Oh, that is one of my favorite Christmas Carols! How about you? Do you have a Christmas Carol that you love to sing every Christmas? Oh, do tell! It is Christmas as you know and I am so excited to show you today my little tatted masterpiece! I have been waiting excitedly ALL YEAR LONG to show you this! This is my little Christmas present to all my lovely blogging friends. I am so grateful to you for loving kindness and support. It is my tatted angel that I tatted and stiffened over 15 years ago. She was made with three doilies of different sizes revised from the same pattern and stiffened to make a tree top tatted angel. I love tatting and angels. I am rather particular about my angels, especially my tatted ones. You see, my angels have to have a face. It's very important. An angel without a face is like...well...it's like Christmas without the Christmas Spirit! It's just not at all the same. So my tatted angels have to have a face. When I made this one I put a lot of thought into her design and construction and I consider her one of my masterpieces. My other masterpieces are Christmas ornaments with tatted lace on glass globes, but I cannot find them as of yet. Perhaps it was not meant to be this Christmas that you would see them as well. Perhaps next year! Are you ready to see my little masterpiece!?!

Sweetly singing o'er the plain

And the mountains in reply

Echoing their joyous strain


Thank you, Couture de Papier!
91 absolutely fabulous things were said:
Your angel is indeed Gloria on high, she is beautiful.
Your Angel is gorgeous ~ absolutely stunning! The prettiest Angel I have ever seen :)
Merry Christmas to you and Best Wishes for 2009
~ Karen xoxo
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you as well. Wishing you all the happiness. I am amazed by the angel sooo wonderful I wish I had her on my tree.
Hi there...
Your angel is just stunning! So beautiful...and I am in love with your snowflakes. I so want to tat snowflakes...I knit several a couple of years ago...very dainty and lovely but there is nothing like a beautifully tatted snowflake!!
Thank-you for all of your visits and very kind comments!
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season. Looking forward to chatting in 2009!
Hugs, Nancy
really lovely your angel!!! hope you have spent a nice christmas! and thanks for your visits to my blog and been my blogger friend!!
Thank you, Tatskool. Hope you are enjoying your Christmas Day.
Hi, Karen. Thank you so much!
Awwwww...that is very sweet to say, Steph! Thank you!
Thank you for your kind words about the angel and the snowflakes, Nancy!
Hi, Claudia. I appreciate your kind words as well. I am now off to spend Christmas Day with a friend as I have accepted a dinner invitation!
The angel is gorgeous! I don't think I could top that, ever!
Judy B
Wow, what a beautiful angel you've got there, I think it is the prettiest I have seen. And I am so impressed that it has been done out of some doilies.
Merry Christmas to you and thanks for being such a nice blogging and tatting friend.
Your angel is truly beautiful. Thank you for sharing. My favorite Christmas Carols are Silent Night and Away in a Manger. Only certain versions...very simple music and sung by children's sweet voices.
Oh the angel you´ve made is really beautiful!
I still can´t understand how you can create these lovely things..magnifique!
Oh, Tattingchic! This is unbelievably beautiful! I am amazed at her beauty and that she is 15 years old. I agree with Karen - she is the prettiest angel I have ever seen! Merry Christmas!
She's lovely! You did a most fantastic job shaping and stiffening her. Merry Christmas, TattingChic.
Oh, by the way, one (I can't pick just one)of my favorite Christmas songs is "Blue Christmas" by Elvis Presley.
WELL! I just don't know how you have been sitting on this one all year! She truly IS a masterpiece! It must make you smile everytime you look at her! Just gorgeous Chicky....absolutely GORGEOUS!
Thank you, Judy B! You are very kind!
Hi Susanne, thank you for stopping by on Christmas Day! Thank you for being a great friend, too!
Hi Julena Jo, thank you! Those are wonderful carols. I enjoy them,too!
Hi Mia! Thank you for your kind comment. I think making something like this is like eating an elephant. How do you eat an elephant??? One bite at a time! LOL!
Thank you so much, Tattycat! Your sweet words mean a great deal to me. I'm glad you like her!
Merry Christmas to you, Maria!
Merry Christmas, Steph! Thank you for noticing the shaping, that was tricky as I recall! I know exactly what you mean about "one" of my favorite carols is... as you may have noticed...that is how I started out this blog post, for that very same reason; I can't pick just one, either! LOL!
It has not been easy, Lady Shuttle Maker! I have been DYING to show her to all of you! It was one of the first things I wanted to share...right when I started my blog. However, waited, I did and I am glad that I did as it was worth it! Thank you!
absolutely beautiful! thx. for sharing
She is a beautiful angel and 15 years old - Wow! I like them to have faces too - makes them feel more personal, you know?
What a lovely tat to share with us today!
TattingChic! How was your Christmas? I hope it was absolutely splendid, and I hope you got everything you wished for. A very merry Christmas to you.
She is, quite honestly, the most beautiful angel I've ever seen! That lace looks huge, and to think there are three of them. It must have taken you ages. And the airiness of it is just perfect for an angel. That is most definitely something to hand down for generations.
Thank you so much for all your visits and your cheery posts with beautiful tatting. I do hope you will consider setting up an etsy shop or something. It would be a nifty way to support your habit, after all. Anyway, I got off on a tangent there. I wanted to say that you are one of the blessings I am counting this year. I'm so grateful to have met you!
A masterpiece indeed. What a beautiful angel and with the perfect face, definitely one to be treasured.
it'sa fabulous angel. Congratulations and merry christmas!!!
Your angel is priceless! your work always amazes me, it's so beautiful I just kept staring at the detail.
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Hugs & Blessings,
Kathi :)
Thank you, Tinkerverve!
Hi Gina, thank you! Glad you like her!
Hello Bella Sinclair! I am glad you like the angel and my tatting enough to suggest an Etsy shop, alas, I fear that people would not understand the prices...as the time it takes to make something like this catapults her into the thousand dollar range, yup, it does! I don't think people are willing to pay for something when they think it's "just crocheted" as soooooo many people think tatting and crochet are the same thing, sad but true. This is the reason I do not sell my art. Perhaps one day. You truly flatter me, though! Thank you! ((Hugs)) to you, Dear Bella!
Thank you so much, Clyde. So glad you stopped by!
Thank you, Ana Ruggeri! I appreciate you visiting all the way from Argentina!
Hi, Kathi! Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you like the angel!
Just look at that beautiful angel! It looks like she is dressed in snowflakes! I hope your Christmas was wonderful and your new year is filled with blessings:>)
Wow!That really is beautiful. I am sure that you must have one of the prettiest Christmas tree's. This year my tree only has one or two tatted ornaments hanging on it. Someday it will be covered in them. My problem is that I tend to give away most of my tatting.
Hello! Hope you had a merry merry christmas.
Your angel is AWESOME!!!!!
It's WOW!
You know it doesn't snow here in Delhi but it felt like snow when I saw your beautiful snowflakes.
They are really pretty!!
Wish You and your family The Best In The New Year.
And last but not the least,Thank You so much for visiting my site and liking my humble attempts at the art,and leaving such nice comments. It's really encouraging.
THANKS again.
Your angel is gorgeous! I agree they need a face and you have chosen a beauty. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Hi, Kathleen Grace, thank you! Tatting does kinda look like snowflakes no matter the form, huh?
Hi Sarah, Thank you. How nice that you either have so many people who appreciate tatting or that you don't care if they call it crochet, LOL! Either way, that's nice that you give so much tatting away!
Vinnie, you tatting is lovely! Thank you for visiting me! Hope you have a fabulous New Year!
Hi Kathy, thanks for taking time to visit! Hope you had a very Merry Christmas with your family and have a wonderful New Year!
This is fabulous,so beautiful!!! Your gift is so amazing!!!! I hope that you had a very Merry Christmas!!! I so look forward to your tatting in the New Year!!
Congrats on your lovely award!!
Your angel is beautiful! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Wow. What a beautiful angel. How pretty on your tree!
Your angel is absolutely beautiful! It makes me want to learn to tat. So pretty. Thank you for sharing her with us. She's so lovely, she should be allowed to stay out all year. :)
She's positively breathtaking and looks like she just floated down from "On High" to land on your tree! What did you use as a stiffener to keep her so perfect and white? And how do you store her? What beautiful work and delightful creativity! Also loved your snowflakes and the way you photographed them on the snowflake paper.
I also enjoy Christmas music and can't really pick a favorite. "Oh Holy Night" is certainly wonderful, and I especially loved hearing the "Halleluia Chorus" at Midnight on the radio stations years ago. My father had a wonderful Christmas LP by the Robert Shaw Chorale (going back to the 1950s) and I always play it every year. Even the background 'static' on the vinyl record makes me feel nostalgic!
Hope you have a wonderful Holiday -and thanks for your sweet comments on my blog!
omigosh, how long did it take you to make it? It's gorgeous!
Wow. It's all been said (and not to be redundant) but that is amazingly beautiful. You created an heirloom. God Bless You and your family.
Thank you for your sweet comments, Vintage Girl at Heart! Yes, I had a very Merry Christmas, thank you, I hope you did, too!
Penny, thank you! I'm so glad you stopped by to see her!
Hi, Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping! Thank you, thank you, I appreciate the sweetness!
Oh, that would be so cool if you learned to tat, Stitchy McFloss! I love that the angel inspires that inside of you! Thank you!
Thank you for your very kind comments, Kathy Niklewicz! I store her in a large box and she gets tissue papers stuffed up her skirt and inside her wings every year. It keeps her pretty well, but she still manages to get a little munched, LOL! I love almost all of the Christmas Carols! In fact, I don't think there is a one that I don't love! Those are some good ones, too!
Oh, Shay, I cannot recall how long she took to tat! It was a long time, LOL! It was so long ago and all I did at that time was tat, tat, tat!!!
Hi, Mary Ellen, thank you! Glad you like the angel!
Your angel is beautiful! Such talent! Wishing you a very Happy New year!
Your Angel is very beautiful ~ the most prettiest I have seen.
It must have taken you a long time.
I think there is nothing better than to stand around the pianio and all sing Christmas Carols.
I hope that you are having a relaxing and happy break and look forward to chatting more next year.
What joy to see such a beautiful angel you have created. Her dress is gorgeous and her sweet face perfect. Truly the prettiest I have seen. I just love your creative post.
I hope you had a special Christmas, and much happiness, good health and love in the New Year.
Thank you for stopping by.
Blessings always my friend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Thank you, Mary Jane! I appreciate your nice comment.
Thank you so much, Carolyn! You are so kind and I'm so grateful! I'll bet you do get to stand around an actual piano and sing Christmas carols! How fun!!!
So glad you stopped by, Celestina Marie. I'm so flattered you say she is the prettiest you have seen as a designer you must see so many! Thank you!
hon,This Angel is just drop dead gorgeous.She takes my breath away.I do hope you had a very Merry Christmas and going to have an exciting New Year.
I wanted to tell you that the comment you just left on my blog,well I had to delete it.LOL..The thing of it is ,I'm not the smartest cookie these days.The post you saw up was a post I was in the processing of writing.I accidently posted it.It was not nearly finished.So thats what happened.But anyway next time I do post ,thats going to be the subject.Hugs Marie Antionette
OMG! I am crying..so beautiful I love angels! I have an angel painting on permanent display at Harvard...Angels must have been whispering in my ear this morning because I want to pick up my brush and paint some mini angels on canvas for my Bonbon shop..I am touched and inspired.I love the rosebud on her crown! LOL Denise 'Your sis on East coast'
Oh, My, what a wonderfully beautiful and delicate angel and "with a face" too...BEAUTIFUL. This one is priceless...what a treasure! Thanks for your visit today and your comment...sure brightens my day, which makes YOU an angel too!! My best to you for 2009..in every way. Take care. Pat
Hi Marie Antoinette! Thanks for stopping by. Oh, don't worry about my comment getting deleted! I had just popped over to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank you, Denise! I'm glad you like her! What an honor to be of inspiration to you! I look forward to seeing your painted mini angels! What a joy! I just love angels!
Hi Pat, thank you! I am glad you took some time to stop by and see my angel, yes, with a face, LOL! Very important! LOL! Thank you for your lovely New Year's wishes! My best to you, as well!
Your angel is amazing!!!
Boxing Day is the day after Christmas Day, it's all to do with when the servants would have their day off/receive their gifts... it's also a bit like Black Friday in the US as all the stores launch their sales.
Victoria xx
Your Angel is so majestic, the Aura reflecting on the face… you did superb! And I can’t believe it is 15 years old.
One amongst the best tatting I have come across and never amazes me what we can create.
Thanks for sharing this masterpiece.
I love your Angel. She is absolutely gorgeous.
WOW your angel is spectacular! I love her! I am sure you will love her for years and years to come! Great job
Your post gave me chills,Sweetie.
Angels we have heard on High is my favorite from way back whn I was a child in Primary School and Sunday School.
Your Angel is a beautiful work of art.I can see that you put so much of your giving Spirit into her because she is a reflection of your inner beauty.
Really the lovliest Angel ever!
I must learn more about the art of Tatting.
God Bless You~
Thanks for the comment about the angel, Victoria. I also appreciate the "boxing day" definition!
Sapna, you are so kind. I really appreciate all the lovely things you had to say.
Awwwww...thank you, Angie! That is sweet.
Hi, Carol/Battatter. Welcome to my blog! Thank you! You are right, I probably will enjoy her for years to come as I already have enjoyed her for many years past!
Tina, that is such a lovely thing to say about the angel! Yes, I really did put a lot into her creation! I appreciate that you noticed! Thank you so much.
The angel you made is just gorgeous! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!
Happy New Year Blogging Buddy!
Your Angel is so beautiful, wow. I hope you had a beautiful Christmas.
She is so delicately beautiful. Happy New Year!
Your angel is gorgeous! Wow, I am totally impressed. This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Linda
O-o-oh, I love that angel! She is so celestial and elegant. You are one talented lady, Tatting Chic. I also think your snowflakes are divine. Wish I could decorate for Christmas all over again. LOL Nerm
Your angel is really beautiful
Merry Xmas to you and your beloved and my best wishes
congratulation for all your crafts and for sharing with us
She is just beautiful I agree she is truely a masterpiece. I hope that you and your family had a wonderful Christmas.
Cheers Linda
I think we're all smitten!!!! Thanks so much for showing us your lovely creation!
Come see me sometime!
~ Hearts ~
What a magnificent angel. I love your lace work and this creation is gorgeous. Have you ever considered selling your creations? Your work is beautiful.
Hi Tatter(:)
she is wonderful ..
Something that is a precious heirloom (:)
Thanks on my tidy house..I feel
Thinking Spring ..hehe..
hugs, Patty
Your tatted angel is phenominal! I have never seen an angel so beautiful. Thank you for sharing it and I hope to see more of your lovely tatting in 2009.
Wishing you a holiday season filled with peace and light that extends into the coming year and beyond.
And thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!
What a SUNNING Christmas angel Tattingchic!
Hope you have been having wonderful holidays. So happy we have met in Blog Land.
Happy 2009!
Thank you, Blogging Buddy Tam. I appreciate your kind words about the angel and your holiday wishes.
Thank you, Kathy. Christmas was lovely, thank you.
Thank you, Our Shabby Cottage.
Hi, Linda, thank you very much!
Thanks, Nerm! You are very cute! There's nothing like decorating for Christmas, is there?
Thank you, Najma. I really appreciate your sweet words.
Thank you, Linda. Christmas was very nice.
Aw, thank you, Holly! I guess I'll hop on over to you blog soon, here!
Hi, Karen! I appreciate your kind comment. The prospect of selling is an ominous one...as I'm not sure people are willing to pay for the time it took to tat her, nor am I willing to part with my tatting for less that what it is worth! People often compare it to crochet which takes an exponentially smaller amount of time.
Thank you, Patty! I will have to think spring from here on out and get my home organized!
Thank you for your very kind comment, Isdihara! You sound like a very sweet and gentle person.
Thank you very much, Constance. I am glad we've met in blog-land, too!
Happy New Year!!
P.S. Love the tatted angel.
Thanks for stopping by with some of your american flair ;o)
Victoria xx
Hi! Thanks for dropping by. You are too too talented. Have a wonderful week.
Patti Cakes
Happy New Year, Cathy! Thank you!
Hi Victoria, glad you liked the "American Flair" of my silly comment. ;)
Hi Patti Cakes! I love your nick name, it's great! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you come visit again.
oh wow, your Angel is over the top...just beautiful!!! Laurie
Well, I am obvious a bit late...but, OMG...what beautiful delicate work! Hope your holiday went well and I look foward to getting to know you even more in 2009! xo...deb
WOW...that is stunning!! LOVE it...so delicate..
Oh my gosh - she is just beautiful!!! What a gift you have! My favorite Christmas carols are O Little Town of Bethlehem, Away in a Manger, and Silent Night... I can still hear my my mom singing them... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage
Your Angel is so BEAUTIFUL...I would love to learn tatting....
Memories flood my mind of "pinning and starching" doilies...what an art...I will visit you again!
Oh, she is so beautiful! You did a lovely job on her. You are so talented. Thank you for the wonderful Christmas wish. I trust that you had a wonderful day with your family. I hope that you have a happy 2009 as well!
Hugs, Sharon
Hello Tatting Chic, It seems I am never the first one to catch your new postings but my messages to you are certainly sent with much admiration of your works of art. Your "Tatted Angel" is truly a master piece and her face is very angelical and beautiful. Hugs Judy
I'm glad to hear another good recommendation on the Barefoot Contessa... a friend did one of the teas from her parties book and it was lovely and i love her show which i get to see sometimes over here.
Victoria x
Love your angel... absolutely beautiful!
your angel is beautiful!!!
Just stopped back to say thank you for your prayers. Happy New Year.
Wow your angel is beautiful. Thank you for stopping bye today. I enjoyed your visit and so did Anna. I was looking at your post with your first snowflakes and I think they are beautiful too!! I have never tatted and didn't know anything about it until I won Crystals giveaway and she sent me a snowflake. Is it hard to learn? I've looked a little bit on the internet.
Your blog as always is wonderful!
Wishing you a Happy New Year!
beautiful but i have to admit -- i don't know what "tatting" means.
Thank you, Laurie! Hee hee!
Hi Debi! It is never too late to visit or leave kind holiday wishes!
Thank you very much, Robin!
Hi Donna, thanks for stopping by and leaving the nice comment. That is another great carol!
Welcome, LADY JANES' EMPORIUM. Hope to see you again soon. Thanks for visiting.
Sharon, thank you so much for your very sweet comment! I appreciate it.
Hi Judy, it doesn't matter if you're first or not, it's so nice to have you come and visit! Thank you!
Victoria, a tea party sounds lovely! I for one haven't tried much out of her books, but I love them just the same, LOL!
Thank you, Cielo!
Thanks, Lori!
You are most welcome, Karen. Happy New Year to you, too!
Hi Judy, thanks for visiting! I appreciate your comment. That is so neat that you also won Crystal's giveaway! Tatting is very easy to do once you learn. It is best to learn with someone in person showing you, but if that is not available, I have heard from many that there are some great free videos on YouTube.
Thank you so much, Jo-Anne! Happy New Year to you as well!
LOL, thank you for visiting, Elyse! Tatting is just the name for a type of handmade lace. You are welcome to come back and visit anytime as I have plenty of posts on it here. I also have a few tatting links on my sidebar on the right!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Your angel is one of the most beautiful things I have EVER seen!!! You are so TALENTED!! She is truly breathtaking!
That is absolutely gorgeous! You must have worked on that for a very, very long time!! I can't even begin to imagine doing something that big! By the way, do you have any tatting shuttle recommendations? Right now, I have a metal one with a hook on the front and a bobbin. I'm wondering if I should start using a different one though. Could you please advise me on this? Thanks!
Hi Amy, Thank you so much for your very sweet comment! It sure means a lot.
Hi Rachel, thanks for the compliment about the angel. It sounds like you have a "Boye" brand steel shuttle. It works fine. Bobbin shuttles are my favorite kind of shuttle to use, actually. I used the boye steel bobbin shuttles for years, until I discovered some plastice bobbin shuttles with an even littler hook on it! It's PERFECT when working with the larger threads like size size 40-size 10. However when you start working with the tinier threads like size 100-size 50 you want to grab a steel crochet hook that is 0.4 mm (best for size 80 or size 100) to size 0.9 mm to assist you in joins so that the larger crochet hook doesn't distort the design. My favorite plastic bobbin shuttle is called and "Aero". Many merchants have caught onto the Aero's popularity and charge ridiculous prices for them like $4-$7 USD for them. I do not have too many of them for that reason! So I get the Aero-knockoffs at lace shows for about $3 or the Susan Bates brand plastic bobbin shuttle (it also has a small crochet hook on the end) for $2-$3. I really wouldn't recommend spending too much more on a plastic shuttle or it's a totall rip-off! Hope that has helped!
It doesn't really matter if you use bobbin or post shuttles. Bobbins are my favorite because you can wind a bunch of whatever thread you need on them when making a large project and you can pop the full bobbin in the shuttle and take the empty bobbin out when needed instead of winding a shuttle each time it empties.
Indeed, she is a masterpiece and she has a beautiful face. Happy New Year!
Thank you, Plays With Needles! I appreciate it. Happy New Year to you, too!
I am beyond speechless with your angel...
Oh my goodness! I have never seen an angel like her before. She is breath taking! So beautiful!
Your work is alway true master pieces! I love each and every one you do.
Your angel is absolutely stunning!
I just popped over to say thank you for adding the mag, and I see you have lots of wonderful inspiration yourself!
I would love to feature you in a future edition. If you would like to be please just let me know :o)
Hi Shell, Welcome! Thank you for your sweet comment.
Gosh, thanks Joanne, I sound like what's his name, don't I? You know that goofy dog, Oh, his name is "Goofy"! LOL! I sound like Goofy, don't I "GARSH, thanks!".
Welcome to The Secret Corridor! Thank you for your lovely compliment. I would be honored to be in a future edition of your craft mag! I'll have to check out your blog again for an email address.
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