic, I have finished step 9 as well and am posting it tonight. I seem to remember that Ladyshuttlemaker had mentioned 12 steps. So that makes it only 2 left as step 10 was released last night. I haven't checked yet tonight, so step 11 may be out.
talk to you later
Ahhhh...good to know...not just that there's 3 more to go, but that you are a fabulous hint-taker as well, LOL! Thanks, Lady Shuttle Maker! :)
Me neither, Jen R!
Hee, hee, Laurie! ;)
Hi Ladytats, last I checked step 11 wasn't out either. Maybe Lady Shuttle Maker will give us all a weekend break again to get all caught up. Your TIAS seems to be coming along quite nicely. Thanks for the comment!
Oh... looks like berries.. can't wait to see what it really is!!!???Love the colors!!
The fall leaves below are amazing! So elegant and pretty!!!
Happy Fall!
Good morning..... and a happy Hopeful Friday... "Let us get our instruments tightly strung and our melodies sweetly sung. Let us not die with our music still in us." (Spencer W. Kimbell)
Wishing you sunshine and bird songs...
Hmmm...reminds me of a bunch of grapes. You've sure been busy, your leaves are lovely. Thanks for stopping by. Have a fabulous weekend!
Blessings, Victoria Lynn
so cute... whatever it is! he he... i thought pineapple at first, then i thought, but purple?? so i decided to go with grapes. :) it's abstract tatting, is what it is.
Hi, Vintage girl at heart! Thanks for stopping by! I don't really know what it is, either! LOL!
Thank you for that very sweet comment, Cielo! :)
Thank you, Victoria Lynn. The guesses are always fun to hear. THanks for stopping by!
Hi Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping! Pineapple, ya know, it could be! Who knows! I would go with the shape rather than the color. We are just told to pick out a "light", "medium", and "dark" shade of whatever colors. We're not told what it is or what colors to pick so it could be ANYthing! LOL!
Thanks for the Getty museum tip.
Victoria x
I think its an angel also and the next one is either a bell or some kind of fruit,or if the angel is not finished the bell is the head of the angel.LOL I'm confusing myself.Anyway.Hows it going my tatting buddie?You sure keep your hands busy.Thanks for stoping by and we will one day sing a tune together and chase all the roaches away.NO, just kidding.XOXO Marie Antionette
Impressive, as always..I don´t understand how you can :)
Take care
This is beautiful work. I will stop by that link. Happy Pink Saturday. Karen
You're welcome, Victoria. Enjoy your trip and thanks for visiting!
Hi Marie Antoinette. You are funny! ;)
Thank you, Mya. Glad you came to visit!
Thank you, Karen. I'm happy you stopped by.
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