Saturday, April 18, 2009

By Jove, I Think I've GOT It!!!

Don't you love it when you "get" things? I do! I mean it in both the literal and figurative sense of the verb. I "got" some things today. Let me show you!
Today I was tatting this rosette from
Martha's new "Tea is for Tatting" book
that I got earlier this week.
It's from the "Antique Rose" teapot on pg 14.
It calls for split chains! I am not fond of split chains.
You see, normally a chain is tatted from left to right and
the whole motif is tatted that way - left to right!
In a split chain you tat a portion of the chain and
then you join to where the ending point would be.
You leave a portion of bare thread about the
length of what the rest of the chain would be and
tat wierdo stitches (fake double-stitches) back to the
point from right to left. It is a challenge for even
experienced tatters!
This motif has two split chains in it so far.
I've done them before and would've been perfectly
content to never have to do them again...
...but THIS TIME I think I got it!!!
Here's a close up of the second split chain.
Can you see the arch that has the two threads sticking
out of it? 4 double-stitches (2-2) to the left of those threads
are normal double-stitches in a chain.
The 4 double-stitches (2-2) to the right of the
threads are split chain double-stitches.
I'm showing a close up because these are the best
I've ever done in the 4 times I've tried it.
I think I've finally GOT it!!!
I found 3 online sources for split chains that I found helpful.
I'll share those with you in no particular order:
They are also located on my sidebar under "Tatting Techniques"
Have fun!

I also got something "charm"~ing!
I was so excited to see that I received my
charm that I had told you about from
It was a little tissue wrapped box that
came in the mail today!
It was sealed with a vintage cherub.
Isn't that cute?

Inside was a JOY~ful note!
Thanks, Joy!

That is the prettiest post-it note I have ever seen! LOL!

Just look at this sweet little cherubic detail.

What was it that lay inside the beautiful golden box?
You see, Joy never revealed what the charm would
look like, only that it would have a Marie Antoinette theme!
She makes these charms herself!

Oh, and she did not disappoint!
Look at this beautiful charm dangling from the pink blossoms!

I think that even my garden cherubs are charmed by her beauty!

Look at the way her gown sparkles in the sunlight!
I am wearing her as I write this!
Thank you, Joy!!! I love her!

Thank you for stopping by to see what it was that I got today! I enjoyed showing you! Be sure and share your thoughts before you leave or just say hello! Comments are always welcome here!
Gotta run,


  1. Hello my sweet, You wear that charm beautifully.It is just to gorgeous.One of these days I'm going to buy one of her charms.
    Anywho,thank you so much for visiting.Alexia said to tell you hello and she is having a quiet but great birthday.
    I don't know anything about tatting ,you know that...But I really,really love that chain.It looks so delicate and that rose blush color,am I right about that.Thats what it looks like on my puter.Anyway I can see that as a beautiful neckless.By jove, I think you do got it!!!
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  2. Oh, I know what you mean about split chains. I still have not figured out how to do them. I've been avoiding patterns that call for them. Are there any videos that show how to do those? I have the new book "Tea is for Tatting" coming too and I hope to tat each and everyone of them.

  3. The medallion is so pretty! I am still trying to learn to tat! Love the charm that Joy sent you!! Lucky lady!

  4. you're right that split chains are not the most enjoyable bits in tatting. but you did it! good for ya.

    the charm is lovely. congrats.

  5. The split chain is beautiful!! And so is your pendant!!!!

  6. Your split chain piece is beautiful!

    I love Joy. I have two of her broken china pins. They are beautiful.

    Yes, I did take the pictures of the flowers from the Biltmore House on my current post. Aren't they pretty?

  7. Hi TattingChic,

    I love your new split chain motif ~ that is the prettiest of pinks.

    Also that is the sweetest charm, how lucky.


  8. Well, how fitting is that! Marie Antoinette is the first to comment on my blog post with my new Marie Antoinette charm! So cute! So sweet of Alexia to say hello! I'm glad she's having a nice birthday!

    Hello, One Craft at a Time! I don't think there are Split Chain vids out there. I did look for you, but didn't find any. That would be a great thing for someone to do, wouldn't it?

    Thank you, Southern Lady's Vintage! Oh, good luck with learning to tat! I do feel fortunate to have won one of Joy's beautiful charms! So pretty!

    Hi Valerie! I've done split chains before, but this time I understood what it was that the thread was doing...if that makes sense.

    Thank you, Ooglebloops! I'm glad you stopped by!

    Hi Penny! Those photos were spectacularly gorgeous! Such fibrantly colored flowers! Oh, you fortunate lady to have 2 of Joy's pieces! She's a very talented gal.

    Thank you, Carolyn! I'm so glad you stopped by!

  9. How lovely...split chains must be having great vibes this week ... I managed to beat them into submission too :) Enjoy your charm, she is also gorgeous.

  10. Hi there. Thanks for visiting my blog and glad you enjoyed my tatted piece ... done a long time ago. Looking at your blog I am inspired to pick up my shuttle again one day.

  11. Congratulations on mastering the split chain. Isn't fun to be able to add new techniques to your tatting repertoire.

  12. Your tatting is gorgeous and I can understand your excitement at finally achieving something you've struggled with - looks terrific to me! Congrats on your Marie charm... it is lovely =)

    P.S. Thanks for commenting on my zentangles - I wasn't sure they were too great but your positive feedback means A LOT!

  13. Well, that tatting looks great to me -- and I have no clue what those stitches are! You do beautiful work. And that charm! Wow! I LOVE it!!!

  14. Split Chains! OMG, I don't think I will ever learn how to do them. They even look complicated, but you did a great job on yours.

    Your new charm is beautiful.

  15. The tatting is lovely. And that charm is just beautiful. Love it all.

  16. Hello Tatting Chic, I love your Tea is for tatting book. The front cover "Tea Pot" is soooooo very pretty. You do amazing tatting motif. Lovely work. Hugs judy

  17. Oh I think that lil project you have going is beautiful! So well done my friend! It is so fun when you "get it" I know just what you mean.
    Your charm gift is very pretty too! What a fun gift to get. Hope you have a good day, it is gorgeous here today!~Smiles~Tam

  18. Very cool, Laura-rose! Good for you, too!

    Hi Joan Elizabeth! Oh, yes! Do pick up your tatting shuttle and dabble a bit! Your work is gorgeous!

    Thank you, Clyde! It is fun learning something new! It's even funner to have people to share it with! It's no fun when you're trying to explain it to people who aren't crafty or have no idea what tatting is (which is like all of my 3-D friends), LOL!

    Hi Beckie! Thank YOU for your encouragement, too! Your work is really cool! You are very talented!

    Thanks, Thimbleanna! That is very sweet of you to say that about my tatting. Isn't that charm amazing?!

    Thanks, Angie! You never know, you just might get them down one day!

    Thank you, Donna! Glad you stopped by.

    Hi Judy! Isn't Martha's teapot book cute! Her patterns are lovely, too!

    Thanks, Tam! You're sweet and I appreciate the encouragement! I'm glad you're having good weather. It's beautiful here, too!

  19. I love your charm it is so pretty. I'm sure you will enjoy wearing it. Your chain is beautiful. I have no clue as to how you Tat!! but I'm envious of your work. I received my April snowflake too. I'm like a little kid when I pull the envelope out of the mailbox.

  20. Very nice job there. I taa am not really fond of split chains but they do work in well sometimes don't they!! I love the vintage look of those rosettes though don't you>

  21. I hate absolutely hate split chains and although Jane Eborall - my big sister, tried to teach me once I thought what a pain. So congratulations

  22. Oh, my gosh...your charm is gorgeous! I love the little extra embellishements that have been added too, plus your tatting piece is just wonderful...hugs, Linda

  23. Oh for goodness sakes. I got dizzy just trying to follow your split chain instructions, and I know you were trying to simplify it for us laypeople. I'm THRILLED that you've mastered it, though! How exciting it that! Keep doing it often so you don't forget it. It's looking really fantastic!

    And your pendant -- she's a beaut! I dunno...a gorgeous girl wearing a gorgeous girl.... it's too much. I would faint at the sight!

  24. My, but you are so crafty! Your tatting skills amaze me every time you post a picture!

  25. Hi,I just revisited your blog and was hoping you would please visit my blog too, and maybe share it with your friends. Also, leave a comment on my Mother's Day Give-Away Post to have a chance to win my book.



    Barbara Olivo Cagle
    4575 Wanakiwin Dr.
    Loon Lake, WA 99148
    (509) 233-8051 HM
    (509) 951-7300 CELL

  26. Love the medallion. I still have trouble with the split chain. I think it is because I don't ues it all the time.

  27. The charm is so pretty! Your PINK tatting piece is so beautiful! I am always so impressed with your handiwork!


  28. Oh that charm is gorgeous!
    I bet you love wearing it?
    Tatting and I are strangers But it looks very delicate and pretty

  29. Hi Judy! I am like a kid, too, when I get my envelope from Fairiebee! I get the biggest smile on my face at the mailbox and have it ripped open before I even get to my front door, LOL!

    Hi Arlene! Yes, I agree, they are great for crawling out of a round! I hate finishing ends!

    Thank you, Sally! I've seen your tatting on Jane's blog! I'm glad to see you have one now, too!

    Hi Linda! Thanks on the tatting! Isn't that charm pretty!? I love the little extras she put on it!

    LOL, Bella, you are so funny! I wrote the description in small print so that people that weren't interested or whatever could just pass over it. Not everyone wants to hear boring tatting technical stuff! Thanks for the sweet comment!

    Thank you, Betty!

    Thank you for visiting, Barbara! Good luck with your giveaway!

    Hi Sharon! I agree with you on the "use it or lose it" principle with that particular tatting skill. It's not a normal stitch so it doesn't come naturally or get used very much.

    Thank you, Maryjane! I'm so glad you stopped by. I appreciate your encouragement. I feel fortunate to have won the necklace!

    A big hello to A Bite Of Country Cupcakes! I do love wearing the charm! Most people are not familiar with tatting unless they do crossword puzzles (3 letter word for "make lace") or tat themselves or had a relative that tatted.

  30. That rosette is absolutely beautiful. You definitely 'got' it! The Marie charm is so sweet. Have a wonderful week! Twyla

  31. Now that rosette is so beautiful - well done. Perfect colour too.

  32. That is so exciting! Your tatting is just divine! It sounds like you are having such a ball learning too!

  33. OOOh yes indeed you have it. Love your work...I always do.
    Have a SPECTACULAR WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. That medallion is is the color! Nothing like tackling a task and making a breakthrough. :o) LOVE that charm...very fun and dreamy! Happy week, my friend ((HUGS))

  35. Thank you, Cathy! Glad you stopped by.

    Thank you, Twyla! I appreciate the sweet comment.

    Hi Our Shabby Cottage! Thanks a bunch!

    Hello, Marie Reed! Welcome! Thank you, and yes, it's nice to have learnED the split-chain...I have to be wasn't FUN, LOL! It was HARD!

    Awww...thank you, Just Between Us Girls! That is an incredibly sweet thing to say! I really appreciate it! :)

    Thank you, Tracy! Yes, it's great making a breakthrough; what a great word!

  36. OMG!.... I love your rosette (drools with envy).... the charm is adorable. Hugs.

  37. Thanks, Heather! Glad to have you back visiting in blog~land! :)


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...and thank you!