No, this is not some depraved dominatrix fantasy, I promise! It's just a play on words, silly me. I have to admit when I was still in the "lurking" phase of blogging that I had no idea what a "WIP" was when I'd browse all the crafty blogs. I was so grateful when I found a blog post that explained what it was. Let me educate you if you are confused.
WIP = Work In Progress
(hey, that's a new term, "LIP")

Just look at that beautiful shimmering silk thread!
This award has some fun rules with it.
It's like an award/tag combo.
These are the "rules"
Pass this on to 5 blogging friends.
Open the closest book to you,
not your favorite or most intellectual book,
but the book closest to you at the moment, to page 56.
Write out the 5th sentence,
as well as two to five sentences following that...
Okay, so the book closest to me was a tatting book!
Imagine that!
It was, "Tatting Over A Cabone Ring"
by Sadie Allison.
Now tatting pattern books are full of dramatic, riveting
sentences, just to make you aware...LOL!
(note the sarcasm?)
Page 56 line 5 says,
(I'm using lines 5-7)
"Sh 1 Wind 30 complete turns of thread onto the shuttle
Sh 2 Using a different color thread, wind 25 complete turns of thread onto the shuttle
Sh 3 Using the same color thread as Sh 2 (CTM) wind 25 complete turns of thread onto the shuttle."
Okay that said, 25 or 30 complete turns of
winding thread around a shuttle, LOL!
What if you are using a Jan Stawasz shuttle
like I have in the photos above?
Have you seen the size of the post on that shuttle?
It's SKINNY! This thread measurement isn't
going to work for every shuttle, LOL!
That's the "JOY" of tatting patterns today!
Every author has their own way of
communicating something and they
usually only reference it to how it works for them...LOL!
'Nough said!
WOW! I'm not even talking
about the award anymore am I?
I'm just rattling on about tatting
patterns so you probably thought that
I had forgotten who I was going to pass the
Bookworm Award to, right?
Wrong! Hee hee!
I'm passing it onto:
1. Diane of Lace-lovin Librarian OF COURSE, with a blog name that has the word "librarian" in it how could I resist?
2. Kathy of Kathy's Crazy Moments
3. Jeff of Bridge City Tatting
4. Becky of Wonder's Never Cease
5. Tara of Tatted Lace Treasures
That was fun!
Enjoy the award/tag, winners!
Once again, it is always fun to share the latest in my corner of bloggerland with you. I always enjoy the visits of blogger friends; new and old alike! Comments are welcome and I read each and every one of them. I cherish them all!
P.S. Oh, Laurie from Charming Designs posted her prize she won from my giveaway!
Click here if you'd like to see what she had to say!
She also put some darling painted vintage spoon ornaments on Ebay with starting bids of only $0.99! What are you waiting for? Get on over there and bid~before she comes to her senses! LOL!!!
55 absolutely fabulous things were said:
What a beautiful piece of lace! I always enjoy seeing what lovly thing you are making. Congratulations on the awards:>)
Aren't you the sweetest thing! Thanks for the award! I'm honored--and oh so pleased!
Much love, Becky
Thanks for the award, TattingChic! Wait 'til you see what the closest book was to me! Is that a Jan Sawasz shuttle I spy? Lucky you! I just received my first one in the mail yesterday! Can't wait to try it!
Lovely rosette(well yes, you too, but I did mean the tatting).
Hey you got a Jan shuttle. Do you love it? I tried for some but I never heard back.
Thanks for sharing.
I obviously have typing issues today... is that a Jan Stawasc shuttle is what I meant to type!
You are just so funny. I've had fun reading your post, as usual. How fabulous that the closest book was a tatting book. Lucky you didn't pick me, because I'm sitting in front of a shelf of books, so I'm not sure what I'd have done! I'd have panicked that I wasn't doing it properly.
I started to answer your question, then thought I'd swim over and answer it on your blog... it's just like a cake tin, basically, to store cakes. Nothing special. But not a tin, made from china or rather lower grade china, pottery. Hope that helps. I'm sure you have similar over there, but they are probably called, um, something fancier? Going for my cocoa now!
Another great post. You could have had a career in comedy! The thread is lovely and I see you are using one of your thread winders that you made. Cool!
Hey there! Thanks for your visit to my blog today and the nice comments on Whitework. Love your comments. I love that thread holder with the blue thread and your blue tatting...just beautiful!! Pat
That piece is beautiful! Be sure and post a photo of the finished piece :)
Hi Tattingchic,
I didn't know what a WIP was either. It does sound rather risque.
Your WIP is lovely. Congrats on your award- YAY!!
Thank you, Kathleen Grace! I appreciate your sweet comment.
Hi Becky! Glad you like the award! Something told me you'd like it, LOL!
Diane, I can't wait to see which book was closest to you! Yes, that is a Jan Stawasz shuttle and don't worry about the typo, "Stawasz" is hard to spell!
Hi Connie Angeline,
Thank you for the lovely comment about the rosette, LOL! So sorry you were unable to get ahold of Karen and get a response! Maybe she has some left, try again? Maybe comment on her page on eTatters?
Ooooh, cocoa sounds yummy! Thanks for explaining the cake crock thing to me. It is pretty. I have never seen one here. I don't think we even have a fancier name, cuz we don't have them as far as I know. LOL, on the shelf of books...panicking thing! You are hilarious, but I know what you mean.
Hi Tattycat! Yes, that is one of the threadwinders that I made...
inspired by YOU! More on that later, hee hee hee! ;) Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for visiting in return, Pat! You are always welcome at my blog. I appreciate the sweet comment about my lacework.
Hi Grizzly Mountain Arts! I will post a photo of the finished piece! It is going to be part of the 25 motif challenge that I am participating in.
Hi Barb, thanks for visiting. Bloggers sure get their own jargon going on don't we?
Beautiful as always! I love the way the silk glimmers too!
LOL! Love the entertainment!
Now tell everyone that Laurie did a really dumb thing and I need bids! LOL. I was given the spoons and thought I would give everyone a can afford 99 cents.get over there!lol. I LOVE your WIP, your snowflake is going to be BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks for visiting me tonight! Laurie
I love the thread winder too! I have a Jan shuttle too and you are soooo right about the skinny post! I am so thrilled that you love the careful...I hear that you will always be "chasing" that first high!
Hi Nancy, I am glad you stopped by to visit!
LOL! Thanks, Gina! I am glad you find my blog posts entertaining!
Laurie, Laurie, Laurie, *tsk*tsk*tsk*, LOL! I can't believe you started the bids at 99 cents! I did just add a little "mini commercial" for you at the end of my blog post! LOL! I am seriously too poor to bid a dollar right now, SERIOUSLY! SIGH! Maybe you will consider a spoon/tatting swap??? ;)
"...chasing that first high!" LOL, Lady Shuttle Maker, that is a good one! Yes, I had better watch that! Rumor has it that the silk thread is in short supply these days! What shall I do...I'll have to go into a "detatsification" facility to come off of it safely! LOL!
Hehehehe! You had me in a fit of giggles. I had to admit, my eyes were starting to glaze over with the tatting instructions, but probably because I was too busy daydreaming about your beautiful silk lace. Oooh, how luxurious! Congratulations on the award!
Thanks for the award Chiclet. Your snowflake "LIP" is looking great in the silk HDT.
lovely WIP you have going looks so detailed and pretty! can't wait to see the finished product.
oh and who else would post 3 photos of a WIP? I would...I've already got at least 3 up of my WIP Ripple Afghan...haha. I think WIP photos are fun to see!
:) Diana
The Chic Life
Tattingchic it is always fun to read your blog and enjoy your sense of humour. Thank you for showing us your SLIP (shuttle lace in progress) and I think that if you win any more awards you are going to be setting a record. Have a tatting good day.
Your work is always so pretty. I can't wait to see the finished Snowflake, and since this is #3, I hope we get to see more. :)
Glad to make you giggle, Bella Sinclair! Thanks for your sweet comment about the lace.
You're welcome, Jeff, enjoy! Thank you for the nice comment about the LIP.
Hi Diana, Welcome! Come back and I will have that snowflake finished sometime soon. Maybe not this week, but who knows? LOL! Thanks for visiting.
LOL, good one, Clyde! A "SLIP", very funny. Thank you for your fun comment.
Hi Stitchy McFloss! Thank you for visiting. Yes, I've been wanting to make Denise Munoz' Snowflake Roses for a long time so there will mostly likely be more to come.
Congratulations on your award!
You are so right about the photo showing up well when it is enlarged - gorgeous!
I have some of ladyshuttlemaker's silk as well - I should get something made with it.
Boy, that snowflake rose is beautiful -- I'm so impressed that you can tie those teeny tiny knots!
Whew, TattingChic...thanks for the explanation...I was worried your lovely place had been hijacked by some dominatrix...LOL! ;o) Sooo funny!! But seriously, congrats on your award--hooray! Couldn't happen to anyone sweeter. :o) And love your WIP. Have you considered tatting embellishments for the whips for some dominatrix? could corner a whole new market! ;o) hehehe...Happy Wip's and tatting...((HUGS))
The colors on your work are so beautiful! I love the vivid blues and purples together.
The photos of the old Irish lace on your previous post were awesome. I love Irish crocheted lace! I crocheted some armchair doilies and a matching head rest doily (I can't think of the proper name for that, it's an M word of the oil men used to use on their hair in Victorian times) It was a long project but it turned out good. If I can find it I will post the set one of these days.
Thanks for the look into such a beautiful art, tatting and lace!!
Big hugs, Sherry
Cool lace
Your LIP is gorgeous! I like seeing your LIP's - in progress. Twyla
Love that pretty lace!!
Congrats to you!!
I will post plenty of pictures for you as soon as the fun starts.
Have a great day!
Your're so creative! Beautiful, as usual!
Every single time I see your work.. I'm thinking.. "How does she do that?".... I'm in awe!
Hi Yarnplayer, Thanks for stopping by! You will love tatting with the silk thread! It's beautiful.
Hello Thimbleanna! Glad you came to visit. The teeny tiny knots are fun to tie!
You are too funny, Tracy! I was worried I would offend some people with my dominatrix mention, but I can see you "whipped" up some witty comebacks! I love it!
Hi Sherry! Thanks for your lovely comment! I believe the word you are looking for is "Antimacasser" and "Macasser" was the oil men used to style their hair and keep it dark. Therefore, the "antimacasser" kept the oil off the upholstery by setting it on the back of the chair! What a lot of work just to get it soiled from some old guys greasy hair! LOL! I guess it's better than ruining the furniture! Oh, times have changed.
Thanks, Suzie! :)
THank you for the compliment on my LIPs, Twyla, LOL!
Thank you, Rosemary! Glad you stopped by. I am looking forward to the pics from your kitchen "fun"!
Thank you, Cielo! You are always so sweet!
Hi Vicki! Oh, that is so sweet of you to say! It means all the much more because that is exactly the way I feel when I look at your work and I am NOT kidding!
Oh my you're so funny there, giving us some riviting adventure from your fabulous mysterous tatting book! xorachel
Thank you for joining Santa challenge! I have no friends or family so this will get my mind off the holiday season.Lost 'everything' due to illness 8 yrs ago..this is my 8th yr ALONE for holidays!
You must have alot of patience for your beautiful craft!
Ya aren't they darling aprons
...your blue tatting is so pretty (:)
Have fun today ~~
hugs Patty
Hi, Tatting Chic, I'm proud of your new WIP or LIP, if you will, in that you're using some of your new variegated thread. Am I right? Looks beautiful & can't wait to see the finished product. Nerm
I always feel so unworthy to come here and just peep at your goregeous creations. I must learn to tat so these feelings will go away...
I always sit and stare at your work, I have this huge computer screen...I think I need a new drug ;). Not only am I thinking of you winding all of that silky thread onto your shuttle, then you work your magic fingers into a tatting frenzy and viola beauty!
Congratulations on a precious book worm presentation! I enjoyed it very much! A wonderful day to you tattingChic.
Kathi :)
BEAUTIFUL!!! I keep coming back for more of your glorious pieces...
Congratulations on your award... well deserved
Every time I see your stuff, I think I should start tatting... but I know I'm a scrapbooker at heart because then I think, how cute would *insert your current project here* look on a scrapbook layout? lol.
I love it when you come to visit me. You leave the sweetest comments. I was thinking red and aqua as the next color scheme for your next project? ;)
Hi Rachel, I'm so glad you found the tatting pattern book entertaining! LOL! ;)
Couture de Papier, so sorry to hear of your tragic loss! I think it is wonderful that you find a productive way to handle the holidays. They are difficult without family, I understand! May God bless and comfort you during the holidays, dear one.
Thanks for commenting, Patty! I want some pretty aprons now! LOL!
Hi Nerm! Yes, I am using some of my new HDT (hand dyed thread). It is multi-colored silk thread and it is fun to tat with. Thank you for your sweet comment.
Oh, PLEASE! Paula, "unworthy"! LOL! Don't be silly! I love your visits whether or not you tat. Most people don't even know what it is so I LOVE sharing it with whoever is interested. I think it would be FABULOUS if you learned to tat because the more the merrier and I know many other tatters feel the same way! :)
Awwww...thanks for sharing your tatting thoughts with me, Kathi! I love your visits! Thank you and (hugs) to you! :)
Thank you, Jo! Yes, do come back and visit often!
Hi Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping! What a sweet thing to say! Ya know I love scrapbooking, but somehow my tatting always turns out a LOT better than my scrapbook layouts, LOL! I have combined tatting with cardmaking and have made little motifs with a scrapbook layout in mind, but haven't done them yet, LOL! I love your layouts they always inspire me.
Oh is that lace ever gorgeous!! I am just amazed, WOW!! Tatting is so beautiful. A true art!
What a lovely piece of lace and such a beautiful color. I'm always in awe of your wonderful work...hugs, Linda
Thank you, Amy! Your words are encouraging.((hugs)) back!
Hi Linda, Thanks for your sweet comment! ((hugs)) back to you.
Oh I am trying to hold myself back as much as I can --not to decorate Christmas too much before Thanksgiving(:) LOL
glad you came over ..
big hugs..Patty
Well, I learned something new! I didn't know what WIP meant either! Your snowflake is beautiful!
Congrats on the awards..
Thank you . . . I didn't know what a WIP was either. I do know that OOAK is though . . . One of a kind :)
~ Karen
Hi Patty! You are holding back??? LOL! Thanks for stopping by!
Well, now that you know what WIP means, Penny, I'm sure you'll find you are a woman of many WIPs!
LOL, Karen! What are you trying to tell me??? Are you saying that I am OOAK???
The lace you are making is exquisite! Wau ~
Thank you so much for your kind comment, Enzie Shahmiri.
Congrats on the award and for sharing that lovely lace, I can almost feel it through my screen, it's just beautiful!
Happy Thanksgiving too.
Bonjour !
what a beautiful lace ! and ashimmering silk thread ! and a lovely blog ;-))) I'll come back soon. au revoir !
ancolie from france
my home :
Oh this is SO pretty! I love the color combo. Thanks for stopping by my pad!
I've had NO time to get around to my favorite blogs this last couple of weeks, ... so I'm cathing up.. seeing what everyone has been up to.
Pop on over here and teach me now to tat will ya? lol I'm so impressed with what you create!
Hi Tracie, glad you like the silk lace. It is fun to tat with.
Thank you for stopping by all the way from France, Ancolie! You are welcome anytime to come back and visit. Thanks for your sweet comment.
Thank you for commenting, Robin! It's always fun to "stop by" you place! You're so creative.
Hi Vicki! Oh, I would love to teach you to tat! Get on over here so I can teach you how to tat, LOL! ;)
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