Have you ever had one of those days where you can feel loved? Some days are full of more love than others. This would be one of those days. I just have to say that I love my blogging buddies.
That means YOU!!!
BIG (((hugs)))!
To help you understand what all this talk about love is all about let me share some goodies my fellow blogging buddies have shared with me!
First of all,
sumpin' sumpin'
one day and decided to have a
as to what this little something(s)
Now, doesn't this look like a
to you?
LOL! It does to me.

The correct guesses were thrown into
"the hat" and a winner was drawn.
Apparently, Thimbleanna was NOT
knitting caterpillars that day.
So, why am I blogging about guessing incorrectly?
Well, incidentally, there were sooooo
many people who guessed
(which gave Thimbleanna the chuckles)
that she consequently had ANOTHER drawing
just for us caterpillar guessers!!!
And I WON!!!
Wanna see what I got in the mail yesterday?
You know I'm gonna show ya,
no matter what ya say...LOL!
Here's the goodie stash altogether.
Still don't know what it is?
Let me break it down for you
so you can see it more clearly.
First of all,
she sent this card
to wish me a
Happy Halloween.
Next, there was some adorable
Mary Englebreit gift cards
and M&Mmmmmmm's.
Last, and most certainly not least,
was this lovely Vera Bradley passport holder.
Isn't it pretty?
I love the chocolate brown and
robin's egg blue combination
of this beautiful print.
If you've read Thimbleanna's blog
at all you'll know that she
spreads the love for Vera Bradley.
So, what was it that
Thimbleanna was knitting?
Hey, Thimbleanna!!!Didn't anyone tell you that you
have caterpillars on your feet?
Thank you, Thimbleanna!
I love my giftees!!!
Next on the docket,
I've been tagged by
She is a very talented scrappin' artist.
Her blog is worth a visit sometime.
She makes the cutest scrapbook albums!
This Meme is about 7's
7 Things I plan to do before I die:
1. Go Skydiving...just kidding!
2. Become a therapist and help people with PTSD.
3. Be the best wife and mother EVER!
4. Learn to bobbin lace if I get really bored.
6. Publish a book of my tatting patterns.
7. Publish a book of my poetry and short stories.
7 Things I do now:
1. Tat
2. Walk a mile each day.
3. Engage in cake decorating occasionally.
4. Watch too much TV.
5. Strive to eat more fruits and veggies and less fast food.
(Key word: STRIVE, LOL!)
6. Write poetry and short stories.
7. Tat out and write an occasional tatting pattern.
7 Things I can't do:
1. Make the #3 sign with my three middle fingers...LOL!
2. Sing opera (and THAT's okay!)
3. Get the computer to draw tatting patterns for me.
4. American Sign Language.
5. Speak French
6. Read people's minds.
7. Help you with your calculus.
7 Things that attract me to the Opposite Sex:
1. Sense of humor
2. Engaging personality
3. Looks, of course! Feh!
5. Gentlemanliness
6. Education
7. Being a good provider
(I'm an old fashioned kind of gal)
7 Things that I say most often:
1. WHAT?
(I'm HOH, what can I say?)
2. How cool is that?
3. That is soooo cuuuuute!
4. I LOVE it!
5. Get outta town!
6. Okay!
7. Fabulous!!!
7 Celebrities that I admire:
1. I would love to have the beauty of Angelina Jolie.
2. I love that Kathy Bates has broken the mold
of typical successful hollywood actresses.
3. I've always enjoyed Goldie Hawn's comedic acting.
4. I have acquired a taste for Kelsey Grammar of late.
5. Adam Sandler is usually good for a chuckle.
6. So is Gene Wilder.
7. a)I was totally in LOVE with Val Kilmar in the '80's
b) I have been in love with Colin Firth since the 90's
7 Favorite Foods:
1. Pizza
2. Pasta
2. Almost anything Italian
3. Salmon
4. A really good, fresh, crisp green salad with organic veggies.
5. Ribeye steak
6. Peanut butter
7. Nectarines
7 People who need to do this:
The first 7 people that I list below
on the One Sweet Blog Award.
gave me this lovely award.
As mentioned before,
it was created by an
artist by the name of
To quote the creator of this award,
she says,
"I have a special award for all the sweet blogs I visit...
I am giving this award to all the wonderful people that I visit almost every day....
they have inspired me and shared their wonderful lives with all of us....
I only ask that you nominate some of the wonderful
people you visit each and every day...."
I really didn't know who to award it to as there are so many bloggers who bless my life with their daily inspirational and friendly posts. So I narrowed it down a bit.
I am giving this award to all
my blogging friends who have given me something,
either a tag, or an award, a giveaway, or an exchange.
Please, please, please, let me know if I've left anyone out.
1) Bella Sinclair...right back atcha!!!
2) Umi & Tsuru...for awarding me the "I Love Your Blog Award"
3) Tatskool at Tat's A Kool Challenge ...for the "Arte Y Pico Award"
4) Barb from The French Elements...for the "Brillante Weblog Award"
5) Tracy at Pink Purl...for "The Arte Y Pico Award" and my very first tag!
6) Melissa of Honey Bee's Bliss...for the Friendship Exchange!
7) (lucky) Thimbleanna...for giving me the goodies I just showed you pics of.
Okay you lucky seven you get the TaG AND the award, lucky you guys!
8) Miss Victoria from
Vintage Tea...for the "Super Commenter Award"
11) Karen from
Cider Antiques...for the 1st blog giveaway that I ever won!!!
To the first seven listed "YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!"
(and awarded).
To all "listees" there really isn't a RULE
with this award. So to quote Bella Sinclair,
"Spread the love, baby, spread the love."!
Thank you for letting me share some of the love with all of you.
I know, this was a long one so pat yourself on the back if you've
made it this far.
As always, comments are always welcome here! I cherish each
and everyone of them! I look forward to hearing what you have to
Doesn't a piece of cheesecake sound good right about now?
Peace out,
42 absolutely fabulous things were said:
Hey Tatting Chic,
Just stopping by to share in your joy.
To let you know that Pizza is my fav too. I'm getting ready to make some dough for tonight right now.
Thank you for your support and kindness as we moved.
All is well and happy now for me.
Hope it is for you too.
You're to funny!! I use to like Val kelmer too...he lost something huh.
Hi Constance,
Enjoy your pizza! Thanks for stopping by to visit.
Hi Laurie! Yeah, Val baby lost something alright, sad.
Good Day Tatting Chic!
I need some of those caterpillars! It's gotten cold here in Minnesnota! but I love it, it's fall! Great post and I love your meme!
Have a fantastic day!
Kathi :)
AWwwwwwwwww YOU are sweet!!!
Congratulations on winning that box of goodies! I love the caterpillars! So funny. That's a lot of good info about you too. Yes, cheesecake would be wonderful! Thanks for the honor.
Thanks Kathi! Go warm up your toesies. Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Melissa, glad you could stop in for a visit!
Hi Tattycat, thanks for the nice comment. I think I really might go get some cheesecake...hmmmm.
I think all my lucky streaks have gone to you. I never seem to be as lucky as you (and thousands others) when it comes to freebies and lucky draws, etc, LOL!
Best of luck (he.. he... as if you need some more when you have taken all mine) with the 7 things you plan to do before you die. It is within your reach and I am confident that you can do it.
Awwww, thanks for the award -- you're so sweet! I'm glad you liked your little package. I had to chuckle at your description -- I'm not sure I'd say I LOVE Vera Bradley -- I just happen to live in the home of Vera Bradley so we have it EVERYWHERE and I'm trying to spread the love LOL!
Hey there. Love your post. I really love the tags, it is a great way to get to know you more and they are so much fun to read and do. I have been tagged before. I love Pizza too, but it does not love me. lol and what great gifts you received I really love the M and M's yummy... and I say go on and do that Book you have a great talent and should put it out for all to see and read and learn. so go for girl. I will buy one...
have a great week.
LOL! Hi Jon, you want to know the wierdest thing? When I was 10 years old we had a carnival at school and I entered the cake walk. They had numbers on the floor in a circle and played music. When they stopped the music they would draw a number. If you were standing on the number you won the cake! I did it 3 times and each time I WON!!! The wierd thing was that I landed on the same number each time and each time that number was drawn...wierd...! They told me I couldn't play anymore, ROFLOL!!! I had to bribe my friend's mom with one of the cakes in order to get a ride home from the carnival. Sheesh I wish it was that way with everything!
LOL! Thanks, Thimbleanna, and spreading the love for Vera Bradley you are! Thanks for everything!
Oh, thank you, Alaura! I appreciate all the sweet things you had to say in your comment. Most of all, thank you for your faith in me!
Hi there friend!
:) Nectarines sound yummy, as does cheese cake. Nectarine cheese cake, maybe?? he he.
Thank you so much for the award! How fun. My first award ever! :)
You are the luckiest girl I know! I loved Val Kilmer in the 80's too!
"Willow" and "Real Genius" Hot hot hot!
Hi, TattingChic! This LOVE post is fab!! Am really feeling the LOVE and JOY here! Such wonderful gifts your received from Thimbleanna...Congrats on award--couldn't happen to a sweeter gal or sweeter blog! :o) And thanks so very much for sharing this award and tag with me! Your friendship means a lot to me, so I am honored to receive this special award from you. Oh, and Colin Firth will definitely be on my 7 celebs list...aahhh.... ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
Your blog is one of the best and I agree lets spread the love. Oh, by the way I make a mean chocolate, blueberry, Baily's Irish Cream cheese cake that is to die for. Why don't you come over for a slice.
Congratulations on your fabulous win! You got some goodies there ~ Vera Bradley is always a nice prize!! :) I loved reading your meme! Val Kilmer, girl!! The Iceman!! I was right there with you on that ~ he was looking mighty fine in that Navy outfit, wasn't he?? And in The Saint? Woo-hoo, someone throw me a fan, it's getting warm in here! :) And, Colin, well, there is no equal for Mr. Darcy! Yummy man candy!!! LOL!
Lots of Hugs, Bebe :)
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much my friend. The tag is going to take a little time-hehe.
Congrats on the win! Can I just say I love those slippers. They look so soft and comfy.
Hi Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping! LOL, Nectarine cheesecake does sound good! I wonder if it's been done. Enjoy the award!
Hi Lady Shuttle Maker, my fave with Val Kilmar in it was "The Saint". It's a remake of an oldie w/ Val Kilmar and Elizabeth Shue. He was great in it.
Hi Tracy! Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your tag and award. I look forward to seeing what you have to say about your fabulous self!
Wow, Clyde, your cheese cake sounds very decadent. I've never had a cheesecake with that combination before! What I REALLY want is the pattern to that lovely celtic maple leaf pattern you just tatted! LOL!I wonder when she is going to share that one with the rest of us!
LOL! Hi, Bebe, you were making me laugh! Val, baby!!!
Hi Barb, glad ya like the gifts for you here! Yes, I had to wait a little while on the tag, myself!
I love pizza too and cheesecake. Yumm nice caterpillar feet
You bring so much love to the blogosphere. I feel it every time I come to your page. Thanks for that!
Pizza and Cheesecake, now that's a great combo! LOL! Thanks for stopping by, Suzie. :)
Awwww...that was really a sweet thing to say, La Belette Rouge! Thanks for THAT! :)
hank you for this sweet award,I'm honored for sure.I will collect it soon.Thankyou again ,you are a sweetheart who does the most beautiful tatting.And congrats to the rest of you who won.Hugs Marie Antionette
I love that post. I don't believe for a moment you watch too much television, though - you simply can't have the time! I love the "caterpillars"! lol.
Hey.. those caterpillars SCARED me half to death!
(secretly despises 'pillers... now not a secret any longer!)
Thank you for your WONDERFUL notes stopping in on my blog. Always a JOY to pop in and see what you are up to...
someone ordered PIZZA?
I'm starving!
Hi Sweet Chic!
I would have guessed caterpillar too!
Congrats on your win! It's so fun getting to know people better with the memes and the 7's!!
Have a great week!
Hugs, Sherry
Your most certainly welcome, Marie Antoinette! Thanks for stopping by!
Aaarghhh, Lace Hearts, thank you, but if you only knew! LOL! Thanks for the nice comment!
Thanks, Monica, your comment made me laugh! Sorry to scare you with the 'pillers. They kinda scared me when I was a child. To be quite honest I haven't seen one in a very long time! I think they're kinda cute now, maybe that's why...LOL!
Hi, Sherry! Thanks for the sweet comment. It is fun getting to know people through tags, I agree!
Hi Tattingchic, Right I got tagged and. . . awarded. I read it late last night after a long day. Thanks so much. I'm honoured.
Yes we gotta spread some love so I am giving you back this "you are a freaking lucky duck" thing, roflol. Congratulations with your wins, enjoy them.
Answering those questions gives me a good knowledge of you, I hope you'll be able to fulfill some of the dreams and consider me a customer regarding that tatting book.
Lots of smiles from Scandinavia.
Congrats on the sweet win and darling award. I enjoyed your meme. It was fun getting to know a little about you....Hugs, Linda
Hi Umintsuru! Enjoy them both you deserve them! Thanks for the visit.
Hello Dantatter!ROFLOL! You are making me laugh, friend! Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you, Linda, I appreciate the comment!
HI ..Oh what a fun post..I love the caterpillar slippers(:)
Glad you came over to see the fabulous JZ-Rose store...
big hugs, Patty
Wow... lots and lots of goodies here! May I stay for a while? :)
I love when people feel and show their inner joy--that makes me happy too, and to see you, and perceived your joy today, has made my heart sing!
Blessings and a hug
Love your caterpillar! LOl! I love the stuff you shared too..read people's mind's... hmm me neither, we have so much on common!! thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit. have I ever told you you always leave the best comments!!! :)
Hi Patty, thanks for visiting. That store looks like a great place to get some lovely things! Lot's of eye candy for sure!
Thank you, Cielo! You always say the sweetest things! Both on your blog and comments on mine (and elsewhere). Always so sweet!
Hi Jen R! Thanks so much for stopping by. What a sweet thing to say! I really appreciate it. Don't Thimbleanna's slippers look warm and cozy? I might have to knit me up a pair, LOL! She puts a rubber lining on hers and everything so they don't wear out as quickly.
Thanks for stopping by. Boy you got a lot of fun goodies! Love those slippers, they look extra cozy.
Take care,
Hey, what a great little collection of gifts! Congratulations on your win. And YES, they do look like giant colorful caterpillars, don't they. And comfy, too! :D
Ooooh, I really enjoyed learning more about you. I'd LOVE to see a book of your poetry and stories! And I confess, I too have a soft spot for Gene Wilder. Always did love a man that could make me laugh. Thank you so much for this fun tag! I'm getting buried with school duties at the moment, but I'm looking forward to doing this as soon as I can.
What fabulous gifts !!!!! Love that vintage witch card. Hope your feet dont pupate in those slippers and fly away!
Hi Martha, thanks for stopping by. Don't Thimbleanna's slippers look cozy?'
Thanks, Bella Sinclair! I appreciate your comment. I was worried the meme would bore everyone to tears! Gene Wilder is such a funny man, isn't he?
You're so funny, Darly! Thanks for stopping by and leaving the comment.
Hi there tatting chic~~ So great to see you today and thank you for stopping by. I loved this post and sharing in the love and joy!! The slippers are so cuuuuuuute!! LOL!! and they do look like a caterpillars. Love the colors. Congrats on your win and so enjoyed reading more facts about you.
Have a great day and sending big hugs!!
la rea rose
this is my first time on your blog and Im loving it! Its great! im glad you did the tag cause now I know more about you!
Thank you you're very kind
Victoria xxx
Hi Celestina Marie! It's always a pleasure to have you come by and visit. Thanks for the wonderful comment!
Hi Priscila, Welcome! Glad you found me! Come back and visit anytime!
Hi Victoria! Glad you took a minute to come visit before your big trip to LA! Woo hoo!!
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