Oh, don't you just love receiving a Christmas package? There so much excitement and wonder that accompanies the arrival of something coming through the mail just for YOU! When you add the Christmas factor that excitement quotient seems to rise a little, wouldn't you agree? I know I get excited thinking about what is inside. What could it be??? Then add to that excitement even more when the postmark says "DANMARK"! Oh, lucky me!!! I got a Christmas package from Denmark, can you believe it? Who else could it be from but ....
Susanne from Dantatter's Nook!
Okay, it wasn't really a surprise because we
had decided to do a private
Christmas Tatting exchange
between the two of us.
But I didn't know what exactly it would be!
Would you like to see?
Would you like to see?
Here is an adorable
Danish Christmas card.
It says "Glaedelig Jul"
(Sorry, Susanne, my American keyboard doesn't
have the fun letters on it that yours does)
Inside the card was this tatted stocking.
It's hand tatted lace done by
Dantatter, herself.
Dantatter, herself.

Inside she also placed a
traditional paper Danish heart!
It opens up to make a little basket and
Danish tradition has it that they fill it with
nuts and candy and hang it on the Christmas tree.
See how the white forms a little cross...
...just like the Danish flag!
Look at the cute little piece of handmade crosstitch!

Susanne, A.K.A. Dantatter, also knew
that have never tatted with Altin Basik brand thread.
She sent me some samples of it
along with some beads!!!
She finally got her gift from me today.
Here's the tatting that I sent her.

You can see her blog post about it here.
Thanks for stopping by today. I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to leave a comment and say a little "hello" or let me know what you think of Susanne's wonderful gift from Denmark to little ol' ME!!! Hee Hee, I'm giddy with delight! I have been waiting forEVER to post about it because I didn't want to spoil the surprise to her by posting the pics of my tatting to her. She's such a good exchange partner that I got my gift a whole week before Christmas. I, on the other hand, waited until Christmas week to mail (I had many hindrances come up, what can I say?)
her package to Denmark. She was kind and patient though and finally got hers today.
Hope your Christmas was Merry!
36 absolutely fabulous things were said:
Wow, what a fun package all the way from Denmark! Your gift to here is beautiful too. And your Christmas angel is just beautiful...breathtakingly beautiful!!!
What a beautiful package from Denmark!! How exciting!
I hope you have a wonderful and safe New Year!!
Big Hugs,
I'm so glad you and Susanne shared the holiday spirit! Both of you received and gave such lovely gifts.
It's heart warming....really!
What wonderful gifts from Denmark....and the snowflakes you tatted for her are just wonderful. Special treasures for specials ladies..hugs, Linda
Looks like the both of you made a good deal! Just beautiful and so exciting.
I'd seen the snowflakes she made on her blog - lucky you (again) - they are gorgeous!
What a wonderful gift- just beautiful. Happy New Year.
I think one of the most fun things about blogging is meeting people in other countries! A package from Denmark is something special, as is the beautiful artwork that you both sent each other. What fun!
I love those stars you tatted for Susanne... where can I find the pattern? I need to get back into doing some tatting.
Hi Thimbleanna, yes, it is fun! Thank you for the compliment on the gift to her and the angel.
Thanks Amy, Happy New Year to you and your family, too!
Awww...thanks Lady Shuttle Maker! That is really sweet.
Hee hee, what a cute comment, Linda, thank you!
Thank you, Tattycat. It was fun to exchange with Dantatter.
Thank you, Gina. I'm glad you like the snowflakes I made. ;)
Hi Mya! Thank you. Glad you stopped by.
Hi Kathleen Grace! Isn't blogging amazing! It is very cool "meeting" people from other countries. It has been a blessing.
Thank you, Quiltldy. The stars I made are from a book about turn of the century tatting. Many people would find it in one of the Priscilla Tatting Books. The Antique Pattern Library has made these books available online. Here is the link to this exact book.
Scroll down to Figure 43 and there you will find the photo of the same star. It's a motif from an antique yoke. The pattern is in there somewhere on that page. Anyway, that's what I used...only I have a reprint of the book.
Hi, TattingChic! Lovely Christmas delights! Demark is near to Norway, so many of the holiday traditions overlap...we make the same woven paper hearts at Christmas here in Norway too! So glad to catch up with you at last and see you're enjoying a wonderful holiday! We're just back from our Christmas trip and getting over the jet lag and settling in...ringing in 2009 will be quiet here-LOL! Wishing you love & joy in the New Year! ((HUGS))
Here I am, with the excitement of Christmas a quickly fading memory, finding myself gurgling inside with anticipation of finding out what was in your package from Denmark! And the fact that you pulled them out to show us one by one just added to the "Ooooh, I just want to rip open the wrapping!" feeling I got.
These are truly lovely little treasures, and your beautiful Christmas lace to her was just ---- oh, how I wish I could tat so I could do an exchange with you!
Counting down to the new year. Hope 2009 turns out to be YOUR year!
Ooooh... lucky you. I love goodies in the mail. And you know what else I love? You coming to visit my blog and leaving me the sweetest comments! :) Thank you so much. I look forward to reading your posts in 2009, too! Hugs!
How exciting! Both of you did a beautiful job. I love the idea of exchanging hand-work, especially all the way from Denmark!
What a wonderful exchange! The snowflakes are so lovely...and all your goodies from Denmark are, too. :) Wishing you a Happy New Year.
I am glad that you liked the thread samples, the woven paper heart and the little bookmark.
Happy New Year to you and everyone else who reads this blog.
Lucky lucky!
What a gorgeous present you both gave and it is such a fun and exciting thing to do.
Best wishes for a wonderful 2009 and I look forward to seeing what lovely tatting treasures you make and chatting next year.
What a fun package and from Denmark makes it all the more special. Your gift was beautiful. You are so talented.
Thanks for your nice comments on my blog. It is so wonderful to connect with people here and abroad.
I thought of you because the latest issue of Belle Armoire jewelry has a cute tatting project! Check it out!
Happy New Year!!
Isn't it always such a delight to get treats in the post, and then ones that someone has taken such time over to create. Happy New Year :) Catherine and the Bumpkin Bears x
I just love surprise packages. You received some wonderful gifts. Your snowflakes are beautiful as well.
So fabulous to receive a gift from a far away blogging friend... so special!!!
May your New Year hold many new tatting projects, friends from afar and Blessings!!!
Happy New Year to you, too, Tracy! Thank you for your visit. Glad to hear that you had a safe trip to the states and back. ((Hugs)) back to you, TJ and Charlie, OF COURSE!
Oh, how cute, Bella Sinclair. Your comment gave me a little heartwarming chuckle! Glad to have given you the excitement of Christmas anticipation all over again! Well, I'd love to exchange with you!
Thank you so much, Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping! Right back atcha, girly blogger friend! You are a delight to visit and receive visits from and here's to many more of those visits in 2009! Love your blog, too!
Thank you, Mary Ellen! It was neat to exchange with my friend from Denmark! It was one of the best things about this Christmas!
Hi Stitchy McFloss! Thank you, aren't the goodies from Denmark fun! I'm so glad you came to visit.
Hi Susanne! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! Let's see I remember a little poem from when I was a little girl, it went "Thank you once, and thank you twice. Thanks, again! You've been so nice." I think that is fitting here!
Happy New Year to you, too!
Hi Carolyn, thank you and I look forward to seeing more of your bears and chatting next year, as well! Happy New Year to you and the Draffin Bears!
Thank you, Judy. You are so kind! You are right, a gift from Denmark is all the more special.
Hi Robin Dudley-Howes! Thank you very much. Oh, Yes, that is Yarnplayer in the Belle-Armoire Magazine! I have seen her work on her blog! In fact, I have ordered HDT's (hand dyed threads) from her to tat with. Go see her blog! Her link is on the right side bar of my blog under "Tatting Links"! Too cool!
Hi Catherine, thank you so much! I appreciate your visits and look forward to many more from you and to your blog in 2009! Happy New Year to you and the Bumpkin Bears!
Thank you, Kathy! It was a fun exchange. Happy New Year to you and your family!
Thank you, Vintage Girl At Heart. Yes, the exchange was fun. THank you for your very sweet New Year's Wishes! Happy New Year to you and yours!
Thank you very much for your visit, and Happy New Year for you too.
Happy New Years!!! I am so glad we became friends this past year!!! Laurie
That was a fun package, Happy New Year
How lovely - you deserve to receive lots of lovely things like this, with the way you keep us all so entertained with your lovely posts. Happy new year, and I look forward to lots more visits to your blog next year.
By the way, horlicks is a malted drink, usually drunk hot over here - and a lovely bedtime drink. You can get chocolate flavours, which is what I made up for the children. it's yummy! This is what I love about your visits - I'd have thought Horlicks was well known over your side of the pond!
Blessings for your new year.
What a fun and special package you received! Thank you for sharing and thanks for your wonderful visits to my blog this past year. Happy holiday and best wishes for a blessed New Year! ~ xo Joy
Happy New Year Tatting Chic!
SO glad we met!1
May all your dreams come true this year!
I am soooooo there. May I, may I, may I please exchange with you? Please email me: aleechai@yahoo.com
Very nice exchanges from you and to you! I had a friend I'd say alsmost 20 years ago who made me a felt Danish heart that I still put on the tre. Everyone I knew got one from me the next year because they were very aesy to make and very nice on the packages!!
I podcasted about you today! I told everyone to see your tatted Angel. It truly is the most beautiful I have ever seen!! Great idea I might try as well!!!
Happy holidays
Lucky you,how wonderful.What a beautiful gift to recieve.I know you were expecting a package,but its still so exciting.
I just wanted to drop by and wish you a Happy New Year.So!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Marie Antionette
Thank YOU, Elisadud. Your tatting is some of the most beautiful that I have EVER seen, really! Happy New Year!
Laurie, you are a gem! It has been fun getting to know you, thank you for your bloggy friendship!
Thanks for visiting, Tatskool! Happy New year to you, too!
LOL! Thanks you, Lace Hearts! I'm glad you don't mind my silly questions from this side of the pond! I have always been secretly fascinated with all things British! No, Really! I love how we have such different ways of talking about the SAME THING! LOL! It's fun! I LOVE it.
Thank you for your sweet comment, Joy! I feel reciprocal toward you, too! Happy New Year!
Right back atcha, Constance! Thank you for your sweet New Year's wishes!
Hee hee, Bella Sinclair! I can't wait...hee hee hee!
Thank you, Arlene! Happy New Year! That was very sweet of you to mention me. I appreciate it.
You get me, Marie Antoinette! It's so nice to be "gotten" LOL! You know what I mean, right? LOL! I'm glad you understand. Have a fabulous New Year!
A beautiful gift for a beautiful lady :). I can't wait to see what you do with your samples, I'm sure they will be beautiful!
Hi Kathi, thank you. I really love the Christmas gift from Susanne. I will have to give the samples a run this year for sure! :)
Gosh! Looking at your blog and all that tatting makes me weak in the knees. Such delicate work...work of angels.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such nice comments.I appreciate them :-)
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