Saturday, May 31, 2008

Progress on Doily ~ Rounds 3 and 4 Completed

Here is the progress I've made on the doily that we are doing at eTatters for the Doily Tat-a-Long. I've finished rounds 3 and 4 that you see here.
The Tat-a-Long was initiated by Melissa and myself. Anyone is welcome to join and post their progress at eTatters, if they would like. We've had quite a few joiners and it's actually been fun! I must warn you
Don't ask....just read the comments... at the tat-a-long forum.
Well, that's all for now folks. I'm starting on round 5 and since it's just chains I'll probably finish rounds 6 and 7 as well. I cannot believe I am blogging about doilies...if someone told me 5 years ago that someday I'd have a blog about doilies I would have laughed in their face.
Newcomers and comments are always welcomed here at TattingChic...a little blog about doilies. I just can't believe it!!! I'm okay with being in touch with my "inner grandma".
The Link for the doily is found here.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Bit of Magic Came in the Mail Today.....

Isn't it pretty?
It's the Friendship Inspired Crazy Quilt Block.
It came in the mail today from Melissa over at HoneyBeesBliss.

Let me take you on a little tour of this beautifully
stitched square of pure magic
Look at the beautiful detail;
the lovely tatting with beads stitched inside of
the rings of the Hens and Chicks edging
that Melissa tatted herself.

and the beautiful Silk Ribbon Embroidery stitched on the
cloverleaves of vintage tatted lace.

The crystal teardrop beads hang sweetly nestled
twixt the hanging flowerbells with peals of pearl.

The simple row of tatted lace
from a vintage hankie she acquired from somehwere.
The simple, yet very sweet, touch of handmade lace lends
an unknown story of whence it came.

The pearly heart...a sweet symbol of friendship

floats atop a soft sea of velveteen.

Let me take you to the "heart" of the square

lest we forget our angel in the center, because,

after all,

tatting is The Lace of Angels !

The glass beads stitched so sweetly atop the

silk ribbon roses embroidered on the

beaded lace swag

Can you see them?


A lacy flower peeks out

'neath golden threads of beaded stitching


Golden flowers with glass pearls afloat

in a sea of pearls, tiny silk roses, and vintage wedding lace.

And last, but not least,

Melissa's signature,

The Honey Bee...

Melissa means "Honey Bee"

A printed label marks the occasion of a
Friendship Inspired Exchange

of handmade goodies

accompanied by an uplifting card

with sweet sentiments of

a friendship inside

Thank You, Melissa!

I couldn't be happier.

I hope you get your package soon.

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, this concludes our tour of the Friendship Inspired CQ Square handmade by Melissa. I hope you enjoyed your stay and comments can be left in the comment box.... always thank you for visiting. Stop in again, soon.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Start of A Doily

As I mentioned in an earlier post I am involved in a Pretty Doily Tat-A-Long initiated by Melissa of HoneyBeesBliss and myself over at eTatters. Melissa has been great about starting, but I got caught up in a few other projects here and there. So today, being a holiday here in the good ol' US of A (Happy Memorial Day, everyone) I had time to get started on it.

This is just the center and when it's done it will look something like this. Isn't that pretty? That's a slight variation of the pattern we are doing which you can find here. The thread I am using is DMC Cordonnet Special size 60 in white. I really like the sturdiness and smoothness of the thread. I find I have an easy time closing the rings despite it's smaller size. By the way, it's an open invitation so anyone is welcome to join in the tat-a-long and eTatters is free to join.

This will be counted as one of my motifs for the 25MotifChallenge once the entire doily is tatted.

Melissa is tatting this as her first doily...I am tatting this as a distraction to keep me occupied until this little beauty arrives from Melissa. I can hardly stand the anticipation! I'm so excited!!! Good thing there is this doily to tat to help me from exploding from the exciting anticipation. Oh, did I mention I was excited? I wasn't quite sure if I made that clear...LOL!

Thank you for visiting. Feel free to leave a comment and know that all of your comments are read and appreciated. I love blogging and it's because of all the reader comments that make it so much fun, thank you, readers and your comments!! That means YOU!!!

Peace out,


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Friendship Exchange

Every once in a while a wonderful thing happens in someone's right now I am lucky lucky LUCKY!!!! Have you checked out Melissa's blog lately? It's awash with the most beautiful Crazy Quilt Square right now and it's MINE all MINE....BWAH hA hA hA hA....Okay I am trying to contain myself but I am going crazy with how beautiful it is. I know other people are so tactful and eloquent when they talk about exchanges but I can't help it....lucky lucky me!!! Thank you Melissa!!! I'm so HAPPY!!!!

Oh, SO back to'll notice that the title says "Friendship EXCHANGE" which would connote that Melissa is getting something in return... and she is... but I have to tell you a little something I think I'm getting the better end of the deal as Melissa is an extremely talented needle artiste.Anyway, it all started with a conversation about an ice cream cone here.

So, Melissa wanted a little pink ice cream cone for a little girl named Bekah for her CQ squares and she said she'd make a CQ square in return and to make the time invested more equal I said I'd tat something more because it only takes a couple of hours for me to make that ice cream cone.

I know...I don't want want TATTING... you want PICTURES of Tatting... you want EYE CANDY... so here it is.

Here's Bekah's ice cream cone.

Melissa wanted a pink one for her. So pink she got. Pink is my favorite color anyway so I really enjoyed tatting it up. It's made with DMC Cebelia both the solid pink and brown are size 20.

So to make the crafting time even I made Melissa an offwhite bookmark out of Mary Konior's black magic pattern from her "Tatting With Visual Patterns" book. I LOVE that book and I LOVE that pattern and I think this pattern looks so classy in's a little lighter than ecru and definately not white. So, I present to you

Motif #4 Melissa's Friendship Bookmark

I hope you like it Melissa. It's to go with her bible that she's making a beautiful red bible hand bag~cover for have you seen it? Here's some of it. It's still in progress and it is just beautiful so far, so I'm hoping this will make a nice addition as a bookmark.The bookmark is made with Coats & Clarks size 70 thread color #61.

Now, we cannot forget the 25 Motif Challenge. I'm counting this bookmark as MOTIF # 4 just in case it wasn't obvious from the super huge font I used just above it.

As always, Happy Tatting everyone and thank you for stopping by today. I hope you all enjoyed the pictures and the exchange story it's one of the spontaneous beautiful things that "just happened" and I consider myself very blessed to have "met" Melissa and I feel blessed to have "met" so many of you online...and you know who you are.

Comments are always welcome and appreciated. I read each and everyone of them and they all mean so much to me. Thank you for visiting.

Luv and Stuff,

TattingChic :)

UPDATE: Melissa received the ice cream cone and bookmark and just LOOK what she did with the ice cream cone! It's so cute.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rainbow Sherbert Cone, Anyone?

I am really enjoying the 25_Motif_Challenge so far. Thank you Sharon for all your hard work on that.

My last endeavor caused so many rainbow sherbert and ice cream cone cravings from all the yummy colors that Dantatter suggested to me that perhaps I should tat an ice_cream_cone and I thought, "What a great idea!". So, I took on the challenge. Have you had the good fortune to meet Dantatter, yet? If you haven't you really should hop on over to her blog and visit for a while. She really is a talented tatter. She also has a website with her prolific tatting; lot's and lot's of tatting eye candy there for you to oogle.

Anyway, back to the ice cream cone challenge. I had already had my eye on another ice_cream_cone pattern by Eliz_Davis for a while so I did that one instead. It has the use of the beautiful Valeire_Square named after the designer, Anna Valeire, from the early 1900's.

So after eating several ice cream cones (Ohhhh, the calories were soooooo worth it, yes!) I finally got around to tatting one and here it is...TAH DAH!!!

Motif #3 The Yummy Rainbow Sherbert Cone

Doesn't a yummy ice cream cone or sherbert cone of your favorite flavor sound good on a warm day? I think it even sounds good on a cool day...Yummy. Speaking of yummy I used some more of LadyShuttleMaker's Yummy Grapefruit HDT (Hand Dyed Thread) in size 20 for the "scoop of sherbert" and DMC's Cebelia color #437 size 20 for the "cone". There is another place to find this particular pattern by Eliz Snow and that's on one of her blog_posts.

Well, now that this is done I promised Melissa from HoneyBeesBliss that I would join her in a pretty doily tat-a-long over at eTatters. It looks like a lot of fun and if you are looking for something to tat feel free to join in the fun! If you don't tat feel free to look around I'll be glad to answer any questions you might have about tatting. Comments are always welcome from my wonderful "Tatted Ring of Bloggers" friends, other blog-world friends, and newcomer's alike. Thanks for popping in for some rainbow sherbert today!

This is a pretty "linky" post wouldn't ya say?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm Goin' IN!!! Doin' the 25 Motif Challenge...ready....set...GO!

There comes a time in every tatter's life that we must challenge ourselves to become the best tatter we can be...I have, after deep thought, ponderance, meditation....and okay I'm just B.S-ing
you guys. I thought it would be fun to finally just jump in there and do the 25 Motif challenge. Woo Hoo!
So with out further ado I present to you

Motif #1 The Wheel of Fortune Heart.

This little heart is made from HDT (hand dyed thread) called Yummy Grapefruit and Seaweed both in size 20 and dyed and sold by LadyShuttleMaker. The colors are so scrumptious that I kept having the urge to consume rainbow sherbet and lime sherbet while tatting this heart. Does anyone know why? That was a hypothetical question, just in case anyone was wondering...hee hee. The Wheel of Fortune Heart is designed by Teri Dusenbury.

Next we have
Motif #2 My Version of Karin's Scrunchie

You remember Karin right? She and I were partners for the May Bookmark Exchange. I used size 20 thread for mine and it took a long time. Karin used size 10 and I'll bet it didn't take as much time. It looks like YarnPlayer tatted one, too this week. Yay!!!!! GO SCRUNCHIES!!!! Let's see everybody's scrunchies out there in tatting blogger land!!! Yarnplayer makes some awesome possum HDT's, too. You can pick some of those up here if ya want. I have not been so fortunate yet as to have acquired some of hers, but I will (rubs hands together, sniveling) I will....heh heh heh...just you wait.

Karin has posted the pattern for her size 10 tatted scrunchie here for anyone who wants to try it. I highly recommend trying it in size 10 as it will go much faster you will have to tat far less rings to get around the elastic band. I used size 20 and it looks like we used the same amount of double stitches to get the ring around the elastic band so it is the same pattern just more rings have to be tatted.

Well thank you for popping by to share in some of my tatting insanity this wait...did I say tatting insanity? I meant to say Tatting FUN!!! Yes, thank you for coming by to share in all the tatting fun going on around here.

Come on in, look around and leave a comment or two if you feel so inclined. I'm not prejudiced against non-tatters at all infact I'm related to several...I have several non-tatter friends. Tatter's are also welcome....I just didn't want all the tatters to feel left out from all the non-tatter talk. Okay, 'nough said? Comments are always welcome. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with tatting wise.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Tatted Pillow to Cushion the Blow

Have you ever had a time when life seemed to keep dealing you one blow after another? Where it seemed that maybe if you could cover your body and mind in pillows maybe the blows wouldn't be quite so HARD. What sort of pillows would you use? Well, my friends, mine would be covered in tatting. Much like this one.

Side view of Tatted Pillow Designed by TattingChic.

Some people THRIVE in the face of adversity....I tat.

Yes, you heard me right, I tat. I do that soul saving activity second only to prayer and other such spiritual rituals...tatting. Few things are more calming, more peace-giving, or mind-salvaging than the friend I've found in tatting. I thought I'd share the latest thing I've managed to dig out of my tatting closet. It's this pillow I designed and tatted about 15 years ago. I borrowed a motif from a vintage pattern book and designed an edging to complement the frilly motif to go around the pillow. I've taken a close-up of the edging for you to see below.

Close-up of Tatted Edging Designed by TattingChic

The latest blow to come about in my life that caused all these philosophical ramblings about pillows and needing cushions and protections was this....

this piece of paper says it all:

This is what the Insurance Inspector stamped on an important piece of paper after coming out to look at my car yesterday. The "collision" happend last week. In the rain...which rendered one of my favorite sayings in times of trial and tribulation completely null and void. That saying is, "Well, it could be could be raining!" This is usually followed by a cheesy grin flashed in hopes of lightening the mood of whatever disaster is going on...but seeing as both I and the guy involved in the collision were both standing in the rain exchanging insurance info it seemed to be a mute point. At least he was kind, the insurance people were kind. We won't say anymore about my sad car or other happenings because you know what they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words" I'll spare you the "woah is me" story going on in my life right now...just know I could use a few more pillows right now. How about you?

Okay, so enough about that....Let's take one more look at some pretty tatting HEAD-ON (not like my collision which was

Well, that's all the tatting I have to share for you here today. I hope you enjoyed crashing over here for a while. And here's hoping you travel safely wherever you may roam today be it by foot, bicycle, automobile, or surfing the internet, or here in Cali...surfing the waves... May no one wipeout today.

Comments and newcomers are always welcome and appreciated. Happy tatting and safe traveling wherever you may go!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Tatted Tribute for My Mother on Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day 2008!
This little picture shows my Mother as a small girl on the lower right. Her Mother, my Grandmother, Helene Marie, is on the top left of the photo with Al my grandfather on the top right and Bud my mom's little brother on the lower left. It was my Mom who taught me to tat. She had said that Her mother had tatted or at least knew how and it was from their French heritage that it had been passed down from. I thought having a "hens and chicks" edging coming across the photo was a fitting touch.
Seeing as it was my Mother who taught me how to tat. I thought a tatted tribute to her would be fitting. My mother passed away in 1992 from a sudden and serious health issue which caused her life to surrender at a most unexpected time.
Years earlier was the summer I turned 14. It was not an easy one for us as a family. My father had left and we were on welfare so groceries and money were scarce.
I had had a burning desire to tat since I was 3 years old and I felt it was time that my requests to learn to be stopped being ignored and seriously addressed with a lesson of some sort. My sister who tatted snubbed the idea altogether, so the only one left to teach me was my Mother who hated needlework of all kinds. Her family was very good at it and worshipped with reciprocity those women whose hands had been kissed
by the gods of the needlearts, but my mother had been looked down upon with shame at her lack of needlework charms. Somehow, inspite of this, I found an old red plastic "BOYE" shuttle in the sewing drawer and said "Oh, look Mom, here's a tatting shuttle, look now you CAN teach me, Oh, I SOOOOOO want to learn" (keep in mind I'd been doing this since I was 3 with no results).
This time my mother's response was less than encouraging, "It is the middle of the month we have 2 dollars left and no milk. Those 2 dollars are going to buy us milk for the rest of the month or they're going to buy tatting or crochet thread and you need to buy crochet thread to learn on and I'll be damned if I'm going to spend the last 2 dollars on crochet thread when we need MILK!!!" ....okay, okay, I thought, I could certainly see her reasoning for this. I desperately searched the sewing cabinet finding all kinds of spools and threads of all sorts of colors and sizes.. "What about this, Mom?"...."What about THIS?" "OR This!!!!" each little spool of thread seemed like the answer to my delimma at the time, the golden ticket to my learning to tat, each one shot down with my mother's shaking her head "NO", each time she appeared to get a bit more frustated with me. Finally she said to me, "Now, look, all we have is sewing thread and you can't learn on sewing thread the knots have to slide on this other string that actually made the knots in the first place and then they switch places and all the knots have to switch place in order to slide on the ring thread to close in a ring and if all the knots didn't switch you can' t close your ring and it's a big disaster. I could never do it on crochet thread and I'm certainly not goin to teach you on sewing's too small, it's smaller than the smallest tatting thread..NO NO NO"....well, I'll spare you the negotiation that took place but just know that 1 hour later my mother sat in the living room with sewing thread that I had wrapped around the old plastic "BOYE" shuttle and attempted to teach me with the help of a Coats & Clark How To book that had a tatting chapter in it. My mother, for the life of her could never get a ring to close, but she understood the concept of each half of the ds (double stitch) switching places so the knots would all slide in the ring. While she couldn't show me, her tangled knots causing her to utter more profanities than thought appropriate at the time for a 14 year old girl to hear did not deter me. I WAS GOING TO LEARN TO TAT. So, when It was my turn my mother patiently coached me as I switched each half of the double stitch over and over until all 10 DS slid expertly into a ring, so did the next ring and the next ring and the next....until my mother threw the book down and said, "Look, I don't know any more, I don't know picot's or how to join them, or chains or anything else, you're gonna have to teach yourself how to do a picot and how to join them, sorry kiddo".
Little did my dear mother know she had actually taught me the HARDEST part! Thank you, Mother!! I love you for that always! Picot's are easy so are joining them. I learned all the rest of that from the "how to book" that I mentioned earlier.
That summer our school had a summer "home economics program" where you got school credit
for a project in the needle arts worked on in the summer. The home teacher came around with a chart to keep hours on and so I had already decided that I was going to do a doily for my first project. I told the school summer teacher that I would start, but the finished project wouldn't happen until I was 80 years old and so I didn't think I should do it...she laughed and told me that
I just had to log the hours I worked on it all summer and I'd get a credit for each hour of work, finished project or not.
Well, 42 hours later (that's 42 tatting hours or a couple of months) I surprised myself as I really had a finished doily. At 14 I thought it was the most beautiful doily in the whole world. I had picked size 10 variegated pink cotton crochet and I thought it was the most beautiful color at the time.
Here it is, the summer fruit of my labors:
My Very First Doily, at age 14
I made a close up of it because believe it or not it was blocked not once, but twice. I'm showing it closeup for newbies to see that this is my very first doily and look how uneven the stitching is and now I take painstaking efforts to make sure there are no strings showing between the cloverleaf or tri-leaf or trefoil (all different names for the three rings in row that look like a clover leaf.) My tatting now is a bit neater, not requiring a lot of blocking, just know, if you are a newbie that it will not always look like this.

Close-up of my very first doily.

My mother, by the way, told me that summer how proud she was of me that I learned all that other stuff, the picot, the chain, the joining of the picot, the joining of the base of the chain in a round or to the last ring....etc....etc.... It meant a lot to me to hear her say that especially when she seemed so frustrated at first that I GOT IT and she didn't.
Thank you, Mom, for teaching me to tat. I love to do it and share it with others, although I teach them on DMC cebellia size 10 to learn how and I recommend a book called "Fancy Pants" available from
I love you, Mom. Happy Mother's Day, may you rest in peace.
From your loving daughter,
TattingChic ;)
Thank you for stopping by today. Newcomers and comments are always welcome and appreciated.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May Bookmark Exchange

Hi everybody in tatting blogger-landia. It's May Bookmark Exchange time over at eTatters and I signed up for my very first tatting exchange. I was really excited about this because for years as I've looked around at tatting on the internet and I've seen people talk about tatting exchanges and been secretly wondering how I could get involved with something like that...So, when I became a member of eTatters and I saw a forum on a bookmark exchange I jumped at the chance and I was fortunate enough to get an international partner as I had requested. Not sure why that makes the tatting more exciting, but it So, recently, I received my bookmark from my partner Karin from Germany. This is it on the right in the red. Isn't it pretty? It's her own design and she says that she did it in Coats Floretta size 10 variegated red, color 4493. The fringe on the bottom is super long picots that she cut.

She also included a little surprise with this postcard from Germany and this super-cool hair scrunchie.
Look at that scrunchie...all the small rings are tatted around the hair elastic. She nonchalantly tells me in an email..."It's not complicated". She figured out how to do it on her own. I think she's amazing.

So, after I wrapped my brain around the concept I tried one myself with my leftover HDT (HandDyed Thread) that I used in my last post. Mine is taking a little longer because I'm using size 20 and she used size 10, but I figured it out. Karin says that as you wrap the thread around your hand to make the small rings you slip the shuttle through the elastic, tat your ds (double stitches), and then the ring will close around the elastic when you pull it closed. I really had to think about it, but I got it.
Here's my partly finished scrunchie below. What a neat surprise!! I love learning new things.
Thank you, Karin!

So, today I heard from her that she received her bookmark from me so now I can post it so I didn't spoil the surprise for her. This is the bookmark I sent to her. I used LadyShuttleMaker's Fuschia HDT size 80 and one of her beautiful ceramic shuttles to make it.

This is a pattern from Mary Konior's book, "Tatting With Visual Patterns" called "Black Magic". It is my all time favorite pattern from her book and I've done it so many times I can practically do it I love to tat it. Here are some samples of the different colors I recently did this pattern in. The 2 on the left are tatted in sewing thread that I got at a lace show in L.A. a few years ago. The one in the middle is going to my adopted-mom for Mother's Day and the one on the right is the same pictured above "Fuschia" size 80.

The Three Bookmark-eteers..

Thank you for visiting my blog. I read and appreciate every comment and new-comers are always welcome.

Happy Tatting!

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Sweet Treat for My Blue Heart's Desire

Does your heart ever feel a little blue? Mine did just a bit tonight, but I cheered myself up a bit after tatting this pattern called Heart's Desire by a lady named Susan Fuller. I spent part of the day browsing at all the beautiful photos on eTatters. If you've never browsed there you really should it has quite a bit of tatted eye candy.
One piece that inspired me was this red heart by a fellow eTatter. In fact I snooped around on the internet and found the pattern for it here.
In all honesty, I was really itching to try my new size 20 HDT (Hand Dyed Thread) from LadyShuttleMaker called Pensacola Beach and my new ceramic shuttle of her's, too. I know it's silly, but the thread matched the shuttle so it was kinda extra fun. I don't think I've ever really had a thread match a shuttle before, or even cared before, but I'm telling ya if my heart was blue before by the time I got done with tatting the blue heart, my own heart wasn't blue by the time I was done. feels so good to get a little something tatted, doesn't it? I know you know what I mean, and if you are a reader who doesn't; you don't know what you're! Tatting is like a little medicine for my soul...okay, enough of my going on and on and I'll leave you to enjoy the tatting.

As always, thanks for stopping by. I always welcome comments from all you wonderful tatters and non-tatters, alike.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hats Off to Tatting!

Have you ever started out on a journey with a destination in mind only to end up someplace completely different, yet gloriously so? Well, that's not far from what happened in the journey of making this little hat. It was intended as a baby bonnet from an old Workbasket pattern. I'd made this particular bonnet before so I thought nothing of making it again.
The interesting thing is that I was going through a particularly rough patch in life at the time so my tension for the first several rounds was tighter than the hadn't realized it until someone walked by and said, "What's that ya tattin' now? A hat?" After I got over feeling insulted that it wasn't obviously a baby bonnet, I realized it really was a cute little hat...with the lip being straight as a plane where it should have bowled with the rest of the "bonnet".
So, I went with the pleasant little "mistake". I stopped tatting any more rounds on the bonnet and stiffened it with fabric stiffener, glued up part of the lip, embellished it with ribbons and dried flowers and Voila'! I had "designed" a tatted

I sometimes wonder if other designers have a serendipitous moment such as this.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I enjoy reading each and everyone of your comments.